Chapter 9:
A gift for music, art, and entertainment
The Crystal Children are multitalented. Not only are they loving, psychic, and sweet, but they're
also naturally gifted in the arts. Many of these children have musical talents and artistic capabilities.
A few show protege-like talents without having had any formal training. once again, the Crystal Children
are role models, showing us the very best of human nature.
Songs in their Heart
Many Crystals begin to sing before they speak words. In fact, Saharah's grandmother says she
came out of the womb humming. Now, at six months old, Saharah doesn't say any words, but
she hums in perfect tune.
Evie, another mother of a Crystal Child, says that her daughter learned how to speak through
music. Evie recalls, "When Meishan, who's now two years old, started speaking, she'd just sing
little songs to communicate with us. She absolutely loves music!"
Many of the parents surveyed for this book told me that their Crystal Children were innately
musically gifted. For example, Cindy says that her five-year-old daughter, Kirsten, has a beautiful
singing voice. This is surprising, since, according to Cindy, nobody in the family can carry a
tune. However, Kirsten can instantly mimic any song she hears, with perfect pitch.
Several parents told me that their children sing constantly. For instance, three-year-old Emily
continually makes up tunes, sings traditional songs and nursery rhymes, and re-creates the
melodies she hears on the radio. She dances all the time, moving to any music (or sometimes no
music at all!). Her mother, Wendy, plans to enroll her in a dance class when she gets a little older.
Musical aptitude is often where we see evidence of the Crystal Children's high intelligence. For
example, three-year-old William knows the words to every song played on the Radio Disney station.
And 15-month-old Erin taught herself how to harmonize with songs on the radio as she sings along
in perfect unison.
Creative Artists
The Crystal Children also love to draw, paint, and create. They can entertain themselves for
hours with a mere drawing pad and crayons. The high creativity of Crystal Children reflects
their right-brain dominant style, which also includes being:
- aware of their emotions,
- intuitive,
- advanced in motor skills,
- philosophical,
- spiritually minded, and
- musical.
Right-brain dominant individuals think in pictures and feelings, as opposed to words. Their
visual orientation gives them an artistic flair and a photographic memory. Some of their artwork
comes from copying the images they see in their mind's eye.
Rosa McElroy says that her five-year-old daughter, Audrey, shows a real gift for artwork. "No one
taught Audrey how to draw," says Rosa. "She's always been able to draw beautiful pictures that
only a real artist would think to create. She seems above her age level when she draws, in the way
she blends colors just right. Her artwork is breathtaking!"
As you can see, Audrey's mother is highly supportive of her artwork. With Rosa's encouragement,
Audrey will likely blossom into a confident and highly skilled artist.
one delightful aspect of Crystal Children is how they're entertained by ordinary items. While
previous generations seemed dependent upon elaborate and expensive toys to keep them happy,
Crystals are content with a flower, a puppy, a pen and paper, or a moonlit sky. It's the same thing
with their artwork. No expensive craft kits are necessary. Truly, this is a generation of kids who
appreciate simplicity and basics. How refreshing!
For example, seven-year-old Jacob Daurham treks into the desert near his home and finds "treasures"
to make crafts with. He brings home old horseshoes, railroad ties, and anything else he can use.
Then he makes his own patterns for craft projects and builds them himself.
Budding Thespians
The Crystal Children may not talk a lot - especially when they're young. However, they're definitely
expressive people! They express strong emotions and opinions through their eyes, body movements,
songs, and artwork. They also express themselves through dramatics. Not the temper-tantrum drama-queen
or -king-type of dramatics. No, the Crystal Children use drama as a playful form of expression, in the
way that humans must have enjoyed Shakespearean productions before radio and television.
These children take us back to our roots.
Many of the parents and grandparents surveyed for this book said that their Crystal Children showed
no shyness in front of audiences. Most were like three-year-old Victoria, whose grandmother said:
"Victoria has infinite poise and self-confidence. She's taken gymnastics and dance classes since she was
one year old. She loves to perform, especially dance. She's never experienced shyness or stage fright,
whether the audience is made up of hundreds or thousands or a few dozen people. It has always been
a joy to watch her dance or do gymnastics, as she loses herself in it and is so happy that she glows.
She practices endlessly, lost in the joy of the music and the movement."
Crystal Children are fun to be around, and one reason is that they're highly entertaining people.
One woman said that she's enthralled by her three-year-old daughter's ability to do impersonations. She told me that her daughter can pick up the most dramatic voice inflections, mannerisms, and phrases
someone uses, and then incorporates these elements in order to imitate the person. "She's so good that
we can immediately recognize who she's imitating. She doesn't do it in a mean or even humorous way;
it's done purely as an observation, or for her own entertainment."
