Chapter 4:
A high degree of sensitivity
Crystal Children rely on their intuition to discern the truth about people and situations instead
of making assessments based on physical appearance or judgments. Their intuition is like radar,
constantly scanning their surroundings. Nobody can hide their true thoughts, feelings, or
intentions from the Crystal Children's exquisite awareness. Nor can these kids hide from an
awareness of the truth, even if they'd rather not know it. Sometimes sensitivity can seem more
like a curse than a blessing. Sensitive people may inadvertently absorb negative energies, and
they can be adversely affected by them.
Danica says that her son, Koa, is three years old and highly sensitive. Danica's greatest challenge
is figuring out how to help her son when others' energy affects him. She says:
"Koa is so sensitive that if anyone's angry, frustrated, or experiencing any strong
emotions (even if no one else would notice or if they're concealing it), he'll act it all out.
It's difficult parenting highly sensitive children because they're so affected by their
Now that we have a wonderful home with excellent energy, our son is a dream. In some
of the previous places we've lived, the energy of the house alone was often cause for
crying and confusion. Koa does best when surrounded by positive energy, and it's crucial
for him to be in a house with good energy flow."
One way to ensure that your home projects good energy is to practice the ancient Chinese art of
room placement called Feng Shui. Space-clearing is another method. The former is described in
wonderful detail in The Western Guide to Feng Shui by Terah Kathryn Collins, and I write about
the latter in my book Angel Therapy (both are published by Hay House).
Sensitive to World Energies
The Crystal Children are very much affected by the collective energy of the planet. When masses
of people become afraid, or if a world-changing event is afoot, Crystals may become depressed
or agitated.
Sara says that her son, Zak, was two years old on September 11, 2001. They live in London, so
the attacks occurred at about 10 P.M. their time. Zak had been asleep since 7:00 P.M. Sara heard
the news about the Twin Towers on the news as it happened, and moments later, she heard
strange noises coming from Zak's bedroom.
Sara ran to her son's room and recalls the terrifying moments that followed:
"He was in a terrible state, clawing at his neck and fighting for breath! I'd never seen
anything like that before! I heard a disembodied voice say, 'Call an ambulance!' which I
did. When the ambulance arrived, the emergency team took one look at Zak and said,
'Code blue!' and rushed him to the hospital. Inside the ambulance, Zak struggled to
breathe, and I feared he was about to leave the planet."
Zak was turning blue by the time they arrived at the hospital, and the doctors said he was having
a life-threatening croup attack. Sara recalls, "I knew it was terribly serious as I looked around at
the doctors, who were ashen. I was guided to remove my crystal necklace and hold it over Zak,
praying that he would heal. And he did. The doctors later told me that it was the worst case of
croup they'd ever seen." An American Crystal Child named Chad was also highly empathetic to
the global situation that was precipitated by September 11. A first-grader, Chad wrote about his
"My dream is to help the people of Afghanistan. They're dying. Even though they have
killed many of the people in our country, you should treat other people the way you want
to be treated. You should help your neighbors. They have many sicknesses. It is sad that a
ton of people did that, but I forgive them."
Parents who worry that their children are depressed, hyper, or anxious should check to see if
world events are affecting them. Many children are impacted unconsciously by the world's
energy. Invoke Archangel Michael to watch over your kids, or ask Mother Mary (both are
nondenominational) to comfort them. Talk to your children, and allow them to express their
fears and frustrations openly.
The Nature of Sensitivity
The generations prior to the Indigos and Crystals had the ability to pretend that everything was
great even if it wasn't. The new children - especially the Crystals - don't have the option of going
into denial. They feel others' emotions as if they were their own.
Catherine says that her three-year-old daughter is one of the most observant people she's ever
met. She points out, "Nothing slips by her. My daughter is very attuned to people and their
emotions. In fact, my husband and I must be very careful if we disagree in front of her, because
she tries to mediate for us and isn't content until everyone is at peace. She keeps asking, 'Are you
happy?' until we truly are."
The Crystal Children are here as peacekeepers, and they tune in when someone isn't at peace.
According to their mothers, Taylor, Emily, William, and Zoey are all three-year-olds who reflect
this characteristic:
- Taylor stops whatever he's doing when another child cries. He'll ask, "What's wrong?"
and inquire how he can help. Every day, he reports to his parents which children were
crying at preschool, and why. It's as if his focus is on helping those who are sad.
- Emily doesn't have a huge vocabulary, but when she does speak, she tends to focus on
emotions. Her mother, Wendy, says, "Emily is highly perceptive about the emotions
boiling up in grownups, and somehow she possesses the language and the skills to label
them and point them out (despite my efforts to shield my emotions and thoughts from her)."
- William gets his feelings hurt easily, and he's crushed when he thinks he's done
something wrong but wasn't aware of it.
- Zoey hugs and consoles anyone she sees crying. She says to them, "It's okay, it's all right,
want me to kiss you better?" And she tells everyone she meets that she loves them.
- Rihana and Isabelle are acutely sensitive as well:
- Rihana, 12 months, cries terribly whenever she believes she's hurt someone else,
emotionally or physically.
- Isabelle, 12 weeks old, gets upset very quickly if she's around angry or negative people, yet
her mother adds: "Isabelle brings a peace and calm to people. Her energy is so strong and
loving that she has an instant calming effect on them."
Sensitive Bodies
Not only are the Crystal Children emotionally sensitive, but they're also physically sensitive.
They can easily become overwhelmed by too much stimuli.
- Crystal Children are sensitive to loud noise. Penny says that her two- and four-year-old
daughters become very upset if someone raises their voice in anger. She says, "I'm more
careful now about how I communicate with the girls if I'm upset. Knowing that they feel
emotions so strongly, I have to be careful about the volume or the intensity of anger in
my voice."
- Crystal Children are sensitive to crowds. Beth says that her three-year-old son, Taylor,
can't handle being in large crowds. She recalls, "He's had this trait since birth. His
preschool recently had a back-to-school night, and Taylor wanted nothing of it - too
much activity and noise, so he just ran outside and stood under a tree eating a cookie."
- Crystal Children are sensitive to temperature. Cathy notices that her son, William, age
three, feels cold more easily than other people.
- Crystal Children are sensitive to clutter and disorganization. When Haley, six, feels
that her room is too messy, she cleans it and announces: "I need a space clearing!" Her
mother then gives her a special bell to ring to clear the energy. After Haley
ceremoniously rings the bell, she says, "Mom, now the energy in my room is awesome!
- Crystal Children are sensitive to chaotic environments. Mei, age two, becomes hyper
when she's in a place with heightened activity, like a shopping mall at Christmastime. Her
mother says that at home she's never hyper.
