Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information
What is the part that I am missing?
2011. 3. 17. 02:52
Why are you yet not manifesting All the abundance and perfection of your Mighty I AM Presence?
What is the part that I am missing?
When the I AM Presence can produce direct instantaneous manifestation?
What is not allowing to manifest so?
What the miracle of SACRED FIRE, Violet Flame can do for you ?
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please read the next note that I will post as Asun explains how can you remove the obstruction in your feeling body, this obstruction was created specially when in our first 18 years in the body. He explains how we can be free from it so we can experience and see the miracles that can produce in our lives and physical garments.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please read the next note that I will post as Asun explains how can you remove the obstruction in your feeling body, this obstruction was created specially when in our first 18 years in the body. He explains how we can be free from it so we can experience and see the miracles that can produce in our lives and physical garments.
From the Wednesday Weekly messages, January 2011
The Ascended Master Asun:
When you are asked to call out to your Presence there are many purposes of this, it’s to reconnect you, to get the extension cord plugged in again, for you to turn to your own Divine nature and give the command,
“Mighty I AM Presence come forth in me through me as me. My Beloved I AM Presence I have heard that I have an endowment of infinite supply in the Great Central Sun. My Mighty I AM Presence I call upon that endowment of infinite money and supplies and riches manifest in my life.”
Now if you think that once you’ve made that call that all you have to do now is sit and wait for that endowment to show up in your living room, you have not heard well. You’ve heard 30% of the teachings but not the other 70%. You call to your Presence, everything you call to your Presence is to get that inside your consciousness, to get abundance inside your consciousness, which means to get the idea of abundance inside the mind, inside the feelings, inside the will so that then as you go out into the world, through your actions through your connections through your activities the Mighty I AM Presence uses those as channels to fulfill your call.
The only time the I AM Presence can produce direct instantaneous manifestation is when you have been raised into the Christ Consciousness, and why people have not got this before is because they’re taking our message out of context or they’re hearing 30% and not 70%. If all you ever had to do was go to your Presence then why do we teach you that you’re Creator Beings? Why do we teach you the laws of manifestation? So that you know how to use your mind and your feelings and your vision and your actions to produce.
We call upon you to come to your Presence to strengthen your connection, expand the God current because the God current as it expands through your consciousness begins to unveil its great perfecting activity and the Ascended Masters have a responsibility to illumine you to the abundant omnipresent omniscient omnipotent eternal youth health and perfection nature of your I AM Presence. Having illumined you of this great truth you are then called upon to turn your attention within and up and call those things in.
Try this; you have got to get the consciousness of the I AM Presence inside your consciousness and the sooner that happens that I AM consciousness expresses through your thinking, through your planning, through your sensitivity, through your will, through your feelings, through your connections with other people, do you get this?
So that’s why we call to the Presence; your attention to the Presence expands your channel, more of the God current comes in. Your attention upon abundance and health and youth because that’s the nature of the I AM Presence and it’s to get that nature expressing through your consciousness. I have watched and Saint Germain is very well aware of the tens of thousands of I AM students who fell off the path because they could not manifest directly from the I AM Presence as they think that they were told and I say, ‘cause there’s no blame here, as they think that’s what they heard.
In the I AM teachings Saint Germain’s teaching the laws of manifestation, he’s teaching the Seven Principles of Love same thing as we are. Why, why would you need to know those things if all you needed to do was call to your Presence? Hmmm? You wouldn’t get away dear hearts if you were in university and you took 7, 8 classes and then when it came to exam time there is a whole group of questions that you left unanswered and there was a whole other group of question that you answered perfectly. The ones you answered perfectly was everything you wanted to hear, the promise, the good news, and that’s where you clung your attention to. All the questions in the exam that you couldn’t answer was the work, what you had to do to make your spirituality real in your life dear hearts.
You know, we don’t place the responsibility on Saint Germain, we don’t place the responsibility on his messengers, because there are countless examples where the Ascended Master Teachings are in full context. This is why you go to your Presence; feasible laws of manifestation; here are the principles of Divine Love, this is the Sacred Fire, this is why you use it. If a student chooses to only hear part of that then you cannot put responsibility on the messenger or the teachings; that’s why we’re back and we keep coming back, to see what parts are missing, what parts are missing in your consciousness that Asun feels is necessary to bring to your attention. And when Asun does that you say, “I don’t like you today Asun” hmm?
