The 'Crystal' Children
A guide to the newest generation of psychic and sensitive children
Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
To the Crystal Children, their parents, grandparents, and teachers.
Thank you for being angels upon the earth, to help us all!
Crystal Children are the new generation that has come to the Earth plane after the Indigo Children. They are approximately ages newborn through five, although some members of the first wave of Crystal Children are as old as seven. These kids are like Indigos - highly psychic and sensitive - but without the dark edge and the anger energy.
Crystal Children are beautiful inside and out - one look in their eyes and you can see Divine love and wisdom. Their auras are bright, radiant, and opalescent - they seem to glow from the inside! They talk about past lives, distant galaxies, and profound insights concerning peace and love.
This book covers many issues that affect these special kids (such as healing abilities, connections to nature, eating habits, and so on) and also includes interviews with the Crystal Children themselves and their parents and teachers. It points out ways to keep these kids happy and healthy, and how to avoid the pitfalls that could spoil their special gifts.
Introduction: Who are the Crystal Children?
Chapter 1: In the womb
Chapter 2: Oh, those eyes!
Chapter 3: Late-talkers, telepathy, and trances
Chapter 4: A high degree of sensitivity
Chapter 5: Natural-born healers
Chapter 6: Magical, spiritual children
Chapter 7: Connecting to nature, animals, and rocks
Chapter 8: Angels and invisible friends
Chapter 9: A gift for music, art, and entertainment
Chapter 10: Angel babies
Chapter 11: Eat, sleep, and be picky
Chapter 12: Advice from parents, teachers, and the crystal children themselves
Please note: All of the stories in this book are true, as submitted by parents, grandparents, and teachers who work with these remarkable children. Some contributors have chosen to remain anonymous; real names appear in each story by permission. (The contributions have been edited for space and clarity.)
Who are the Crystal Children?
The first thing you notice about Crystal Children (whom I'll also refer to as "Crystals") is their
eyes - large, penetrating, and wise beyond their years. Their eyes lock upon yours hypnotically,
while your soul is laid bare for these children to truly see.
Perhaps you've met this special new "breed" of kids who are rapidly populating our planet.
They're happy, delightful, and forgiving. These new lightworkers, roughly newborn through age
seven, are unlike previous generations. Ideal in many ways, they point to where humanity is
headed... and it's a positive direction!
The older kids (approximately age 7 through 25), called "Indigo Children," share some
characteristics with the Crystals. Both generations are highly sensitive and psychic, and they
have important life purposes. The main difference is their temperament. Indigos have a warrior
spirit, since their collective purpose is to mash down old approaches that no longer serve us.
They're here to quash governmental, educational, and legal systems that lack integrity. To
accomplish this end, they need hot tempers and fiery determination.
Adults who resist change and who value conformity may misunderstand the Indigos. They're
often mislabeled with the psychiatric diagnoses of Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Sadly, when they're medicated, the Indigos often
lose their beautiful sensitivity, spiritual gifts, and warrior energy. I wrote about the Indigos at
length in my book The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children; and the subject was thoroughly
explored in The Indigo Children, written by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober (both published by Hay
In contrast, the Crystal Children are blissful and even-tempered. Sure, they may have tantrums
occasionally, but these kids are largely forgiving and easygoing. The Crystals are the generation
who benefit from the Indigos' trailblazing. First, the Indigo Children lead with a machete,
chopping down anything that lacks integrity. Then the Crystal Children follow the cleared path
into a safer and more secure world.
The terms Indigo and Crystal were given to these two generations because they most accurately
describe their aura colors and energy patterns. Indigo Children have a lot of indigo blue in their
auras. This is the color of the "third-eye chakra," which is an energy center inside the head
located between the two eyebrows. This chakra regulates clairvoyance, or the ability to see
energy, visions, and spirits. Many of the Indigo Children have this gift.
The Crystal Children have beautiful, multicolored, opalescent auras, in pastel hues like a quartz
crystal's prism effect. This generation also harbors a fascination for crystals and rocks, as you'll
read about later in this book. Hence, the name "Crystal Children."
The characteristics of Crystal Children are as follows:
- Are usually born in 1995 or later
- Possess large eyes with an intense stare
- Have magnetic personalities
- Are highly affectionate
- Start talking late in childhood
- Are very musically oriented, and may sing before talking
- Use telepathy and self-invented sign language to communicate
- May be diagnosed with autism or Asperger's syndrome
- Are even-tempered, sweet, and loving
- Are forgiving of others
- Are highly sensitive and empathetic
- Are very much connected to nature and animals
- Exhibit healing abilities
- Are quite interested in crystals and rocks
- Often discuss angels, spirit guides, and past-life memories
- Are extremely artistic and creative
- Prefer vegetarian meals and juices to "regular food"
- May be fearless explorers and climbers, with an amazing sense of balance
Children of the Millennium Shift
The year was 1995, a time when many of us felt a gnawing restlessness in our bellies. on the
heels of the materialistic '80s, we were searching for meaning, and avenues to contribute to the
worlds well-being. It was the beginning of a new spiritual renaissance, as we learned to look
inward for answers and fulfillment.