- Crystal Children are sensitive to artificial ingredients and chemicals. Jaimie says that
her 18-month-old daughter, Isabella, has very sensitive skin. Jaimie explains:
"I only use natural ingredients on her skin now because it becomes dry when exposed to
commercial soap. We use Evening Primrose Oil soap instead. She always reacts better to
natural remedies, and luckily my local pharmacist creates herbal remedies for many
childhood ills. Isabella always vomits when she takes over-the-counter medication. She
can't keep it down; her little body always rejects it like a reflex. However, she tolerates
herbal medicines just fine."
Seemingly Unbreakable
Fortunately, angels watch over the sensitive Crystal Children. Many of them seem to be
unbreakable, impervious to harm.
Tori's mother says that even though her four-year-old daughter plays rough with their pets, she
always emerges unscathed. For example, Tori will lie on the floor while the family's big dogs
trample about her, but she's only gotten a couple of minor scratches. And her large male cat
bites at her but never leaves a mark.
And Andrea reports that her six-month-old daughter, Abbie, once escaped harm against all
odds. Andrea explains, "I was carrying Abbie when I slipped on some black ice in a parking lot."
Andrea was horrified as her baby daughter lay facedown on the pavement, not moving at all. So
Andrea quickly turned Abbie over, only to find that her daughter was smiling, without a scratch
on her.
Andrea says that Abbie has had many close calls when it comes to accidents, but somehow has
never been hurt. "It's almost like she's unbreakable physically, although emotionally she is 50
sensitive. She doesn't like loud noise, people fighting, violence, rough play, or red meat."
So, Crystal Children can afford to be sensitive... they're protected - their ever-so-important life
purpose ensures that heaven watches over them. Those who do get injured may go through that
experience as part of their contract for spiritual growth.
Many of the parents who wrote to me said that these children are not only impervious to injury,
but they're also fearless. Perhaps one reason is that they expect the best. Their optimism attracts
experiences of safety and protection.
No Fear
The little boy was amazing! As I sat outside at a resort hotel in Kona, Hawaii, I couldn't take my
eyes off this one kid. Dressed in an outfit so colorful that it would have made Joseph's dreamcoat
look dull by comparison, the boy was walking on walls - I mean, literally!
I figured that this kid was about seven years old, and he walked along the edges of the hotel's
three-foot concrete wall like he was a four-wheel-drive truck. The wall's edge was narrower than
the boy's foot, but no matter. The boy confidently walked without hesitation and didn't even
come close to falling. Finally, his grandfather grew tired of watching the gravity-defying boy and
asked him to come down. And down the boy jumped, bouncing as if he had springs in his feet as
he and his grandpa walked off into the Hawaiian sunset.
Since that day, I've noticed that Crystal Children have amazing motor skills. This mirrors recent
trends with Intelligent Quotient (I.Q.) tests that measure two types of intelligence: verbal and
nonverbal. The I.Q. rates for verbal skills are down, while nonverbal I.Q.'s are soaring high. And
overall, the collective I.Q. scores are up, since both types of I.Q. scores are tallied together for a
cumulative score.
Many Crystals show remarkable motor-skill functioning, even in the face of lagging verbal skills.
And these sparkling motor skills are combined with a brash fearlessness, which results in these
children being brave explorers! The fearlessness seems to match the confidence that Crystal
Children show in other areas, such as approaching wild animals and making psychic predictions.
Since fear is a function of the lower self - the ego - their fearlessness is one more indication of
the high evolution of Crystal Children. They trust, love, and enjoy themselves while exploring
this planet!
Cynthia Berkeley says that her 15-month-old daughter, Leah, is very comfortable in her body
and has an amazing sense of exploration. Cynthia remarks:
"It's almost as if Leah doesn't have any fear at all! She climbs all over everything and can
problem-solve how to maneuver things with the greatest of ease. People comment about
how physically advanced she seems to be. Her sense of spatial relationship is wonderful,
and she was climbing up and down the stairs by herself at nine months. We play at
Gymboree, and she just loves to climb on everything! She has no sense of fear."
Harry, whom you met in the previous chapter, has always been free of fear. His mother,
Karenanne, says this was a source of worry when he was small, but (more for his mother's sake
than his own) he's learned to be careful. She says, "I believe that Harry knows that he's safe, and
he never worries about anything. He tells me, 'I'll be fine, Mummy.' Of course worry and fear are
not part of his makeup if he's a higher vibrational soul."
Not only are the Crystal Children fearless, but they seem to gain great pleasure from exploring
their physical surroundings. Tara says that her 16-month-old son, Grant, is very daring. She told
me that "Grant loves to balance! The other day I found him standing on his fire truck, balancing
on the seat. Next, he balanced himself on the steering wheel! He held his arms high up in the air
and was extremely proud of his accomplishments."
Natural Instincts
Perhaps these children are more natural, more instinctual. They're more in touch with their
bodies. After all, that's what the angels tell me our future looks like. Ever since childhood, I've
seen visions of a world that's more natural, where technology is replaced with our own God-
given abilities to communicate with telepathy. It's a world with fresh air, clean water, a tropical
atmosphere, and plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
The new Crystal Children are a sneak preview to that world. They're definitely more in touch
with their bodies!
Ellen Welch recently purchased a yoga videotape for relaxation. She says, "Since you're supposed
to watch the tape before you do the poses, I put it on while I did some housework." Her four-
year-old daughter, Erin, plopped right down in front of the television and performed all of the
poses, stopping only to ask for certain props to help her with a particular pose. The videotape
has two yoga sessions totaling about 70 minutes. Erin did yoga nonstop the entire time. While
doing the poses, she said, "Mama, this is 50 good for you. We should do this every night before
Erin's right - we should.
Chapter 5:
Natural-born healers
Crystal Children carry so much love in their hearts that their mere presence has a healing effect,
yet they also possess astonishingly innate skills in this area. Even very young Crystal Children
seem to instinctively know how to direct energy with their hands, thoughts, and even with
crystals to effect profound healings. The following stories speak for themselves, offering us
glimpses into a future characterized by natural and spiritual healing.
Infant Healer
Andrea's daughter's natural healing abilities were evident during infancy. one day, Andrea was
bedridden with an illness when her husband brought their seven-month-old daughter into the
bedroom. Andrea says that her daughter sat there on the bed next to her, stared into her eyes,
and then laid both of her hands on her stomach. "This went on for almost ten minutes, and my
husband was a bit freaked out over it. When she was done, she snapped back into being a
'normal baby' and wanted to play. I was floored."
Taught by Angels
When Haley was five, she began telling her parents about the angels she was seeing and hearing.
She told them that she mostly worked with the Archangel of Physical Healing, Raphael. Haley
said that the Knowledge Angel and the Love Angel taught her, too. She described the angels
bringing a machine into her room that taught her how to heal people's bodies. She also talked
about seeing shadows around people who were sick.
