Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information 618

Barbara Marciniak: Light is Information, Love is Creation

Barbara Marciniak: Light is Information, Love is Creation Everything is frequency, and it only takes a little shift in frequency to affect all other frequencies. As frequency beings, you are to become aware, to transmute and expand, and to enter into the home of Spirit as people who lead people to lead themselves. As members of the Family of Light, you have incarnated on this planet to prepare y..

Sasquatch Elders Speak about Co-Creation of Ascension Life

Sasquatch Elders Speak about Co-Creation of Ascension LifeVarious Elders & Seth Buoymaster We must always remember that the dark does not have the co-creator abilities that we do, and that's why they have to control, manipulate and deceive us to create their world for them through our belief systems. If we always remember this, it will become easier and easier to unplug and ~ this took me many y..

10 Powerful Spiritual Symbols (And Their Meanings) You MUST Know

10 Powerful Spiritual Symbols (And Their Meanings) You MUST Know Note: maybe you’ll probably recognize some of these symbols, but not all of them. Ladies and gentlemen, these are the 10 most important spiritual symbols and their meaning. Symbols are one of the amazing things that can leave a strong psychological impression in our minds just from their appearance.Just by stud..

3 Very Important Concepts That Create Our Current Life Experiences

3 Very Important Concepts That Create Our Current Life Experiences By Sabrina Reber As we awaken it is important for us to understand that we are working with 3 very important concepts that create our current life circumstances: * Soul Contracts * Free Will and Karma * Subconscious Beliefs and Programs Soul Contracts are put in place before we incarnate. We go through a process of pre-birth plan..

Bingers Of the Dawn: Symphonies Of Consciousness

Bingers Of the Dawn: Chapter 18 - Symphonies Of Consciousness Channelled Via Barbara Marciniak . . . Book: Bringers of the Dawn PDF of full text Here Light informs you. It uplifts you, because once you are informed, you feel more powerful. When you are not informed you feel powerless. Sound is another way to carry information because it is part of light. To you it may seem that sound and light a..

Drunvalo Melchizedek: What Will Happen During The Shift?

Drunvalo Melchizedek: What Will Happen During The Shift? In5D What’s Going to Happen in the Near Future What usually happens is that when we approach this point in the precession where this change takes place, everything begins to break down – all the social structures,etc begin to dissolve and break down. The key that does it is the magnetic field of the Earth. Which as present-day science real..

The Relationship Between Light and Dark and Positive and Negative Polarity

The Relationship Between Light and Dark and Positive and Negative Polarity We all hear the terms in New Age circles about coming into the light and out of darkness and the clash between positive and negative entities. This seemed confusing and I wanted a clear understanding of how these terms interrelated. In a meditation before going to sleep I set the intention that I wanted this understanding..

Being Peaceful And Relaxed In Your Daily Lives...

Being Peaceful And Relaxed In Your Daily Lives is part of your reason for being human. by John Smallman 2017-04-03-jesus-audio-blog-for-monday-april-3rd.mp3 Jesus Audio Blog for Monday April 3rdHumanity’s progress towards awakening is proceeding apace. However, it may well seem to many of you that conflict and chaos worldwide is intensifying, worsening, even approaching a catastrophic state that..

A Pleiadian Message: Self-Liberation and Opening to Your Power

A Pleiadian Message: Self-Liberation and Opening to Your PowerChristine Day Beloved ones, we greet you. Your third-dimensional story continues to unfold as your planet undergoes a rapid recalibration since the opening of the 2020 vibrations. There has been an upswing in the third-dimensional drama, which is being held within the veils of illusion. These higher vibrations that are entering Earth ..