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Ascension News: Discovering Your Life’s Work

Ascension News: Discovering Your Life’s Work By Steve Nobel Work in the 3D Matrix – In the 3D Matrix work is about struggle, hard work, sacrifice, getting ahead in a dog eat dog world. Scarcity is the rule for the majority. And for those who are doing well there is always the fear of falling from grace into poverty. Here work is a means of earning money to survive in the world. If you are doing ..

The Crystal to Diamond Transition: Reaching New Earth Frequency

The Crystal to Diamond Transition: Reaching New Earth Frequency Celia Fenn In 2003 I wrote an article called "The Indigo to Crystal Transitional Crisis" which was about the experience of waking up and activating the Light Body in order to embody the Golden Light of Christ Consciousness. For many people this was a very deep experience that went along with a powerful "healing cr..

Energy Update: Why you feel like you're on spin dry AKA A Multidimensional Recalibration

LeeHarrisEnergy Energy Update: Why you feel like you're on spin dry AKA A Multidimensional Recalibration - Published on Apr 27, 2016 Some quick tips for how to stay grounded and centered right now. You are not alone in this almighty change we are experiencing on the planet. Dana Mrkich's brilliant energy update (which I refer to in the video):!Five-..