![Diamond Lotus Heart](https://ascensionenergies.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Diamond-Lotus-Heart.jpg)
Diamond Emerald Heart: The New Human Emerges
Difficulty in staying “in balance” when waves of new Light Codes and Light Radiation sweep over the planet. These waves create the equivalent of a “light storm” in the Light Body, and it can be very hard to hold your center and not to be swept up in the chaos of the storm around you. These waves may “bounce” you between different realities and dimensions, so you may often feel that you have no idea where you are at times. The key to dealing with these periods is simply to rest, stay peaceful and try to hold your center. Know that these periods are “upgrades” of the informational energy fields, and that they will subside once you have integrated the energies.
You may feel intense emotions such as anger, irritation, anxiety and despair. Often these emotions are present in large quantities in the collective energy field, as those still wired to the old energy way of life try to cope with the new energies. These fear based energies may become overwhelming, unless you can recognise that they are not yours and that you do not need to hold onto them and to feel them for others. Do not resonate with them. Simply release them and let them go. Return to the peaceful and harmonious center in your own Heart which represents your Soul Essence and who you are.
You may also find that you are taking on these fear based emotions when you have to enter into and deal with reality fields with which you have little resonance. For example, in a working environment or in a social environment, you may often “catch” free floating anger and anxiety. Again try not to take it on or to allow it to determine your reactions and responses. Try to stay centered in your own essence of who you are.
In Physical terms, these experiences will have impact on the Gastric system and the Nervous System. The Gastric system represents the way in which you handle or “digest” experience, and also as you detach from your intense Solar Plexus focus, you may find that you experience pain coming up in this area or discomfort when you eat.
The Nervous system has to carry the light impulses of information, and when there is so much dissonant information it can place a great deal of stress on the Nervous System, so that you may find it hard to sleep at times, or have bad dreams, or you may become very tired to the point of exhaustion but still unable to sleep for long periods of time. Your body may feel uncomfortable as you seek to balance these energies.
Extreme exhaustion may be experienced around times of intense Light activity, such as Equinoxes and Solstices, Full Moons and Eclipses, or other moments when Cosmic transmissions are at their height. Again, simply allow your self to rest and integrate these energies. As soon as the light transmissions are integrated, you will start to feel better.
You may experience the loss of friendships and relationships, and even family ties, as you move into Spiral evolution and these others remain on the Linear path of evolution. This produces a tension that is so extreme that these relationships cannot survive. It is best to just release them in love and allow the other person/s to continue on their own path of growth in the way that seems best for them.
You may experience an overwhelming need to change your life and find a life path that resonates with your Soul and Spirit, as well as your Soul Mission and your life path. In some cases this may lead you to take a great leap of faith and change your life in ways that may not be understood by others. In this case you simply need to follow your heart and your intuition and allow yourself to be guided forward, knowing that your Soul will support your choices if you are in alignment.
You may feel a strong distaste for anything that is linked to the old energy paradigm, and a need to change aspects of your life such as work, diet, friends, and the way that you live on and relate to the Earth. Old Energy interactions based on power, greed and manipulation will be very distressing for you, and you will seek rather to connect with those who share your desire for peace and harmony and mutual support as a way of life.
You will have a strong need for Clarity, Integrity and Openness in all interactions and relationships. You will seek to flow with heart based energies and will not want to struggle and conflict with others. Because of the deep changes in your Physical and Light bodies, you will be able to perceive very clearly when people are not in integrity with you or with themselves.
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