Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

[e-book] The Earth Shift 2/3

namaste123 2013. 11. 5. 08:32

Your Major Chakras And Their Importance

Your body has two bodies, the physical body and the etheric body. The etheric 
body is the energy body that illuminates the physical body and extends beyond 
the physical body by about five inches or so. It also extends inwards.

This is seen as your aura. Ki energy is the energy that is all around us that keeps 
the body alive and also keeps the body healthy. This energy is in the air we breathe, 
in the ground we walk on and we get it from the sun’s rays.

More importantly, Ki energy is absorbed by the energy centers in our etheric
body. These energy centers are called chakras. We all have chakras. When your
chakras are out of line, either too much Ki energy or not enough Ki energy
(depletion or congestion), or when your chakras are dirty with diseased energy
(like attachments, pain, hurt, anger, emotional stuff, etc.), your physical body 
gets sick.

With energy congestion or depletion, the surrounding chakras are partially or
severely blocked. With energy depletion, your inner aura of the affected part 
is reduced. With energy congestion, your inner aura on the affected part is
increased and may protrude more than average. Your aura of your organs 
(and your body in general) need to have energy balance to be healthy.

With the healings that I do, I clean and energize the chakras, thus allowing you 
to feel better physically. So by cleaning and energizing the chakras, you keep your
organs and you physical body healthy and happy. And you avoid going to a doctor.

There are many chakras in your body, some are major and some are minor. 
Each is very important to making sure your physical body is properly functioning. 

Here are the main chakras:

The Heart Chakra: There are two heart chakras, one at the front of the heart and
one at the back of the heart. The heart chakra’s role is to energize and control
the lungs, the heart, and the thymus gland. Diseases due to depletion or
congestion or diseased energy in the heart chakra include diabetes, high
cholesterol, hepatitis, arthritis and other heart ailments. Keep your heart chakra
clean and energized.

The Crown Chakra: This chakra is on the top of your head. This chakra energizes
and controls the pineal gland and the brain. When the crown chakra is energized,
energy will flow to the other parts of the body, like a funnel. Diseases due to
depletion or congestion or diseased energy in the crown chakra include physical
or psychological illnesses and diseases related to the pineal gland and the brain.
Keep your crown chakra clean and energized.

The Basic Chakra: This chakra is located at the base or end of your spine. This
chakra is very important as it is responsible for your physical well‐being and it
strengthens and energizes the entire body. It also affects and energizes all of the
organs that are close by and controls your adrenal glands.

Diseases due to depletion or congestion or diseased energy in the basic chakra
include asthma, cancer, allergies, blood ailments, psychological disorders and
back problems. Keep your basic chakra clean and energized.

The Ajna Chakra: This chakra is located between your two eyebrows. This chakra
affects the nose, eyes, brain and any other nearby organ. This is a very important
chakra as it controls and energizes the pituitary gland and the brain to a certain
degree. However, it also directs and controls other chakras and their corresponding 
endocrine glands.

Also, when this chakra is energized, other chakras will light up in a certain
sequence as well. Diseases due to depletion or congestion or diseased energy in
the ajna chakra include asthma, allergies, cancer and endocrine gland related
diseases. Keep your ajna chakra clean and energized.

The Sex Chakra: This chakra, located in the pubic area, energizes and controls the
bladder and your sexual organs. Diseases due to depletion or congestion or
diseased energy in the sex chakra include bladder ailments and sex related
problems. Keep your sex chakra clean and energized.

The Throat Chakra: This chakra is located in your throat area and controls and
energizes your throat, and thyroid gland. Smokers have issues with the throat
chakra. Diseases due to depletion or congestion or diseased energy in the throat
chakra include asthma, loss of voice, sore throat and goiter. Keep your throat
chakra clean and energized.

The Solar Plexus Chakra: There is the back and the front solar plexus chakra, but
together they are known as the solar plexus chakra. This chakra is located below
the heart chakra. Your heart is very much affected by the solar plexus chakra.
The solar plexus chakra is an energy clearing center and a lot of energy from the
lower chakras passes through the solar plexus before reaching the higher chakras
in the body and vice versa.

When your solar plexus chakra is energized, your entire body can be strengthened. 
The solar plexus chakra controls and energizes the stomach, the liver, the appendix, 
the pancreas, the large intestine, the diaphragm and the small intestine.

Diseases due to depletion or congestion or diseased energy in the solar plexus
chakra include hepatitis, ulcers, diabetes, arthritis, heart ailments and other
diseases related to these organs around the solar plexus chakra. Keep your solar
plexus chakra clean and energized.

The Navel Chakra: This chakra is located on your navel and affects your general
vitality. If this chakra is not functioning properly, it could lead to appendicitis,
constipation, difficulty in giving birth and other diseases related to the intestines.
This chakra controls and energizes the appendix, adrenal glands and large and
small intestines. Keep your navel chakra clean and energized.

The Meng Mein Chakra: This chakra is located at the back of the navel and
energizes and controls the blood pressure, the adrenal glands and the kidneys.
This chakra is responsible for the upward flow of energy coming up from the basic
chakra. You could have kidney problems, back problems, low vitality or high
blood pressure if this chakra is not functioning correctly. Keep you Meng Mein
chakra clean and energized.

So when you get an energy healing from me, I first clean out all diseased energy
from your chakras and then I energize your whole body by energizing your
chakras. Any affected part that you have can be energized directly through the
nearest chakra. This is how you feel better physically. There is no magic to it.

The magic may be that people do not realize that we have etheric bodies, let
alone chakras, so in their minds miracles are performed when they feel better.
They feel better when medical doctors cannot help them as medical doctors are
treating the physical body and not the etheric body.

But that is after the fact. Treating the etheric body first will prevent having to
treat the physical body and having to visit a doctor. Cleansing and energizing your
etheric body is very important to maintaining good physical health.

So do not be angry. Do not be mad. Do not be jealous. Do not be critical. Do not
be judgmental. Do not be negative. Also, do not have these feelings or thoughts.
Having these feelings or thoughts and/or acting out on them just dirty your chakras 
and etheric body and will cause you to have problems with your physical body.

Not to mention, you are picking up bad karma that you do not need. Stay happy,
stay in joy, forgive yourself and others, release your past and stay healthy. Your
body will thank you and you will feel so much lighter and you will be so much

The happier you are, the more light you are projecting to others through your
smile and your presence and they will then be happier and project that happiness
to people in their lives and this has a trickle down effect and it starts with YOU!

So if you want your etheric body and chakras cleaned and energized, please get a
healing from me. I look forward to helping you clean and energize your etheric
body and your chakras and organs. Click HERE if you would like to set up a free
one hour energy healing with me.

The Universal Law of oneness

In the higher dimensions, there is only light and we are all one. We are all part of
Mother/Father God. This includes everyone and every being on Earth. It matters not
what color your skin is, or what gender you are. It matters not what country you are
from. It matters not your sexual preference. It matters not whether you are rich or poor.

It matters not whether you are Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist or whether you
even believe in God. God believes in you! It also does not matter whether you
are an animal, a tree, a fruit or a vegetable. All vibrations are beings of God,
created by God.

And all beings of God are one with God. This is the Universal Law of oneness.
When you understand this, that we are all one, you love everyone. There is no
differentiation between anyone and anything as you are all Divine. Every creature
and anything that lives and moves and breathes and has life is Divine and is part
of the oneness with God.

In the higher dimensions, you do as you would be done by and you treat others as
you would want to be treated. There is no judgment or criticism based on the
color of the skin or the nationality of the person or their religious background.

If you are Catholic and you are choking at a restaurant, would you refuse help
from a Jewish or Muslim person? Of course not! You would want them to help
you. When you see an accident and someone needs help, do you not try and help
immediately? Or do you first ask their religion or sexual preference before
helping? Do you see, subconsciously you know we are all one.

That is why you react with loving kindness when someone needs help, regardless
of the color of their skin, their nationality, their race, or their sexual identity or
their religion. You treat others the way you want to be treated and you do to
others as you would want to be done to you. There is no separation in the higher
dimensions and subconsciously, you know this.

Always remember that you are the light of the world and absolutely nothing can
diminish your light. Please seek your own light within yourself and look for the
light in others. Everyone has the spark of God in them and that light is there.

Life on Earth gives you an illusion that we are separated from God so that you can
learn how truly one we are with God and with each other. That is your lesson on
Earth, to find that oneness with all; to stop the separation and the hatred, the
duality thoughts that I am better than you. 3rd Dimensional duality on Earth is a
glorious learning experience to expand your light, to expand your I AM Presence.

You shine this bright light by honoring all as part of the oneness that you are. You
shine it by your example on how you treat others, with your love and compassion
and kindness towards all beings so others will see and take note. In this sense you
are teaching others how to shine their light by your example. The world needs
your light right now.

Remember that on Earth we experience light and darkness. That duality that
comes from the free will that everyone decided to experience on Earth when you
came here.

Do not let fear drive and fuel your ego. A third dimensional being is afraid of the
differences between races, between sexes, or between religions. When you know
we are all one, you honor the differences and you are not afraid of them. You do
not kill animals, you do not attack gay people with words of hate or physical
violence, you do not put down other religions and people that worship these

This is separation and fear and cannot be taken with you to the higher dimensions
in these ascension times. This is fear and your ego controlling your thoughts
based on this fear. So it is time to stop the hatred and duality as hating others is
like hating yourself.

To understand oneness, imagine a beautiful tapestry of glowing colors of
interwoven design. Also imagine that most of the threads are the same but the
colors are not the same. The colors are different. Every different color plays its
part. The differences in texture and the differences in the colors of this tapestry is
what makes the tapestry of life unique and so exciting.

And who are you in this tapestry? You are thread in that tapestry. You are a part
of the whole. What happens when a thread of that tapestry gets damaged?

The entire whole of that tapestry is diminished. The same is true when that
thread is enhanced. If this happens, the entire tapestry is enhanced and is more
beautiful. What do you want to do to the entire tapestry? Damage it or enhance
it? Every time you get mad at someone, you damage the tapestry.

Every time you call someone names or have negativity or criticism or judgment,
you damage the tapestry. Every time you put someone else down based on the
color of their skin, based on their religion, based on their sexuality preference,
based on their gender, based on their ethnic origin, you are damaging the tapestry.