Many individuals had profound spiritual experiences that year. I should know: It was on July 15,
1995, that an angel's loud, booming voice helped me escape unscathed from an attempted armed
carjacking. Since that experience, I've devoted my life to teaching others about spirituality. And
I've met countless people worldwide who also had major wake-up calls that year.
No wonder, then, that the Crystal Children started to arrive at that time. They knew that adults
were finally ready for children's higher vibrations, and their purer way of living. Some older
Crystal Children already existed on the planet. They were the scouts - the first generation of
Crystals who came to check out the situation and report home during dreamtime transmissions.
The earliest Crystals were the ones who signaled that 1995 was the year when the coast was clear
for a large infusion of high-level babies. The number of Crystals born continues to escalate. And
each year's crop of freshly born Crystal Children reveals increasingly profound spiritual abilities.
Misunderstood Gifts
As mentioned earlier, the generation preceding the Crystal Children are referred to as the Indigo
Children, and they paved the way. one of the spiritual gifts of the Indigos is their ability to sniff
out dishonesty, like a dog senses fear. Indigos know when they're being lied to, patronized, or
manipulated. And since their collective purpose is to usher in a new world of integrity, the
Indigos' inner lie detectors are integral. Again, this warrior spirit threatens some adults.
Additionally, the Indigos are unable to conform to dysfunctional situations at home, work, or
school. They don't have the ability to dissociate from their feelings and pretend that everything's
okay... unless they're medicated or sedated.
Crystal Children's innate spiritual gifts are also misunderstood - specifically, their telepathic
abilities, which often cause them to start talking long after most toddlers begin to do so.
In the new world that the Indigos are ushering in, we'll all be much more aware of our intuitive
thoughts and feelings; we won't rely so much on the spoken or written word. Communication
will be faster, more direct, and more honest, because it will be mind-to-mind. Already,
increasing numbers of us are getting in touch with our psychic abilities. Our interest in the
paranormal is at an all-time high, fueled by books, TV shows, and movies on the topic.
So it's not surprising that the generation following the Indigos are incredibly telepathic. As
touched on above, many of the Crystal Children have delayed speech patterns, and it's not
uncommon for them to wait until they're three or four years old to begin speaking. But parents
have no trouble communicating with their silent children - far from it! Parents engage in mind-
to-mind communication with their Crystal Children; and the Crystals use a combination of
telepathy, self-fashioned sign language, and sounds (including song) to get their point across.
The trouble starts when the Crystals are judged by medical and educational professionals to
have "abnormal" speaking patterns. It's no coincidence that as greater numbers of Crystals are
being born, the number of diagnoses for autism is at a record high!
It's true that the Crystal Children are different from other generations, but why do we need to
pathologize these differences? If the children are successfully communicating at home, and the
parents aren't reporting any problems... then why create trouble where it doesn't exist?
The diagnostic criteria for autism is quite clear: The autistic person lives in his or her own world
and is disconnected from other people. The autistic person doesn't talk because of an
indifference to communicating with others.
Crystal Children are quite the opposite. As you'll read later on, they're among the most
connected, communicative, caring, and cuddly of any generation. They're also quite
philosophical and spiritually girted - and they display an unprecedented level of kindness and
sensitivity. For example, I received more stories than I could fit in this book about Crystal
Children spontaneously hugging people in need. An autistic person wouldn't do that!
There are plenty of stories about great historical figures who started talking later in life - Albert
Einstein being among the most famous. Einstein's sister, Maja, noted that her brilliant brother
didn't begin speaking until he was well over two years old. According to U.S. News & World
Report (December 9, 2002), Einstein first uttered a sentence to complain that his milk was too
hot. His stunned parents asked why he hadn't spoken earlier. "Because," the little genius
supposedly replied, "previously everything was in order."
In my book The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children, I wrote that ADHD should stand for
"Attention Dialed into a Higher Dimension." This would more accurately describe that
generation of kids. In the same vein, Crystal Children don't warrant a label of autism. They
aren't autistic - they're awe-tistic!
That's right - these children are worthy of awe, not labels of dysfunction. If anyone's
dysfunctional, it's the systems that don't accommodate the continuing evolution of the human
species. If we shame these children with labels or medicate them into submission, we'll have
undermined a heaven-sent gift - we'll crush a civilization before it takes root. Fortunately, there
are many positive solutions and alternatives. And the same heaven that sent us the Crystal
Children can assist those of us who are advocates for these kids.
The How and Why of This Book
I first became aware of the Crystal Children as I traveled around the world giving workshops
about the angels. I noticed the Crystals' eyes and magnetic personalities. I held mental
conversations with the children and could clearly hear them answering my questions
telepathically. I'd watch them smile in response to my mentally projected compliments. These
kids hear my thoughts! I realized.