So dear hearts you know, I know that some students thought I was being a little hard last week but I say to you dear hearts its because I’ve been warning for two, three years and you haven’t heard – some of you have not hear the warning that you’ve come to a place that what I warned about is right on your doorstep, and you know I’m a pretty nice guy, I’m not going to come along and say ‘I told you so,’ not in those words. Asun will find a little bit more eloquent way of saying it, but the thing is no matter where you find yourself, because you are awake you’ll come out of it, you’ll figure it out. For some people they can just go right into it and make it all happen, for others they get confused.
But whatever it is you all have a Higher Discerning Intelligence and its watching you, it knows every thought you’re thinking. So how about this dear hearts, how bout communicating with your own Higher Intelligence through your heart and saying to your Higher Christ Consciousness, “What am I missing? What piece am I not getting?” because dear hearts if you were given a map and this map was to take you on a journey where you will find the pot of gold, a journey that will take you to a land and to a cave where there’s gold and gems and everything and you have this map and there are ten keys all showing you the direction where to go but you notice there’s two keys missing. You would do everything in your power to find those two keys. Why? To get to the end results yes?
So I say to you you have your own Higher Discerning Intelligence. We do not enter into the back yard of your lives, this is not a cult, we are here to offer you the teachings of the universe, to constantly remind you that like us you are individualizations of God Source, you are endowed with a mind to think and conceive and create. The Mother’s Love for you is so great that she has given you everything to fulfill what your mind can conceive, she gave you a heart, she gave you will, she gave you the magnetic currents that are necessary, the Law of Attraction to attract to you everything you think.
But if that law of attraction, those magnetic currents are not working in your feeling body it’s because you have an obstruction that’s there and the obstruction is a perception that has a charge to it. That perception could have been handed down to you when you were 7 years old. At 8 years old you could have seen something terrible, you could have seen a father hit a mother and that moment a perception would have been born, huge negative charge. You could be carrying it deep inside your emotional body.
There are things inside people’s emotional body that you will come to your knees in praise of the Sacred Fire that the Sacred Fire can pass through the emotional body. I’m not talking about the etheric body which is worse, the record keeper. The emotional body where the Violet Flame can take perceptions things that you saw when you were three years old, five years old, seven years old, nine years old, things that you saw. Why?
Because there are things in this world that are terrible, there are things in this world that people, especially children should never have to photograph and now its all over television, and now you have children’s games where they’re killing each other, now you have young people, some young people walking around as if they’re just biological meat balls; the whole heart is shut down, biological form just enough life to keep the heart beating; the person has no knowledge that they’re a spiritual being, can make no sense of this world.
They pick up rifles, guns, go out and shoot. No sense of conscience, no sense of life, no sense of morality. Those things should come from the heart, no human being should have to teach another human being conscience and morality, the heart is enough to teach those things from the inside out and you have examples of what happened in Arizona. And how much more of this has to happen where you have examples of children coming into this world, parents unprepared to have children, leaving children alone, children watching things on television thinking that killing is natural, not knowing wait a minute, a life is going to be lost here, a precious life, yes?
And I know I’ve gone off here a little bit but these are all important points dear heart. You are Creator Beings, you’re beautiful beings and you’ve discovered your I AM, you’ve discovered that your nature is God and everything wonderful that you can conceive of God, and you do your calls to reconnect and get that God current, get God, the Father God has a wealth of infinite illumination and wisdom waiting to express through its individualization so that the individualization,
“What a wealth of wisdom above me! Look at this infinite intelligence, which one of those things will I act upon, which one will I bring into expression?”
God needs you and God needs the Ascended Masters, God needs all their individualizations to express their infinite nature through. The more you awaken, no, the more you really step up the powers of Resurrection inside you you will have some amazing moments. You will have moments in which you notice the difference, you notice there’s a difference in how you feel, there’s a difference inside your mind, a difference inside your brain at times where you’ll go “Wow! The I AM Presence is thinking through this mind.” This will educate you, this will be a path of discovery, this will let you know we’re not any more speaking of balanced ego, altered ego, we’re now speaking of a whole new context of discover of your brain and mind where by the experience you will go, “That’s me, that’s regular good old me thinking through this mind. What I just experienced five minutes ago, that’s the Greater me, that’s the Great I AM.” All of this is coming, and it has to be experiential, it has to be a point of discovery so that you have contrast with it, and that’s what makes this whole journey ahead so exciting dear hearts. But don’t exclude yourself.