However, every time you help someone that needs help, you are enhancing that
tapestry. Every time you smile at someone, or love someone, you are enhancing
that tapestry. You see, whatever you do to another you are ultimately doing to
yourself. Before you do or say anything, ask yourself how you would feel if this
was done to you.

Everything that you do for yourself you are doing for the whole, for the oneness
that you are a part of. Do you see how you are constantly hurting each other with
all the drama, the negativity, the name calling, the verbal abuse? Everyone on
this planet is on their own path back to Mother/Father God. You are not here to
judge the route another is taking.

Honor and recognize your Divinity! Honor and recognize everyone’s Divinity!
Your task is to do your best as nobody on Earth is perfect given that Earth is a
teaching school. Please stop criticizing and judging others and yourself.

Accepting and honoring everything and everyone and all life beings and their
Divinity will allow them to grow and blossom, and so will you. Be kind to yourself
and stop being self‐critical when you feel you have made a mistake. Accept
everything and everyone as they are, without judgment and criticism. This is
what the law of oneness is about. Obey the law.

Also, when there are protective barriers that you put up to defend yourself, then
this prevents you from being one with others. It is time to start taking down our
separating barriers because if we are closed off from others, then we are closed
off from Mother/Father God. Do you really want this?

Religious dogma creates walls and rigid constructs. This is all coming to an end
soon as it cannot resonate with the higher frequencies that are here. Also,
secrets keep us behind walls. But this too is changing as the skeletons are coming
out of the closet. They must as all must come to the surface to be released
before you can move to the higher dimensions.

When we are one, walls and barriers are not needed to separate us. A wall is
always dissolved when a secret is revealed but only walls can hide the secrets.
Tear down your walls and start to build bridges.

Understanding the Law of oneness allows us to create bridges by looking for the
commonality in religions, peoples and disputes, not separation, division and
criticism. When you hurt any part of God’s creation, you hurt God and you hurt

Don’t hurt the animals, insects, plants or trees. Everyone is invited to be here on
Earth to learn and to evolve. They are part of the oneness as well. Act with
harmlessness and loving kindness. When you understand the Spiritual Law of
Oneness, you accept your own Divinity, your mighty I AM Presence, and your
shining light.

And then you start to listen closely to your intuition for answers, and not
externally from the outside. And that is when you become a co‐creator with God.
So be kind to yourself, forgive yourself, forgive others, do not judge, do not
criticize and love all beings on this Earth. Honor them for all their lessons and
help anyone whenever you can . Smile a lot and show off your light and develop
that tapestry. You are so needed in these changing shifting times. Your light is
that great! Be one with All.

The Universal Law of Healing

Healing is such a very powerful and high frequency. Healing does work.

Being sick and having bad health is a lower vibration and a healing can take place 
as light can transmute these lower vibrations.

More light is brought to the sick person as healing raises the frequency of the sick
person. If the healing is to be successful, the healer’s light needs to be higher than
the light of the person being healed.

In addition, the person being healed must agree to the healing. Dedicated healers
attune themselves to the Divine through personal development, rightful living and
spiritual practice.

When this occurs, the healer can properly channel very high‐frequency energy,
which will flow through their crown chakra and which will then flow through their
body and their cells and into your body as the person being healed. This does not
matter whether it is a distant healing, or a healing done in person.

In addition, when a healer is a clear channel, many different miracles can take
place for you and your soul will use the healing where it is needed the most. Your
physical ailments may go away. Your physical pain may go away.

You may have more clarity in your life and be guided towards your next step in
your life plan. You may feel happier or calmer or accept more patience to cope
with your illness. The energy will do for you what is in your highest and best good
as these energies know you better than you know yourself.

When a healing occurs, it takes place at some level. A healing can only do good
things for you.

You can also heal yourself when you raise your consciousness vibrations. All
lower vibrations are consumed by higher vibrations. Dancing, laughing, love, and
joy are all higher vibrations. The happier you are, the more you laugh, the more
healed you will be. Also, crying and forgiveness of self and forgiveness of others
releases karma and allows you to be healed.

Forgive anyone who has hurt you and do not hold grudges. Do not hold on to 
the past. Let it go, let it go!

The healer should not desire you to get better, as this forms an attachment. 
No attachments are created during a healing between the healer and the person
being healed. The healer must remove any cords, thus allowing you to make your
own free choices. The healer does not decide what is for your highest good when
giving a healing. Your higher self / soul decides this.

The healer must also ask for your consent before interfering with your energy, as
your energy is your own private personal place and space. The healer cannot give
you a healing unless you agree to the healing. Sometimes the healing does not
work. Sometimes nothing happens and the person who received the healing is
discouraged. There may be reasons for this.

One reason is that the illness maybe serving you in some way even though you
may be upset about it. Look inside and find the lesson it is teaching you. In
addition, the illness may be karma related and if you have not yet learned the
lesson it offers, you may not be ready to be healed. You must learn the lesson
first. This may take time and you many not be ready to be healed.

As such, it may not be the right time for you to be healed, and you soul will know
this. If you are not healed by the healer, look inside and ask your guides and
angels what additional lessons need to be learned before the healing can occur.
You may also have life contract(s) that you agreed to make before incarnating in
this lifetime that need to be played out before you get healed.

Thus, it may not be time for you to be healed. Again, ask your guides and angels,
go inside and meditate to receive guidance. Fulfill these contracts and try to get
healed again.

Also, love is a very high‐frequency energy, which keeps your body flowing and
clear and cleansed. Your body is like a river of energy, which flows unless it is
blocked up. Keep your body unblocked of clutter and debris. Lower vibrations
such as fear, unexpressed grief, hurt, anger or jealousy cause blocks the flow of
this energy.

If you open the flood gates and send a rush of water down the river, it clears any
blockage and washes it out into the ocean. That is the effect of a flow of Divine
healing energy. When stuck, blocked energy that caused your disease is
transmuted by the high frequency healing Divine energy that flows through your
body, a healing takes place.

Please understand that light is energy and that everything is light. The energy of
your consciousness builds your physical body. And please note that this is done
by the consciousness of your soul over many lifetimes, not just one lifetime. You
are all here to experience life in a human body and you are all here to learn and

You are all here to learn, to develop and to grow spiritually. Also, certain physical
choices are made by your soul before birth and may appear as physical limitations. 
These are also choices done to help your spiritual growth and development. 
Your personality or lower self makes other choices moment by moment.

Love and fear are the only two basic emotions on Earth. When you resist your
chosen experiences through fear, you create blocks in your spiritual, emotional or
mental bodies which will manifest into physical disease, illness and pain.

Remove all of your fears and just accept and flow with love. Do not be upset that
you are in the position that you are in. There is always a lesson to be learned in
your position, even if you are not happy in your position.

Inflexible, mental attitudes and beliefs also cause a lot of stress and tension. And
if you hold an organ or body part in tension long enough something physical
manifests and your physical body will tell you. Suppressed or denied emotions
will sit within the body until they express themselves as physical illness. These
have to come out.

Do not have suppressed or denied emotions. Do not hold stuff inside that has
caused you pain. When you refuse to acknowledge your spiritual self and your
own magnificence, your Mighty I Am Presence, you cut off the supply of Divine
energy and your physical body withers.

Remember that all bad health is caused by stuck and blocked energy. When you
are happy and flowing with love, the cells in your body respond by being healthy.
The best way to be healthy is to be happy. This is the best self‐healing that you
can have. And you can be happy by going within to find the lesson that every
moment in your life is teaching you and learning and accepting that lesson, and
then just moving on.

Holding onto the past and to hurt feelings and not forgiving yourself and others
causes stuck energy to manifest and causes you to be physically ill, as your
chakras are then not functioning properly causing them to be closed off. This may
cause you to see a doctor which may cause more stress. Remove your stress and
heal yourself.

Be happy, laugh a lot, make peace with people who have hurt you, people who
you have hurt, release the pain and the past, and just let it all go. Thank the
people and the situations for all of the lessons you have learned. You can’t take it
with you when you ascend. So just release it all and stay in a blissful state. Your
body, mind and soul will thank you for it!

How To See Your Aura

A lot of people have been asking me how to see their aura. Seeing your aura is not
that difficult. However, it does take practice and determination. You may not see it 
the first time. The best was to see your aura is by looking in the mirror at yourself.

But it is more than just looking in the mirror. This posting will tell you what you 
need to do to see your aura.

It will also allow you to not just see your aura; it will help your psychic vision and
make you more spiritual. In addition, it will help you go back to past lives and see
yourself and your past lives and it will help you see your guardian angels and your
spirit guide.

So this post is about seeing your aura in a mirror. You need to get in front of a
mirror. Find a mirror in your home that you do not use every day for daily
cleaning stuff. Like brushing your teeth, combing your hair, putting on makeup,

The mirror will reflect to you what your aura looks like. once you have this
mirror, dedicate it to your spiritual work. When you use this mirror, you may see
more than your aura.

You may see angels and spirit guides. You may see different faces and shapes and
different places. When I started doing this a while back, the mirror would be a
television set for me.

I would look in the mirror and instead of seeing things that are behind me, I would
see places and things that were outside, in different homes, etc. The face I was
looking at started to change and it was not me; not me in THIS lifetime.

But it was me; it was me in another lifetime. All the faces and places looked familiar 
to me, as if I knew who they were and where they were. It is really amazing.

So make sure that your angels are with you when you set the intention of looking
in the mirror to see your aura. The mirror is a portal so many beings can come
through this portal and they can make you believe that what you are looking at is
an angel but what you may actually be looking at is not an angel or you may see
something scary.

You need to have the protection of the angels with you. Also, spend only a few
minutes a day at any one time when you practice as your eyes will get watery
after 10 minutes or so. Just spend a few minutes at a time with this. Basically,
this is a staring technique that you will be doing. Look at your eyes in the mirror
and focus on yourself in the mirror.

Ask the angels to help you see your aura and make sure that you are not
disturbed and are not interrupted during this practice. Focus your attention on
the center of your eyes, on your third eye chakra, the area between your
eyebrows. Just look there.

As you do this, you may get a beautiful white haze around your head and
shoulders. Blur your eyes a bit while you are looking in the mirror and sense the
outline of your body and slowly you should start to see colors changing. This is
your aura, the wonderful energy field that is surrounding you. Don’t worry if you
do not see this at first. Just keep trying.