Over the next few years, I interviewed children and parents for my book The Care and Feeding of
Indigo Children. I've always been fascinated with finding patterns among human behavior.
Although we're all as unique as snowflakes, the snowflakes share commonalities. With the
Indigo Children, I noticed the traits described earlier. With the Crystal Children, my research
took even more interesting twists and turns.
During this time, I received five or six unsolicited psychic readings from students and psychic
associates who all told me the same thing: They saw that I was pregnant with a very special child.
Well, I definitely wasn't pregnant; however, I now know that my psychic friends were seeing the
Crystal Children around me. These Crystals were giving me messages that they wanted included
in this book.
I found myself falling in love with each young Crystal Child I met. Their hearts were as open and
loving as any angel with whom I'd interacted. I found them to be unguarded and unpretentious.
I'd go to sleep thinking about the children, and wake up with volumes of information given to
me by the spirit world (perhaps by the Crystals themselves?) while I slept.
Each morning I'd wake up knowing more about the Crystal Children than I'd previously known
the evening before! I began lecturing about the Crystals and found my audiences very receptive.
Many of them were parents, grandparents, or teachers of these special youngsters. They
instantly recognized their children's characteristics as I described them.
I went on to ask audience members and subscribers of my newsletter to complete a
questionnaire about their Crystals. Within one day of my putting out that request, I received
hundreds of replies. For this book, I reviewed numerous stories submitted to me by people who
are raising and teaching these remarkable children.
As I reviewed the survey results, two things happened. First, I felt my heart swell with love and
gratitude. Just reading the stories made me feel as if I were in the presence of mighty angels! I
felt a sense of ecstasy as I acknowledged these amazing kids' presence on our planet. I also felt
reassured about our collective future. God wouldn't have sent this special breed of humans to
Earth if we were on our last legs as a civilization or planet. Just as humans have evolved from
ape-like postures, the Crystal Children provide concrete evidence that we're progressing from an
evolutionary standpoint. Second, I found clear - might I say crystal clear? - patterns among each
survey respondent. I read dozens of similar stories about the Crystals and their relationships to
animals, plants, rocks, and the elderly, for instance. I pored over many stories with eerily similar
accounts about children telepathically communicating with their parents... while eschewing
verbal communication.
Many parents told me, "I could never relate to the descriptions of Indigo Children. My youngster
seemed different. But the Crystal Child profile - that one perfectly fit my child!"
Most parents reported a happy relationship with their Crystal Children marked by very few
problems. I heard from parents and grandparents around the globe who described their Crystals
as "angels," "the loves of my life," "true joys," and so on.
I noticed that not only were the Crystal Children highly spiritually sensitive, but so were their
parents. The souls of Crystals were obviously selecting moms and dads who could raise them in
a spiritually nurturing environment. Occasionally I met children who came through spiritually
unaware parents. In these cases, their grandparents were highly evolved lightworkers who
helped protect and hone the children's spiritual knowledge and gifts. Most parents told me that
their Crystal Children were profound spiritual teachers who taught them a great deal about
being exceptionally loving and kind.
one day I was lecturing about Crystals in Sydney, Australia. During the midday break, Reid
Tracy, the president of Hay House (who was there selling my other books), asked me, "What's
this book that everyone's asking me about? They all want to buy a Crystal Children book."
I laughed and told him that there was no such book yet; I was simply reporting the data I'd
gathered from interviews and my own channelings. Reid remarked, "Well, they obviously want
the book. Will you write it?" Without hesitation, I heard myself reply, "Yes, of course I will." You
now hold the results of that decision in your hands!
Whether you're a parent, a parent-to-be, a grandparent, an educator, a health-care provider, or
someone who's simply interested in children and spirituality, may this book provide validation
and guidance for you and your Crystal Children!
Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.,
Laguna Beach, California
Chapter 1:
In the womb
It seems that everything involving Crystal Children is extraordinary, beginning with their
conception. Several letter writers described how easily they conceived their Crystals. Mothers
also told me that they communicated with their children prior to conception. Katharina, for
instance, is a new mother of a nine-week-old boy. She says:
"My son contacted me prior to his conception to let me know that he wanted to be born.
He was conceived in Glastonbury, England, one of the sacred places of this planet, which
is often called Earths heart chakra.
"I've heard that magic surrounds the Crystal Children, and this is certainly true for my
son. Since his conception, many wonderful things have manifested for us on the physical
plane, including a house in a very special place and an increased flow of money."
I also received several letters from grandmothers who had telepathic conversations with their
unborn grandbabies.
Many of the women I surveyed and interviewed told me that their pregnancies were challenging,
yet filled with magical spiritual experiences and personal growth. Several mothers described
having telepathic communication with their unborn Crystal Children:
- one woman said that during her pregnancy, she received many messages from her
unborn baby. The mother explained that while carrying her now four-month-old
daughter, "she told us countless times that she was a girl, but we stubbornly didn't believe
her. She also told us the exact date on which she would be born, and she was!"