Now at age six, whenever Haley is around an angry person, she puts her hand out an open
window and flicks negative energy from the room. Haley's mother, Carolyn, says:
"I love it when Haley places her hands on my shoulders, gently presses down on them,
and I become calmer. once during a ceremony we were holding, Haley got up, took the
Tibetan singing bowl, and moved it over the tops of our heads. Then she came back and
used her hands to open the top of our crown chakra. She did this so knowingly. She'd
never done anything like this before, yet it felt so right and it was done with such
gentleness, love, and compassion."
A Boy Heals His Dog
Magda says that she and her two children were devastated by the news that their dog, Gator, had
a potentially fatal health condition. As Magda's daughter cried over the situation, her six-year-
old son, Austin, calmly went into his bedroom and retrieved the energy wand his grandmother
(a spiritual healer) had given him.
Austin then waved the crystal stone at the end of the wand over the dog. Amazingly, Gator laid
down, as if the two were speaking to each other, and agreed to let the healing begin.
Austin waved the energy wand over Gator for about 30 minutes, telling him that he wasn't going
to die and that he was making him better. When he was finished, Austin said to his mother
gleefully, "Mom, Gator's going to be fine. I used my magic wand on him, and he's better now."
Austin (whose grandmother initiated him as a Reiki energy healer) continued to do Reiki
treatments, using his energy wand on Gator for the next month. Magda reports, "Gator's now
perfectly healthy without any side effects, and he and our family are happy and complete!"
She Heals Herself and Her Mother
Teresa Zepeda says, "My six-year-old daughter, Crystal, is definitely a healer!" Teresa says that
Crystal has instantly healed herself more than once.
When the family went camping at a beach to celebrate Crystal's fourth birthday, the little girl
started complaining of an earache. Teresa told her daughter to heal herself or they'd all have to
leave the beach to take her to the doctor. This news upset Crystal, so Teresa instructed her to go
in the motor home and lie down, put her hand on her ear, and ask God and Jesus to heal her.
Ten minutes later, Crystal came out of the motor home and was fine. No pain, no earache!
Teresa says, "Crystal is a strong-willed person. She wanted to stay at the beach so much that she
made it happen."
Another time Teresa's back ached, so she asked Crystal for a hands-on healing. She placed her
little girl's hands on her back, but Crystal pulled them away and said, "I don't have to put my
hands on you to heal you."
Teresa reports, "The relief from the pain was immediate, as if it was never there in the first place.
I've had severe back pain since I herniated some discs 14 years ago. Before Crystal's healing, I
was often bedridden with back pain. Since the healing, I haven't been bedridden once, and my
back only bothers me a little now and then."
Absolute Faith
All types of healing have a faith component, whether it's traditional or alternative medicine, or
spiritual healing. Studies show that the healer's and the patient's faith are important variables in
determining the outcome of treatments. The Crystal Children have extraordinary faith in their
abilities to heal, and this is undoubtedly one reason why they're so effective at it.
Three-year-old Victoria refers to herself as "Dr. Toria," and she's already established a successful
track record in alleviating headaches and backaches for friends and family members. Since
infancy, Victoria's been aware if someone is injured or not feeling well, and wants to kiss it away
or touch it until it's all better.
Victoria's grandmother says, "Victoria believes that you can 'throw bad things away,' and during
her healing treatments, she mimics reaching into your boo-boo, snatching it up, and tossing it
away, into the air. She's always been so aware of other people and their problems, and she's so
certain she can fix them!"
one time Victoria and her grandmother visited a nursing home. Of course, Victoria wanted to
heal all of the residents. Her grandmother recalls that it was very difficult to convince her
granddaughter that she couldn't cure a very old, infirm person of all their problems; or that a
person in a wheelchair might be in God's hands. Victoria said, very solemnly, "But Grandma, I
talk to God!" Her grandmother notes that Victoria's belief in herself and her ability to change the
world is amazing, and "a beautiful thing to see."
Comfort from the Crystal Children
Not only do the Crystal Children heal physical bodies, they also mend peoples hearts. For
example, they provide:
- Emotional healing. After four-year-old Lois O'Neill's brother, Jack, passed away, 50
guests attended a wake at the family's home. Lois's dad, Mick, says that instead of
attending to her own grief, his little daughter spent her time walking grieving adults
around the garden. Lois explained to each person that Jack wasn't really gone. Mick says,
"Lois lightened their hearts with her explanation of our garden, the angels, and the fairies
who live there."
- Comfort. Four-year-old Colin intuitively knows how to comfort a person in need. one
time when Colin and his parents were visiting some relatives, one of the women became
ill. Colin insisted on sitting with her in her bedroom. Even though she slept most of the
time, Colin quietly sat by her side. Whenever she'd awaken, Colin brought her cold
drinks, or alerted the family if she needed something. He was a true source of healing
energy and assistance.
- Compassion. Studies show that children often avoid contact with disabled children, yet
this new generation seems to break that mold. They show natural compassion for people
with physical challenges. For instance, three-year-old Zoey makes friends predominantly
with physically disabled children. one of Zoey's playmates was born unable to walk and
has a slight droop on one side of her body.
- Crystal, Zoey's mother, says, "This little girl has made a considerable amount of progress since beginning school with other children, and also since her play dates with Zoey. It's
been a very rewarding experience to know that there are no prejudice barriers in the eyes
of our Crystal Children."
- Counseling. Crystals have a knack for saying just the right thing to inspire, comfort, or
uplift people. Naturally optimistic, they help others see the silver linings in life's clouds.
At five years of age, Carter is already showing natural counseling abilities. Carter's
mother recalls the time her friend Ingrid came for a visit. Ingrid, a gifted hypnotherapist
and artist, was feeling blue. Little Carter went up to her and said, "You're a beautiful and
talented therapist, Ingrid."
Carter's mother remembers: "Ingrid thought I'd coached Carter to say that. But I told her
I hadn't, and that I'd never before heard Carter use the word therapist or talk about the
concept of being talented. All I know is that Carter can psychically pick up who needs
love, and then offer it."
And offering that love is the collective mission of Crystal Children. They teach us to receive love. As their adult guides, our job is to nurture them so they'll be unafraid to love, to help them know
that it's safe to talk about and feel deep emotions. We need to guide them, especially during the
adolescent years, to remain their naturally loving selves.
Chapter 6:
Magical, spiritual children
Even in households without any formal religious or spiritual focus, Crystal Children talk about
profound, esoteric topics. Sometimes they learn about God, prayer, angels, ceremonies, and such
from their parents. But very often, Crystals possess innate knowledge about spirituality. They're
little philosophers, high-priests, and priestesses. Clearly, they're tuned in to the Divine. They're
also bringing in this knowledge from other lives.
Erin, three years old, strolled into the living room as her parents were watching the movie Speed.