Remember to only do this a couple of minutes at a time as your eyes will get
blurry. With practice, you should see your aura. Then ask the angels to show
themselves as they are near you. Now look for another color that may be floating
across your eyes.

It will not be an angel with wings standing next to you. Subtly sense these 
things feel them‐by doing this, you will be able to access past lives that you had.
You may see your face change to who you used to be, like I did.

This can open up for you, then you can connect better and you will know and feel
that it is real as you will see it, and you will feel it. You need to experience it
yourself for the true realization for yourself. once this happens for you, then you
will get more feedback from your angels with this new anticipation and
excitement. This is precisely how I got started.

Please note that you may be frightened and you will most likely see funny faces or
scary faces when looking in the mirror. Do not be scared. Sometimes, this is
easier said than done. Ask your angels and guides to show themselves to you and
set yourself up properly. It is also important to have a clear quartz crystal with
you or a rose lavender crystal (pink colored).

Do circles around your third eye area to clear that area and circles around your
head area to clear your mind as well as circles around the top of your head for
more clearing. Do this before looking in the mirror.

When you are doing spiritual work, make sure your chakras and energy centers
are clear and holding a crystal and making circles around your chakras with that
crystal clears the chakras. It is a type of self‐healing.

Dedicate the crystal to your mirror work, have a quiet place that in uninterrupted,
and also burn two candles. Make sure that the candles are not straight in front
the mirror. Have them sitting on the edge of the mirror, one candle on each side
of the mirror.

Then say “Arch Angel Michael, could you please be with me right now. I’m going
to be looking at my aura, I would like to see you guys in the mirror and I’m
dedicating this candle to you. Guardian angels, could I please have your
assistance today, and here is a candle for you.”

Ideally, you should be in a circle, your spiritual circle as it will help you to bring in
the energies. But if not, sit calmly and before you look in the mirror, you need to
say “Arch Angel Michael, please be with me. I want to do the mirror technique,
and I want to see clearly, please keep any negative energies away from me as I do
my work today.” You may also want to use rose oil or lavender and place it on
your forehead to give you a calming feeling.

Most importantly, do not be afraid. If you are afraid, your fears will be reflected
to you. And you may not be ready to do this. Please note that you may feel
frightened as you may see other faces. That is OK. Just observe. Sometimes your
past lives may come out in the mirror.

Remember that all the people who you ever were in past lives are still in your
body in this NOW moment. You are the spirit of your past lives and all the people
who you were in your past lives.

So you may see faces of people you were in past lives and they may come through
the mirror. Just observe and do not be scared. Ask your spirit guide to come on
one side of your shoulder and your guardian angel on the other shoulder. Angels
will typically float across your face and these will be different colors while a spirit
guide will be seen as a figure. They will not be scary.

They will be subtle. Angels know what you are feeling on the inside and they do
not want you to be scared. Thus, your experience should be a subtle experience.
Say “spirit guides, if you are around me, could you please show yourselves to me.”

It may not happen on the first try, but keep trying and build up your confidence.
Also, when you are finished with your mirror work, you are emanating a lot of
energy and there is so much energy around you and so you may feel a bit dizzy or
that you are drained of energy.

So use your crystal to get reenergized. It will help keep your energy radiating at a
higher energy level. Asking for protection from Arch Angel Michael means that
nothing can penetrate your energy field. You are protected.

Please note that because you are spiritual and an open channel you are radiating
this light and entities and beings that are not of the light will be attracted to you
as well. They will see your light and will want help and they will come to you.

Any entity can come to you in disguise. An entity can come to you however they
choose to come to you. So it is even more important to protect yourself with
Arch Angel Michael. If you are scared, it may not be time for you to do this.

So you have Arch Angel Michael with you and say “I am doing this mirror
technique, I dedicate this candle to you and I want this experience to be peaceful
and I do not want to see anything that is scary and that only loving things to come

When looking in the mirror you should see white straight away. Remember that
nothing can get or harm you, or possess you, unless you say “yes please.” You
need to give permission to anyone taking over your body or to come through a
portal. Nobody will come and grab you and pull you into the mirror. So eliminate
your fear and have a happy experience.

Also, if you can’t see your aura that well, stand where there is a white background
behind you. Good luck with your spirituality growth. It is a wonderful experience!
Please note that most of this information was obtained from BDevine. She was
my spiritual teacher and she has 4 videos on how to see your aura in the mirror
on YouTube. They are all wonderful. All credit is given to BDevine in this posting.

The link to her aura video is:‐r2k

How To Raise Your Energy Vibration Level

Do you know who you are? Most people in this lifetime do not know who they are 
and why they are here. Remember this: You are a vibrant, incredible, beautiful 
and amazing light being! Every one of you is an amazing being of light.

When you recognize this, and when you realize and accept this, you radiate such 
high light vibration that nothing can stop you in anything that you choose to do.
Most of us have forgotten this truth however.

When you are feeling confident and loving, everyone will respond to your positive
and high vibration. You have not only lifted up your consciousness level, but you
are lifting everyone else’s consciousness and energy vibrational level. Your
positive high vibration will lift up and positively influence bad people. That is how
strong you are. Have a great sense of humor. Laugh a lot.

This raises your vibration and energy level. This raises your consciousness level.
Anytime you are in a difficult situation, include humor into that situation. It will
dissolve that situation and lift up the energy to another vibration and all the
people associated with that situation.

People that are laughing and smiling have a high frequency vibration. Associate
yourself with happy people and watch yourself become happy. They will lift up
your vibration.

Have peace, love and calmness in your heart at all times. These are all high
vibrational frequencies. When there is grief or despair, love will heal it. Show
compassion for every situation and the frequencies of that situation will be raised.

You should always try to laugh as much as possible and have a sense of humor.
This raises your frequency quite a bit. When you are laughing, when you are
smiling, NOTHING can get to you.

Think of angels being around you. This will always raise your vibrations and
consciousness levels as well. Angels love the vibration of laughter and your
laughter brings your vibration closer to them. Always carry a sense of joy and
enthusiasm in your life and in everything that you do.

Stay calm and centered in any situation that is thrown your way. Acknowledge it
as a lesson to be learned and take the lesson from the situation and move on to
the next lesson.

This keeps you at a high vibration. Always have compassion and gratitude for
everything in your life. You are blessed every moment of your life by Father /
Mother God. Understanding and accepting this fact will raise your vibration so
much. You need a high vibration in these times as the energies are hitting Earth
like never before. Stay happy and joyful and laugh!

Now I will tell you what not to do and what lowers your energy and frequency
vibrations. Remember first that any high vibrations will always dissolve and
transmute the lower heavier vibrations.

First of all, do not have any negative emotions. Do not have thoughts of violence,
hurt, pain, abuse, worry, or jealousy. Do not be mad. Do not hold grudges for
what was done or said to you in the past by others. Do not hold any of this inside
of you.

You must release it all. When you swear, you have a dark cloud over your head, so
do not swear. Do not judge others or criticize others. Do not be cynical of others.
Do not patronize others or their beliefs. Do not make fun of others.

Do not get involved in the drama of what is going on in someone’s life‐the he said,
she said or he did she did scenario. Do not take sides in an argument an egg one
side on versus another.

Also please understand that you must remove your guilt from things you have
done or said in your life. Your vibration is lowered when you do something
because you feel that you ought to do it (or not do it) or that you should do it (or
not do it) out of guilt.

Guilt and fear are such low vibrations. Stay away and run to the hills when you
see them. Do not let others force you to do things you are not comfortable doing.
This gives them control and you lower your vibration.

Please don’t ever do things out of obligation or guilt. Do not let anyone make you
feel guilty or place you in fear that if you do not do something (or do something),
then something bad will happen. These are all low vibrations. Make your own
decisions based on your intuition and from getting guidance from within. Remove
all lack of self‐worth that may come from any negative self‐talk. You are a
powerful being of light, remember?

So do not let others sway you based on their insecurities. Change your attitude
and find your God Self, your I AM Presence and watch your light shine.

Remember who you are and why you are here. You are here to ascend. You
cannot do this if your energy vibrational level is low. Just raise it! It is that simple.
Just smile and laugh and stand in your light.

Your light will always conquer other’s shadows and darkness and you will lead by
example and the dark will turn to the light and follow you. Be proud and show
the world your light by raising your consciousness and energy level. That is who
you are in the higher dimensions; a pure being of light right from God’s heart.
Take pride and honor this light! 

How to Cleanse and Protect Yourself

A lot of people have been asking me how they can protect themselves and clean 
themselves of negative entities and beings or attachments that they have.

Regardless of what issues you may have, the steps in this posting should help 
release your issues or attachments or habits that do not serve your highest 
and best good.

It is like a self‐healing. However you have to do this, trust that it will work for you 
and believe in it. The energies follow your intentions. This does work!

You have to first cleanse yourself and place a protective shield around yourself
every morning and every evening. Do this for about 1 month daily, twice a day.

Once in the morning and once in the evening. So here is what you do.

1. To cleanse yourself, lie down in your bed or couch and close your eyes;

2. Imagine Arch Angel Raphael with you. Try to see him in your mind’s eyes. It’s
OK if you do not see him. The intention is what matters;

3. Arch Angel Raphael has emerald‐green energy/light. Now try to imaging his
emerald‐green energy/light coming down from above you, spiraling very fast in 
counter‐clockwise direction. Try to visualize this. It is like a tornado coming
down. See it coming into the top of your head (your crown) and coming through
your body very slowly from your head down to your toes in your legs.

As this is coming down and into your body, ask Arch Angel Raphael to remove any
diseased energy that does not serve your highest and best good, anything related
to attachments you may have in this or past lifetimes, anything that is negative,
anything that is a negative though form, and any negative elementals.

Tell the green light to clean your physical, etheric, emotional, spiritual, and
mental bodies, your Auric field, every cell of your physical body and your mind
from all negative and lower energies, darkness and shadows.

Then ask this green energy to leave your body through your hands and feet. Just
ask Arch Angel Raphael to remove these items as his energy/light is in your body
moving counter clock wise.