- Another mother, Danica Spencer, said she had very potent dreams about powerful
priestesses throughout her pregnancy (she later gave birth to a daughter).
- And Lori, the mother of 12-week-old Isabelle, had a physical healing during her
pregnancy that she credits to her unborn child. Lori recalls:
"I just knew from the moment of conception that my baby was very special and had so
much love and light within her. Before becoming pregnant with Isabelle, I had some
problems with abnormal cells found in my cervix, which were going to have to be
removed after I gave birth.
While I was pregnant, they ran a Pap smear every couple of months to make sure that the
cells weren't changing. After the first test, all the abnormal cells were gone, and in every
test thereafter, the cells couldn't be found, without any evidence that they'd ever been
there! I know this happened because of the very special child growing inside of me.
"Often, Isabelle would come to me in my dreams and during my meditations. I could
communicate with her long before she was born. There was also an amazing energy that
you could feel radiating from my belly. The only way I can describe this energy is very
bright, warm, glowing, and overflowing with love."
The Crystal Children have amazingly intense connections with nature, as you'll read about a
little later. Cynthia Berkeley had a foreshadowing of her daughter's love for the water while she
was pregnant with her. Cynthia says:
"I went swimming with the dolphins when I was pregnant with Leah, and ever since,
she's had a natural affinity for water. While she was in the womb, Leah seemed to have
conversations with the baby whales we saw on two separate days. She was just twisting
and turning and kicking and vibrating in there!
I've taken her swimming in the pool several times since she was an infant, and she always
wants to put her head under the water. Leah loves it! At 15 months old, she's already
trying to swim on her own."
Giving Birth
I received several letters from mothers who said that their Crystal Children telepathically
communicated their correct date of birth. Kathy DiMeglio had a magical experience with
Mother Mary that seemed to influence her daughter Jasmyn's birth date. Kathy said that during
her pregnancy, she felt very connected to Mary, and learned that her birthday was September 8.
Since this was eight days before Kathy's expected due date, she prayed to Mother Mary to help
her give birth on September 8 instead.
Kathy says:
"I remember simply praying to Mary that our child be born on her birthday and letting it
go at that. I forgot all about my prayer until I was in full hard labor at the hospital. At one
point, I asked my husband what the date was, and he said, 'It's Thursday, September 8th.' I
knew it was a miracle. I knew it was a gift. I even had a statue of Mary in the birthing room."
Several mothers said that they were struck by their newborn Crystal Child's eyes and magnetism
from the moment of birth. For example, Andrea Kiger recalls:
"My three-year-old daughter, Abbie, has been different from the moment she was born.
When I delivered her, they laid her on my chest and I was overcome with emotion, more
so than with my first baby. As I sobbed, she calmly folded her hands and interlocked her
fingers and just stared into my eyes. She didn't cry at all! The nurses were a little
disturbed over this, as they all thought it was quite strange. I was almost frightened by
the experience. I felt as though I were looking into the eyes of an ancient being. She
never blinked, but just looked into me. I definitely felt that she was communicating with me."
The Crystal Children have an authoritative air about them, as if they're wise adults in little
bodies. Even more, they seem like seasoned sages... little sorcerers and high-priestesses. The
power that they exert from infancy can hold sway over adults. This power doesn't come from
brute force, though, but from steely determination and crystal-clear intentions. When parents
first encounter their children's power, it can take them aback.
Lisa Roulet is the mother of 20-month-old Kaitlyn, who exhibited remarkable personal power
just days after she was born. Lisa explains:
"Kaitlyn was born three and a half weeks early. She slept almost all the time for the first
three weeks. When she was just six days old (and should have still been in the womb), I
first became aware of her extraordinary presence and power. on that day, against my
better judgment, I listened to other people's advice to try to keep her awake more. When
I nudged her, Kaitlyn gave me a strong look communicating power, confidence, and
authority that told me in no uncertain terms to stop bothering her and let her sleep. I
honestly felt that I was in the presence of a deity that night."
The Crystal Children do share characteristics such as charisma and magnetism with deities,
which you'll read about in the next chapter. These traits are undoubtedly part of the package
that will make them great leaders in the future.
Chapter 2:
Oh, those eyes!
As I touched on earlier, the most distinctive trait of the Crystal Children is their intense, wide-
eyed stare. They seem to see everything with those big eyes! Sometimes their gaze is unnerving,
as they seem to lay bare your soul's secrets. As they lock eyes with yours, it feels like a high-level
being is scanning you.
Penny describes her two-year-old daughter, Samantha, as having "eyes that seem to go straight
through to your soul."
Many mothers reported that their Crystal Child had intense eyes from day one. Keli Carpenter
says that from the moment of her son Dakota's birth six months ago, he's looked intensely into
people's eyes "as if he's speaking to you. Everyone comments on it."
