abundance 42

If We’re Living in a Virtual Reality, Why Care About Anything?

If We’re Living in a Virtual Reality, Why Care About Anything? Openhearted Rebel By Nanice Ellis, Wake Up World On the path of awakening, sooner or later, everyone reaches a milestone where they experience oneness, and from this state, it’s common to realize that “nothing is real,” and, consequently, there is nothing to do and no purpose to life. After all, since we all eventually wake-up as God..

6 Shifts In Consciousness We Are Experiencing Right Now

6 Shifts In Consciousness We Are Experiencing Right Now Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease Waking Times Absolutely everything is a wave of energy and there are many new energies taking place on Earth. We’ve shifted consciousness, but we’re still using old reflections to create our reality. Abundance in all aspects of life is now much easier to achieve in the new vibration and a confidence in our..

Lisa Brown: You/All have the POWER within you. Everything unlocks...

75443141_10219408043049675_6130730373799215104_o.jpg75443141_10219408043049675_6130730373799215104_o.jpg Lisa Brown You/All have the POWER within you. Everything unlocks... You/All have the POWER within you. Everything unlocks as you open your heart fully, open your mind fully, surrender your ego programming/mentalities/beliefs fully, relax your body fully until it can integra..

The Pleiadian High Council: The 3D Way Of Life Is Now Collapsing…

The Pleiadian High Council: The 3D Way Of Life Is Now Collapsing… Greetings, I am Mira. I am pleased to speak with you today. Most of you know that I am assigned full-time with the Earth Council where are very busy! The ascension process is in full swing. The implosion of the third dimensional way of life is collapsing before your very eyes. It is collapsing almost as quickl..