The film was just finishing up, and there was a scene depicting an airplane and a bus colliding in
a huge, dramatic explosion. Erin thought it was a news program and that people had really been
hurt. So she turned to her parents with a stunned look, got down on her knees, and exclaimed,
"We gotta pray to God!" Erin's mother says, "I was impressed that a three-year-old would leap so
quickly from, 'Oh, no, this is awful,' to 'We need to seek Divine intervention to help these
Erin's reaction to tragedy - even though it wasn't "real" - is heartening. It's one more indicator of
where we're headed. Imagine a world where everyone turns to prayer - instead of fear or worry -
in response to crises.
Crystal Children are highly philosophical, often talking about spiritual topics that seem more the
domain of elders. Melissa says that her seven-year-old son, Liam, constantly asks questions that
she wouldn't expect someone his age to wonder about. For instance, Liam frequently asks what a
"soul body" is, who God is, and other such questions. Liam sometimes answers his own
questions himself. Perhaps his queries trigger a channeled response. For instance, he'll say,
"We're all God."
Melissa is grateful for Liam's spiritual quests. She says, "As long as Liam continues to be the soul
he is, then the world is a better place."
Moon Energy
The Crystal Children have strong connections to the energy of the earth, nature, and the moon
and stars. Like ancient Druids, Babylonians, and Egyptians, they're fascinated with starry skies
and full moons.
Perhaps their super-sensitivity makes them acutely aware of the powerful healing influences of
the moon. Many Crystal Children can see the moon and stars at night before they become
visible to adult eyes.
In fact, moon was the first word that a Crystal Child named Isabella ever uttered! Her mother,
Jaimie, explains, "Isabella loves the moon and called it 'moon the first time she saw it. This was
before she said 'Mummy' or 'Daddy'! I'd taken her outside on a beautiful inky-blue night, and
Isabella gasped and pointed at the full moon in the sky and said, 'Ooooh, moon!' She was about
nine months old at the time."
Crystal Children are clearly enamored of the moon. While other kids play with toys,
Crystals are entertained by moonlit skies. Beth says that her three-year-old son, Taylor, loves to
sit and gaze at the stars and moon. He'll spend hours just sittmg in his bedroom in the dark,
looking out his window at the night sky.
These kids are also affected by the moon's cycles. Petra reports that her three-year-old daughter,
Julie, normally sleeps all night without any problems. But on evenings when there's a full moon,
Julie is awake for one to two hours a night.
Magical Abilities
Not only do Crystal Children have spiritual leanings and innate healing abilities, but some of
them are also alchemists and Divine magicians. They defy laws of gravity, and move matter with
their thoughts! Many parents shared detailed stories of their children's magical feats with me. In
some cases, I was only granted permission to relate the stories under condition of anonymity.
The parents feared repercussions if their children's gifts were widely discovered. Yet, as the
witness to these stories, it's my opinion that they're truthful. They have the emotion, detail, and
authenticity that distinguish them from tall tales. I'll present some brief examples and let you be
the judge.
First, psychokinesis is the ability to move physical objects with one's mind or strong emotions. It
also occurs when someone's personal power interrupts the electrical power of appliances,
watches, batteries, or even streetlights. As you'll read here, some Crystal Children are
performing amazing psychokinetic feats.
For example, there's a seven-year-old boy who lives in France whom I'll call Adam, since his
mother and grandfather asked me to protect his identity. Adam speaks of life on other planets
and several past lives, with details about culture, ethnic background, and language. Adam's
mother says, "When he was three years old, he sat me down and told me, 'You know you weren't
my first mommy. I chose you and Papa to be my parents now, and you're doing a good job.'"
Adam has frequently exhibited profound psychic abilities. For example, when he was four years
old, Adam told his mother, "Oh, your father didn't go to work today. It was stormy out, so he
went for a walk instead." Adam's grandfather lives in America, where there's a six-hour time
difference. Since it wasn't yet Monday in America, and Adam's grandfather doesn't work on
weekends, Adam was seeing the future! When Adam's mother called her father the next evening,
she wasn't surprised to discover that her son's vision was true.
Adam's mother says that he also has powers over material objects. She says:
one day Adam showed me how to light and relight a candle without a match - when we
were outside in the wind!
Adam has amazing powers of concentration and can make a rubber ball levitate. I knew
that he'd been trying to do this for some time, and he finally succeeded. I heard the ball
bounce on the floor and went up to his room to see what he was doing. He'd done it at
least two times before I entered the room. He wanted to show me, and he did; I couldn't
believe my eyes! The ball levitated a couple of centimeters off the covers of his bed and
fell with a big thump, like someone had just thrown it there!"
Adam's mother told me that she's wary of other people's opinions about her son's abilities, since
they live in a religiously fundamentalist community in France. Additionally, she's concerned
because she believes Adam becomes depleted and vulnerable after he levitates objects.
Hopefully, her fears won't be transferred to Adam and cause him to abandon his Divine magic.
Another woman (who also asked to remain anonymous) recounts a similar story about her four-
year-old son and four-month-old daughter. She recalls that her daughter, who was only a few
weeks old, caused a wooden toy to fly through the air and land several yards from its original
position. This occurred in full view of four adults and two children. The mother believes that her
daughter caused the psychokinesis because she was upset that she wasn't being nursed right
away. She also notes that her son was a very alert baby, able to manipulate matter around him.
She recalls, "I distinctly remember that on more than one occasion as a babe-in-arms, he 'turned
the TV off' when he wanted our undivided attention and we weren't giving it to him quickly enough."
Similar to the story above, Tina's eight-week-old daughter can also manipulate electronic
equipment. Tina explains: "I take my daughter to work with me, and if I have her too close to my
computer, it freezes. My office partner lost her monitor the other day, and we also had problems
with our printer. I'll be placing crystal clusters on all my electronic equipment to disperse the
strong currency waves that my daughter emits."
A Soul Visitation
The loving souls of the Crystal Children can also magically visit us in our dreams or meditations,
like guiding angels delivering Divine messages. Laura Ainsworth was with her four-year-old
granddaughter, Beth, meditating on the bedroom floor. At first, Beth sat by Laura's side. Then,
as Laura continued to meditate, she heard Beth quietly leave the room. Laura says:
"I don't know how long I'd been into the meditation when I heard Beth calling to me in a
soft voice: 'Nana.' And again a bit louder: 'Nana!' I opened my eyes and gazed upon her
wrapped in a blanket outside the bedroom door, and smiled. She said with a penetrating
gaze and heartwarming sincerity, 'I'm here for you if you need me.' I went back into the meditation, and not one minute later, I heard very deep breathing, almost snoring. Beth was sound asleep across the hall in another bedroom."
If your children aren't acting like little wizards or sorceresses, it doesn't disqualify them from the
Crystal Children category. Not all of these kids perform feats of magic. However, isn't it great to
know that some of them display talents that, most likely, all humans are capable of? once again,
the Crystal Children point the way to humanity's possibilities... and model the high road for all
of us.