Ask that all of this stuff that does not serve you be moved from your organs, and
your physical body and your chakras to the outside of your aura. See this in your
mind’s eye happening. Wait a few minutes as you are visualizing this. Then,
thank AA Raphael after you feel this is done;

4. Ask Saint Germaine to be with you. Ask him to place you in his violet flame of
transmutation and transformation. Ask him to burn off all of these things that
Arch Angel Raphael just moved to the outside of your aura.

Ask Saint Germaine to transmute and transform these things into the light, to
burn them off of your aura. See yourself engulfed in this peaceful violet flame.
See it burning off. Let this burn off of your body. Have the intention in your mind
that it is burning off of your body. After a few minutes, thank Saint Germaine;

5. You have now cleaned, cleansed and purified yourself. You need to do this two
times per day, in the morning and in the evening. The key is in your intent, not
the procedure. You can even read this post out loud when you do this. Just print
it out and have it with you. You have to do this and TRUST that it will work. This
is the key! Intent and trust;

6. After you do this cleansing and clearing, the next thing to do is to place a
protective shield around your aura so that the bad stuff does not come back. In
essence, you are shielding and protecting yourself;

7. Imagine a white light entering your head clockwise and filling your whole body
and Auric field. Ask for a bit of light blue light to come in to stabilize the white
light. See it there in your mind’s eye. You are now ready to create the aura
protection shield;

8. Concentrate on your heart chakra and imagine a light peach or light orangecolored
egg‐shaped light and the white light of Christ Consciousness around your

9. See yourself as a small image and place yourself inside of this light, inside of
this egg. See this light in your mind’s eye. Then, see the light glimmering metallic.
Try to visualize this as much as possible;

10. Then invoke these words “The aura protection shield is strong and mighty
and glimmering metallic on the outside. The shield is unbreakable and
impenetrable from the outside by dark energies and conducts all negative
energy, all physical and psychological harm, all negativity, darkness, shadows,
and all lower energies to the earth where they will be transmuted into the light.

The shield is penetrable for all positive energy and higher vibrations.
The shield is penetrable from the inside to the outside. This programming can
only be renewed, reprogrammed, changed, dismissed or deleted by me. This
programming will last 12 hours.

This protection shield is penetrable from the inside out to protect me by inner
intoxication through my own negative emotions and used energy. I am not
afraid and I do not have any doubts. I am totally confident that the shield exists
and that it will be impenetrable and that it will protect me.

There is no doubt or fear which will weaken my shield and make the shield
penetrable. I am not angry and I am calm. I have no negative emotions and my
shield will not be destroyed. As a better protection against the negative energies 
of the dark side, I now put the VIOLET FLAME around my shield and let it work 
as a mirror.

The flame transmutes all energies and all vibrations coming to it into love and
then I send it back amplified to the sender five hundred fold. It is done and so it
will be.”

When you say this, say it with meaning, say it with purpose, say it with conviction
and say it with intent;

11. Then thank Mother / Father God and your angels and guides for their help and
support in helping you create this shield;

12. Ask Arch Angel Michael to stand by your side at every moment in your life
protecting you with his blue energy and shield while you are doing this during one
month or so. Try to see him with his sword cutting all attachment cords. See this
in your mind’s eye. Thank AA Michael for doing this.

Do these steps two times a day. once in the morning and once in the evening as
the shield is good for only 12 hours. Also, if you feel scared anytime during the
day, start over and redo these steps. Again, it goes towards the intention.

You can do this with anything in your life that is bothering you. This includes
smoking issues, drinking issues, other bad habits, or bad relationships. If there is
anything in your life that you are holding on to that is bothering you, this will

If there is someone or something that seems to be affecting you that you can’t
seem to get rid of, this will help you. This shield does work and I use it every day
and I use it when I perform my energy healings. It will work for you but you have
to believe in it.

Credit is given in this post to Isabel Henn. Permission is also given by Isabel Henn
to copy the steps in this protection shield. The protection shield can also be
found on her website at‐to‐create‐an‐auraprotection‐

Why Exercise Provides Excellent Preventative Healing

Exercising 20‐30 minutes per day is good for your etheric and physical body. You 
can  do anything when exercising. Just raise a sweat and increase your heart rate! 
You can fast walk around your neighborhood.

When you exercise, you are cleansed etherically and also physically. Your chakras
are happy when you exercise.

Exercising causes your chakras to pulsate causing the chakras to be brighter,
thicker, stronger and cleaner. When you exercise, you are removing blocked 
and stuck, used up energy and diseased energy that may be sitting in your 
chakras causing congestion or depletion in your chakras that you do not want. 
Exercising causes your energy vibration and frequency to increase.

Your consciousness level rises when you exercise. Try meditating after you
exercise and see what result you get. You should connect with your angels 
and spirit guides much better when you meditate right after exercising. 
Your meditation experience after exercising will be more profound.

This stuck and blocked diseased energy does not serve your highest and best
good. At the same time, when you exercise, you are bringing in new energy into
your body at a faster rate by faster breathing of air into your body. This is a good
thing. You want fresher energy in your body.

Exercising causes all of your chakras to be cleaned of diseased energy. You
energy circulation and your blood circulation is greatly improved with regular
exercise. You need to exercise if you want a healthy and energetically clean body.
There is no escaping this. And it does not matter how old you are. Just take it
slow and let your body tell you what amount of exercise is good for you.

When you sweat, various toxins and waste matter is removed by that sweat 
and your aura tends to pulsate positively. This does not matter if you are
underweight, regular weight or overweight. You must exercise to remove toxins
by sweat and to remove diseased energy regularly.

Diseased energy can be picked up daily by anyone as energy is etherically
transferable. Anything can happen that will make you mad, that will make you
upset, or that will hurt you. Someone can say something to you and can hurt 
your feelings with their words. You may hold this pain and hurt in and not 
respond initially.

This causes diseased energy to stick to your chakras. Exercising daily will help
remove this diseased energy through your sweat. Exercise is a type of
preventative healing that you must do daily.

You will feel better after exercising and you will feel lighter, refreshed and
cleansed. Take a nice long bath with some salt in the bath water after exercising
to help further release the diseased energy and to help cleanse your chakras.
Your physical and etheric body will be vibrant and your chakras will be cleansed,
allowing your aura to shine brightly.

Again, you do not have to exercise for a long time. 20‐30 minutes per day should
be sufficient. Before you exercise, set the intention by saying to yourself that
after your exercise session is done, all diseased energy stored in your organs, cells
and chakras will be removed from your body.

Say to yourself after the exercise session that your body is happy, that your body
is healthy, and that your body is healed. I call these the three H’s – Happy,
Healthy, and Healed.

Say to yourself after the exercise session that your chakras are fully energized 
and properly clean and filled with new clean energy. Mean this when you say it 
and have the intention that this will happen. Say “It is done” after you say these
things. Then just smile and go on with your day as if it is done.

When you exercise, you will feel better. Your body will feel better. You will feel
lighter and your aura will pulsate. Remember that your body is your life suit in
this lifetime. Take care of your life suit and it will take care of you. Your body is
like your car. What happens when your car breaks down? You can’t go anywhere
until it is fixed, if it can be fixed.

Exercising is like changing the oil and other fluids in your car. Exercising is like
making sure the tires are new and the tire pressure is correct and that the engine
is running in top condition. Nobody wants to drive a clunker.

A lot of people do not exercise. They have excuses. They go on diets to lose
weight. But remember that losing weight and being etherically healthy are too
different things. You can have the correct weight but have so much diseased
energy in you. You can’t get sweat from being on a diet or eating properly or the
right foods.

Eating properly and the right foods is part of the total equation. Regardless of
what you eat, you still need to remove the diseased energy from your chakras.
And exercising regularly helps to do this through sweat and raising your heart
rate. You can’t get your energy circulating correctly or your blood circulating
correctly with just eating correctly.

Your body and chakras must remove the diseased energy that you are holding 
in from proper exercising. Exercising is a release to the body. The stuck energy 
has to go somewhere. You need fresh energy filled with life. A re cleansing, if you
will. Exercising will allow this to happen. Exercising will lift up your spirits, it will
give you clarity and perspective, and you will feel much better.

Also, you do not have to go to the gym and lift weights or join a spinning class. All
you need is to raise your heart rate and sweat. You can do anything. Start by
walking around your neighborhood every day.

Create a path on day one and stick to that path every day. Take a stop watch with
you every day and track your time on that same path on a piece of paper. Make it
a game and try to beat your time every day. Before you know it, you will be
running at top speed in record times. And your body will thank you for it. Anyone
can do this, regardless of your weight or age. There are NO excuses. Anybody
can spare 20‐30 minutes per day.

If you feel that you can’t do this as you have no time, as your life is too busy, then
this is precisely why you should do it! It must be a priority for you or over time
you will have physical problems. Again, there are no excuses. Exercising raises
your energy level, and it raises your vibration, your frequency and your
consciousness level.

So get out there and move your body. See the trees and hear the birds. They are
there for you. Love your body and watch your body love you back. It is the only
one you have so take care of it. Then watch your happiness and energy vibration
go through the roof!

The Universal Law of “On Earth As It Is In Heaven”

Mother/Father God cares for you as you care for your own children: on Earth 
As It Is In Heaven, As above, So Below. This is a Universal Law that is followed. 
Whatever touches your heart also touches God’s heart. There is no difference 
on Earth as there is in heaven. God loves you like you love your children. 

On Earth As It Is In Heaven, As above, So Below.

How do you respond to someone that is nice to you, someone that smiles at you,
or someone that is kind to you? You are nice back to them and you smile back.
You warm up to that person. So, when you are good to yourself or any of God’s
souls, the Universe, and all the Universal Beings will warm up to you. on Earth As
It Is In Heaven, As above, So Below.

You try to live up to someone’s faith if they have faith in you. God will respond to
your faith if you have faith in God. on Earth As It Is In Heaven, As above, So

How you respond to things is how the Universe will respond to you. How do you
respond and feel when someone is enthusiastic about something? You feel
motivated to act when someone is enthusiastic. You feel happy, thankful and
gracious and have gratitude when someone is generous. God and the universe
feel the same things when you are happy, thankful and gracious.

The energies in the Universe will support how you act and feel. God responds the
same way. It is so important in these times now to watch your actions, watch
your feeling, and watch your thoughts as you are manifesting these things and
your reality in your life very fast given the increase of energies on Mother Earth.