Dakota's grandmother, Wynona, adds, "He looks very deeply into my eyes, and it feels as if he
can see into my very soul. Just a couple of days after he was born, he stared into my eyes for
more than 20 minutes." Wynona said that she found herself speaking to him in her mind, and it
felt as if he were communicating with her in some way - that he "knew the truth of me and all
things. It felt strange and exciting at the same time."
Another Crystal Child's mother, Pam Caldwell, expressed similar sentiments:
"Since the second that Hannah came out, she just stared at me with her dark and
piercing eyes, searching my eyes and soul. It was very penetrating - not uncomfortable at
all, but deep. She was so aware even from her first minute! She's made many people in
the grocery store uncomfortable because of her intense gaze. It's not creepy. It's just so
obvious that Hannah can see right through people and read them."
These observations about the Crystal Children's eyes aren't just rooted in parental pride. Kelly
Colby-Nunez has five children, and she notices a definite difference in the eyes of her three
younger children (ages 6, 4, and 15 months). Kelly says about her younger children, one look
into their eyes and you know they're highly intelligent and have more wisdom than the older
children and us adults. Their eyes just sparkle like light reflecting off crystal. People comment on
this all the time."
Crystals' eyes reflect their deep spiritual understanding. They're loving, patient, and kind eyes -
like those of angels. Nadia Leu is the mother of Celeste, age 18 months. Nadia recalls, "From the
first look she gave us, Celeste seemed to be so wise and compassionate, so understanding, and at
the same time so above all human suffering. From the time of her birth on, she's had a very
strong and knowing look in her eyes, and her demeanor has always been very calm and assured
in all situations."
These expressive and intense eyes are one reason why Crystal Children start talking later in life,
as they communicate so much through their eyes alone. Their eyes are part of the mesmerizing
power that Crystal Children have over grown-ups as well. Many parents told me that their
children's eyes hypnotized adults. For instance, Phillipa said that her 18-month-old daughter,
Isabella, creates quite a stir with her eyes. She says, "No matter where we go, people stop in their
tracks to come close to Isabella, to be in her energy and to look into her crystal-blue eyes. In
most instances, they become totally captivated. once Isabella locks eyes with someone, it's very
hard for them to look away - until my daughter is good and ready to let them go."
Magnetic Personalities
The Crystal Children's magnetism is reminiscent of those old-fashioned hypnotists who would
say, "Look into my eyes... deeply, deeply, look into my eyes!" However, the Crystals' stares aren't
manipulative. These children are merely gathering information about humans and the planet.
They're also sending out messages of love through their eyes, and this energy is a gift that we
desperately need right now.
The Crystal Children see past the surface of people. They see the inner Divine light, and their
eyes are open in awe as they take everything in.
The love radiating from the Crystals is irresistible. Even people who normally shy away from
kids are drawn to the warm personalities of the Crystal Children.
Lori, the mother of 12-week-old Isabelle, whom we met earlier, says the attention her daughter
attracts is unusual - even for a cute baby! Lori explains:
"People are very attracted to her. Now I know that people love babies and are very
interested in them, but this is different, Isabelle seems to draw others to her like a
magnet of pure love and light. Everyone always seems to have the same comments about
her. They always say how beautiful she is, and yes, all babies are beautiful... but not like
this. There's something so special about her that just radiates from within, a truly loving
glow about her that makes her especially beautiful. Isabelle also has the most incredible
eyes. They're so filled with love, understanding, and wisdom."
The Crystal Children are giving healing doses of love to people wherever they go. They're like
mobile energy healers, pushed in strollers by parents who may not realize the important
function they're playing in taking their children out in public.
Stephanie and Mark Watkeys of New South Wales, Australia, are the proud parents of 13-
month-old Bryn. The Watkeys say:
"Bryn magnetically attracts people wherever he goes. All sorts of people speak to him and
just want to be around him. Our son is an absolutely delightful child, full of laughter and
light, and he has the full attention of people wherever he goes. He's very sociable and
animated. Everyone who meets him comments on how alert he is. It's as if his eyes are
drinking in everything and everyone around him. At 13 months, he has the look of a wise
old man, yet the lightheartedness of a happy baby!"
And Victoria's grandmother reports that her three-year-old granddaughter has always been
aware of things, and that she's bright and sensitive far beyond her years. "Victoria is always the
center of attention, even when she doesn't say a word," her grandmother says. "Perfect strangers
are drawn to her and speak with her without any apparent provocation."
This phenomenon points to the origination and purpose of the Crystal Children. Their high-
level spiritual frequencies and their ego-free personalities indicate that they're very spiritually
evolved. Where did they come from? They share similarities with the accounts of
extraterrestrials who have large eyes and small mouths and who communicate telepathically.
Yet, the warmth of the Crystal Children exceeds the reports of the mechanical energy emitted in
most extraterrestrial (E.T.) encounters.
Perhaps we're meeting a hybrid type of incarnated angel, masquerading as beautiful little boys
and girls. Yet one things certain: These children are here to both teach us and to save us... from
ourselves. But we must help the Crystal Children to help us. The first step is to understand their
uniquely wonderful qualities.