Chapter 7:
Connecting to nature, animals, and rocks
As much as the Crystal Children seem to be from other planets and realms, they sure do bond
deeply with Earth, nature, and animals. These children would rather be outdoors playing among
trees, rocks, flowers, and water than anywhere else! Some parents actually have difficulty keeping
their kids indoors. Other parents say that an outdoor excursion is an instant mood elevator if
their Crystal Children act grumpy. Like little Saint Francises, these kids display a purity that
makes animals trust them. You can practically imagine the flowers, birds, and sun singing with
joy - so happy to be in the company of a delightful Crystal Child.
Four-Legged Friends
Just as music tames wild beasts, Crystal Children have a hypnotic effect upon animals. As
mentioned earlier, they can roughhouse with big dogs and sharp-clawed cats and never get hurt.
Animals sense the innocence of these kids' hearts. Animals and Crystal Children communicate
with one another on the wavelength of love, and understand each other perfectly.
Leah, at 15 months, has already forged deep friendships with her family pets. In fact, her mother,
Cynthia, says that Leah's best friend is their dog, Yogi. Cynthia says, "The first time Leah stood
by herself was when she'd pulled up on Yogi to stand. Then Yogi walked away, and she stood on
her own. It's amazing, because most animals let her touch them and pull on them or pet them
roughly. It's like magic. Animals adore her!"
In a similar fashion, three-year-old Abbie attracts animals. Her mother, Andrea, reports: "I often
find her sitting with our dog or cats, just holding her hands on them and not speaking. I'll watch
as this goes on for minutes at a time. She seems to calm the animals."
Isabella, age 18 months, has twice swum with wild dolphins in Kona, Hawaii. Phillipa, her
mother, says that during both swims, dolphins were very attracted to Isabella. "The dolphins
came straight to her, dove down under her, and kept coming back time and again."
Wild and domestic animals alike are attracted to Crystal Children, sensing the love and
trustworthiness of these special youngsters. When 18-month-old Hannah Caldwell went to the
zoo with her mother, Pam, the animals stared at the little girl, instead of vice versa!
A mother gorilla at the zoo had a baby about Hannah's age. Pam says, "The gorilla and I were
both breast-feeding mothers, and I felt a tremendous bond with her." The mother gorilla noticed
Hannah and walked right up to the glass that separated the zoo pen from them. The gorilla and
Hannah locked eyes and stared lovingly at each other. Pam recalls, "Then the gorilla looked at
me and gently put her hand on the glass right by my face. I put my hand against hers. It was an
incredible connection - she was so drawn to Hannah."
Eventually, Hannah and Pam bid their new friend farewell and walked to the zoo's lion area.
Mother and daughter stared through the glass wall at the lions, who were sprawled out over a
very large area. Pam remembers:
"Suddenly a lioness looked up at something that caught her attention. She got up and
walked over to the area, totally drawn to whatever was on the other side of the concrete
wall from me. She came all the way over and was so intent and focused. I looked to see
what she was so interested in, and it was my daughter! They were face-to-face, separated
by the zoo's glass wall, but totally connected. She was so drawn to Hannah! It was like
Hannah was the zoo attraction, not the other way around. The spectacle drew a huge
crowd, and everyone wondered what was so special about this little girl that she'd
capture the complete attention of this beautiful lioness."
Empathy for Nature
In addition to befriending animals, a key characteristic of Crystal Children is their profoundly
deep empathy, which is particularly directed toward nature. Crystal Children feel the emotions
and sensations of animals, bugs, and plants. They give voice to nature, and remind us that
everyone and everything has feelings.
- Andrea says that her three-year-old daughter, Abbie, won't let anyone kill bugs - not even
big, scary spiders. "God made them," Abbie tells adults who are about to exterminate
insects. We often think of bugs being the domain of little boys, but female Crystal
Children don't discriminate among their nature friends. They like bugs as much as they
like other living creatures.
- When six-year-old Robert's parents had a pool installed in their backyard, two willow
trees had to be removed for the project. At the sight of the chainsaw, Robert ran to the
trees, hugging each one in turn, and cried huge tears for them.
- Chad, age seven, has shown empathy toward nature since he was a toddler. once, when a
leaf fell from a tree, Chad said to his mother, "Oh, that poor leaf that's falling to the
ground - it left its family!"
- When lizards get into his family's house, seven-year-old Liam gently catches them and
takes them outside. As he does so, Liam tells the lizards things like, "You must go home;
your babies are waiting for you," or "You need to go outside and get some food; I know
you're hungry." Liam's mother says that the boy knows what lizards are thinking and
feeling. He tells them not to be afraid, and they listen.
- Someone once picked a flower and handed it to two-year-old Crystal, and she became
very upset Crystal went to the stem still in the ground and tried to reattach the cut flower.
- Alice, age five, has a great love of plants and can become upset when her mother prunes
plants or removes dead or dying leaves or flowers.
- Six-year-old Isaac showed his Grandma Laura a smooth pebble that he held in his hand.
Isaac explained that he'd picked up the pebble from the road because he didn't want it to
be run over by a car.
- Zoey, three, hugs trees and kisses leaves that have been torn or dried up.
The Great Outdoors
With their wide-open hearts and sunny dispositions, it's no wonder that Crystal Children prefer to
spend time outdoors with animals, plants, and fresh air. Crystals are partial to natural beauty over
For example, they like to take their clothes off, dig in the dirt, and inspect ant colonies. Crystal
Children find beauty in nature's details, and sit transfixed for long periods just staring at plants
blowing in the wind. Conchita says that her 20-month-old son, Nathan, is a true nature lover.
"We have to lock all our doors to keep him in. He prefers to have his clothes off in nature when
he can. He loves playing in water and mixing it with dirt and eating it."
Perhaps one reason why Crystal Children love nature so much is that they communicate with
plants and animals. Magda says that her four-year-old daughter, Taylor, constantly talks to flowers.
"Taylor tells the flowers how beautiful they are," explains Magda. "She also talks with little bugs
and tries to comfort them."
Crystal Children teach us about the magic of nature, and make us aware that everything is alive.
Shawn and Keli Carpenter say that their three-year-old son, Corbin, has very significant relationships
with trees. "Corbin tells us what the trees are saying, feeling, and doing," the Carpenters explain.
"He's also aware of the spirit in all life and can communicate with birds, fish, plants, insects, and rocks,
although it seems strongest with the trees."
And when four-year-old Colin was taking a walk outdoors with his mother one day, he stopped, looked
at a tree, and leaned against it. Colin sighed and said, "Mom, I feel the tree's love; I feel its heart!"
Nature is a great mood elevator for everyone, including Crystal Children. Amanda says that if
her 14-month-old daughter becomes whiny, all she has to do is take her outside. "Immediately
she becomes happy and peaceful just by walking on the grass or picking up dirt."
No elaborate toys are necessary to entertain these special kids. Just take them outdoors and
they're transfixed by watching rustling leaves, spiders, and birds. Rihana, 12 months, becomes
cranky when she spends too much time indoors. Rihana's mother says that the little girl is
endlessly fascinated by touching the trees, feeling the grass, and chasing blowing leaves.
