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Sasquatch Elders Speak about Co-Creation of Ascension Life

namaste123 2021. 5. 8. 16:07

Sasquatch Elders Speak about Co-Creation of Ascension Life
Various Elders & Seth Buoymaster

We must always remember that the dark does not have the co-creator abilities that we do, and that's why they have to control, manipulate and deceive us to create their world for them through our belief systems. If we always remember this, it will become easier and easier to unplug and ~ this took me many years to sufficiently understand ~ be the observer of the self.

Source: Kelly Lapseritis

A Co-creation with Various Elders and Seth Buoymaster

The Time Is Now for Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life.
This part of the Planetary Life Recalibration Initiative has been running in the background since late August of 2018 when I became aware of a time-line war going on. Instead of fighting, we can choose to leave all that fighting behind by manifesting a time-line /Reality without all that and get on with our lives of self-development and constructive co-creation. Yes my friends we humans are that powerful and so much more.

The importance

The importance of this co-creation is that the future is up to us and what we choose to experience. We are all co-creating the future with our multi-dimensional actions in the NOW. This is a very real ability the human lineage possesses and uses every moment yet mostly unconscious of this fact.
The Elders assure us “these words will be a conscious living truth the more you all go through life and experience the re-organizational changes happening all around and within yourselves.”
Basically we have been switched off on many levels and as the switches turn on so do our abilities to consciously co-create. As we empower, there are opportunities to consciously co-create together a life that is much higher than the present one.
For far too long we have been kept stuck in this rut and the Elders are encouraging us to get up and co-create now more than ever without being distracted by the destructive constructs that keep our minds focused on limitation. Taking our energies from destructive life and aligning them with constructive life is the key to it all. As we do this the whole energy field shifts towards constructive life until we reach critical mass. You know what happens then? Constructive life starts to self-perpetuate. When that happens the destructive life gets starved out and comes to an end.
What follows is a fast track to cut the ties and starve out the energies that keep the scales of life tipped towards destructive life. It's really that simple of a perspective. With us as boots on the ground our job is to remain focused and true to constructive life.
A question the Elders have inspired to ask of ourselves is, “What do I need to clear and heal to have love flowing strongly in my heart again”. This is a very important question to ask the moment your love starts to dim. You know what happens already when love isn't present.
A time-line without being exploited and obstructed in any way is imperative if we are to get on with our lives and allow others to get on with theirs. If you are unconsciously co-creating, feeling disempowered, distracted and unaware then others that are self-serving will make the choices for you. No choice is still a choice.

The Elders Speak about “Becoming Conscious of energy and how it flows through you to co-create reality.”

“The Intruders/manipulators of the planet don't want you to know that you are being used to co-create their agendas. They do this by the programming in the movies, books, TV shows, songs and the unheard and unseen manipulations in our day to day surroundings. The constant watching, hearing and feeling destructive behavior makes your beings resonate with that and perpetuate it through your emanations. Even if you refrain from acting it out the energies you felt still broadcast out to the universal field of energy. As your emanations go out they return with more of the same. This cycle generates a consistent unhealthy energy that swirls around your planet creating an energetic form of terra-forming.
“What we are offering is an awareness and an action plan to dis-empower the destructive cycle and assist in anchoring the already wondrous, highly organizing energies your planet is being immersed in. The limits upon life cease when you clear, heal and dis-align with destruction.”

The Elders speak about “Effective Co-Creation

“Now that you understand the predicament of living in an exploitative reality THE TIME IS NOW to co-create the Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life Time-Line Reality. Coming together with this common focus in mind helps to organize your wonderful vision and energies into a centralized point instead of being scattered. THE TIME IS NOW FOR IT ALL to COME TOGETHER for greater effectiveness. What you're choosing to manifest here is going to be a part of your legacy of true service to others that you came here to fulfill.”

