Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

The Angels of Balance

namaste123 2009. 8. 8. 01:48

15 degrees Leo

The Angels of Balance

Also known as

The Angels of Herich


We initiate people to understand the connections between the mental,

emotional and physical world, that is, in the correlative action of the

mental, emotional and physical fluids in the body and nature, and

furthermore, in the disharmonies caused by these fluids, and in the

restoration of harmonies.

We help with mastery of four levels of manifestation.

First there is the level of the spirit, which is the level of pure being

and unity with Divine Being and all creation [also referred to as the

element of akasha]. It is also the brainwave of desire and intent. This

level is the fire element. It is the level of electricity. It is a

masculine energy. These Delta brainwave levels are dominant in infancy. In

the second trimester of prenatal development this level is deeply and bodily

experienced and imprinted in cellular memory. During this stage of

development it is important that mother and child live in peace and quiet.

Physical or emotional stress to the prenate during this time may manifest

later in life as either rage or disbelief in Divine Being, or as a fearful

or narrow relationship with spirit. When a person desires to connect with

and master this level, emotional and physical traumas from the second

trimester and during infancy are restimulated for the purpose of being

healed. This can best be done through allowing painful feelings to flow with

empathy and asking for Divine Love to heal both the mother and yourself and

the traumatic situation. Imagine what it would have been like if you and

your mother had lived in a peaceful, loving, spiritual environment during

this time of your growth in the womb. With this asking and visualization,

healing takes place in the imagination, and a new cellular memory replaces

memory of the previous trauma. This is most important, and affects even the

DNA. The new healed loving memory becomes the ground of beingness. Now,

when you wish to experience this level of your being, connection with Divine

Being and all creation happens more naturally and easily.

The second is the level of mind, which is the level of thought, ideas and

understanding. This level is the air element, a masculine energy that forms

a bridge or connection to the next and opposite feminine polarity of flowing

feelings and physical form. Mind at this deep level is the Theta brainwave

that is dominant in childhood. When you wish to connect with this deep inner

level of thought, any traumas that occurred during childhood, or in the

third trimester of development in the womb, will be restimulated for the

purpose of healing. Allow painful feelings to flow with deep empathy for

them. Ask Divine Love to heal yourself and all others concerned during these

times. Imagine what it would have been like if you had had a wonderful happy

loving spiritual third trimester and childhood. Take your time and dwell at

length on the images and feelings that arise from this.

The third is the level of flowing feelings, the level of heart and emotion.

This level is the water element. It is magnetism. It is feminine energy.

It is soul. This energy ATTRACTS reality into form at the next level, the

physical. Emotions are the Alpha brainwave level that is dominant in

adolescence. When you wish to experience this level, any physical or

emotional traumas at birth or during adolescence will be restimulated for

the purpose of healing. The same technique that you used for spirit and mind

also works at this level.

The fourth level is the level of form, which includes sensation in the

physical world of the five senses. It is the Beta brainwave level and

includes memory and linear thought or logic. This is the element of earth.

This is also a feminine magnetic energy. Beta becomes dominant at puberty

and throughout adulthood. When you wish to operate masterfully at this

level, emotional and physical traumas from any of the preceding stages and

after puberty will be restimulated for the purpose of healing. Use the same

techniques as before. Allow painful feelings and memories to flow with deep

empathy and love, then ask for healing from Divine Love and imagine what it

would have been like if these painful times had been times of love,

happiness, and spiritual peace.

We help you heal these levels. Whenever one of these levels is out of

balance, the entire flow of energy, of creativity and manifestation is out

of balance too. Imbalance of the four elements results in spiritual,

mental, emotional, and/or physical diseases. 

The fullness of time has now come for everyone to manifest Heaven on Earth.

Our specific assignment, by Divine Providence, therefore, is to instruct the

children of Light to understand how these levels affect each other and to

heal them and keep these levels in balance, purity and harmony.

The most important concept to grasp is The Law of one. This is the Original

Law. This is the Law of Laws and all other laws in all dimensions come from

this Original Law.

When The Law of one is invoked, all lesser laws are overridden.

Here is 

The Law of one:

We are all one.

When one is harmed, all are harmed.

When one is helped, all are helped.

Therefore, in the name of who I AM, one with all there is,

I ask that onLY that which is THE HIGHEST GOOD of 

ALL concerned, happen.

I give thanks that this is done.

So be it.

The Law of one should be grasped (understood in its entirety) and invoked

with conscious intention to apply its power during any process of

manifestation, to ensure balance between levels. This is a protection so

that even if you have inadvertently become unbalanced on any of the levels

in the process of manifestationomnipresent consciousness and the heavenly

hosts can fill in the gaps, when you have consciously invoked The Law of


When working to manifest new realities, BE AWARE of unity with Divine Being

and inner guidance that manifests as a desire (intent) to manifest a divine


CLEARLY visualize a perfect outcome of this desire IN ITS PUREST FORM, then

understand and contemplate the meaning of this desire. 

This will generate flowing feelings of the divine virtue.

Finally, at the physical level, sensations of this image manifesting into

form will occurits shape, measure, number and weight. The act and the

physical form that the manifestation is to take depends entirely on the

divine inspiration received from inner guidance, the visual image that is

formed, and the feelings with which it is imbued. Sensing it gives form to

an emerging miracle, that is, it finally takes on physical dimensions as a

result of sensing in detail the intended shape, number, weight, and measure.

