My Journey Home: "Flow 2, 내안의 힘을 느껴보며" My Journey Home: "Flow 2, 내안의 힘을 느껴보며" 글쓴이: 최 철수89 (이십대 말) 어제는 새벽 4시, 오늘은 새벽 3시에 눈이 저절로 떠졌습니다. 분명히 잠자리에는 1시 조금 넘어서 들었는데, 전혀 잠이 오지 않았습니다. 정신은 더 없이 맑았고, 지금 눈을 뜬 것이 감사할 정도로 홀로 눈 떠있는 .. 도란도란 2017.08.20
[e-book] The Earth Shift 2/3 Your Major Chakras And Their Importance Your body has two bodies, the physical body and the etheric body. The etheric body is the energy body that illuminates the physical body and extends beyond the physical body by about five inches or so. It also extends inwards. This is seen as your aura. Ki energy is the energy that is all around us that keeps the body alive and also keep.. Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings 2013.11.05
[e-book] "The Earth Shift" 1/3 "The Earth Shift" – Volume 1, Chapter 1 Andy Bojarski (from Table of Contents Chapter One 1. Hello Everyone 2. How Clean is Your Water 3. Criticism and Judgment 4. How Healing Energy Works – Part 1 of 2 5. How Healing Energy Works – Part 2 of 2 6. Religion and Spirituality 7. Abundance and Poverty Consciousness 8. Your Attitude Creates You.. Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings 2013.11.03