The I AM University From the Perspective of the Mighty I AM Presence!
Dr Joshua David Stone
Beloved I Am Friends, Welcome to the Official anchoring of the I AM University into cyberspace and onto the physical/earthly plane!
The I AM University has been functioning in the Spiritual World or inner plane for a great many years. The Inner plane Ascended Masters have told me that 600 million people have already been involved with the inner plane I AM University since its inception. This does not mean, however, that everyone is consciously aware of this fact. For on the inner plane people travel there in their soul bodies to study, train, and learn to become I AM Masters, Integrated Ascended Masters, and fully Realized Integrated Christs.
I have been greatly looking forward to sharing this particular write up with you about the I AM University. In the other write ups I have spoken of the I AM University in terms of it being a training University to train “Integrated Ascended Masters” and “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Synthesis Christs”. If you will “Integrated Christs, Masters, Teachers, and Channels” for the Aquarian Age.
In this write up today Spirit, the inner plane Ascended Masters, and I would like to share with you a third lens with which to look at the I AM University! The first lens is to look at the I AM University as a University to train “Integrated Ascended Masters”. The second lens is to look at the I AM University through a lens of training “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Synthesis Christs”.
The third lens of looking at the I AM University is to look at it through the lens of training “I AM Masters”! So the 64 million dollar question here is what is an “I AM Master”? Spirit, the Masters and I shall now explain.
Our Beloved Readers, we are living in the I Am Age. When Moses climbed Mt Sinai and saw the Burning Bush and God spoke to him, God said that his name was “I AM THAT I AM”! I Am is the name of God. Any time you use the words “I Am” you are affirming the name of God! Each person has within them an individualized Presence of God called a Monad, or “Mighty I Am Presence”. This is your true identity! The Mighty I Am Presence or Monad came from a Cosmic Monad or Cosmic Mighty I Am Presence through one of the great Cosmic Rays of God. God, or the I AM THAT I AM, at the highest Cosmic level, created the Cosmic Monads, or Cosmic Mighty I Am Presences, who then created the infinite number of Individualized Monads or Mighty I Am Presences. Each person’s Mighty I Am Presence then created 12 Oversouls! Each Oversoul then created or extended 12 souls into physical or some other dimensional incarnation! We each on earth are a soul, or soul extension of our Oversoul, who is an extension of our Individualized Mighty I Am Presence. So if you do the math, there are 12 souls in each Oversoul, and there are 12 Oversouls, so this adds up to 144 Souls or Soul Extensions in each person’s Individualized Mighty I Am Presence or Individualized Monad! The Purpose of life is for all individualized Monads or individualized Mighty I Am Presences to return back to their perspective Cosmic Monads or Mighty I Am Presences who then eventually all merge with God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, or Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva if you prefer, who is the Supreme I AM THAT I AM!
Now, beloved Saint Germain spoke of the importance of the words I Am and the Mighty I Am Presence in his series of books called the “I Am Discourses” in the 1930’s, through Godfrey Ray King. I spoke to Saint Germain about this yesterday, and what he told me was that the teaching and understanding of the I AM University is the new higher octave or Aquarian Age Christed Teachings of the I Am for the New Millennium! As you read on I guarantee you that you will become as excited as “I Am” about this New Revelation for the Aquarian Age. For in truth we are living in the “I Am Age!” It is hence no accident that this University is called the “I AM University”! What is so profound about the I AM University is that it has a double meaning. It references the name of God on all these different levels as the I Am, but also stands for the first letters of the words “Integrated Ascended Masters” University! For when you become one with your “Mighty I Am Presence” you also become an “Integrated Ascended Master” or “I AM Master”!
So your Mighty I Am Presence is your true identity. As a matter of fact your true Spiritual name is the name of your Mighty I Am Presence. For example the Master Jesus changed his name to Sananda, because Sananda is the name of his Mighty I Am Presence. Jesus merged with his Mighty I Am Presence and became the Christ, so it was only fitting that he take on that name. This is not something that any soul has to do for if you like your present name you of course can keep it now and when you ascend and resurrect into Spirit, however, this is an option all souls have. It is your higher spiritual name.
So your Mighty I Am Presence or Monad is made up of 144 souls, soul extensions, or mini I Ams, who are working for the evolution of the Oversouls, who in turn are working for the evolution of the Mighty I Am Presence. The Mighty I Am Presences then form Monadic Groupings with other Mighty I Am Presences. Then eventually at the 352nd level of evolution all the Mighty I Am Presences merge into the Cosmic Mighty I Am Presence or Cosmic Monads! The Cosmic Mighty I Am Presences along with the Seven Cosmic Rays of God, merge with the I AM THAT I AM which manifests itself in the form of the Trinity!