Chapter 3:
Late-talkers, telepathy, and trances
At age two, Harry was diagnosed as "autistic" when it was apparent that his speech development
lagged behind normal. At first, his parents and doctor thought that Harry had a hearing
problem, so they had grommets (protective loops) placed in his ears. But Harry still didn't speak.
His mother, Karenanne, says:
"Harry has always had a very sunny temperament and showed no angst at being unable
to speak. It was like talking was something he'd do when he was good and ready. It was
the same with his reading skills. He showed no interest in baby books, yet when he got
interested in Pokemon, he rapidly showed that he indeed knew how to read, and he just
pored over those handbooks."
At age five, Harry began to speak. It was as if his reading and writing skills were awakened after
lying dormant for many years. Now at age nine, Harry reads children's encyclopedias for fun and
has developed a good general knowledge for his age.
Was Harry autistic previously? His personality doesn't indicate that. Remember that autism
describes a condition where people live in their own little worlds, disconnected from others.
They don't speak because they don't notice others.
Harry, in contrast, quite frequently asks strangers questions, and he'll approach other children to
inquire about a toy they're carrying. Harry's mother says that she's gotten used to her son
approaching strangers now. "And the surprising thing is," she remarks, "that people sense his
loving energy and accept it without getting angry at the invasion of their space. He's showing
them how to be more open."
So why was Harry diagnosed as autistic? Does speaking or reading later than expected warrant
such a serious diagnosis? Why not call these sensitive children "late-talkers" instead of
pathologizing them with psychiatric diagnoses and making them feel ashamed of themselves?
Hundreds of parents around the globe have submitted stories for this book, telling about their
Crystal Children who "took their sweet time" to begin speaking. Perhaps instead of labeling this
phenomenon "an epidemic of autism," as the media and medical establishment has done, we
should examine it for indications of humankind's evolution.
Who knows - maybe we don't need speaking anymore! Perhaps it's as antiquated as the toes that
we once used for climbing trees! Could telepathy be akin to the opposable thumbs we developed
through evolution - that is, a necessary new tool for a changing world?
Truly, speech does seem clumsy and imprecise compared to mental communication. Many
scientists at large universities such as Stanford, Princeton, and Yale have studied the
phenomenon of mind-to-mind communication. These studies yield verifiable data supporting
the premise that telepathy is a measurable behavior that definitely exists. I wrote about this
scientific research in my book The Lightworker's Way (Hay House, 1997).
I remember my initial (big) experience with telepathy. I was 17, and my beloved grandfather had
just been killed in an auto accident. An hour after his death, his apparition came to me. I was
wide-awake, sober, and in full communication with him. He had a bluish-white glow around him
but otherwise looked just like he always had. Then he began speaking to me - not with his
mouth, but with his mind. I heard his voice inside my head as plainly as if he were alive and
talking into my ear. He told me not to grieve for him, that he was fine. We communicated a bit
more, and then he was gone. My grandfather's brother, who lived in a distant city, also reported
seeing his spirit that same night.
That incident taught me to trust the mental communications that I'd regularly received
throughout my life from angels and the spirit world. It helped me when I became a full-time
psychic medium years later. And it continues to assist me in my writing and speaking work.
When people compliment me on my psychic abilities or prolific writing abilities, I always reply,
"Thank you. I'm a good listener."
Being a parent to a Crystal Child means being a good listener as well. In fact, just having a
Crystal seems to awaken latent psychic abilities in parents. Andrea Kiger calls her three-year-old
daughter, Abbie, "a classic Crystal Child" because she matches the description so perfectly.
Andrea says that not only did she give birth to this special little being, but she also gave birth to
her own psychic abilities. She recalls, "Out of nowhere I was able to know things, and see and
communicate with those who have passed over. This all came about the very day after Abbie's
birth. I'm certain that it was an awakening for me."
Those who have had near-death experiences report an increase in psychic abilities afterward.
Many also say that being in the presence of great love, such as that which exists in the afterlife
plane, opens us up psychically. So it's not surprising that parenting a super-loving Crystal Child
would have this same effect. Crystals also choose psychically sensitive parents and grandparents
as part of their "survival on Earth" techniques. After all, if kids aren't going to communicate
verbally, they need to choose telepathic moms and dads to ensure that their needs are met.
As I've mentioned, it's very common for Crystal Children to begin speaking at age three or later.
This was the case for Teresa Zepeda, whose six-year-old daughter is fittingly named "Crystal."
Teresa says:
"Crystal only spoke three words (Mama, Dada, no) up until age three, when she suddenly
started using complete sentences. Prior to that age, she used grunts and charades. We
called her 'cave baby.' But she also had a way of letting us know what she wanted without
saying anything. I guess she was communicating with telepathy. It had to be. How else
would I know what she was thinking?"
Teresa's daughter exemplifies a pattern that many parents describe, whereby the children go
from minimal verbalization to more comprehensive speaking skills virtually overnight.