What makes the spiritual journey more difficult? We said in the beginning, every Master, nothing is new. We said it four million years ago; the spiritual path is not an easy path to get on to but once the awakening is done which is all of you are sufficiently awake and you get on the path of resurrecting, raising, lifting into your True Self, that’s where it all starts to get easier. But if you get hung up and its not easy it’s because you’re excluding yourself, the I AM Presence and this world. Wait a minute – ah, yes you can call to the I AM Presence to project a Ray of Light to do some activity but it won’t bring you freedom, it won’t bring you victory, that’s what you heard this weekend in the Freedom Class. It’s when the Presence comes through you, this is your victory, this is your freedom. That’s why be ye as a channel for awhile, feel the current, let it come through you because in this there is a point of discover,
“Wow! That was amazing! It felt like a current was running right through me, I feel so alive, my mind feels so clear and I feel that all is so well.”
It’s these points of discovery that come along the path of Resurrection that keep etching you up another level, another level, another level dear hearts. But the key, the big key is, “My Beloved I AM that I AM, come forth through…” and what did the Lord Kuthumi say to you in the Freedom Class?......this dear heart, you know now you would not have heard this even a year ago, definitely not 3, 7, 5, but now you can hear because your consciousness is not so fragmented, your consciousness is more together, there’s more Light, you understand,
“Mighty I AM Presence release, surge, charge your energy through this body and through my heart and out into the world.”
The first part of a call was to bet into your multi-body system the energy and consciousness of the I AM Presence. The second part of the call through the heart was to get the energy of your Presence out into your world. Would I love to see you all work with that, hmmm? So good lively discourse, yes?
So just remember we’ve got a number or collective things that came out of part two of Embracing the Consciousness of Christ, and that is we’re all going to be in agreement that within 90 days, the end of March that by your call, your will, your determination, all fear that’s ever touched your being and world will be gone through the use of the Sacred Fire pouring through you and your intention. Your intention is to open April fearless, no fear in your being and world whatsoever. So this is a collective call, the whole student body’s making yes? Number one.
Number two; when you put your body into the bed at night powerful prayer call that will get you some new experiences that your body’s hungering for you to have. Why? Because the Impersonal I AM in every cell of your body it’s a little ahead of your mind, it knows what’s coming. Your mind is the last part of you that’s going kicking and screaming, well, the mind that thinks it can’t make it work yet. So here it is, you put your body into bed at night;
“My Beloved Great God Presence within me and above me and to all the Ascended ones, I call upon you to enfold my body while it sleeps all night in your Ascended Masters’ Fiery Christ Illumined Consciousness. Cocoon me; hold me, my body in this Fiery Christ Illumined Consciousness so that it can get into the flesh structure of this body. And I’ll make the call every night so this comes in, so it won’t be too long before I start looking at the flesh structure of this body and seeing it changing.” So, body in bed, night time,
“Mighty I AM, Great Ascended Host enfold this body all night long while it sleeps in your Ascended Masters’ Fire Christ Illumined Consciousness. Cocoon the body in the rapture of this consciousness.”
But the thing is dear heart you’ve got to write it down or do something, because something like this you’ve got to have consistency. This is not going to work - I’ll tell you right now so you don’t waste your time, if you do it five out of seven days it won’t work. This is one of those powerful calls; the Angels have got to come to you, your Ascended Master sponsor has got to come to you, there’s work that has to be set up and if the Great Forces cannot count on you to take one minute to make the call then as far as they’re concerned you don’t believe, you don’t accept, you’re not willing to make the effort – we’ll skip you. So don’t skip it! That’s the big thing.