And it's not just little girls who enjoy dressing up and performing. Male Crystal Children are
getting into the act as well. Catherine Poulton says that her five-year-old son, Kylan, is always
getting into character, and changes his clothes about ten times a day!
"I'm constantly picking up his clothes off the floor because he pulls everything out of his drawers
to look for costumes for whatever character he's being," says Catherine. "He also cuts up his
pillowcases, clothes, sheets - whatever he can find to create new costumes. He just loves to act."
Catherine says that Kylan also draws every day, often sketching pictures of the characters that he
plays. "He makes up his own super-heroes with their own magical powers. These characters are
often based on himself."
It sounds like Kylan remembers his magical capabilities and may be practicing for the time when
Crystals are the superheroes of our world. After all, they've got what it takes!
Chapter 10:
Angel babies
"Delightful," "A real angel," "A gift from God." This is how parents and grandparents describe
their Crystal Children. And while everyone has Divine qualities, these kids seem to express their
higher selves more than previous generations. Here are some characteristics that Crystals bring
to the world:
Affection: This is another reason why delayed speaking isn't enough to warrant an "autism"
label. These kids are super-affectionate, almost to the point of being clingy. Autistic people are
physically distant, definitely not cuddly.
Mary Marshall notes that her five-year-old son seems to be happiest when the two of them are
together, just hugging and laughing. He loves to snuggle with his mom. Mary says, "He was very
clingy when he was little and still reverts back to that behavior at times. For instance, if we're in
an unfamiliar or uncomfortable place, he wants me to pick him up and hold him, and then he
buries his head in my shoulder."
Crystal Children don't limit their affection to family members. Stephanie and Mark Watkeys say
that their 13-month-old son, Bryn, wants to kiss most people he meets. "He's very loving and
affectionate to everyone," they explain.
Happiness and joy: These kids emit positive energy via their facial expressions, postures, words,
and actions. They're a joy to be around because they uplift those around them.
Lauren Stocks says that her six-year-old son, Carter, has a completely positive demeanor. She
says, "It's as if Carter is just here to love." on almost a daily basis, Carter says, "Oh, Mom, it's a
beautiful day!" and he'll cheer her up when she's down.
Everyone comments on Carter's cheerful attitude, which is common in Crystal Children. For
instance, Beth and Michael's son, Taylor, has had three different baby-sitters. All of them have
said the same thing about the three-year-old boy: "He's such a bright spirit!" Everyone says that
Taylor warms their hearts.
His parents say, "Overall, Taylor's a delightful child who brings us nothing but joy and love.
When we sense his spirit, we have hope that the human race will find peace, and that violence
will be eliminated on this planet."
I received more stories on this joyful aspect of Crystal Children than any other. And lest you
think that these are parents who are gushing because it's their offspring, many of these moms
and dads have other children whom they find challenging. Here are some of the comments I
received from parents talking about their Crystal Child:
"A lot of people say that being with Celeste makes them feel more peaceful. Often, she
spontaneously goes to people who suffer in some way and sits by them or plays with
them." From Nadia Leu, regarding her 18-month-old daughter, Celeste.
"She's the sweetest, most loving spirit I've ever encountered. She goes right up to strangers,
takes their hands, and you can just feel the love she's sending! A very sensitive, passionate,
attentive person." From Wendy Weidman, regarding her three-year-old daughter, Emily.
"My Robert is a six-year-old 'angelheart.' He has love for all people. He wants to comfort
every person he sees in need. If a friend's hurt, Robert's totally caring. He wants to give
something to every homeless person on the street. Robert's a sweet, loving soul, and it
seems as though the sun radiates from within him." From Michelle, regarding her six-
year-old son, Robert.
Love and respect for elders: As if sensing the wisdom and peacefulness that comes with age,
Crystal Children are magnetically drawn to older people. They adore their grandparents, and
also bond with elderly strangers.
Mary and her three-year-old daughter, Haley, frequent an ice-cream parlor that has an outdoor
eating area. During their last three visits there, various elderly people have been seated outside
eating by themselves. In each case, Haley walked right up to the elders and sat beside them. She
didn't speak until she was spoken to, but Mary says that Haley was practically cuddling each of
the seniors. She obviously sensed their need for love and companionship, and volunteered to
meet that need.
In the same vein, Conchita Bryner says that her two youngest children (a son, 20 months; and a
daughter, 5 years) are attracted to senior citizens as if there's a special kinship.
Conchita's family recently held a memorial for the ten-year anniversary of their children's
paternal grandmother's death. She recalls:
"Since my youngest daughter didn't know her grandma, she asked me lots of questions
about her before the memorial. She knew we were taking flowers to the grave, so she
made her own bouquet. To my surprise, she also asked her older sibling to write down a
poem that she'd created on her own. As she read the poem at the memorial, my husband
and I were in tears - she told her grandma she missed her and that she was in her soul."