When you appreciate and say thank you for what you have, you will manifest
more of these wonderful things. The Universe will support you. When you are
happy, heaven and the Universe rejoices. God wants you to do what gives you
fulfillment, a sense of worth and joy. For every one step towards God you make,
God takes two towards you. Stay happy and joyful. God does not want you to
live in a life of misery. But you have free will and you manifest your reality every
day in this NOW based on your thoughts and actions and words.

How do you respond to every situation will determine how you will feel and what
will manifest physically for you. You can feel good or you can feel bad. It really is
your choice.

Do you empower your children to make free choices and provide them guidance?
Understand that your child has a choice of whether to listen to you. And do you
support your child regardless of that choice even if they ignore your guidance?
On Earth As It Is In Heaven, As above, So Below. God gives us guidance in
meditation, dreams, or through the use of our intuition.

At the same time, God gives us entirely free choice about whether we accept it or
not and supports us unconditionally, whichever path we choose. The same you
should do with your children. Support your children unconditionally, regardless
of the choices they make, even if the choices may not be good choices based on
your opinion. Your child may have a different opinion. You do not walk in their
shoes. You do not live their lives.

Allow your child to learn and grow by their experiences and their choices. Your
experiences are different. God is not attached to you making a particular decision
or choice regarding something in your life. Neither should you be about your child.

However, always remember, that your soul is longing for you to choose the path
of greatest spiritual growth. Allowing your child to experience life based on their
decisions and experiences is allowing you to choose the path of your greatest
spiritual growth.

Most people however learn from selfish experiences and choices that ultimately
lead to failure, misery, and ill‐health. When you act from your own selfish desire
and control, you will most likely feel bad. What happens when you try to force
something on your child and your child resists, even if you feel that this is in 
the child’s best interest?

Both of you will feel bad and hurt. The child feels you are controlling him/her 
and their decisions and you feel as if they are not listening to you. And hurt 
feelings come in for both of you.

Choices that promote harmony, joy, and love come from the Divine will and
always empower you; selfish choices do not. Encourage your child to express
their talent and do not be attached to your child following one pathway. Love
your children unconditionally and let them learn by making their own choice.

That is what the universe does. You can always give them your advice and
opinion but your child needs to make the choice and you should love your 
child regardless of the choice.

Any fear‐based choices come from you lower will. Choices that are courageous
and wise will result in abundance, good health and lots of happiness for you.
Allow your child to make their own choices. If the choice is a bad choice, your
child will learn from that choice and growth and learning and development will
happen. This helps your child’s soul develop.

Do not be attached to any choice as the choice is not yours to make. Your
children will thank you for it and you will feel good. This is how the Universe
works. on Earth As It Is In Heaven, As above, So Below.

No matter what mistakes you are making on Earth, Mother/Father God holds a
vision of your future as an enlightened person and as you learn and experience on
Earth, God waits without judgment. New doors are opened for you when you are

Just look at your kids. Just look how much YOU have grown in the last few years.
The lessons you have learned. Life is SO wonderful. Embrace life daily. Be happy,
be filled with love and be filled with joy.

Be filled with gratitude and ask the Universe for anything that you want and live
like you already have it. It will come. God will give it to you. God wants you to be
happy. But you have to be ready and you have to trust. Be good to yourself and
be good to all of God’s beings.

How you act, what you do and how you think will manifest in your lives. It is all
about your perception, and your state of mind. You can choose to be right or you
can choose to be happy.

Be happy and be filled with love, with life. Let go of the control. Love is what the
new vibration holds. Without this joy, this happiness, this love, your energy level
and vibration and consciousness level cannot rise. You came here to ascend.

Subconsciously you know this. And to ascend you MUST raise your consciousness

You do this by being happy, by being filled with joy and by being filled with love.
When you act and feel this way, the universe will support you and give you more
of it. And you will truly have your heaven on earth; as on earth as it is in heaven!

What You Should (And Should Not) Be Eating

When you have a proper nutritious diet, it helps you spiritually. You can connect 
better with spirit, with your angels and with your spirit guides. You feel lighter. 
A proper nutritious diet contains more life energy in the foods that you eat.

This also allows your etheric body to be in great shape, not depleted or congested 
of energy, thus allowing your physical body to be healthy. This will allow your aura 
to radiate with life.

A proper diet basically means that the food that you eat needs to be nutritious
and clean, both physically and etherically. You should always wash your food
before you eat it. You should also always bless your food before you eat it. You
should always thank Mother Earth for providing food for you to eat as well as
Mother / Father God.

Make sure that the food you eat is physically clean from germs, toxins and any
pesticides and chemicals. Organic food is best. Pesticides and chemicals
contained in the food you eat contaminate the food and do not make the food
etherically clean. Etherically dirty food causes your energy and chakras to be
etherically dirty making it harder to connect with Spirit.

Avoid any meat, especially pork (yes, that means bacon) as it contains etherically
dirty energy. Avoid fish as well and any seafood. Meat contains a lot of karma in
it as animals are killed. Animals are not placed on Earth to be killed as food.
When an animal is killed and you eat the meat from that animal, the karma of
that kill is in the meat that you eat.

Remember that all energy is transferable. And by you eating meat, you are
ingesting that karma and that energy of the dying animal and the person that
killed the animal. This can get even worse if the animal is fed with food that has
pesticides and chemicals in it.

The bottom line is that if you can, become a vegetarian and eliminate all meat
from your diet. Your body will thank you for it and you will connect better

Fruits and vegetables have energy in them that is clean and healthy. Fresh food
has a lot more life force and energy than any preserved or packaged food. Avoid
any foods that are packaged. Avoid eating any fast foods. Avoid drinking sodas,
diet or otherwise. Avoid drinking coffee and alcohol.

Herbal teas are OK. Drink lots of water. Avoid drinking tap water as it has
fluoride in it. Try to have your water filtered as much as possible. The best things
to eat are vegetables.

The greener color the vegetables are, the better they are for you, as the more life
energy they contain. You can get your protein from vegetables. Avoid anything
that comes from animals that is processed. Avoid cheese and milk. Breads are
also OK in moderation. Rice is good as well.

The bottom line is this: Do not eat meat, do not eat fast foods, do not eat milk
products (yogurt, milk, dairy, ice cream, butter, etc…), and do not eat processed
foods out of boxes. So what is left? Do eat lots and lots of vegetables and fruit.
Eat lots of nuts, legumes and beans. Do drink lots and lots of water and always
bless your food before you eat it.

Anything in moderation is OK. Have that candy, that chocolate, but have it in
moderation. Thank Father / Mother God and Mother Earth for the food that you
have that you are about to eat. Do become a vegetarian.

I know this may be hard for a lot of people to give up bacon, steak, chicken, ice
cream, etc. But it is best for you in the long run from a karmic perspective and
from a physical health prospective. Eating vegetables and fruit will build up your
energy in both your etheric and physical body.

This will help prevent your physical body from having health problems and you
will be happier and your body will thank you for it.

Take care of your body that houses your soul. You would clean your home when
it is dirty. Why not clean your body from the etheric dirt as well? Meat is dirty as
is processed food and all the other items mentioned above. Just avoid them altogether. 
Once you become a vegetarian, see how your meditations increase. You will see 
more, you will sense more, you will feel more and you will be more alive!!

Why Did I Not Get Healed (Or Did I)?

Energy healings work on your intention; the intention of the person providing 
the energy healing and the intention of the person receiving the energy healing. 
For a successful energy healing to occur, the energies that are projected by the
energy healer must be received and absorbed by the person that is receiving 
the energy healing.

However, what constitutes a successful energy healing is dependent on a lot of 
factors. Every energy healing is successful to some degree if the energies are 
absorbed by the person receiving the energy healing.

After an energy healing, a person may say, “I am still in pain or that I am still
smoking, or that I still have this problem or that problem.” They may feel that 
the energy healing did not work. I can assure you that if you absorbed the energies
then the energy healing was a success to some degree.

The energies that you received will do for you what is in your highest and best
good consistent with your Divine life path and the lessons you have chosen to
experience in this lifetime.

So let’s look at an example. Say someone has a physical problem; diabetes,
physical pain, kidney issues, it does not matter. And say that an energy healing is
performed on that person by an energy healer. After the energy healing, the
person says that they still have this physical problem and that they do not feel
better. How could this be? Did the energy healing not work? There are a few
reasons why this may be the case. Here is my take on this.

1. The person did not want to be healed. You have to be receptive to the energies
and believe that the energies will heal you. If the person is not happy, relaxed or
smiling a lot, this will block the energies and they may not be absorbed. Believe it
or not, there are people who like to be sick and have ailments. They like the
attention it brings to them. They like being in group settings where everyone is
asking them how they are doing. It brings them attention and comfort.

2. You have karma that is being played out. The healer cannot remove something
that is karmic. If you did something to someone in this lifetime or another that
was not good, that karma may now be coming back to you in a physical ailment.
You need to repay this karma before you can be healed. You are responsible for
your deeds, actions, feelings and thoughts in this and past lifetimes. You could be
repaying karma from a past life that you are not aware of.

3. You have not learned the lesson yet from the physical ailment. This goes in line
with the karma issue discussed above. There are no coincidences in life.
Everything and everyone in your life is planned. And everything has a lesson
attached to it. The lesson may still be going on and not yet learned when the
healing takes place. once the lesson is learned, your higher self will allow the
healing to take place;

4. You may have not done the work after the healing. A healing is not a magic
wand that will take care of you in a healing session. The healing will help.
However, you have to do the follow‐up work . A healing will give you a push,
some clarity, some perspective. Or it can heal all of your physical and emotional
issues completely.

Everyone is different in their life path. You cannot resort to old ways after the
healing for the healing to work for you. For example, if you got into a fight with a
loved one where words were exchanged, a healing will help release this hurt and
allow for closure. However, you have to make sure that you do not again get into
a similar exchange of words in the future.

You have to take responsibility to make sure you change your perspective on
future experiences and not resort to old third dimensional ways of living, doing
and thinking. You have to maintain your physical body and emotions in check in
the future to keep your chakras and etheric body clean which will prevent
physical problems for you;

5. The healer may not have a refined energy body. If the healer is a vegetarian
and meditates a lot, they will have a refined energy body. This will allow the
energy to be projected to the person being healed, even if the healing is a distant
healing. If the healer is inexperienced and has not performed a lot of energy
healings, the energies may not get to you as the heart and crown chakras of the
healer may not be fully opened.