Even older Crystal Children prefer nature to man-made toys. Six-year-old Haley wanted to de-
clutter her bedroom and get rid of her unused toys, so she sold the toys at a family garage sale.
Haley and her sister netted $192 from the sale. Instead of purchasing more toys, they bought a
red maple tree for the family's backyard.
With this much love for the outdoors, it's no surprise that Crystals develop environmental
concerns at young ages. Many of these youngsters are protective of Mother Earth. For example,
five-year-old Nicky constantly reminds his mother not to waste water. He's also conscientious
about electricity's effect on the environment. Nicky turns off lights when he leaves a room and
won't turn them on until the sun goes down.
Crystals and Rocks
It's fitting that Crystal Children are fascinated by crystals and rocks. They're so sensitive to life-
force energy. These children know that the mineral kingdom is just as alive as God's other
kingdoms. To a Crystal Child, a beautiful rock formation is as deserving of affection and
attention as a person or animal. They're all God's living creatures in the eyes of a Crystal Child.
When three-year-old Victoria visited the ocean tidepools of Southern California with her father
and grandmother, she was in her element! She put her ear to the ocean rocks and talked and
listened to each one. Her grandmother says, "She drew a crowd, since it was so clear to everyone
that Victoria was having conversations with those rocks."
Crystal stones have long been used in spiritual ceremonies and healing work to direct and
amplify Divine energy. Quartz crystals are also used in electronics, such as radios and watches,
to increase electrical signals. Some people believe that ancient civilizations used crystals for
transportation and lighting, and there are theories that the Ark of the Covenant consisted of
crystals infused with focused intentions of perpetual energy.
Crystal Children feel the impulses emitted by crystals, and are respectful of the crystals' magical
properties and powers. Many of these children intuitively know how to work with crystals in
healing work, with no formal training.
Carri Lineberry is the mother of two daughters, Shailyn, age four; and Maia, age three. Carri says
that both girls love to handle their collection of polished crystal stones. Several times, the girls
have displayed an uncanny awareness of the power of these crystals.
For example, Maia keeps an amethyst geode crystal under her bed. Carri says, "I found it there
one day and put it away. Maia promptly discovered it was gone, put it back, and informed me
that it was to stay there."
Another time, Shailyn climbed into bed with Carri. Shailyn saw a rose quartz crystal on her
mother's nightstand and picked it up. Carri recalls, "I had just purchased that crystal, and
Shailyn had no knowledge of it."
Shailyn placed the point of the crystal on the center of Carri's forehead and said, "Mommy, I can
fix people with this. You can do surgery with this, you know." Shailyn continued placing the
crystal on different parts of Carri's body with the same degree of confidence you'd see in a
seasoned energy healer.
Carri finally asked Shailyn where she'd learned how to use a crystal for healing, and she replied
matter-of-factly, "From Jesus."
Carri remembers that the energy in the room was incredibly calm and serene. She says, "I had
goose bumps. I'll never forget that morning, and the glimpse I had of another time and place."
Judy Springer's four-year-old son, Isaac, also has an inexplicable knowingness about crystals.
one time, for instance, Isaac told his mother out of the blue: "You know, crystals wear out if
they're kept in the house too long. If they do that, then you have to put them outside for a long,
long time."
Some Crystal Children receive information about the use of crystals from their guides and
angels. But other Crystals recall knowledge from past lifetimes.
Stephen and Karen Williams say, "Our five-year-old daughter, Sabrina, immediately developed a
love for crystals when we first introduced them to her. She quickly learned the different types of
crystals. Now she helps us select crystals to purchase."
one evening, Sabrina said she needed a crystal healing. After she'd selected some crystals, her
mother began teaching her about the chakra system in the human body. Karen was about to tell
Sabrina how to place crystals on her chakras when Sabrina said, "Mummy, I know where they
go, I've done this all before," and proceeded to place the crystals on her body for self-healing.
Karen said that watching her little girl work with crystals that evening convinced her that
Sabrina's connection with crystals extended beyond this lifetime.
Perhaps the Crystal Children's connection to ancient lives is one reason why they gravitate
toward time-tested healing instruments such as crystals, labyrinths, and medicine wheels.
A six-year-old girl showed uncanny knowledge about these wheels one day. Carolyn says that
she was outside mowing the lawn when her daughter, Haley, said she wanted her mother to see
the meditation space she'd created. Inside Haley's bedroom, Carolyn saw that her daughter had
tied blankets to her bedroom furniture to create a sacred space. In the middle, Haley had placed
her crystals and special stones in a circle. Haley explained to her mother that she'd been sitting
in the center, meditating.
Carolyn recalls:
"The room was so peaceful, and the sacred circle she'd created was beautiful. A few
nights later, Haley asked me if I'd sit in the circle of stones with her, and she told me all
about healing. She shared the importance of the circle with me, had me hold a quartz
crystal in my hand, and then instructed me to hold it next to my heart. Then she got up
and invoked angels around the circle and asked Archangel Raphael to come into the
center with us. She placed a small heart-shaped rose quartz next to where she saw
Raphael so that the loving, healing energy was front and center. Haley knew what she
was doing - it was incredible!"
Even if your child isn't performing healing ceremonies with crystals, you may notice that he or
she has an affinity for these magical stones. Mary Marshall told me that her four-year-old son
loves crystals so much that he carries them around and even sleeps with them. Mary says, "He's
in preschool, and for a class project, he had to bring something to school that started with the
letter C. He decided to take some crystals."
Petra says that when her three-year-old daughter, Julie, began having sleep difficulties, crystals
saved the day. Petra recalls that Julie suddenly didn't want to sleep alone and was waking up five
or six times a night. Finally, Petra had a conversation with Julie and learned that her daughter
was seeing ghosts in her room.
Petra solved the problem by performing a nightly bedtime ritual with Julie. Petra now lovingly
commands the ghosts to leave the room, and then she places a rose quartz and amethyst crystal
in Julie's bed, as well as a clear quartz crystal on the window. This keeps the energy of the room
clear of untoward visitors, and now Julie sleeps through the night.
Another mother also found that crystals helped her son sleep better. Laura Halls, a professional
psychic healer, received an intuitive message to build a crystal energy grid in her son's bedroom.
She placed a hermatite crystal in the exact center of the bedroom, and four rhodochrosite
crystals in each corner of the bedroom. Laura then visualized an energy grid with lines of energy
running between each crystal, forming a high point in the center above the hematite. She then
asked that an etheric mirror be built across the top of the pyramid to reflect negativity upward,
away from the room. Afterward, Laura invoked her child's angels and guides to protect him.
Laura says that her children now go to sleep faster and sleep through the night. She recalls, "The
temperature went up in my son's bedroom for two days after we made the crystal energy grid
because it created so much positive energy in the room!"