Forgiveness and peace-keeping: What the world needs now is forgiveness and compassion, and
the Crystal Children are shining examples of turning the other cheek. Where their older Indigo
Children brothers and sisters have a warrior spirit that keeps them fighting for causes, the
Crystal Children have adopted a Gandhi-like style of dealing with conflict. For example:
Gloria Powell-Frederickson, the mother of two Crystal Children and one older Indigo Child, says
that during conflicts, she sees glaring differences between the generations. She says, "During arguments,
my Crystal Children will give in and walk away, completely unbothered and full of forgiveness. But
my Indigo Child prefers to stick to the argument and fight it out."
Corbin, age three, has learned about conflict resolution through his connection to nature. He always talks
about the trees and the things they say or do. Whenever he hears people speaking in a negative tone of
voice, Corbin says, "Please talk like the trees." By that, he means to speak with gentleness and love.
Mei, age two, never hits any of her playmates, although they hit her. She simply retorts,
"No, don't hit me - I'm your friend!"
Denise Christie says that her five-year-old daughter, Alice, can become very hurt if someone is cruel
or spiteful to her: "Alice has no comprehension of why someone would want to do such a thing. She's
so pure that I don't even think she realizes when she's being bullied."
* * *
The Crystal Children emanate love in all their actions and deeds. They're indicators that the
human race is evolving above petty differences and squabbles. They've living examples of
operating from the higher self and not the ego.
Yet, Crystal Children aren't entirely problem-free offspring for their parents. I asked parents to
tell me about any challenges they'd encountered with these kids. For the most part, the issues
reported were minimal. Even so, a few showed up repeatedly, as you'll read about in the next
Chapter 11:
Eat, sleep, and be picky
Any human characteristic can be viewed in a negative or positive light. For instance,
stubbornness can also be called tenacity or "stick-to-it-iveness." And assertiveness can also be
called "pushiness." I think you see my point.
A similar observation can be made about Crystal Children and the choices they make. on the
one hand, anyone who's operating from higher chakras holds high standards for themselves.
When people open their heart chakras and truly love, they tend to attract (and be attracted to)
situations and persons with loving energy. An open-hearted person is repelled by situations or
relationships involving violence, negativity, impurities, loudness, or anything jarring.
The Law of Attraction holds that we draw people and situations to us that mirror our dominant
thoughts and beliefs. For example, if we believe that people are basically good-natured, we'll
attract sweet and loving friends.
As we travel the spiritual path, we may change our circle of friends, the way we eat, and other
lifestyle choices. Our new choices mirror our evolving self. And Crystal Children, who are born
far along the spiritual path, are naturally attracted to - and attract - situations of the highest
spiritual energy frequencies.
This results in the Crystal Child appearing to be fussy or picky. However, another way to look at
it is that the child is "discerning." A discerning person has high self-esteem and cares enough to
choose friends, meals, movies, jobs, homes, and such that feed and nurture the body and soul.
Diet and the Crystal Children
once I fully immersed myself in spiritual studies, my appetite for food and beverages shifted
almost immediately. I received strong inner guidance to eat more organic fruits and vegetables,
and fewer animal products. I've been a complete vegan (meaning I don't eat any meat, fowl, fish,
or dairy products) since 1997, and I'm extremely happy with this lifestyle choice.
Many of my students, audience members, and readers report having received similar inner
guidance. Although they may not leap to veganism, people on the spiritual path generally eat
fewer processed foods; and avoid red meat, white sugar, and refined flour.
The angels say that humans are evolving toward becoming less dependent on eating for energy
and nourishment. According to the angels, we'll first become vegetarians, then we'll become
"raw foodists," eating only uncooked fruits and vegetables. Next, we'll switch to juices, which are
easier to digest. Finally, we'll become "breatharians," and receive all of our nutrition from the
prana life-force in the air. All of this will enable us to become more intuitive, and also help us
adapt to Earth's changing food supplies as we get away from processed foods and move toward
harvesting fresh produce.
Well, the Crystal Children are already there. They've already evolved their taste buds to very
high levels. Uncooked organic fruits and vegetables have the highest life-force energy of any
foods. So, it's no surprise that Crystals prefer vegetarian diets. Yet, it's all in how you view this
Some parents see it as a problem. For instance, one mother told me that she struggles to get her
four-year-old son to eat "real meals." She's going against the natural grain of these children,
which is to "graze" on smaller, more frequent meals of healthful foods and juices. Nutritionists
say that grazing is a healthful way of keeping blood-sugar levels balanced and to avoid binge eating.
