In 2009 we had the Eclipses in January, the Light Channelling shift and the Age of Aquarius in February. In March the Equinox and anchoring of the Golden Egg in the new Diamond Light Grid as it activated fully awakening the Diamond Light that we are. In April many old templates dissolved like the teacher/healer dynamics of old, in May at Wesak the Crown Chakra and energies from Mt Kailash were transported to Mt AKÚM (Mt Titiroa in South island NZ). This will take 300 years to anchor into the lower realms of existence but it is done, we are the Goddesses and Gods and the outer ones are graduating too. We are the guardians of the New Earth and not only remembered we are the Dragons and Ancients ones but integrated it into our Being. As we had the three huge Eclipses in a row in August and then in November the 13th Gate, the I am/we are/one doorway fully opened, the Great Central Starmap at the September Equinox anchored at the 13th Gate and December Solstice, the Earth and our Solar System and Greater Solar System all ready for the shift. Since the 12:12 doorway we feel the freedom of being, the Light Being we are. At the December 22nd Solstice of 2009 the anchoring of the Great Starmap occurred through the sixth dimensional realm into the bodies of all of us; the Diamond Light Body which is awakened in our own timing as we fully embody it. What a year, it went by in a flash, no time, no space the stillness within.
So now in 2010 we come to a time of celebration and lightness.
All the uptightness and wound up self that was constantly trying to maintain homeostasis in the physical realm no longer has to try. The light is anchored and the flow is here more than ever before, what is yours will come to you and joy and abundance light your way. The last two years 2008 and 2009 so important as the light integrated within us, and no doubt you can look at your life and see how much you have shifted in that time, how everything has intensified and the merging of the worlds into no time no space.
We have all been required to let go our attachments and also all those in our life that create disharmony, as the focus has been within and owning the inner disharmony and moving beyond the old karmas and lessons that for many we have been unifying for many years now. This having been done is reaping the rewards of coming into greater peace within, where all is manifest and so the old new age hype of manifestation and putting out what you want has been let go also as what is ours simply comes to us from a state of stillness and non-attachment.
2010 will be for many the year when all those things we thought impossible, and all we could do was keep healing and unifying the imbalance of the inner male and female and dealing with dysfunctions and the final bits of co-dependency have fallen away. Where money has no attachment and yet we have more, where possessions have no attachment and we get all we need to support us in our own unique ways. Where we have gone into the void in total surrender and come out the other side into the new creation, the New Earth. Here we are vibrating in higher octaves of light and all the talk of global warming or coming ice ages, shifts in axis, third world war, famines and drought, pollution and nuclear blasts no longer exists. For those still vibrating in the old paradigm will say this is all new age rubbish and lala land and illusion, but for those vibrating in high frequency Liquid Light know it to be true. So you will be and see from where you are vibrating, and if still in doubt, judgment or fear of this then you may wish now to surrender into yourself and finish the old duality dance, it is up to you and it takes each of us as long as we need. But to be free of stress, anxiety and fear of the future and carrying the baggage of the past and still disempowering the self with outside guides, guardians and masters is such a tiring thing.
For those who are ready the doorway is open and we are in the New Earth. We are still in the old Earth as well as its simply different dimensions and frequencies of Light, and we are servers of the Light and here to hold the beam. But we are creating the new from our open hearts and unity consciousness and soon the energies will not be able to sustain the foot in both worlds or any duality and that’s when a great change will occur and we will be 100% through the cross over point and into the new creation. We will be prepared for the complete shift and what is to happen on the physical realm as the Earth’s axis shifts and in a blink of an eye we are through.
I know this to be true having been initiated in the Mayan pyramid of Becan, pathway of the serpent, aligned to Ophiuchus the serpent bearer in 1995 and from being in no breath and cosmic orgasm and many other experiences I have had in my body. This does not mean that I have it together anymore than anyone else as we are all doing this together and each have our unique gifts and experiences and are here to fully integrate into the densest realms of existence and can only do that by experiencing them. But all along we are our Body of Light, a radiant light being here in loving service to unify spirit and matter, a beam holder. Not the lower astral propaganda we have been feed continuously to make us food for the dark ones who refuse to own their inner light. They too are shifting either into the light within or completely out of here as the energies cannot sustain the old dance anymore. In the world of love we play and now all our other selves in bodies on Earth who resonate with us are returning to us also, whether we have met them in this life or on the inner in other time frames and dimensions we are all meeting now and those resonating at different frequencies are leaving our life. Such joy to behold as we come to this time of completion and celebration and reconnection with self and in all our other bodies on Earth and in the higher dimensions; our embodiment of our higher dimensional unified self.
2010; the trinity, the 3 with the 0’s of wholeness, a time of celebration, creativity and joy. Where do you choose to put your energy; into the old paradigm of fear, lack, greed, war, torment and judgment or into the joy of creation from the light within? As the abundance can flow in a creative dance of freeness and happiness, as it is so infectious it illuminates all. Do you still want to focus on all your pain (separation from the source within) and there by all the pain you see in the outer world with hunger, starvation, torture, wars, killing and abuse, or see those beloveds who have chosen that dance as now free also and in their divine light, whole and healed? So the old astral energies can be freed from them too by your joy and oneness to the real world that is here for each and every one of us; regardless of colour, race, culture, religion or geographical location, when we lighten up it sends light out to all. Not by us judging something wrong and feeling we have to fix it up but by us simply Being the light that we are. You/I/We are the Beam and now more than ever it’s our time to BE, the greatest service we can give, by receiving the light within and shinning it out. 2010 prepares us in joy for the great shift in cycle as we come to realize many things that have kept us trapped until now, old beliefs and thoughts being transformed into the lightness of joy as we allow ourselves to be the Goddess/Gods we are.
For the last two years I spent a lot of time and energy doing the Cosmic Events for the whole year, this next year is not so crucial, we are in the now and whatever comes to us, comes as we are still within and hold the energy. Like in the centre of the storm we are not perturbed.
I am still going to write of the important cosmic events but from a new space and place within my own being and connecting to yours, I am/we are one.
Thank you for being you and being here right now, pure love and open heart, joy and peace within.
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