Some Crystal Guidelines
Since Crystal Children have a symbiotic relationship with crystals, you may want to introduce
your kids to these amazing stones. You can purchase crystals at metaphysical bookstores, crystal
specialty shops, and gem shows. And keep in mind that natural crystals have stronger energy
currents than the man-made varieties.
Connie Barrett, who has owned a crystal shop for many years, recommends allowing children to
select their own crystals. She says that many times, kids know exactly which stone will help them
feel calmer and more peaceful. Connie says:
one time a mother and son visited my store. The mother began telling me about the child's various
problems, and the boy kept trying to tell her that he'd found the crystal he wanted.
The mother finally turned to him, and said, 'Will you be quiet for a minute? I'm asking
the lady what crystal would be best for your asthma.'
I asked to see what crystal the boy had chosen. He showed me a rhodochrosite, a stone,
which, because it's believed to help relax the muscles of the solar plexus, is recommended for asthma.
I told the mother that her son had done a fine job of choosing the crystal he needed."
Children have intuitive abilities when selecting their own crystals. This doesn't mean that you can't
give them crystals that you think they'd like. They'll probably like just about any crystals you give them.
If your child is still very young, remember that small stones can be swallowed. Don't leave babies
alone with crystal stones, and place them out of reach. Or, purchase a large crystal with smooth edges
so that a baby can't fit the crystal into his or her mouth or get cut by sharp edges. Also, explain to young
children not to throw stones!
Connie says that, as important as it is for children to have freedom to choose stones that feel
right, there are particular crystals that can be helpful for certain childhood conditions and issues.
- Nightmares / insomnia: Amethyst - place it on the child's nightstand or beneath the pillow.
- Heartbreak or grief: Rose quartz - hold it over the child's heart, or let it be worn as a pendant that
hangs over the chest.
- Self-esteem and self-confidence issues: Citrine - can be worn as a ring or necklace, or placed anywhere
in the room.
- Concentration, focus, and studying: Cornelian (for being grounded in the present) or sodalite
(for clearing up mental confusion) - place in the child's study area.
- Emotional overwhelm: Moonstone - to be worn as a necklace pendant, or rub the moonstone over
the forehead and temples.
- Patience: Rhodonite - the child should rub the stone in her hand when feeling impatient.
- Communication: Turquoise (if your child has difficulty in asking others for help); blue lace agate
(helpful for peaceful communication); amazonite (helps to promote the courage to speak the truth) -
especially effective when worn as a necklace or on a necklace pendant.
After purchasing a crystal, clear the former owner's energy by placing the stone out in the sunlight for at least four hours. In the absence of sunlight, you can submerge the stone in water mixed with sea salt.
Don't soak the stone long in the water, as salt can erode crystal. Then, ask your Crystal Child to hold
the crystal next to the heart and think of wishes or intentions to infuse into the stone. For example, he or
she might intend that the crystal help with physical healings, or a better night's sleep. If any negative energy
surrounds the crystal, clear the crystal again with sunlight or sea saltwater. This can be done on a regular basis.
Divine Nature
Poet Dorothy Frances Gurney wrote: one is nearer God's Heart in a garden than anywhere else
on earth." Crystal Children instinctively know this and are in tune with the Divinity of nature.
Nature is their church, their temple, their place of touching, smelling, and being aware of God.
When four-year-old Colin and his mother went for a walk in a beautiful Japanese garden, the
boy stopped and exclaimed, "Mom, this is so wonderful! I feel God and the angels here!"
Kate Mitchell, who owns a crystal shop in Los Angeles, reports that a five-year-old boy named
Alex recently visited her store with his mother. Alex saw a large quartz crystal cluster priced at
$500, and he exclaimed to his mother, "This is what I want Santa to bring me for Christmas!" His
mother hesitated and said, "Wouldn't you like a Nintendo set like the other kids?" Alex answered
with a determined "No!" Then she asked him, "Alex, why do you want this crystal so bad?" He
replied, "Because it's natural, and God made it."
Rest assured that Santa brought sweet little Alex his crystal cluster for Christmas.
Chapter 8:
Angels and invisible friends
You might see baby Crystals staring off into space, eyes and heads focused and moving as they
gaze at angels. Often these stares are accompanied by unintelligible "conversations" with the
unseen world. Many parents with whom I spoke are convinced that their Crystal Children babies
(who are sometimes referred to as "Crystalmes") are seeing angels and deceased loved ones.
Well, of course! Why wouldn't one of the most psychic generations of all time be born clairvoyant?
Many generations of humans have produced psychic babies and children. The Crystal Children
generation, however, is poised to retain their spiritual gifts into adulthood. one reason is that, in
this new age of spiritual openness, parents are more supportive of Crystal Children's psychic abilities.
Previous generations, frightened by all-things-psychic, condemned people who saw or heard angels.
Tara Jordan and her family customarily say grace as they sit down for supper. Shortly after her
son turned 13 months old, he started calling out for Jesus during the dinner prayer. Tara says:
"Grant will look up as we say grace, and you can tell that he sees Jesus or angels or spirits
on a different level. He'll look up and wave to what seems to be nothing. He calls out
Jesus' name and says 'Hi' as if greeting him. He'll then look over at the picture we have of
Jesus at The Last Supper and wave again. There's no doubt in my mind that Grant sees
and feels the spirit world."
Thanks to their supportive parents and grandparents, Crystal Children retain their psychic
abilities as they age. Crystal Children naturally feel an affinity for angels, since they can sense the
unconditional love of the celestial beings. They also love it when their parents teach them about
the angels, and they use this knowledge to tap in to heaven in an even deeper way.
Carolyn took my book Healing with the Angels with her during an emergency trip to the hospital
when her five-year-old daughter, Haley, broke her arm. As Carolyn read a prayer for healing, she
asked Haley to call upon Archangel Raphael (the Angel of Physical Healings) to be with her and
help her heal quickly and take away pain. Thereafter, whenever Haley's arm began to hurt, the
little girl called upon Raphael.
By the time the doctors examined Haley, they expressed astonishment at the little girl's calmness.
Carolyn and her husband, Mike, were also amazed by how relaxed Haley was, and also by how peaceful
they themselves felt. After all, Carolyn normally becomes tearful and very frightened when one of her
children gets hurt. The angels were obviously influencing everyone in a positive way.
As the doctors put a cast on Haley's arm, Carolyn noticed a tremendous feeling of peace in the
emergency room. Afterward, Haley said, "Look, Mom, my cast is green, and green is the color of
Raphael for healing!"
Ever since, Haley has been talking to her angels, working with, and learning from them. Carolyn
kick-started the process, and then Haley and her angels took it from there. one night, Haley
began sharing the wisdom she'd learned. She sat on her knees, almost in a prayer pose, and
began telling her mother the wonderful insights and great knowledge she'd gleaned from the
angels. Carolyn says, "I felt like Haley was an angel, channeling this wisdom."