You know pay day is coming for you dear hearts when you get your momentum and you’re consistent. There are some habits you have that you’re very consistent with… (Laughter)…God bless you dear hearts. So are you all on board, ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Keep yourself positive, if you get hunkered down with any kind of emotion, anything that‘s difficult, remember go right to your emotional body, “What’s getting me down has got to be in my emotional body!” And even if you just say “Silence! Get out of my emotional body!” and then go into the Sacred Fire. You all have the power to instantly stop something and that’s your free will. You don’t have to wait ‘til you go into the Sacred Fire, you can speak to that, “Stop! Silence yourself!” if you feel something in your emotional body’s obstructing, but you still want to get to the Sacred Fire later in the day to get that out of you.
When you are asked to call out to your Presence there are many purposes of this, it’s to reconnect you, to get the extension cord plugged in again, for you to turn to your own Divine nature and give the command,
“Mighty I AM Presence come forth in me through me as me. My Beloved I AM Presence I have heard that I have an endowment of infinite supply in the Great Central Sun. My Mighty I AM Presence I call upon that endowment of infinite money and supplies and riches manifest in my life.”
Now if you think that once you’ve made that call that all you have to do now is sit and wait for that endowment to show up in your living room, you have not heard well. You’ve heard 30% of the teachings but not the other 70%. You call to your Presence, everything you call to your Presence is to get that inside your consciousness, to get abundance inside your consciousness, which means to get the idea of abundance inside the mind, inside the feelings, inside the will so that then as you go out into the world, through your actions through your connections through your activities the Mighty I AM Presence uses those as channels to fulfill your call.
The only time the I AM Presence can produce direct instantaneous manifestation is when you have been raised into the Christ Consciousness, and why people have not got this before is because they’re taking our message out of context or they’re hearing 30% and not 70%. If all you ever had to do was go to your Presence then why do we teach you that you’re Creator Beings? Why do we teach you the laws of manifestation? So that you know how to use your mind and your feelings and your vision and your actions to produce.
We call upon you to come to your Presence to strengthen your connection, expand the God current because the God current as it expands through your consciousness begins to unveil its great perfecting activity and the Ascended Masters have a responsibility to illumine you to the abundant omnipresent omniscient omnipotent eternal youth health and perfection nature of your I AM Presence. Having illumined you of this great truth you are then called upon to turn your attention within and up and call those things in.
Try this; you have got to get the consciousness of the I AM Presence inside your consciousness and the sooner that happens that I AM consciousness expresses through your thinking, through your planning, through your sensitivity, through your will, through your feelings, through your connections with other people, do you get this?
So that’s why we call to the Presence; your attention to the Presence expands your channel, more of the God current comes in. Your attention upon abundance and health and youth because that’s the nature of the I AM Presence and it’s to get that nature expressing through your consciousness. I have watched and Saint Germain is very well aware of the tens of thousands of I AM students who fell off the path because they could not manifest directly from the I AM Presence as they think that they were told and I say, ‘cause there’s no blame here, as they think that’s what they heard.
In the I AM teachings Saint Germain’s teaching the laws of manifestation, he’s teaching the Seven Principles of Love same thing as we are. Why, why would you need to know those things if all you needed to do was call to your Presence? Hmmm? You wouldn’t get away dear hearts if you were in university and you took 7, 8 classes and then when it came to exam time there is a whole group of questions that you left unanswered and there was a whole other group of question that you answered perfectly. The ones you answered perfectly was everything you wanted to hear, the promise, the good news, and that’s where you clung your attention to. All the questions in the exam that you couldn’t answer was the work, what you had to do to make your spirituality real in your life dear hearts.
You know, we don’t place the responsibility on Saint Germain, we don’t place the responsibility on his messengers, because there are countless examples where the Ascended Master Teachings are in full context. This is why you go to your Presence; feasible laws of manifestation; here are the principles of Divine Love, this is the Sacred Fire, this is why you use it. If a student chooses to only hear part of that then you cannot put responsibility on the messenger or the teachings; that’s why we’re back and we keep coming back, to see what parts are missing, what parts are missing in your consciousness that Asun feels is necessary to bring to your attention. And when Asun does that you say, “I don’t like you today Asun” hmm?
So dear hearts you know, I know that some students thought I was being a little hard last week but I say to you dear hearts its because I’ve been warning for two, three years and you haven’t heard – some of you have not hear the warning that you’ve come to a place that what I warned about is right on your doorstep, and you know I’m a pretty nice guy, I’m not going to come along and say ‘I told you so,’ not in those words. Asun will find a little bit more eloquent way of saying it, but the thing is no matter where you find yourself, because you are awake you’ll come out of it, you’ll figure it out. For some people they can just go right into it and make it all happen, for others they get confused.