So one could say we all on Earth are serving the Cosmic I AM THAT I AM, or we are serving the Cosmic Monads or Cosmic Mighty I Am Presences, or we are each serving our own individualized Mighty I Am Presence. Most people do not realize their true multi-dimensional nature. So life is about union and integration. We first must become integrated in our three minds, or Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious mind. Then we must merge and integrate with our Oversoul! Then we must merge and integrate with our Individualized Mighty I Am Presence, which is our true identity. Then with our Group of Mighty I Am Presences at ever increasing higher levels. Then we must merge with our Cosmic Mighty I Am Presence in one of the Seven Cosmic Rays we were created on. Then we must merge with the Holy Spirit, the Cosmic Christ, the Second Aspect of the Trinity and then we merge with the I AM THAT I AM! These are the 14 levels of Spiritual Marriage we all must go through to become a fully “God Realized Being”, or to become a “Cosmic Integrated Ascended Master”, or a “Cosmic Integrated Christ”, or a “Cosmic I Am Master”! These are all terms for saying the same thing!
Since each person has 144 souls in their Mighty I Am Presence or Monad, each person is in truth responsible for not just their own Ascension and Resurrection, but the Ascension and Resurrection for all 144 souls in their Mighty I Am Presence! This could be called your I Am Presence family or Monadic Family. We often meet souls or even marry or get in relationships or friendships with souls from our Monad on Earth. I have met a number of mine. So the ideal is for you to become the spiritual leader or I Am Master of your Mighty I Am Presence family!
Now the interesting way this works is that as you first become the spiritual leader and I Am Master of your Oversoul which is a group of 12 Souls, when you ascend, you ascend for your whole Oversoul! It is like a sports team that has a star player like Michael Jordan was for the Chicago Bulls basketball team! Everyone gets a championship ring even though one person steps forward in spiritual leadership as an I Am Master in your Oversoul. As you continue to evolve then the next step is to be the “I Am Master” for all 12 Oversouls and all 144 souls in your Mighty I Am Presence! This is what I have humbly done for my Mighty I Am Presence! There is a process of learning to integrate and cleanse your other soul extensions that you will be taught in the I AM University, so you can hence fully merge with your Mighty I Am Presence.
Full merger with your Mighty I Am Presence begins at the 12th initiation and is completed at the 22nd Initiation! It is the purpose of the I AM University to help all souls on earth achieve the 12th and then the 22nd level of initiation, so all souls on Earth can be fully realized “Integrated Mighty I Am Presences” walking the Earth! When you merge with your Mighty I Am Presence you also do this for your whole Mighty I Am Presence family. You become the Spiritual Leader, Guru, and Realized Mighty I Am Presence for your entire Mighty I Am Presence family of 144! This is where in part the term 144,000 came from in the Revelation of John that ends the New Testament.
Now here is another interesting thing I asked Spirit, my Mighty I Am Presence, and the inner plane Ascended Masters yesterday which was, How many people on Earth have taken at least their 12th initiation. They told me
at this time in the year 2004 to 2005 only around 500 souls on earth have achieved their 12th level of initiation. I have humbly achieved my 24th/25th initiation and level of light body anchoring and activation, however, I am in a little bit of a unique situation because of the spiritual leadership responsibilities I have been given. However, this is available to others as well who are willing to become I Am Masters, and Integrated Ascended Masters, and step into Spiritual Leadership and Planetary World Service! I was told that besides my unique situation because of the spiritual leadership I have humbly taken on, the most advanced initiations on this planet were up to around the 15th initiation, and I believe they said there were about 50 souls on earth who had made it to that level, but no one else farther than that! It must be understood that once you reach the 12th initiation, the ability to take further initiations is directly related to how integrated you are, how you pass your spiritual tests and lessons, and the degree or lack thereof, of Spiritual Leadership and Planetary World Service you are stepping into. As the saying goes, “Much has been given and much is expected.” If you wish to reach the 22nd level of initiation you must be willing to serve.
So to become a fully realized “Integrated Christ” you must first become one with your Mighty I Am Presence. No one on earth can become a fully realized Christ or Integrated Ascended Master without first becoming one with their Mighty I Am Presence. There are 352 levels of becoming a “Cosmic Mighty I Am Presence”. At this stage almost all on Earth are striving to become a “Planetary Integrated Mighty I Am Presence”.
So the purpose of life is not really Ascension, it is descension! It is to fully merge with your Superconscious mind, Oversoul and Mighty I Am Presence on Earth. Just as the I AM THAT I AM is a Trinity, in this sense we are also a Trinity in terms of conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind integration. We are also a trinity in terms of Superconscious mind, Oversoul and Mighty I Am Presence integration and merger on Earth.