Carolyn related the information that Haley shared about Archangels Raphael, Gabriel, and
"First, Haley said that these were big angels, and their feet went all the way down into the
ground, and they were like giant trees rising up to heaven. Haley admitted that the first
time she saw the angels there were many in her room, and she feared they were ghosts.
But then she saw their wings and knew they were angels, so it was safe.
She said that the Angel of Knowledge was working with her. one night, she asked this
angel what the word activity meant. The angel told her it meant 'many things happening.'
Haley said the angels teach her reading and math. Her kindergarten teacher corroborated this
by telling me how impressed she was with Haley's vocabulary.
on another occasion, Haley asked me what the word anesthesia meant I asked Haley
where she'd heard the word, and my daughter replied that Raphael had used it while
teaching her about healing the previous evening. Haley says that sometimes when she's
playing in her room, she's not alone. She's playing with Raphael and the other angels."
Psychic Children, Psychic Parents
Angels are all around each of us, and the Crystal Children are confidently communicating with
them. If you know a Crystal Child, then you've got access to your own psychic-development teacher!
"As soon as Zoey was born, I started seeing angels and deceased relatives," says Crystal, Zoey's
mother. "My psychic abilities really opened up." one of the reasons why Crystal Children are
catalysts for others' psychic abilities has to do with their powerful love energy. This love opens
our chakras, especially the heart area. We become unafraid of love, which leads us to be more
aware of the loving angels' presence.
Crystal says that she began seeing orbs of light around Zoey. The orbs even show up in
photographs of the little girl!
Many of the parents and grandparents with whom I spoke discussed seeing sparkling lights, aura
glows, and even angels around their Crystal Children. Cindy Goldenberg says that she noticed
bluish-white orbs of light around her sleeping daughter. Cindy says, "If I moved Kirsten's
blanket, the orbs would fly under the blanket, still shining."
Cindy has encouraged Kirsten's clairvoyance, and says that her daughter, at age five, is very
accurate in "reading" people based upon their aura colors. Cindy and Kirsten sprinkle "angel and
fairy dust" over newspaper headlines so that the situations and people involved will heal. They're
a good example of a parent and child pooling their spiritual gifts.
Invisible Friends
It's perfectly normal and even healthy for children to have "invisible friends" - that is, beings who
are usually their guardian angels or spirit guides. When parents are supportive or encouraging of
children's relationships with invisible friends, then children feel validated for having natural and
God-given abilities.
Sometimes the invisible friends are archangels who help the children with important life purposes.
Or, the invisible friends can be guardian angels, helping children let go of their fear.
The invisible friends can even be departed relatives, friends, or even pets.
Several years ago, a woman named Melissa became pregnant by a man she adored and loved.
However, the man wasn't interested in a relationship or a baby. Melissa didn't tell her young son,
Liam, that she was pregnant. However, one day Liam drew a picture and handed it to his mother,
explaining that it was a portrait of his little brother (Melissa only had one child at the time).
Ultimately, Melissa made the difficult choice to terminate the pregnancy, without telling Liam.
About a week later, Liam said that his little brother told him, "I decided not to come yet, but I'm
okay, and I love you." The little brother said that he was taking care of Melissa like a guardian
angel until he was ready to be born as a child. When that time came, both the little brother and
Liam would take care of their mother.
Melissa says that Liam is profoundly clairvoyant. one time Melissa did a meditation to discover
who her "power animal" was (some traditions believe that we all have an animal spirit guide
who's not necessarily a deceased pet). During the meditation, Melissa discovered a lioness around her.
She was sitting in her big leather chair, enjoying this meditation, when Liam walked into the room.
He asked how the big scratches on the chair's arms came to be. When Melissa said she didn't know,
Liam answered his own question.
"Mom, you know it was your lion that put them there!" he said.
"My lion?" Melissa asked.
"Yes, the lion that follows you around, Mom. Don't you see her?"
Liam explained that he always saw the lioness with his mother, and that the big cat slept at the end
of his mom's bed at night.
Melissa says, "I was amazed!" She then adds, "Thank God. I'm so blessed and honored to have
my son. He's my light and my strength."
one reason why parents needn't worry about their children's psychic abilities is that these gifts
can help kids heal from emotional and physical pain. They're God's self-healing abilities
established in each of us.
For instance, five-year-old Sabrina was grief-stricken when a friend of hers died. She received
some comfort from the angels with whom Sabrina has had a lifelong relationship. Yet, she was
immediately relieved of emotional pain when she clairvoyantly saw her friend in the spirit world.
Sabrina said that, during her sleep, she'd talked with her friend, who was smiling and standing
under a rainbow. Sometime later, Sabrina's mother relayed this message to the friend's parents,
who shared that her daughter's last painting was of herself standing beneath a rainbow.
Past-Life Memories
Some of the Crystal Children speak of vivid memories of other lifetimes. This in itself isn't too
unusual, as kids often talk about past lives. The new and exciting development is that adults now
give more permission and validity to their children's discussion of prior lifetimes. This allows the
kids to keep these memories alive without wallowing in them.
When we realize that life is eternal, we lose our preoccupation with death. We also release the
anxiety perpetuated by some religions about hell and damnation. And when we release those
fears, we're truly free to live fully.
Here are some examples of children who remember other lifetimes:
- Six-year-old Robert frequently talks about his "old parents," the ones he had before he
came into Mommy's belly. He's described his life with them in detail. Robert told his
mother that he watched from heaven as she shook the thing in her hand and it turned
blue (a pregnancy test kit), and then he came into her belly.
- Beverly Moore says that her five-year-old son, Ethan, seems to remember many of his
past lives. Beverly says, "Ethan talks about past lives a lot. He always says, 'Do you
remember when I was your age, and you were mine?' He's told me that he was my mother
once and my father once."
- Five-year-old Evan was discussing the topic of girls with Nathan, his older brother.
Suddenly Nathan said, "Evan, how would you know anything about girls? You're only five
years old!" Evan immediately retorted, "Oh, for goodness' sake, Nathan. I've been a
woman at least 60 times!"
Some of the Crystal Children are on this planet for their first lifetime, and Earthly living can
seem foreign or unsettling to them. Cathy says that her three-year-old son, William, would sit on
her lap and ask if they could go home. Cathy replied to William, "But we are home," to which
he'd say, "We are?" Finally, Cathy realized that William was referring to an unearthly
preexistence, so she gently told her son, "We're here on Earth because we need to be, and home
won't be that far away." That seemed to satisfy William.
* * *
Part of our jobs as adult guardians of Crystal Children is to show them the ropes of Earthly life.
That includes helping them stay open psychically, teaching them to clear away lower energies,
and empowering them with knowledge. Like beautiful flower buds, we're the adult gardeners
who must nurture Crystal Children into fully open bouquets.
To be continued...
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