But whatever it is you all have a Higher Discerning Intelligence and its watching you, it knows every thought you’re thinking. So how about this dear hearts, how bout communicating with your own Higher Intelligence through your heart and saying to your Higher Christ Consciousness, “What am I missing? What piece am I not getting?” because dear hearts if you were given a map and this map was to take you on a journey where you will find the pot of gold, a journey that will take you to a land and to a cave where there’s gold and gems and everything and you have this map and there are ten keys all showing you the direction where to go but you notice there’s two keys missing. You would do everything in your power to find those two keys. Why? To get to the end results yes?
So I say to you you have your own Higher Discerning Intelligence. We do not enter into the back yard of your lives, this is not a cult, we are here to offer you the teachings of the universe, to constantly remind you that like us you are individualizations of God Source, you are endowed with a mind to think and conceive and create. The Mother’s Love for you is so great that she has given you everything to fulfill what your mind can conceive, she gave you a heart, she gave you will, she gave you the magnetic currents that are necessary, the Law of Attraction to attract to you everything you think.
But if that law of attraction, those magnetic currents are not working in your feeling body it’s because you have an obstruction that’s there and the obstruction is a perception that has a charge to it. That perception could have been handed down to you when you were 7 years old. At 8 years old you could have seen something terrible, you could have seen a father hit a mother and that moment a perception would have been born, huge negative charge. You could be carrying it deep inside your emotional body.
There are things inside people’s emotional body that you will come to your knees in praise of the Sacred Fire that the Sacred Fire can pass through the emotional body. I’m not talking about the etheric body which is worse, the record keeper. The emotional body where the Violet Flame can take perceptions things that you saw when you were three years old, five years old, seven years old, nine years old, things that you saw. Why?
Because there are things in this world that are terrible, there are things in this world that people, especially children should never have to photograph and now its all over television, and now you have children’s games where they’re killing each other, now you have young people, some young people walking around as if they’re just biological meat balls; the whole heart is shut down, biological form just enough life to keep the heart beating; the person has no knowledge that they’re a spiritual being, can make no sense of this world.
They pick up rifles, guns, go out and shoot. No sense of conscience, no sense of life, no sense of morality. Those things should come from the heart, no human being should have to teach another human being conscience and morality, the heart is enough to teach those things from the inside out and you have examples of what happened in Arizona. And how much more of this has to happen where you have examples of children coming into this world, parents unprepared to have children, leaving children alone, children watching things on television thinking that killing is natural, not knowing wait a minute, a life is going to be lost here, a precious life, yes?
And I know I’ve gone off here a little bit but these are all important points dear heart. You are Creator Beings, you’re beautiful beings and you’ve discovered your I AM, you’ve discovered that your nature is God and everything wonderful that you can conceive of God, and you do your calls to reconnect and get that God current, get God, the Father God has a wealth of infinite illumination and wisdom waiting to express through its individualization so that the individualization,
“What a wealth of wisdom above me! Look at this infinite intelligence, which one of those things will I act upon, which one will I bring into expression?”
God needs you and God needs the Ascended Masters, God needs all their individualizations to express their infinite nature through. The more you awaken, no, the more you really step up the powers of Resurrection inside you you will have some amazing moments. You will have moments in which you notice the difference, you notice there’s a difference in how you feel, there’s a difference inside your mind, a difference inside your brain at times where you’ll go “Wow! The I AM Presence is thinking through this mind.” This will educate you, this will be a path of discovery, this will let you know we’re not any more speaking of balanced ego, altered ego, we’re now speaking of a whole new context of discover of your brain and mind where by the experience you will go, “That’s me, that’s regular good old me thinking through this mind. What I just experienced five minutes ago, that’s the Greater me, that’s the Great I AM.” All of this is coming, and it has to be experiential, it has to be a point of discovery so that you have contrast with it, and that’s what makes this whole journey ahead so exciting dear hearts. But don’t exclude yourself.