Many eating patterns reported by parents of Crystal Children show that they're very much in
tune with their bodies. So if parents can trust that their kids' natural appetite preferences
balance out with their nutritional needs, then power struggles at mealtimes won't occur. These
children's predilections for food can be trusted, judging by the stories I've received.
For example, many of the Crystal Children are self-made vegetarians. Seven-year-old Jacob, for
instance, refuses to eat meat - even though his mother isn't vegetarian and tries to get him to eat it.
The main reason why Crystals won't eat beef, fish, or fowl has to do with their empathy for
animals. one two-year-old boy said, "Eating fish is bad because they die when they're taken out
of the water." And Shailyn, age four; and Maia, age three, are self-proclaimed vegetarians
because they say it's not nice to kill animals to eat them. Two-year-old Mei says, "Yuck, dead
chicken," or "Yuck, dead cow," whenever she sees fowl or meat.
Parents who worry about their children's nutritional needs will be happy to know that the
American Dietetic Association has deemed vegetarianism to be a healthful and balanced way to
eat. Vegetables, grains, soy products, nuts, and legumes contain sufficient protein for a healthy
youngster's body. Most dietitians, nutritionists, and medical doctors also recognize that
vegetarianism is healthful. After all, animal products are associated with heart conditions, high
cholesterol, obesity, osteoporosis, and other health concerns.
Three-year-old Corbin's parents constantly receive compliments on how calm and relaxed their
son is. They partially attribute Corbin's relaxed temperament to his diet of organic foods with no
refined sugar.
Many parents report that their children would rather drink their meals than eat them. For
example, Kelly, mother of five (three of them young Crystal Children), says, "My children are
vegan and eat little sugar. They have a very liquid diet. They show a natural aversion to meat and
heavy foods and constantly want water." And three-year-old William prefers drinking juice to
eating solid food. Parents who worry about their children's diet can always make smoothies in a
blender, with soy or rice-based protein powder containing vitamins and minerals (available at
most stores in the health-food section, or over the Internet).
Along the same lines, quite a few mothers report that their Crystal Children want to breast-feed
beyond their first year. And most parents report that eliminating sugar from the diet helped
their children's moods and energy levels to stabilize. one mother said that if her five-year-old
daughter eats anything containing chocolate, she becomes wild and practically uncontrollable.
Sleep Patterns
In my survey, I asked parents to describe any challenges they've had with their Crystal Children.
By far, the single most frequent answer given involved sleep patterns. These children have high
energy and don't want to miss a thing while they're sleeping! They may also be reflecting a
higher state of evolution when humankind needs fewer hours of sleep. Regardless of the reason,
there's definitely something going on in this area.
Crystal Children are so sensitive that anything stimulating can lead to insomnia. Thirteen-
month-old Bryn's sleep pattern is the only challenge his mom has faced with her son. She says,
"Since birth, he's been very alert. Bryn takes in everything around him with great intention. This
leads to him getting overstimulated, and then he finds it hard to settle down to sleep."
To nap or not to nap seems to be a very individual decision. Erin's parents found that if she took
naps, she was up all night. Since they eliminated her naps, Erin now sleeps through the night and
seems happier in the mornings. Her mother says, "We now use the afternoons as structured
playtimes for making treats, craft projects, or watching a favorite video."
Other parents said that naptime was essential. If Victoria, age three, skips a nap, it takes days for
her to recover so that she's feeling well and in sync.
This is an area where caretakers will want to personalize a sleep program according to the child's
individual rhythms and needs. For other sleep concerns, parents have come up with some
unique solutions:
- Colin, age four, is very psychically connected to his mother. She says, "As a baby, and
until about a year ago, he'd wake up crying immediately after I'd wake up from a bad
dream. So I started a nightly routine of visualizing the cord between us as a chain, and I'd
separate it at two of the links (it didn't feel right to me to sever a cord between us)." This
ended the nighttime wake-ups.
- Another mother, who'd tried everything to get her daughter to bed, also tried cord
cutting, and says there was an immediate improvement. She says, "If I notice the old
bedtime antics returning, I clear my chakras, and things return to normal! It was an
amazing discovery for us!" [Note: To cut the cords of fear that can cause problems, just
hold the intention and ask the angels to snip them for you. That's all it takes. However, if
you want details on cord cutting, please consult my book Chakra Clearing, published by
Hay House].
- Robin Rowney is the mother of twin Crystal Children sons who didn't sleep through the
night as infants. one night, exhausted from a sleepless night with her twins, Robin prayed
desperately for help. She soon noticed a sound coming from her son Zack's crib. She
thought he was waking again for another feeding, so she quietly listened to see if he'd
start calling for her. She looked over at the crib and noticed a light growing brighter and
brighter hovering around his bed. At the same instant, Robin realized that Zack was
actually giggling. She sat forward to make sure what she was seeing was real, and the
giggling grew so loud she thought he'd wake his brother.