6. Additional follow‐up energy healing sessions may be needed depending on the
ailment. If the ailment is severe, several healing sessions may be needed. It is like
going to a doctor for a follow‐up. one healing session will help, but one healing
session may not cure cancer, for example. It may be a work in progress,
depending on the severity of the ailment.

7. The person being healed may have blocked the energies based on their belief
system. If you do not believe that the energy healing will do anything for you,
then you are manifesting that belief and the energies will not do anything for you.
BELIEF that you will be healed and the desire to be healed is key!

8. You may be possessed by a being that may have died (usually a relative) that
has not gone to the light and is hanging around you stealing your energies to
survive. If you are always tried, this may be the case. You need to cleanse and
shield daily and send loving energies and thoughts to the being so it can leave you
alone and then you can get an energy healing.

9. You have decided to experience the ailment. It is much better to jump out of
an airplane to experience skydiving than to read about this in a book. This is the
same with your ailment. If you have cancer, maybe you decided to feel that pain,
to feel the discomfort, to feel the love from your loved ones watching you go
through this.

Remember, every moment is a learning and growth opportunity. And an energy
healing may not allow the ailment to get better if you are not done experiencing
this experience with the ailment.

These are some of the reasons that a healing may appear as being unsuccessful.
But remember that the healing energy has a consciousness of its own and it
knows you probably better than you know yourself. Thus, if the correct intent is
there, and if the energies are absorbed by the person being healed, the energy
healing will definitely do something for you.

It may not make you get up out of a wheelchair, but it may give you clarity as to
why you are in that wheelchair. This clarity IS the healing as it allows you to
better understand your situation. By better understanding your situation, it gives
you closure and peace knowing why you are in this position and what lessons, if
any, need to still be learned.

I hope this posting has shed some light of the effectiveness of energy healings.
Blessings and love to all of you and all of your loved ones…

How Do I Meditate – Part 1 of 2

A lot of people have been asking me how I meditate. This posting will tell you 
exactly what I do when I meditate. Feel free to use this meditation for yourself 
or take bits and pieces of it; whatever works for you. I usually meditate right 
before I go to bed. Everyone is asleep in my home and it is peaceful and quiet.
Time for me after a long day.

I always meditate in the same area every evening. The lights are always on. It is
quiet and peaceful and there is no meditation music. You could have meditation
music if you like. I do not light any candles. Again, you could light candles as well.
I just choose not to. That area where I meditate is on my couch in my living room.

I will sit on my couch and relax and extend my legs outward so that my legs are
lying on the coffee table in front of me. I am in a relaxed mode. My mind is still
and I ask my ego to be perched on my shoulder and only observe and not interact.
I ask my mind not to interact as well as my heart is in control.

Now, with my eyes closed, I will take a slow deep breath in through my nose and
hold it in for a three count. Then, I exhale the air slowly with my mouth.

When I breathe in, I envision light coming into my body and when I exhale I
envision love flowing out of my body. I do this inhale / exhale method twelve
times to bring in Divine energy and love into my crown chakra on top of my head.

When I do this, I feel my head completely tingling like ants are walking all over the
top of my head. This is good as my crown chakra is opening up. You want this to
happen as you are connecting to Spirit.

Then I say the following in my head (or gently out loud) with my eyes closed:
Guardian Angels, please be with me; Universal Angels, please be with me; Arch
Angels, please be with me; Arch Angel Michael ,please be with me; Arch Angel
Raphael, please be with me; Seraphim Angels, please be with me; and all other
Angels that I have not mentioned, if you are available, please be with me.

Mom, please be with me; Spirit Guides, please be with me; Master Guides,
please be with me; Jesus, please be with me; Ascended Masters, please be with
me; Saint Germaine, please be with me; Sananda, please be with me: Lady Nada, 
please be with me; Lady Portia, please be with me; And all Universal Light
Beings, and the Company of Heaven, please be with me; Elementals, please 
be with me; Unicorns, please be with me; Dragons, please be with me and 
Dolphins, please be with me. I also ask Father / Mother God to please be with 
me now.

Then I wait and take a few more deep breaths, hold for a three count and exhale.
I envision Divine Light and energy coming into me on the inhale and Pure Love
going out of my body on the exhale.

I then say:

Arch Angel Michael, please protect me during this meditation and throughout
the night. Please stand guard in your full presence and place me in a loving

Please fill the bubble with light and love and place protective mirrors around
the outside of that bubble pointing outward so that if there are any beings, any
negative thought forms, any negative elementals, any negative energy that is
not for my highest and best good, not of the purest white light, let them see
their own reflections in the mirrors and be moved away from me and into the

I ask that you place your blue protective energy around the bubble for
additional protection. I also ask my higher self to invoke the Gold Ray of Christ
for my ultimate and total protection. Lastly, I ask Arch Angel Metatron to
protect me and my aura with his Orange and Gold protection energy.

It is done. I ask that my wife and children, my pets, my home, my garage, my
car, and my community be protected in the same way that I am protected. It is

And now that I am protected, I ask that I be fully grounded with Mother Earth,
with beautiful Gaia. I now envision strong gold roots growing from my loving
heart going through my body and through my legs deep into the center of the
earth where Gaia resides.

I now envision these powerful roots, with Gaia’s permission, latching on to her
beautiful and loving heart.

I envision her heart and my heart merging as one loving heart. I envision my
entire energy body merging with Gaia’s energy body becoming one soul, one
body, one consciousness.

I ask to be fully grounded to beautiful Gaia so that I always come back to this
couch after wherever the meditation takes me or through any night travels. It is

I now ask that all the powerful energies, all the love, all the light, all the joy, all
the happiness, all the healing and all the peace from Mother / Father God come
in through my soul, though all of my bodies, etheric, physical, emotional,
mental, through all my chakras, though every cell of my body and through my
aura. I ask that it pour though me with Divine Love and Blessings.

As it comes through my crown chakra, let it flow though my other chakras,
through my root chakra and into Gaia and back up to Mother / Father God
continuing in a closed loop filling me with light and pure love throughout the
meditation and throughout the night. It is done.

Then I wait and the energies rise and build. The feeling is amazing.

Then I do another 6 breathing exercises as described above, light coming in on the
in breath and love leaving my body on the outbreath. Then I open my eyes.
When I do, I see the energies rising, gold floods my vision, gold is everywhere and
the energies are everywhere.

I see energy beings, faces, bodies, you name it, I see it. It is pure love pouring at
me. It is amazing what I see and I cannot even begin to describe this it in this
post. It feels so good and so right as love energies are radiating at me.

I then say the following:

Arch Angel Raphael, please be with me now.
I sense his powerful energy and he will typically say “I am here Andrew.” 
Then I say:

Please send down your emerald‐green light and energy counter clock wise going
through my crown chakra and slowly through my other chakras and organs and
cells in my body.

As this energy comes in at a fast spiraling pace, please remove any diseased
energy, any blocked energy, any negative elementals, any negative though
forms, any cords or attachments that do not serve me, anything that does not
serve my highest and best good and anything that is not of the highest and
purest white light of God.

Please place these unwanted things to the outside of my aura to be burned off
by Saint Germaine’s violet flame which I will ask for next.

I wait a few moments and see this massive Arch Angel with large wings engulf me
in his green light and love; His green energy light coming in and cleansing and
clearing me. He will usually say “It is done.” and I will thank him. Then I say the

Saint Germaine, please be with me.
I hear him usually say “Yes, Andrew, I am here.” And I sense him next to me 
with his powerful energy and I say:

Please place me in your violet flame and burn off permanently all of the stuff
that Arch Angel Raphael just placed on the outside of my aura to be burned off.
I wait a few moments and envision this happening. He also will say “It is done”
and I thank him.

Then I say these powerful mantras three times:
I am the gold and silver violet flame, I am the flame of mercy, I am the flame of
joy, I am the flame of transformation and transmutation, I am Saint Germaine, 
am Arch Angel Zadkiel.

I am the Gold Ray of Christ, I am unconditional love, I am the Cosmic Heart, 
I am Lord Maitreya, I am the CHRIST!

Let me tell you when I say these mantras with intention and love, so much gold 
is around me, it is beyond description. The room is literally moving as are the walls
and pictures. I have to stabilize it with my intention. Truly amazing! This is the
fifth dimension.

And let me tell you, it will blow your mind away!! Now I am ready to meditate on
the Love Bomb meditation. This will be part two of two of my meditation. You do
not want to miss this one as it is just awesome! The love that flows from this is 
so unbelievable.

I hope you have enjoyed reading how I meditate. It is personal to me but public
in a sense that so many people meditate. Everyone should meditate. Everyone
meditates differently and no one meditation is better than another. It is the
intent to meditate, the intent to make a connection, the intent to open up your
heart that matters.

If you meditate daily, your heart chakra and your crown chakra will open up. You
will be more spiritual and you will connect with your spirit guides and with your
angels. You will be happier and you will be self‐healing yourself as well.

But you have to set the right intention and ask for protection as you are a beacon
of light attracting everyone with your light, good and bad. But Michael will be
there to protect you. Just use my verbiage and incorporate that protection in
your meditation.

Nobody will harm you but you can’t be scared. Spirit is there and wants to
connect with you. They want to help you and with the current energies flooding
the planet, it is a perfect time. We all need to connect.

That is why you are here, to release all that does not serve your highest and best
good and to ascend to the higher dimensions with a higher consciousness and to
be a beautiful multi‐dimensional light being.

We all need to clear our baggage, our skeletons from our closet. You cannot 
take this with you when you ascend. Your higher self will not allow it. You must
release this stuff, you must forgive yourself and others and you must have
happiness and love in your heart. Meditations and healings definitely help.
Crying with intent to forgive and release helps but intention is the key.

Energy follows your intention. You literally can transform your life and manifest
heaven on earth for yourself and co‐create your new reality. No more anger, no
more hurt, no more judgment and criticism and peace in your heart, in your
essence of the light being that you are. Trust and love yourself and watch
miracles occur in your life as your I AM presence comes to life!!

