Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information 618

The End of Separation...Connecting to the New Energies

The End of Separation...Connecting to the New Energies October 22, 2009 Karen Bishop Welcome! These are interesting times indeed, as we are in unchartered territory and much of everything is wide open. When we crossed over into a new energetic reality and experience, there was really nothing here yet. The forerunners are at the foremost territory of bare energy, while others are just behind wit..

Opening to Oneness for Starseeds and Walk-Ins

Opening to Oneness for Starseeds and Walk-Ins The following comes from my friends at ENJOY!!! Awakening To Oneness The question I am always asked is. “What I am going to experience when I awaken to Oneness whilst wearing the pendant?” Everyone's experience is totally different, as everyone is unique in their own way. Some people have big issues and some don't, depending whe..

Nutricide - Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs

<embed id="VideoPlayback" src="" style="width:400px;height:326px" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed> Natural Solutions Foundation - Dear Friend: Please take 40 minutes and watch Dr. Rima Laibow's video on Codex Alimenta..

[조선의 奇人・名人 ⑤] ‘꽃의 달인’ 유박

[조선의 奇人・名人 ⑤] ‘꽃의 달인’ 유박|“깊은 밤 홀로 꽃 사이에 서니 옷깃 가득 이슬과 향기에 젖어…” 꽃을 사랑한 사람은 고래로 부지기수다. 조선시대에도 꽃, 그중에도 매화에 대한 사랑을 노래한 선비는 꽤나 많았다. 그러나 취미와 사랑의 단계를 넘어 학문적 경지에 이른 진정한 전문..