- Robin says, "The light looked to me like a golden-yellow haze. There was no defined
shape, but I knew with my heart and soul that this was one of Zack's angels. A feeling of
calmness and peace came over us." Robin and her boys slept soundly after that.
- For a while, four-year-old Shailyn refused to go to bed, so her mother began giving her
Reiki energy treatments while tucking her into bed, saying, "Now, I'm tucking you in with
beautiful, golden light, and the angels are here to protect you and stay with you." Shailyn
now goes to bed without any struggles.
- Crystal's mother discovered that if her daughter had sugar close to bedtime, she wouldn't
go to sleep. So sugar at this time of night has been eliminated - as have the sleeping problems.
- Haley was plagued with nightmares about witches and dark images, so her mother taught
the little girl how to clear her energy space. Now Haley says to any untoward spirits: "If
you're not of God, you must go!" Haley also visualizes a bubble of white light around her
home, along with a golden dome of protection. This has alleviated the nightmares and
has empowered young Haley.
- Kathy DiMeglio used a combination program to help her daughter, Jasmyn, to sleep.
Kathy says that Jasmyn's sleep problems stemmed from a combination of fear of being
harmed during the night and separation anxiety from her parents. So Kathy began
playing the Chakra Clearing audiotape at night (many parents find it soothing, and it
clears the energy of rooms quickly). She also began praying with her daughter, and talking to
her about the archangels at bedtime. Then Kathy took Jasmyn to the store and let her select
a stuffed animal to sleep with. Afterward, Kathy cut her cords of fear to her daughter. Jasmyn
now sleeps beautifully, and her parents don't worry about this area anymore.
Potty Training
There wasn't a clear pattern regarding toilet training Crystal Children. Some parents said it was
a breeze, and that kids practically taught themselves what to do. However, other parents are still
Abbie's mother says that her daughter takes her time with most things. She says, "Abbie spoke
late for the most part, walked after her first birthday, and refused to be potty trained until she
was more than three years old."
Another woman told me that her son's toilet training was challenging because he wants to do
everything for himself. She said, "He's extremely stubborn, making potty training a challenge.
He's quite aware of the ability to do it; he just chooses his own ways and when."
Parents said that giving clear explanations to their Crystal Children helped them to understand
why toilet use is important. Some Crystal Children refuse to comply until they understand why.
Picky or Super Organized?
Are the Crystal Children intuitively trained Feng Shui artists who know that disorganization
creates energetic discord? Or are they just prone to neurotic perfectionism? Again, I would opt
for the answer signaling spiritual progress. However, when you actually live with a Crystal Child
who insists that everything be just so, you might agree with the latter explanation during
moments of frustration.
I received dozens of stories about Crystal Children's organizational skills, and how particular
they are about their rooms, their belongings, and their clothing. For instance, seven-year-old
Hannah is very sensitive about the comfort of her clothing. Her socks and shoes must be
positioned perfectly, and her clothes must be soft or she won't wear them. True nature children,
many Crystals prefer nudity to clothing.
Crystal Children like neat and organized bedrooms, and some of them don't mind doing the
work themselves. Three-year-old Victoria keeps her room very clean, which is no small
accomplishment given the piles of toys, clothes, books, and stuffed animals she owns.
Crystals also enjoy organizing their toys during playtime. For instance, three-year-old Taylor
loves to line up his blocks and toys into shapes of crosses, airplanes, or alphabet letters. one time
he placed all of his toys into a continuous line throughout the house. When it was done, he
exclaimed, "It's beautiful!"
Two-year-old Mei loves to place things into categories, like grouping together her baby dolls and
Mommy dolls. She loves to put her dinosaur models into a long line, from the smallest to the
Sometimes the Crystal Child's organizational leanings border on perfectionism. For example,
three-year-old William won't use a crayon if it's broken, and he won't eat food that's "messy"
with sauce. And seven-year-old Jacob insists that building blocks be placed into precise
Again, it's all in how you look at the situation. You could call it perfectionism - which has a
negative tone. I like the way Wendy Eidman calls it "high creativity" when she describes her
three-year-old daughter, Emily. Wendy says:
"Emily's attention span is unlike anything I've ever witnessed before. She'll get into a
groove coloring or playing, and she won't be disturbed until she's done. This works to my
advantage when we're picking up pine cones in the backyard. We have this giant pine
tree that drops hundreds of cones every fall. When we pick them up, Emily stays on task
better than anyone else in the family. My son gets bored after five minutes, but an hour
later, Emily's still out there picking up cones!