You are that powerful and that loved as you are God’s child, regardless of what
you have done in this life and past lives. So shine your light and stand in your
light!! I hope this posting inspires you to take action and start meditating (if you
are not already meditating). Part two will be posted soon. Blessings and love to
all of you beautiful souls…

How Do I Meditate – Part 2 of 2

This is the second part of a two‐part posting on how I meditate. You can read 
the first part by clicking HERE. Be sure to read the first part before reading this 
second post as the second post may not make sense to you without reading 
the first part. I believe that I ended the first part by telling you the affirmations 
that I do.

Once I complete the affirmations, I say:

Angels, please be with me now. It is my deepest intention now to pull out all
the love, all the light, all the peace, all the joy, all the energy, all the blessings
and all the happiness from my heart. I would like to send all of these things to
my mom, to my dad, to my brother, to my wife, to my children, to my pets and
to all of my extended family.

I would also like to send these beautiful things to all the souls who I have given
a healing to and all the souls who are yet to receive a healing from me and to all
the souls who have been touched by my web site.

Should these souls choose to accept my love, my light, my peace, my joy, my
energy, my blessings and my happiness, allow it to do for them what is in their
best and highest good with pure love. Allow it to give them happiness and

So with that intention angels, please reach into my heart now and pull out and
send all my love, my light, my happiness, my joy, my peace, and my healing to
all of these beautiful souls. Please do this now.

Then I send this by raising my vibration higher and higher. I do this just by being
and feeling with the heart. I feel this energy leaving my body and I see the
energies around me. They are all around me. Meditation is about just being and
feeling, not thinking.

There is much more gold, and so many different energy beings around me when 
do this. Then I do another 6 breathing exercises inhaling light and exhaling love
and then I send out the love bomb. This love bomb meditation is mind‐blowing
for me and it works!!

Here is what I say:
Angels it is now my intention to send out a love bomb to the center of the Earth
where Gaia resides. Again, it is my deepest intention now to pull out all the
love, all the light, all the peace, all the joy, all the energy, all the blessings and
all the happiness from my heart. Please pull all of this out of my heart now and
allow it to be in front of me to see.

I then wait and feel it leaving my body and being in front of me. I feel this. 
I then say:
Angels, please add the energies of anyone who has agreed to add their energies
to this love bomb and allow this love bomb to grow based on the addition of
these energies.

I have a few people who have agreed to allow me to add their energies in the
growth of this love bomb. There is strength in numbers.

Then I say:
Saint Germaine, please be here now. Please wrap your beautiful violet flame
and energy around this love bomb giving it transformation and transmutation

He will typically acknowledge me and tell me when he has done this and then I
thank him. Then I say:
Angels, please raise this love bomb just slightly above the Earth. I now ask Arch
Angel Gabrielle to make a clarion call to all the universes, multiverses and
omniverses, to wherever anyone may be at so that they can hear me.

I wait a few moments and then I say:
I ask anyone wherever you may be, if you can hear me, to voluntarily send me
your love, your light, your energy, your blessing, your happiness, your joy, your
support, your healing. Please merge your intentions into this love bomb, all of
you! Grow the love bomb with your love and light and blessings for humanity
and Gaia.

I then wait and I just feel. I see things that I cannot describe to you in words. Just
know that it is wonderful. I feel as if I am a vacuum sucking up all of this love and
light from everywhere and everyone, and happiness from every being there is and
I am this vacuum bag getting bigger and bigger. 

I then say:
I will now count down from 12 to zero and when I reach zero, we will all
collectively throw this love bomb into the center of Gaia’s heart where it will
explode. once it explodes, it will be a tidal wave of love flowing through Earth
in every direction, nothing standing in its path. It will fill every being with love,
light, happiness, joy, peace, and healing.

It will affect all the world leaders and all the governments, all judicial systems,
police systems, pharmaceutical systems, corporations, religious institutions,
everyone and everything. Every heart will be affected. All wrongs will be
corrected. All animals will be free. Every heart will be transformed and
transmuted with Saint Germaine’s violet flame.

The collective consciousness will rise. Layers of negativity and anger will be
shed and peeled off and peace on Earth will rule. Love will prosper and
humanity will ascend. As I now count down, please continue to grow this love
bomb, making it stronger and stronger.

Then I do a countdown, and I start with 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. 
After I say every number, I take a deep breath inhaling light, holding it in for 
a three count, and then I exhale love. Then I say a lower number, repeating 
the breathing until I get to zero. My eyes are open at all times. I envision 
this energy love bomb getting bigger and intensifying as all beings are sending 
their love to it as the countdown continues.

Their energies are in it. After every number, the gold grows for me and more
beings show up. It is a huge spiritual party at Andy’s house and all the beings are
there. I feel their energies. They are all looking at me and I so love this and I feel
and love them. When I get to zero I say “Checkmate,” like in the movie
Independence Day. 

Then I say:
Now everyone, please hold this energy love bomb and on the count of three,
let’s collectively drop it in the center of Earth, and let it explode into Gaia’s
heart filling all life on Earth and beyond with pure Love. one, Two, Three.

When I say three, I see this love bomb being projected from the sky past me and
blowing up and exploding in Gaia’s heart. And let me tell you when that love
bomb explodes, this wave or massive energy comes over me literally jolting me.
There is a fish tank in the room that I meditate in and the fish all flutter around
and my 2 dogs bark when this love bomb explodes. Animals are more sensitive to

Then I am in a sea of love just floating around with every other energy being. Just
GOLD, GOLD, GOLD. I see myself in the ceiling looking down seeing myself with
not a care in the world. I am blissful!!!

After I settle down, I say:
Thank you everyone who has been with me during this meditation. Angels
please reach in my heart and send out my love and gratitude to my Guardian
Angels, my Ascension Angels, my Arch Angels, my Seraphim Angels, my
Universal Angels and to all the Angels that are here who I have not mentioned.

Thank you to my Mom, to my Spirit Guide, to my Master Guides, to Jesus, to all
the Ascended Masters, to Saint Germaine, to Lady Nada, to Sananda, to Lady
Portia and to all the Company of Heaven and of course to Mother / Father God.

Please reach in my heart now angels and send this love and gratitude to
yourselves now. Again, when I do this, so much love is projected at me, and 
so much gold. I just can’t describe it in words. Then I say:
If there is anyone that is here who would like to give me message feel free 
to do so now.

Then various Light Beings pop in and talk to me. I feel their energies and I see
their energies. All is communicated telepathically. Most of the messages are
about how I am doing, personal messages, what I need to be doing, who I am and
what my role here is on Earth regarding ascension.

The beings that have talked to me include Lady Nada, Sananda, Jesus, Saint
Germaine, Lady Portia, Arch Angel Michael, Arch Angel Metatron, Arch Angel
Gabrielle, Arch Angel Raphael, and Mother / Father God. Each has a different
energy and a different telepathic voice.

It is truly amazing. You do not have to believe me or anything that I say in this
post. I know it is real and I know it is truth. It is not a book or channeling I am
reading or a YouTube video I am watching. I see it, and I experience it in my
conscious state. Then I say:

Angels, please release any excess energy from my body through my legs into
Gaia’s heart so she can use the energy as she sees fit.

I then start coming down to Earth from my meditation. After the meditation, I go
to the bathroom and look in the mirror. Again the energy just raises itself, gold
surrounds me and I am not myself in the mirror, I am a beautiful glowing light
body being, all energy and love. Another confirmation that it is all true.

So that is my daily meditation experience. Now you know why I am always happy
when I talk to you. It is real and it is making a difference in raising the collective
consciousness. We need this. Meditations help so much. Collective meditations
with positive intent are even stronger.

I will be asking in another post for anyone that is interested to consciously allow
me to include your energy in the love bomb. Let’s grow the number of people
who are participating in this meditation. There is so much strength in numbers.
And I want to be reunited with very special person in my life when the twin flame
reunion occurs.

You do not have to meditate with me at a certain time. You do not have to
meditate at all. All you need to do is give me permission to include you in this
meditation, to include your energy for the good of raising the collective
consciousness level. So blessings and love to you for taking the time to read these
two long posts on how I meditate. I hope it inspired you to laugh and to be happy!!

Please Read and Help – Hold Love in Your Heart!

I wanted to ask all of you to hold a special place in your heart of LOVE for the victims
of the Boston, Massachusetts Marathon. And for all friends and family members and
everyone involved.

For those who do not know, an explosion went off earlier today killing 2 souls and
injuring 86 souls at the Boston Marathon. The numbers may be higher.

Please send your love, blessings and high positive frequency vibrations to all those
involved by visualizing peace, love and happiness. There is strength in numbers
and energy follows your intentions. When you send out your specific intention
with all of your being, all of your might and all of your heart, it has an enormous
impact. Truly!

This is a prayer that I would like to make on behalf of all involved. I just typed as
the words came into my head and flowed. I ask that you send your best
intentions and love while reading this prayer to everyone involved. Feel free to
say your own prayer as well.

Prayers are heard. Ask for healing, ask for strength for all involved and project
and visualize LOVE. There is no higher vibration than LOVE. Thank you all so
much. Blessings and Love to all of you and to ALL souls on Earth.

Mother / Father God, please help ease the heavy burden and pain in the hearts
of family members and friends that have been affected by this event;

Mother / Father God, please allow all family members and friends to have
peace, healing and minimal emotional, physical and psychological pain and
heartache due to this event;

Mother / Father God, please take the souls that have decided to leave their
physical bodies due to this event to a new consciousness level with love,
understanding, happiness, healing and peace;

Mother / Father God, please ease all the fear and heartache of everyone that is
watching the news media about this event;

Mother / Father God, please allow this event to be a positive catalyst for
transformation and movement into the higher dimensions as the higher
energies are flooding the planet;

Mother / Father God, please allow Love to flow to all worldwide Governments
and their respective leaders. Allow this event to open up the hearts of many
that have power positions in Government and the private sectors so that
decisions based on love can be made and peace may reign on Earth;

Mother / Father God, please give us all the wisdom, the guidance, and the Love
to conquer and release all that our collective consciousness needs to release as
we move forward in consciousness collectively and individually;

Mother / Father God, please allow us all to be calm, to not retaliate, to not
engage in the drama, to not blame judge or criticize, to not fall into lower
dimensional thinking, to not have fear in our hearts, and to connect with our
higher selves to make the correct intuitive decisions in our lives;

Mother / Father God, please give us individually and collectively Peace, Joy,
Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Healing and Happiness as we
transition in the new beautiful world;

Mother/ Father God, please be with us now in these times of change and please
take away our pain as we collectively and individually release what does not
serve our highest and best good or what is not of the purest white light; MOTHER 

We ask this in full faith, gratitude, and lots and lots of LOVE!!