What makes the spiritual journey more difficult? We said in the beginning, every Master, nothing is new. We said it four million years ago; the spiritual path is not an easy path to get on to but once the awakening is done which is all of you are sufficiently awake and you get on the path of resurrecting, raising, lifting into your True Self, that’s where it all starts to get easier. But if you get hung up and its not easy it’s because you’re excluding yourself, the I AM Presence and this world. Wait a minute – ah, yes you can call to the I AM Presence to project a Ray of Light to do some activity but it won’t bring you freedom, it won’t bring you victory, that’s what you heard this weekend in the Freedom Class. It’s when the Presence comes through you, this is your victory, this is your freedom. That’s why be ye as a channel for awhile, feel the current, let it come through you because in this there is a point of discover,
“Wow! That was amazing! It felt like a current was running right through me, I feel so alive, my mind feels so clear and I feel that all is so well.”
It’s these points of discovery that come along the path of Resurrection that keep etching you up another level, another level, another level dear hearts. But the key, the big key is, “My Beloved I AM that I AM, come forth through…” and what did the Lord Kuthumi say to you in the Freedom Class?......this dear heart, you know now you would not have heard this even a year ago, definitely not 3, 7, 5, but now you can hear because your consciousness is not so fragmented, your consciousness is more together, there’s more Light, you understand,
“Mighty I AM Presence release, surge, charge your energy through this body and through my heart and out into the world.”
The first part of a call was to bet into your multi-body system the energy and consciousness of the I AM Presence. The second part of the call through the heart was to get the energy of your Presence out into your world. Would I love to see you all work with that, hmmm? So good lively discourse, yes?
So just remember we’ve got a number or collective things that came out of part two of Embracing the Consciousness of Christ, and that is we’re all going to be in agreement that within 90 days, the end of March that by your call, your will, your determination, all fear that’s ever touched your being and world will be gone through the use of the Sacred Fire pouring through you and your intention. Your intention is to open April fearless, no fear in your being and world whatsoever. So this is a collective call, the whole student body’s making yes? Number one.
Number two; when you put your body into the bed at night powerful prayer call that will get you some new experiences that your body’s hungering for you to have. Why? Because the Impersonal I AM in every cell of your body it’s a little ahead of your mind, it knows what’s coming. Your mind is the last part of you that’s going kicking and screaming, well, the mind that thinks it can’t make it work yet. So here it is, you put your body into bed at night;
“My Beloved Great God Presence within me and above me and to all the Ascended ones, I call upon you to enfold my body while it sleeps all night in your Ascended Masters’ Fiery Christ Illumined Consciousness. Cocoon me; hold me, my body in this Fiery Christ Illumined Consciousness so that it can get into the flesh structure of this body. And I’ll make the call every night so this comes in, so it won’t be too long before I start looking at the flesh structure of this body and seeing it changing.” So, body in bed, night time,
“Mighty I AM, Great Ascended Host enfold this body all night long while it sleeps in your Ascended Masters’ Fire Christ Illumined Consciousness. Cocoon the body in the rapture of this consciousness.”
But the thing is dear heart you’ve got to write it down or do something, because something like this you’ve got to have consistency. This is not going to work - I’ll tell you right now so you don’t waste your time, if you do it five out of seven days it won’t work. This is one of those powerful calls; the Angels have got to come to you, your Ascended Master sponsor has got to come to you, there’s work that has to be set up and if the Great Forces cannot count on you to take one minute to make the call then as far as they’re concerned you don’t believe, you don’t accept, you’re not willing to make the effort – we’ll skip you. So don’t skip it! That’s the big thing.
You know pay day is coming for you dear hearts when you get your momentum and you’re consistent. There are some habits you have that you’re very consistent with… (Laughter)…God bless you dear hearts. So are you all on board, ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Keep yourself positive, if you get hunkered down with any kind of emotion, anything that‘s difficult, remember go right to your emotional body, “What’s getting me down has got to be in my emotional body!” And even if you just say “Silence! Get out of my emotional body!” and then go into the Sacred Fire. You all have the power to instantly stop something and that’s your free will. You don’t have to wait ‘til you go into the Sacred Fire, you can speak to that, “Stop! Silence yourself!” if you feel something in your emotional body’s obstructing, but you still want to get to the Sacred Fire later in the day to get that out of you.
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