Catherine Poulton says that her son Kylan, age five, was about three years old before he could
talk. "Kylan didn't speak, didn't even form nouns, and then suddenly one day he started talking
in complete sentences."
The issue of late-talking only seems to be a problem for those who worry. For more relaxed
parents, it's a non-issue. Such is the case for Beverly Moore, mother of Ethan, age five. Beverly
says that "Ethan didn't talk until he was about age three. He never had the 'baby talk' sound
either. I wasn't too concerned, as I figured he'd speak when he had something to say. I never had
a problem knowing what Ethan wanted."
However, it's not always easy for parents to nonchalantly accept that their children are
"different." one woman told me that she feels embarrassed around other mothers because she
suspects that they judge her for having a "mute" son. So some parents take the matter into their
own hands, doing research, reading all the books about late talking, and instituting behavioral
and dietary modifications to spur their children's language development. Evie says that her two-
year-old daughter, Mei, responded positively to homeschooling. She says:
"Mei was a happy and alert baby who walked at ten months, yet she decided not to speak
until later, and we had to evaluate her for speech impairments. She tested very highly in
the social and cognitive areas, but she just wouldn't speak. At around 15 months, she
spoke a few words here and there. In fact, her first word was 'Hi!' The doctor said that
she was about four months behind in speaking. So I worked with her at home, and now
she talks a lot. At age two, she knows all of her colors, letters, and the numbers one
through ten."
Several mothers told me that their Crystal Children appreciated the extra attention that
homeschooling provided, and that the kids' vocabularies grew as a result.
Still, there are many ways to communicate. Many parents commented that their children
created their own form of sign language. one woman said that her child went through deliberate
motions to teach her this self-styled way of communicating so that they could understand each
other. Kelly Colby-Nunez says that her youngest children prefer to communicate through
drawings: "My children (ages 6, 4, and 15 months) prefer drawing to speaking and will spend
hours doing so. My six-year-old also told me that he often communicates with his friends
without talking."
Perhaps one reason why Crystal Children speak later than previous generations is that verbal
speech is foreign to them. This is what Sue Jalil suspects about her four-year-old son, Sean:
"Sean's very telepathic, and his speech was late in developing, so late that he had a
grommet put in to help him hear better. It's only recently that he's managed to overcome
some of the speech difficulty. Even now, though, some letters are very hard for him to
form. I believe that this is his first time on planet Earth, and that to use his mouth and
tongue to communicate is very foreign to him, where in the past he was just telepathic.
By the way, the grommet made no difference whatsoever."
Many parents and doctors suspect that late-talkers have a medically based hearing problem.
Penny said that both of her daughters didn't talk until they were three years old. She had both
girls' ears tested, which revealed that their hearing was fine. Penny says that she hadn't really
been worried, though:
"Something told me that the problem wasn't with their hearing. My instincts told me that
my children just didn't feel an overwhelming need to talk yet. My oldest seemed to have a
language all her own. We didn't understand what she was saying, but she was talking all
the time. And with both girls, I always seemed to know what they wanted or needed."
Penny says that her biggest challenge with her Crystals was how others perceived them. She
"People would ask my kids questions about things, and they wouldn't answer or didn't
know. There are certain expectations when people talk to a child that age, but my
children didn't fit those. For example, I would try to teach them how old they were or
where their nose was, and they were totally uninterested in learning these things."
Penny remembers feeling embarrassed and judged when her children wouldn't answer people's
questions. She recalls that the baby-sitter turned her in to Children's Protection Services because
her daughters didn't talk much and were barking and pretending that they were dogs.
Like many Crystal Children, Penny says that her daughters' motor skill development was right
on track, but their verbal skills lagged behind, in comparison to the norm. Yet, when each girl
reached the age of three, they suddenly opened up and began speaking normally. Penny says, "I
never had any doubt that they were bright kids. I have to keep reminding myself that it's okay
that my children are different. They're going to be very special people. I just know it."
The parents who seem to have the easiest time with their late-talking children are those who
learn to communicate telepathically, and who recognize and use body language. A mother who's
actually named Crystal says, "My daughter's almost two. She doesn't speak yet and doesn't feel
the need to. We can look at each other and know what the other wants, so for now it seems that
speech isn't necessary."
Another mother named Misty Rose had an easy time communicating nonverbally with her
daughter, Leah. However, Misty says, "When Leah was 12 months old, we had to remind her
that not everyone could communicate with her telepathically, so she had to use her words."
That bit of information seemed to help. Now two, Leah speaks at the level of three- and four-
year-olds. Part of the pact that parents have with Crystal Children is showing them "the ropes" of
living on Earth.
Telepathic Communication
The Crystal Children are born psychic. As babies, their heads and eyes turn as they clearly see
angels and spirit guides. With inborn spiritual gifts, it's normal for them to be profound mind-
readers as well. Many parents told me stories similar to Natarsha's.