Love Bomb – Please Help!!

A lot of you know about the love bomb meditation that I do every night. You can 
read about this meditation by clicking HERE. As mentioned in that posting, I send 
out all the love, light, healing, and peace from my heart to the center of the Earth 
as an explosion of love.

It is so intense when this love bomb explodes in the center of the earth. My dogs 
bark and the fish in my home flutter and I see so many energies and beings and 
so much GOLD!! It feels so good.

However, the effect of this meditation can only have an impact up to a certain
amount as it is done by only one person, namely me. The effects of any
meditation are magnified tremendously when others send their love, support 
and energies with that meditation.

I have been prompted by my higher self to request help from anyone that is
interested in helping with this meditation. You do not have to meditate with me
at any certain time or day. In fact, you do not even have to meditate at all.

What I am respectfully requesting from you is that you intent to be a part of the
meditation that I do through your intention. That you intend to include your love
and your energies during the meditation; allowing me to integrate them and grow
the love bomb. I will do the meditation. However, the intentions will not just be
mine; they will hopefully include yours as well.

This collective growth of energy and intention will help raise the collective
consciousness of the planet. If you are interested, please include your first name,
the initial of your last name and the country or state that you are from. I will have
a link on the web page that will include a count of all the people who are included
on this meditation.

The quicker we can raise the collective consciousness of the planet, the quicker
ascension can occur for humanity as a collective. A lot of people are still not
awake and this will help wake them up.

Let me tell you that this collective meditation will have a tremendous impact. We
have to act, as we are the ones we have been waiting for and we are the new
ascended masters and we are the ones that need to do the work.

Again, please click HERE to see the meditation that I do and what the love bomb
includes. I initially hesitated to post this given that there have been bombing
going off recently in Boston and elsewhere. However, I will not let others instill
fear in me, just because of the name “bomb”. This is positive bomb!! I have been
using this meditation for a long time.

My light and your light is too bright and too powerful. Collectively and
individually, there is nothing that can take away your light. You are that powerful.
You have the Divine Spark in you, and nothing is greater than your I AM Presence!
What happens when light enters a dark space?

The darkness goes away and light lights up the dark space. Let’s grow this list.
Spread the word. Put this on Facebook, twitter, and tell your friends. Stand in
your light and in your truth!

This will work but you have to believe it will work for it to be manifested. The
energies are here allowing for this manifestation at this NOW moment. I feel we
are so close. Also, please note that once you are on this list, others can use it to
enhance their own meditations, thus allowing strength in numbers in their

Remember that energy follows the intention. The intention of 10 is so much
stronger than the intention of 1. The energies and intention of 100 are greater
than 10.

And remember that God does hear prayers, God does hear intentions, and God
and the Universe does respond. Doing this daily and growing this list will have a
tremendous energetic effect on the collective vibration and consciousness of the
planet allowing ascension to come and manifest for all of us soon.

Again, we have to do the work. You can’t sit around waiting to be saved. We 
have to save ourselves. We do have help, a tremendous amount of angelic and
heavenly help but we need to do this work. That is why you are here as
Lightworkers. They can only guide us and support us. It is our work to do.

Please join me and let’s start this work. Let the heavens and the company of
heaven hear our prayers and our strength and determination and perseverance.
They will be answered!!! I know it with every ounce of being in me. Working with
intention and energy has such a tremendous effect.

It literally can transform a world. That is how powerful your thought and energy
is. But we must manifest it with intention and belief in the collective! Let’s get
positive energy and vibrations flowing through the meditation and co‐create our
new world. It is here waiting for us. I tell you this as I have seen it with my eyes
with my healings.

I feel it, I believe it and I see it with every healing I do. Truly, it is there. And it is
amazing. Won’t you join me? So include a comment below, give me your first
name, the initial of your last name and the country or state you are from and I will
add you to the online list. Let’s grow the list and let’s awaken humanity and raise
the collective consciousness. I promise you I will be relentless and meditate every
day including all of you and your intentions and energy and the Universe WILL
respond. WE are that powerful and that loved. I already have seen it with every
healing. It is DONE!! Blessings and love to all of you…

Click HERE to see the current Love Bomb List of Participants.

Kathy Crosswell – An Introduction

I wanted to introduce my good friend Kathy Crosswell. She is an international 
angel whisperer and Kathy works with mighty Universal Beings through their orbs 
and is helping to enlighten the way to ascension. She awakens latent psychic 
abilities within us. She definitely awakened my spiritual gifts when I first was 

I wanted to tell you about Kathy because she has helped me so much. She holds 
seminars, she has written books (all that I have read, and they are wonderful) 
and she undergoes one on one sessions through Skype with you. She resides 
in England and is a very well‐known angel whisperer, as mentioned. Kathy knows 
I am writing this post and gave me the blessings to post this. Kathy and I are 
very good friends.

Kathy has opened me up spiritually in more ways than I can say. When I was first
awakening about 3 years ago or so, she told me what Planet and Universe I was
from. She told me who my spirit guide was and how to connect with him (which 
did). She told me who I was. She was on point in so many items in my life and
she did not know any of these things as I have not told her these things at that

Everything she has ever said to me has always been correct and we still talk very
often. She is clairsentient (like me), so she feels the energies, and I recommend
her fully to anyone that wants to understand who they are and what their
purpose in life is and anything about themselves and their past.

She really is that good. I do not know what she charges but I can tell you the
information she will give you is priceless. Just mention my name and tell her
Andy said she would give you a good deal, if you are interested. HA HA! You
work one on one with her so you always will get answers as you ask them.

She can help you develop your understanding of orbs and how to connect to 
and work with their energies. Kathy has helped so many people and I am very
confident that Kathy can help you.

Here is a video from her website discussing what she
does and how she can help you. Just click HERE to see her YouTube video on one
to one sessions.

I encourage anyone that wants to know more about themselves to contact Kathy.
All you need is Skype. Her contact information is on her website. Blessings and
love to all of you and to Kathy…

Love Bomb – First Night Results!

I just wanted to give everyone an update on my first meditation on the love bomb 
with your included intentions and love. Last night was the first time that I 
incorporated the love bomb list of participants from my web site into my meditation.

Before, I would do the love bomb without incorporating anyone and their intentions 
and love. Last night I added everyone from my website list of participants and their
positive intentions into my meditation.

Let me just say that the meditation was like no other for me. When I made the
statement during my mediation that “I would now like to incorporate the love and
intentions of all the blessed souls that are on the participation list on my website
into this meditation,” I was flooded with so much energy. It felt like I was being
run over by a truck. I literally had to ground myself and felt being lifted up. It was
so amazing.

And then when I envisioned all of us dropping this ball of love into the center of
Earth and it exploded in the middle of Earth’s heart, it was indescribable to me. 
was not where I was sitting. The amount of energy that flowed was really
amazing. I so wish for all of you to see and experience this. This was so much
more powerful than any other time I have done this meditation.

There is so much strength in numbers when your combined intention and love 
is added to the meditation. And it has such an impact energetically!! This
meditation with your added intentions and love is so magnified. Let’s grow this
list even more. I know it is having such a positive impact energetically.

And as the list grows, the impact energetically will be greater as well. In any
event, I just wanted to share my experience the first time I included the
participation list to my meditation. Have a great week and thank you all for your
support. Blessings and love to all of you…

There Is No Bad Choice

Please understand that every moment of your life you are bombarded with choices.
Some choices are easy like whether you want a hamburger or a cheeseburger to eat.

Some choices are harder, life whether to buy a home or not or whether to take a job
in a different state causing your family to have to relocate affecting all the members
of the family.

Understand that regardless of any choice you make in any situation in your life,
you are learning and choosing to experience the effects of your choice.

You make the choices and you experience the effects of those choices. Each
choice you make for every situation carries with it a different timeline. There are
many, many different timeline scenarios that are possible for you in your life. No
one is better or worse than another. Each is just different with different lessons
for you to learn and experience in your life.

How you respond to any situation in your life will provide you the experience and
the lesson. So many people wonder what could have been had they taken a
different road. What could have happened from that relationship that you
decided to end?

Why did I not choose to take that job over another job? Why did I divorce my
husband or wife and would it been better had I stuck through it?

Remember that each choice in your life presents you the lesson. There is no good
or bad choice. It is just a different lesson, a different experience that you have
decided to learn based on the choice you have made. Each experience and lesson
you go through gives you growth and you become stronger because of the lesson.
People tend to get upset and they begin to doubt thinking I should have done this
or I should have done that.

They think that the grass would have been greener on the other side. Then they
may get upset and think that they have made bad mistakes in their life and maybe
even depression can set in. This mindset can be problematic and is not healthy.
Again, whatever choice you make, you are always learning, growing and
developing. That divorce you went through may have taught you how to love
more or how to trust more.

Yelling at someone else may have taught you that you need more patience and
compassion and understanding. Always ask yourself what is the lesson with the
choice you are making. The choice is always yours to make, and the lesson to be
learned is also yours.

You have free will. You decide what you will experience. You are literally creating
your world this way. Take the lesson to be learned from the experience and
throw the ego and emotions out of that experience. It’s ok to let the ego express
itself but do not engage in the emotions. Just watch your thoughts float away like
clouds and move on to the next lesson, the next experience.

Show gratitude, appreciation and thanks for every lesson that is presented to you
at every moment of your life and release the past. Do not think that you made
poor choices that are affecting your current life. Those choices that you feel are
bad have developed you and have caused you to grow and you are better because
of those experiences.

Enjoy your life and the experiences it gives you as you are evolving in every
moment of your life. And always show that appreciation and gratitude for the
lessons you are offered. And know that there are never, ever any bad choices.
So do not label any decisions you make in your life as good or bad. And honor
each person for the choices and lessons and experiences that they have chosen to

Do not judge them for their choices as maybe they are learning something you
may have already mastered. Be happy and look forward to your next life
experience as you move up in consciousness vibration into love.

to be continued...