Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information 618

Liquid Light Plasma Activation by Soluntra King

STAR LINK-UP FEBRUARY 28th, 2010Soluntra King On the Virgo Full Moon and the Liquid Light Plasma Activation Within the Gold Light Body. The Star link up is the star that you are/I am/we are and time to awaken to the Shinning One that you are. The worlds and dimensions are merging, this is creating great strain and pain in all that is still holding onto the illusion and duality, and the old para..

Navigating the New Earth Fifth Dimensional Hologram

THE AWAKENING AND THE AWAKENED Navigating the New Earth 'Fifth-Dimensional' Hologram The Energies for February 2010 ARCHANGEL MICHAEL through Celia Fenn Beloved Family of Light, you are indeed living within a New Reality. This is the "New Earth" that we have spoken to you about over the years, and now you are living within this Reality. But yes, you are still within a Transitional Time, a perio..