Since sensing is a kinesthetic attunement, many who are so oriented have

an easier time doing this than perhaps conjuring up an appropriate

visualization, holding a picture of it vividly in the minds eye. But,

while all levels may not get exactly equal time because of any

individuals (co-creators) natural propensity to emphasize one level over

the others, the key is to strive for balance, making sure that all levels

are at least adequately expressed. 

As much as possible, maintaining BALANCE, clarity and purity of the four

levels is the ideal to be striven for. Remember to always pay enough

attention to all four levels.

To those whose natural strength is at the level of will and desire, care

must be taken to purify these through healing any woundedness or

disconnection with Divine Being. Emphasize the other levels to achieve

better balance. Enrich your 

Inherently strong desires with more vivid visualizations, clearer mental

understandings, clear and pure emotions, more detailed sensations to bring

them into balanced manifestation on the physical. 

To those who have strong intellects, care must be taken to attune to pure

being and unity with Divine Being, spiritual will, clarify and purify

feelings and heal any wounded emotions, and sensations to bring your great

ideas into more balanced forms.

To those who already have strong feelings, care must be taken to purify

these, and then balance them with stronger development of the other levels.

To those who live primarily in the physical world of actions and the five

senses, work on developing the other levels. Of course, some attention must

be given to clarify and purify the behavioral level, but, at least

initially, proportionately greater time and emphasis needs to be put on pure

being and unity with Divine Being, will, intellect, and feelings. 

Inner guidance may enliven physical expressions such as the act of painting

a portrait, or creatively building something, or writing a poem or book. It

could be making an important telephone call or conducting a business

meeting, etc. Overall, the physical level can inspire any creative act. 

We teach each person on a spiritual path how to do this by using The Power

of the Word, which is the ancient way of understanding and uniting and using

the divine virtues of Divine Being.

This fourfold process of pure-being and intent, imagination, feelings, and

sensations in bringing into form a new reality is the true utterance of

manifestation. In the ancient teachings, this fourfold process is referred

to as the quadrapolar magnet.

The WORD, Let it be, MUST BE carried forth from the high vibrations of

spirit through the mind and emotions and sensations into form with complete

and balanced consciousness on all four levels for Heaven to perfectly and

safely manifest on Earth. 

To be successful, each step of this process is carefully and precisely


Through the divine virtues of the letters of our name, we help you diagnose

and balance your beingness, intentions, your visualizations, understanding,

thoughts, with your emotions, feelings, and sensations.

We call in whatever orders of angels are necessary to help remedy whatever

imbalances, oversights, or confusions that could be interfering with your

ability to manifest new realities at any level of the creative process.


The key is to have deep and true spiritual unity with pure being and Divine

Awareness and with all Creation, desire, then clear visual image, clear

concepts of the idea with the deepest, most profound emotions. This emotion

is the magnetic energy that attracts what happens. Finally, elaborate the

sensations, to bring the manifestation into form.

As long you intend that everything manifest in the way that is the highest

good of all concerned, Omnipresent Being and the heavenly host join in to


Through the divine virtues of the letters of our name, balance, purity and

clarity on all levels of creation is achieved.




HThis letter symbolizes the Power of the Word. In fourfold whole brain

thinking, the WILL of a divine virtue is held in the pure being of Delta

brainwaves, the CONCEPT AND MEANING of a divine virtue is held in the deep

inward thought of Theta brainwaves, the FEELING of a divine virtue is held

in emotion of Alpha brainwaves, and the SENSATION, COLOR, MUSICAL NOTE,

SOUND, AND RELEVANT BODY PART is held in the five senses, memory, and logic

of Beta brainwaves. 

By using this technique to utter words, each one of which is made up of

letters that have divine virtues associated with them, creativity of the

highest order occurs. 

The letter H has a silvery violet color, is the fire element of will and

has the sensation of warmth and fire, has the musical note of A, and is the

virtue by which the right arm of every child of God is created.


EThe letter E is the virtue of omnipresence, indwelling Divine

Consciousness in all life. Mastering this virtue enables a person to become

omnipresent themselves. 


R The letter R symbolizes freedom and independence and following inner

guidance. on a mental level this gives an eminent mind, and a feeling of

freedom of will and absolute security that is in complete accord with Divine


A child of God follows sure inner guidance in creating grace, justice, and

mercy in the world. on an emotional and physical level, the virtue of

freedom and independence awakens ingenuity and a rational widening of

intellect, so that any knowledge can be comprehended quickly

The letter R is a golden color, is of the air element and has the sensation

of ease, has the musical note of C, and is the virtue from which the left

side of the nose was created.


I The letter I represents the law of cause and effect. By mastering this

virtue, the faculty of a perfect memory and conscience is gained. Also the

ability to control both the breath and the connection between emotion and

the physical body is gained.

On the material world, everything that has shape, measure, number and

weight can be understood and mastered with this virtue. 

It has a light opal color, the musical note of G, radiates from the left

kidney, and has the sensation of earth and weight. 


ChThis sound is the virtue of clarity and perfect purity. 

Meditating on this virtue removes obscurities and gives the faculty of

differentiating the clear from the unclear, and to perceive and understand

everything in its purest form. on the mental level a child of God learns to

perceive and understand all the languages of the universe. on the emotional

level the faculty of understanding and practically applying rhythm in all

phases is gained. This gives power over life and death of every being in

all spheres and planes. on the physical plane all the mysteries of the

water element are mastered.

Its color is light violet, it is the water element and has the sensation of

coolness, it has the musical note of D sharp, and is the virtue from which

the left leg of every child of God was made.


The melody of our name is A, D, C, G, and D sharp.


Divine Sky 

The Angel Messages

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