It bothers her to leave a job unfinished. After we'd cleaned the yard one day, she was
playing on the swing set, and every once in a while she'd spy a stray pine cone that had
escaped our attention earlier. She'd get off the swing, or stop playing basketball or
whatever else she was doing, then she'd walk over to the pine cone, pick it up, and
deposit it in the cart! Emily is all about consistency. She likes to know what to expect; she
likes to have things the same way all the time.
Emily gets upset, for example, if her brother decides he wants to sit in her seat at
dinnertime, that sort of thing. Every night at the table, we have the same conversation.
We go back and forth across the table, asking each other, 'So, how was your day?' Usually
my husband, Kirk, answers, 'My day was very work-y.' But the other night, Kirk
answered, 'My day was very busy!' And Emily got upset. She said, 'No, Daddy. Your day
was very work-y!'"
Crystal Children love consistency. In a world where everything seems in flux, who can blame
kids for wanting stability and predictability? Sounds refreshingly healthy to me!
Taking Their Time
In the new world, we won't run our lives by clocks and calendars. We'll use inner timing to direct
our actions. Through synchronicity, not appointments, we'll arrive at exactly the right place at
the right time.
Well, the Crystal Children are already ruled by inner clocks instead of outward time
mechanisms. This can be frustrating to parents who need to keep a schedule. one thing's for
sure: Parents of Crystal Children must develop a lot of patience - which is one of the lessons
these children help us adults to learn.
Jennifer says that her seven-year-old son, Jacob, takes his time and doesn't rush for anyone or
anything. Jennifer says that it's not that Jacob is mentally slow, it's just that he does things
deliberately because he wants them a certain way. He operates from his own schedule, not others'.
Three-year-old Abbie is the same way. Her mother says, "She does things in 'Abbie Time,' and
not necessarily when her preschool teacher wants her to. She hates schedules and prefers to be a
free spirit. I'm not sure how that will work with her school time."
Crystal, the mother of three-year-old Zoey, says, "I find that you need a lot of patience with the
Crystal Children, because they're old souls who take their time looking at everything, inspecting
it, and then giving you feedback on what they think. Zoey sits until she figures out how to tie her
shoes, do her buttons, brush her hair, and such. I try to maintain a high patience level because I
understand her need to take her time. She's never in a hurry and doesn't like to be rushed."
The Crystal Children know that it's healthier to stay centered and calm rather than getting
lathered up over the fear of being late. They already know that time isn't real, and that it can be
bent and warped so that you'll always arrive on time - even when appearances suggest otherwise.
Deep Bonding and the Need for Attention
Crystal Children have a special bond with one or more of their parents or grandparents - whoever
can understand them on a deep level. once that bond is formed, the Crystal Child doesn't like to be
apart from that person. Crystals are dependent on that adult for comfort, understanding, and cuddling.
These kids may develop separation anxiety because they're afraid that other people won't understand.
These kids may also fear that other children or adults may be mean-spirited, and the sensitive Crystal
Children try to avoid pain by sticking with a trustworthy adult.
Timothy says that his six-month-old daughter, Julia, always wants to be held. "We can't lay her
down for a minute," he says.
Pam says that her daughter, Hannah, age four, "came in with huge abandonment issues. She doesn't
want to be alone at all, especially when it comes to being away from me."
Some parents see the metaphysical basis of this seeming clinginess. Carri Lineberry says that her
three-year-old daughter, Maia, is extremely attached to her. Carri says, "I sense that my relationship
to her is very important. I think of myself as her 'grounding force' or something like
Chapter 12:
Advice from parents, teachers, and the crystal children themselves
As a parent, grandparent, or teacher of a Crystal Child, you have a sacred and vital mission. You
spiritually contracted to guide this soul through the delicate balancing act of retaining a high
spiritual frequency with amazing gifts of telepathy and sensitivity... while at the same time
assimilating into Earthly life. Your job isn't easy, but fortunately you have lots of help from
Earthly and celestial angels.
Those whom I surveyed for this book were happy to pass along their tried-and-true advice based
on their own personal experiences.
Angels and prayer: Cynthia Berkeley says she's found it very effective to mentally ask her
children's guardian angels to help soothe and calm her kids when they become overly irritated,
especially when driving.
Understand that they're visual: Right-brain dominant people have visual memories instead of
language-based ones. For instance, they'll memorize how spelling words look, instead of how
they sound phonetically. Catherine Poulton says it helps her to remember that her five-year-old
son, Kylan, processes information differently. When he was two years old, Kylan struggled to
remember his alphabet, but then one day he was flipping through a magazine and stopped and
pointed to a picture. "That's George Washington," he said correctly. This is when Catherine
realized the extent of Kylan's visual processing.