How this presented itself

This backdrop co-creation from our many dimensional aspects has come about because we have for so long suffered under the covert and obvious manipulations and have had enough. As we dreamed of a better life, we on many levels co-created the dream reality of Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life.
As I felt the cries of the masses one day I asked, “What is most needed?” and the co-created dream seed of Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life was born onto this world as a living reality as I embraced its entry.
After anchoring and nurturing it my job now is to share this reality and make this opportunity a conscious one for you to choose, strengthen and share. The fulfillment of the full manifestation of this dream into reality is a direct representation of what we can really do when we consciously co-create together and fulfill our roles in existence.
The Elders have shown me parts of the universes are infected with unenlightened intruders. They are causing tremendous suffering for themselves and others. Our role is to clear the infection, by driving it out of areas and setting up the consciousness and energies to create an environment that the infection will never ever return to. In other words we are guardians. once we FEEL this truth emerge within, we can see how far we have been distracted from our true vocation. Yes guardianship emerges in our day to day life and when we heal and grow into our FULL ROLE it will truly be a sight to behold. This is being presented to shatter the false dream about ourselves and life that we have been stuck in for quite some time. Reading this is already changing everything. Thank you.

Our Role NOW

Since the Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life Time-line/Reality is established it is time to add the unique additions of the masses to further build and realize this alternate/ natural way of living.
The four words Loving, Unobstructed, Ascension, Life when felt individually and collectively add to and anchor that reality, which changes the reality around us. Take a moment to feel them now. This is a living, loving presence that is already here. When you focus on the energies of the words you align yourself with it.
When you get distracted from that alignment you co-resonate and anchor another reality. The choice is yours. “What are you going to be anchoring for future generations”? “What is your legacy aligning with”? These are some questions our Elders ask us all the time. They see us as creator beings and are helping us to see that more and more for ourselves by making us aware of who we really are.

Seeing the Drama to End the drama

As I was shown the overview of life on this planet at this time in relation to the planetary dramas, there is a main theme underlying it all.

1) There are those who work to exploit and dominate others.
2) Those not knowing they are pawns to the exploiters agendas.
3) Those not interested in playing the agendas out for them any longer and are co-creating an alternate reality to live in without the intruder/exploiters.
The later are those that have broken free on levels and chosen to turn their energy towards more constructive living avenues.
“Those that have an opportunity to see our demonstration of de-materialization and re-materialization are seeing a level of being in the world and not of it IF WE CHOOSE. You can reach this level and more if you think more highly of yourselves and your abilities.” - Sasquatch Elder -
The intruder/exploiters need something to exploit in order to feel powerful. Why do they do this? Because they have denied their unhealed powerlessness. In order to cope with this they need to take advantage of life forms in order to fill the hole powerlessness has left in them. The self-destructive coping skill of dominating to cover up their low self-esteem has caused tremendous destruction. It is plain to see love isn’t present with them and that self-destruction is inevitable for the law state you get what you give.
Even under such circumstances the Elders see the silver lining of love and know how to make the best of a situation.

The Elders Speak about “Using the Mirror to Discover Denial and Heal”

“When life presents itself and you feel triggered, then you have an opportunity to choose to heal what's within that is triggers, or be a victim. Using the destructive ones playouts, to help you help yourself discover something within that you're not entirely aware of, is a much needed constructive action for those stuck in victim consciousness and needing a way out. The choice to heal empowers yourself to change. This helps to change reality, as you will end the need to pull in more reminders that emulate what's denied within. You have heard it before, like attracts like.”
“Once you have healed completely you graduate into realities of higher levels of perfection where intruders and exploitation of any kind don't exist.”
“You may choose to see the realities going through exploitation and choose to enter into that reality to assist that group out of the predicament. Most of you that read this and get it are here to assist. Best to keep yourselves from being entangled in the lies and stick to the truth to remain free.”