Natarsha is the mother of five-year-old Tyrique. She says that her son's statements have always
stunned her. Natarsha exclaims, "I swear he reads my mind!"
one day the two were riding on a bus in silence. Natarsha mentally wondered whether Tyrique
would spend the upcoming weekend with his dad. Suddenly, Tyrique blurted out, "Dad's picking
me up on Friday to go to his house."
The following day, Natarsha was thinking about what to make for dinner when Tyrique said,
"Mom, I have a good idea. Why don't you make that rice dish for dinner?"
When Natarsha asked Tyrique how he knew what she was thinking, he replied, "God told me in
my head."
Tyrique's spiritual listening skills have proven handy on more than one occasion. Natarsha was
dressing for work one day, struggling to zip up her pants. They weren't tight; they just weren't
zipping. Just then, Tyrique entered the room and said, "Mommy, you have to button your pants
first and then the zipper will work." Natarsha wondered how Tyrique even knew that she was
having problems with her zipper.
She says, "I thought I'd humor him by complying with his statement, so I buttoned my pants as
he watched me, and then tried the zipper, thinking, This isn't going to work." The zipper went up
without a hitch! When Natarsha asked Tyrique how he knew to come to the bathroom to help
her, he simply stated, "I just know. I listen to my mind," and he walked off. To this day, Natarsha
has to button those pants for the zipper to work.
* * *
The Crystal Children teach us to trust our intuitive thoughts and feelings. Like Natarsha,
Carolyn asked her six-year-old daughter, Haley, about her telepathic abilities. Haley replied that
she could see into her mother's brain and also see her thoughts.
I've taught psychic-development classes worldwide since 1996, and I've found that one of the
most important things to do when trying to develop psychically is to notice and trust the
thoughts, feelings, words, and visions that enter your mind. The Crystal Children are brilliant
role models for doing so. Jaimie says that her 18-month-old daughter, Isabella, confidently
announces, "Daddy, Daddy" moments before her father arrives home. Often when the telephone
rings, she says, "Nanny," and sure enough, her grandmother is on the phone.
one reason why children are so psychic is their indifference to whether they're merely imagining
these intuitive messages. They don't anguish about whether something is make-believe or real.
To children, it's all real!
The Crystal Children are clearly mind-readers. Magda says that her four-year-old daughter
frequently verbalizes what she's thinking. "For instance," she recalls, one evening I saw her
sleeping in bed and thought, I love you, and she replied in her sleep, 'I love you, too!'"
As Crystals grow up, this telepathy can either be polished or squelched. The former happens
when parents praise the child's gift and learn how to develop it in themselves. The latter occurs
when parents show fear or anxiety in response to their child's ability to read minds.
Telepathy is part of the Crystal Children's Divine arsenal to help rid the earth of deceit. When
someone is fully telepathic, no one can lie to them. As the Crystal Children progress into
adulthood, they'll know with certainty if a politician or salesperson is deceiving them.
Collectively, they'll compel the inhabitants of our planet to live with integrity.
Telepathy has a more immediate benefit as well. Crystal says that she uses telepathy to
communicate with her three-year-old daughter, Zoey, in emergency situations. For instance, if
Zoey strolls away from her, Crystal telepathically shouts "Stop!" and Zoey immediately halts and
turns to look at her mother.
Going into Trances
Sometimes Crystal Children go into trances where they seemingly don't hear their parents. This
can happen particularly when they're outside in nature. This trancelike state is a characteristic
often used to diagnose autism. But with Crystal Children, this would be an inaccurate diagnosis,
because these kids are just tuning out the world temporarily. Not only that, but Crystal Children
are very empathetic, connected, and loving with other people. Truly autistic kids exhibit no
sense of connection at all with the outside world.
Personally, I go into trances when I'm channeling or receiving information. Before I fully
acknowledged my spiritual gifts, I actually received many angel messages while watching
television. That's because television focuses the mind on a single spot, in much the same way
that scrying mirrors (black mirrors used for divination) and crystal balls are focal points.
Andrea says that her three-year-old daughter, Abbie, also goes into trances when she watches
television. Andrea explains:
"When the television set is on, Abbie gets 'sucked in' to the point where she can't hear
anyone around her. We really have to limit her TV time. Abbie is a gentle soul and healer
who's one with nature and animals. As much as technology goes against who she is, she
seems to get sucked into it and can't escape its grip. We have to turn off computers and
TVs to get her to interact with the family again."
Another mother, Denise Bunning, said that her daughter Alice used to go into trances when she
was younger. Denise would use her hands to turn Alice's face toward her to get her full
attention. Now at age five, Alice uses the same method with her mother. Whenever Denise
ignores her daughter, the little girl turns her mother's face toward her own!
As touched on above, many parents told me that their children become incredibly focused - as if
they're in a trance - when they're outside in nature. The Crystal Children sit and stare at bugs or
leaves for minutes at a time. This focusing ability is a gift that the Crystals will find useful in the
future as they assume leadership roles as adults.
To be continued...
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