Explain, don't force: Forcing a Crystal Child only leads to a power struggle. Pam Caldwell says
that her four-year-old daughter, Hannah, is very sweet and easy to get along with... unless you
try to force her to do something against her will. "But once you explain the logic behind it,
Hannah will usually comply, or come up with a better solution," says Pam, who's found that it
works best to talk to Hannah as if she's an adult, using age-appropriate language.
Penny, mother of a Crystal Child, agrees. "Allow them to be different, and don't force them into
the 'normal' mold. Don't force them to talk, since it's possible to communicate with your
children more instinctively. They'll talk when they're ready, when they see a need to talk
verbally. Usually that will occur when they're interacting with other people who don't seem to
understand their unique way of communicating."
Attachment Parenting: Several of the parents whom I surveyed credited "Attachment Parenting"
as a style of upbringing that was particularly helpful for their Crystal Children.
Attachment Parenting is a philosophy that advises parents to physically and emotionally bond
with their child through being sensitive and responsive when the child cries, breast-feeding,
carrying the infant in a baby sling, sleeping with the child, and providing a gentle home
environment. Many books and Internet sites discuss this parenting style.
Bring animals into the acting-out situation: Here's a clever idea from Misty: "Whenever my
two-year-old daughter, Leah, acts out, I tell her, 'The cats are watching you!' This calms her
down immediately." Leah doesn't want to lose the felines' respect!
Live and let live: Melissa, mother of seven-year-old Liam, says, "I'm not strict. I'm not a slave
driver. I allow my son to be who he is. Liam instinctively knows what chores need to be done,
and he does them. There's no arguing or yelling. I'm honest and forthright with him, and he returns
the favor. We're a happy, casual, and loving family, and we're functional in our dysfunctions."
Another mother named Sue, concurs: "These children need freedom to run and be. When they
come home from school angry, it's because they're fed up with being caged all day; they need the
freedom to feel their feelings."
Take care of yourself: Kathy says, "Parents of Crystal Children need to engage in their own
routine of yoga and or meditation, and have moments of quiet reflection to become aware of
their own Divine guidance. Keep a journal. Write letters to your Crystal Children - they'll not
only be an amazing gift for when they're older, but it would also assist you with keeping a record
of the miraculous incidents that occur over the years."
Talk to, not down: Crystal says that her three-year-old daughter, Zoey, acts out if she senses
that someone's patronizing her or talking down to her. It's important to have discussions with
Crystal Children using the same degree of respect that would be accorded to a dear friend.
Toning and chanting: Sue, the mother of two Crystal Children, says that she and her husband,
Darren, do nightly chanting as their children go to sleep. The children now request it, saying,
"Mummy, can you please do that oohhh stuff on me?"
Schooling: Parents who can provide home-schooling, or send their children to Waldorf or
Steiner schools, report great success with their Crystal Children's level of happiness and learning
A mother of a four-year-old Crystal Child says that her son attends a Waldorf kindergarten, and that she's noticed positive changes in his self-esteem, sense of social order, and imagination. (For
information on Waldorf and Steiner schools, please see in North America; in the U.K., in Australia, and consult the Internet
directories for other countries.)
If schedules or budgets don't allow for these options, Michelle is a great example of taking
another approach. She says that her six-year-old son, Robert, is way ahead of a lot of his
classmates. "He's very bright and inquisitive, so we do extensive homeschooling in addition to
his schoolwork." Michelle says that Robert loves anything creative and thrives on having
structure and schedules. Several parents said that when they helped their child with studying,
the results were immediate.
Meditation: Catherine, mother of five-year-old Kylan, says, "My son loves to meditate and pray."
Eastern exercises: Tai chi, qi gong, yoga, and karate are wonderful outlets for youthful energy,
and good tools for teaching Crystal Children to work with their own and others' energy.
Catherine's son, Kylan, loves his karate classes. "It teaches him to use his inner power
effectively," she explains. "He has a great teacher, and they're not doing it competitively. Plus,
karate teaches Kylan how to build a protective force field around his body so he can be
empathetic without taking on other peoples stuff (he's highly sensitive). It teaches him great
grounding and clearing exercises, too."
Pay attention and tell the truth: Denise, mother of Alice, age five, says, "Always pay attention.
These kids don't like to be ignored. Never bend the truth or lie to them; they know a lie every
time and can get upset if they catch you in one. Never break a promise; keeping your word is
very important to them."
Patience: Andrea, mother of three-year-old Abbie, advises parents to have patience with their
Crystal Children. She says, "They're not like other kids, and probably have much more to offer if
given the chance - that is, not medicated to 'fit in with what society thinks kids should be like."