Elders Speak about “Re-Empowering Choice”

One gift our Elders would like to share is information about “YOU HAVING A CHOICE” and “THE POWER OF CHOICE”.
“We are here to make sure that awareness is set into alignment with the truth. Many of you have taken your ability to choose for granted and have lost the conscious understanding that the choices you make manifest reality. It's really powerful and profound to know that ALL YOUR CHOICES are coming together to make your experience you call life. Many walk through life feeling like a victim because they are not entirely aware of what is in the deep recesses of their internal dialogue about life and themselves. Many ride on the surface of their consciousness and wonder why this and that is happening to me. once they pay more attention to the deeper dialogue they start to figure out that they had beliefs and judgments about themselves and life that pulled into their experience activities that supported the beliefs and judgments.”
“To help you see and change this we have shared many healing techniques and understanding in Sasquatch Message to Humanity book 3 to help you on your way to healing your inner conflicts and disempowerment that sabotage your choices. once you have taken responsibility for your healing then the choices you make will be fulfilled without conflict.”
"Life is a journey to higher order, or in another word Perfection. Many qualities are needed to successfully attain higher levels of living such as Perfect Self-Love, Perfect Self-discipleship, Perfect Planning and many others that we have inspired to be created in a deck of cards (The Reality Shifting Consciousness Technology Experience- a Sasquatch, Star Elder and Human Co-creation) to help align you (co-resonate to activate) with perfected consciousness's to assist you on your journey of Re-membering who you are and what your made of. These are living consciousness's that have chosen to align with the cards and the people that are choosing to bring themselves into their highest alignments and live as effective conscious co-creators.
"Choice is everything in existence. onCE YOU'RE AWARE, IT'S THE CONSCIOUS CHOICE THAT MAKES THE UNIVERSE GO ROUND. once life goes round and you see the effect, you can make another choice to either construct improvement producing higher and endless levels of perfection or you can choose to destroy it. Most have forgotten that they are in command and the manipulators fill your minds with only their choices for you to choose from. This limits what you command to food choices, entertainment to watch etc... That’s one level of living.
“We are helping by bringing a re-membrance of your role in life as conscious co-creators. You all have unique creations to bring into manifestation yet most find themselves in a position where choices are made for them and they are very busy trying to comply with all the rules and little time is spent asking one question. 'What is it that my true nature needs to co-creative for the benefit of all in existence now'?".
“Part of the answer is the manifestation of a Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life. The fulfilling of this fundamental impulse of attaining higher levels of perfection is so important to your welfare that to be stuck in the “rat race” is causing you to be unhealthy and yearning for so much more than what the man-made world offers. The unique steps you choose to support LIFE is what is being awakened inside you now as this message stirs ancient contracts within you to be fulfilled.”

Elders speak about “The power of co-resonance.”

“When you focus your attention on something you start to align with it and emanate its qualities. Those emanations go out to existence and existence brings you more of the same. Aligning with Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life brings you more of that and as you anchor it more and more each day it takes hold and transforms your life and all who come into contact with you. This is the greatest gift you can give life that is seeking a way out of the destructive life. 
Your beings are more powerful than any technology that needs a battery.”
“The choice is yours, always has been, always will be.”
“Your choices will determine each step of your life. What they build into will be your legacy. ”

Elders Speak about “Keys of Co-Creation.”

“In order to effectively co-create a time-line reality the command must come from an intelligent power source. The quality of the power source greatly affects the outcome.”
“Multidimensional beings, which you are, when properly tuned, provide an effective means to coalesce the infinite universal energies into constructs which we experience as realities.”
“Once tuned and empowered, the feeling, knowing, visualization and commanding of the end result provides a blueprint to transform the morphogenic fields.”
The Time is NOW to choose to empower A Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life.
“Do your best to experience the waves of energy when you choose to manifest with the commandments that follow.”
“Breathe through the entire process using your breath and unique take on life to allow the energies of your signature to co-create with your fellow humans and Elders.”
“For those of you that are sensitive enough you will be experiencing the effects of each step proving to yourself that what you're doing is working. In other words the intelligences of life have heard you and are working to bring your dreams into reality. This is conscious loving co-creation.”

The Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life Co-Creation Power-UP procedure.

1) Affirm “I choose to align with my Eternal Authentic Self 100% NOW and through the entire process of co-creating the reality of Loving, Unobstructed Ascension Life”. Relax and feel yourself shift.
2) Interface with the image above (the let's see what you can really do power up phrase) and the energies associated with it to release dormant energies within your being. Affirm, “I choose to align with all the energies of the enlivened activator message NOW”.
“To allow the deepest shift affirm, “I AM Perfect Surrender” Let the enlivened message support your shift into a state of sovereignty.
“This state can be called “Pure, Powerful, Active Presence”.
“When you have aligned with the energies behind each word individually and collectively you will feel yourself as a pure, powerful and Active Presence ready to co-create!”
“Now allow God Source First Eternal to help you re-member how to consciously co-creating a reality, effortlessly and with ease. Do you accept this Re-membrance NOW? Yes? Greatness then! 
Take a moment to feel the shift within and around you as you're enlightened.”
“The time is now to co-create a reality that hasn't ever been co-created before on this level; a magnificent reality that many others will come from all over existence to learn, heal, and grow from. So much love, so much Joy, and so much beauty. The time is NOW to show all of existence just what the human family can REALLY DO!”
“From this state of being let us all make some commandments for The Complete Incorruptible Manifestation of A Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life.”
Yes? Yes! Greatness then! ”

Releasing the Grip/Dis-alignment Phase

The first part is to release the grip of another fall time-line that is trying to hijack the ascension time-line. This is doing our part to assist in the honoring of free will. Those that choose fall, will fall. Those that choose to ascend will ascend. This is LOVE in action. Making for a clean breakassists in perfection to manifest and yes you are the ones manifesting that level of perfection. This one part helps to make the transition less dramatic.
After each comma allow time to feel the shift wave flow out to existence gathering with the foundation that has already been set. Every time it's repeated with passion it builds the charge further. Each one of these is a download into your being and all of life. Feel the wonder of life without the qualities to help you feel the contrast with daily life now. You will know consciously when you’re aligning with it or without it as you go through your day.
“It's more of a consciousness war than anything else. What will you give your consciousness too?”
Let's begin. “I Am Pure, Powerful, Active Presence.” (Feel it amplify within and emanate out.)
“It is commanded once and for ALL.”
A loving life;
Without exploitation of any kind,
Without corruption of any kind,
Without secrets of any kind,
Without obstruction of any kind,
Without selfish service to self of any kind,
Without dishonesty of any kind,
Without the victim/victimizer program of any kind,
Without denial of any kind,
Without disrespect of any kind,
Without ignorance of any kind,
Without low self-esteem of any kind,
Without entitlement of any kind,
Without conflict of any kind,
Without Greed of any kind,
Without Fear of any kind,
Without Self Pity of any kind,
Without inequality of any kind,
Without power struggles of any kind,
Without Apathy of any kind,
Without hatred of any kind,
Feel all the shifts as the Re-membrane’s and your vision of life without all this comes into the moment.

Tipping the scales towards Constructive Life.

Affirm, “It is commanded, as the mighty and beloved, Eternal Authentic Presence that I AM,
The reality of Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life NOW and Forever everywhere! Now and forever everywhere! Now and Forever everywhere!
Where a completely sovereign life is lived by all!”
“Where Unity in diversity and perfect love are natural expressions.”
“Where co-creating the highest levels of Eternal Life expression are natural and Joyful.”
“Where Perfect Defense is natural to ensure an Eternally Peaceful, Joy filled Ascension Life.”
“Where Life Co-creates with joyful perfection bringing about the best for ALL.”
Feel the waves of the Loving, Unobstructed Ascension Life forming into a living sphere in the atmosphere.

Planting Your Conscious Creation.