Consistency: Many parents say that their Crystals do better with a consistent eating and sleeping
schedule. Studies show that children feel safe when they know what to expect Mary, mother of a
five- and six-year old, says, "Getting my children to bed at the same time each night, along with
lots of affection, makes a positive difference."
Learn from them: Cynthia, mother of two Crystal Children, reminds us that Crystals are our
teachers. She says, "We can teach these kids how to function in this third-dimensional reality
and how to play the game, but really, they're here to teach us so much more beyond that. If
you're not coming from the heart, the kids know. If you expect the kids to be naughty, guess
what? They will be. Watch your own integrity and expectations. They can read you like a book
and play with that."
Visualization: Since Crystal Children are highly visual, you can help them manage their moods
and manifest their intentions by using visualization exercises. Here's a wonderful one that Rosie
Ismail, a primary school teacher in England, uses in her classroom. She says:
"During the past four years, I've worked with healing and colors, using visualizations in
my personal life. When I realized how effective visualizing the color pink is, I began
introducing this into my classroom and watched the wonderful and effective results it
yielded for young children. Pink is a healing, loving color that creates peace and harmony
for oneself and projects this to others.
"This simple technique of visualizing I call 'The Magical Pink Light.' I ask the children to
close their eyes and take five or six deep breaths along with me, slowly releasing the
breath on the exhale. Next, I ask them to visualize pink magical light at the bottom of
their feet, going round and round their body. I tell them it doesn't matter if they don't see
the magical pink light, but that it's powerful and to just think about it. I tell them to
imagine this pink light as very magical and see it going around them like a warm blanket.
I ask them to make a wish in this very magical pink light and to breathe it in, and then we
end by taking two very deep breaths. I then guide the children to open their eyes, stretch
their arms, and say, 'That felt good!' I find that children are much calmer, happier, and
more loving after the visualization."
Energetic assistance: These sensitive, psychic children need our help! They're like sponges,
absorbing other people's energies (including those of well-meaning parents). David Morelli is a
professional psychic who teaches children's spirituality classes at the Psychic Horizons Center in
Boulder, Colorado. He also works as a Montessori schoolteacher. David says:
one of the methods I teach children in my class is to imagine making a bubble in
between their two hands, putting the 'yucky' energy in the bubble and clapping their
hands to pop it. They can put the energy of anything - their parents, teachers, or friends -
in a bubble and pop it. After they make their bubbles and pop them, I then ask them to
imagine happy golden energy above their heads filling in their whole bodies. This puts
new energy back in to replace the other energies."
Just love them: Gloria, the mother of two Crystal Children and one Indigo Child, puts parenting
into perspective when she says:
"I've learned that love is the most important thing of all. It's important to be patient and
nurturing. Keep in mind that we aren't really here on this earth to master mathematics.
Smiling and laughing with your children is just about the best feeling there is, so do it!
When milk spills on the floor, make funny faces. When it rains outside, dance in it with
your children. Love, love, love them!"
From the Mouths of Babes
Several Crystal Children also offered words of wisdom for adults:
Audrey, age five: "I would like this book to get people to understand us."
Crystal, age six, was asked by her mother what she'd like to tell people. She said, "Love. Love and
help people, and be kind."
Robert, six: "All I can say is that I wish everyone in the universe (if there is life on other planets),
good life, good heart, and good food. For all you grown-ups to help Crystal Children, you must
protect them, play with them, and read with them."
When his mother asked Colin, age four, what he'd like to tell people, he said, "That God and the
angels are with them always, even when they're scared."
Haley, age three: "I ask my angels to bring me dreams full of light before bed when I say my prayers."
Hannah, age seven: "The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow disappears, so be thankful for
what you have."
Jacob, age seven: "For the future, everyone needs to know that they'll come back after they die."
Kylan, age five: "I would like to say about the planet, that it has love in it and joy and a heart.
People can help themselves by putting up signs on their walls like to be happy and tape it on the
wall. The sign should say: BE HAPPY!"
About the Author
Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., is a clairvoyant metaphysician who holds Ph.D., M.A., and B.A. degrees in counseling psychology. The former director of a teenage drug and alcohol recovery program as
well as other psychological programs, Doreen now works with Angel Therapy in her writing and
teaching activities.
The bestselling author of The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children, Doreen's other titles include
Messages from Your Angels (book and oracle cards) and Healing with the Angels (book and Oracle cards).
She lectures worldwide and has appeared on numerous television and radio programs, including
The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, The View, Beyond with James Van Praagh, Body & Soul
Australia, and Good Morning America.
For information about Doreen's workshops and products, please visit:
Doreen also has a Website specifically dedicated to the Crystal Children - complete with a
message board for parents, teachers, the Crystal Children themselves, and others interested in
the topic.
Please visit:
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