Now command:
“The creator that I AM, Enliven this co-creation with Perfect Grace, Perfect Health, Perfect Defense, Perfect invincibility and Perfect Incorruptible Effectiveness.”
“Initiate and fulfill perfect placement of this co-creation now.”
Feel this co-creative intelligence field being perfectly placed for maximum effectiveness for all life everywhere in existence.
Once you feel the energies settle from this placement proceed.
“It is commanded that Perfect Transformation takes place now and forever to help integrate this new addition to life!
“Notice the initiation and the manifestation of the reality of Loving, Unobstructed Ascension Life enhancing from your action.”


“Now make the command,
“This co-creation is to be amplified every second of everyday for the complete manifestation of this Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life perfectly bringing about the highest and best in the highest and best way for all.”

Eternal Sealing


Stepping into a New Reality

Since the Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life Reality has already been established and enhanced by your action the time is now if you choose to shift your entire being to the Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life Reality.”
“All you need to do is make a choice. “I choose to shift my entire being in the highest and best way to the Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life Reality as my primary reality. Feel the Shifts.
All that do this and can feel energies feel much relief as they dis-align with the destructive time-line realities. They then feel like they are in the world but not of it as much. This is normal and proves your energies are shifting and integrating the choices. You may notice as acquaintances change to healthier ones. There may seem to be less stressful situation in your day to day life. Re-member you will feel more and more like you live in a side by side reality where others and the effects of their choices seems so disruptive and yet you seem much more outside of the dramas. 
The next part is the Homework.


If you review the life without section above, you will find that the most important job from this point forward is to heal those parts of yourself that may still be caught up in playing out unhealthy attitudinal behavioral patterns. You will notice this when your pulled into the side reality. When your triggered use the tools in book 3 to help realign yourself and you will have stepped out of that and into Conscious Ascension Life again.
Once you sincerely heal these parts of yourself as you go through this checklist you will be finding that your personal power grows and you complete the alignment with the loving Unobstructed Ascension life and emanate that reality strongly and naturally. You will be free from being pulled into the dramas others choose and become more and more a blessing upon this earth. This new stand is helping bring the inevitable future of Loving Unobstructed ascension life into the now. When you are emanating these energies you will be giving a wonderful gift to all as they pick up on and integrate the energies on many levels consciously and unconsciously.

Elders Closing

“Give gratitude to yourselves and others for this co-creation. It is up to all of you to keep holding this beautiful reality and nurture it with your loving thoughts and attention and healing yourselves. Spread the words all over that represent this eternally living consciousness field.”
“We encourage artists to see what you can really do to creating images with the words Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life to act as stands of manifestation to anchor the wonderful energies you feel as you create the art. Song to be sung filled with the inevitable future of Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life. This helps to keep yourselves and others focused on and emanating the wondrous energies of that reality.”
“Welcome to a deeper understanding and action of conscious co-creation.”
“Self-awareness+ Empowered Choice= Co-Creation.”
“When you do this again in groups adding your own intentions simply make the commandments to be added to the Loving Unobstructed Ascension life reality. The co-creation is Incorruptible and Eternal. Rest assured only the best will be added.”
“Thank you all for your service to others Action today! 
Many life forms REALLY appreciate your efforts.”
Love without end,

Here is another enlivenment platform to place objects on (For 30 seconds).
“Disseminate to life to help anchor the energies in areas that need assistance.
“Do your best to enliven life with Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life emanations.”
“Let's see what you can Really Do!”
A Life shift question to ask friends is,
“Do you choose a Loving Unobstructed Ascension Life?
Yes? Greatness Then!! and notice the energies shift. 
DISCLAIMER: The related technologies are offered for theoretical exploration only; not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any illness, ailments or affliction.
Seth Buoymaster practices energy and holistic healing in Beverly Hills, Florida. Seth has a B.S. in Holistic Health from American Institute of Holistic Theology (A.I.H.T), is a Reiki Master (Usui Shiki Ryoho), and is a licensed Reverend of the Dolphin Star Temple ( 