Now the Christ, the Second Aspect of the Trinity, which we are all in the process of realizing on first a planetary, then solar, then galactic, then universal, then multi-universal, then cosmic level, or in all 352 levels of initiation and light body anchoring and activation as well, works through the Individualized Mighty I Am Presence and Oversoul. So they could be seen as extensions of Christ Realization. Now again I Am using the term Christ here in a Universalistic sense not a Christian sense. For all souls of all religions, spiritual paths, and mystery schools are striving to become the Christ. I am not talking about Jesus or Lord Maitreya here, I am talking about Christ the Second Aspect of the Trinity! Buddha became the Christ! Mohammed became the Christ! Moses became the Christ! Krishna became the Christ! Lao Tse became the Christ! Zoroaster became the Christ! Kuan Yin became the Christ! Mother Mary became the Christ! Isis became the Christ! Christ is the pattern, the prophets are just the men or women who followed this pattern through different religious and spiritual forms. All paths lead to God and all paths lead to Christ. God, Christ and the Holy Spirit are one. If you wish to call this Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva this is fine as well. The words do not matter as long as you understand God is a Trinity, just as we are a trinity. Of course this has to be the case for we are made in the image of God. God is the Cosmic I AM THAT I AM, and we are each miniature replicas of God in the form of miniature I Am’s growing up to be like our Father who art in Heaven.
So to become the Christ, or an Integrated Ascended Master, each person must “I Am-itize” their consciousness. Here is a new word that the Mighty I Am Presence and the Masters and I just invented! Then we can “Integrated Ascended Master-itize” our consciousness! Then we can “Christ-itize” our consciousness and become one with the “I AM THAT I AM”!
To achieve this we each must first become “Integrated I Am Presences” on Earth. This is what allows us to become a fully realized Planetary Christ on Earth which begins when you take your 12th initiation and is achieved or accomplished when you take your 22nd level of initiation.
Spirit and the Ascended Masters told me one other very interesting thing yesterday about the I AM University. They told me the I AM University would officially close down on the inner and outer plane when all souls on earth achieve their 12th initiation! Now since there are 6 billion souls on earth and only 500 souls have currently taken the 12th initiation on earth, I think the I AM University is going to be open for a while! This is Spirit, the Masters and my collective goal - to help all 6 billion souls on Earth achieve at least their 12th initiation, and for those highly motivated and precocious souls our goal is to help create 144,000 22nd degree initiates, who also have 22 levels of light body anchored and activated! Any volunteers?
This, my Beloved Readers, is part of the great work of the I AM University. It is the quickest, fastest, easiest to understand, easiest to apply system of spiritual growth that exists on this planet. I humbly share this not just through intellectual or theoretical knowledge and wisdom but through direct experience, for I have humbly achieved that which I speak of, and in this I AM University on the inner and outer plane, I and my staff and my teachers who I have personally trained will show you how to achieve and realize this yourself, so you can go out and help others. This is the great chain of service throughout creation. For service is the Law of Life! The greatest among you is the servant of all. The best way to find your true Self is to lose your little self in serving others. The humble I AM University is dedicated to this aim and goal. We have no reason for being here other than to serve and help you all in the quickest way possible to achieve these goals and so much more.
The planet Earth is an I Am Master Planetary Mystery School! It is a Christ Realization Planetary Mystery School! It is an Integrated Ascended Master Planetary Mystery School! If you want to achieve I Am Consciousness, Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Krishna/Moses/Mohammed/God consciousness and Ascended Master Consciousness within self, you must give it to others, for you cannot posses a thing without giving a thing!
There are three basic laws of the Mighty I Am Presence, of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, and the inner plane Ascended Masters. These three laws are:
Be The I AM THAT I AM And Mighty I Am Presence, God/Christ/Holy Spirit, And An Ascended Master on Earth!
Give The I AM THAT I AM And Mighty I Am Presence, God/Christ/Holy Spirit, And An Ascended Master on Earth!
Receive The I AM THAT I AM And Mighty I Am Presence, God/Christ/Holy Spirit, And An Ascended Master on Earth!
This is the Trinity Law of the I AM THAT I AM, the Mighty I Am Presence, God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Ascended Masters.
To reach this goal of achieving your 12th initiation leading up to your 22nd level of initiation, each person must manifest on earth their I Am puzzle piece. Each person has a part and piece to fulfill within the great I AM THAT I AM Puzzle throughout creation.
We each must learn to manifest the ‘I Am Consciousness’ through all Seven Rays, Seven Major Chakras and Higher Chakras, 12 Sephiroth of the Cosmic Tree of Life, 12 Major Archetypes, through the 12 Powers of Man, the 12 Gates that lead to the New Jerusalem, 12 types of Fruit on the Tree of Life, through the 24 cranial nerves in the brain that Surround the Throne of Grace, through the 12 Souls of your Oversoul, through the 144 souls of your Mighty I Am Presence and Monad, the 12 Faculties of the Mind, through the 12 bodily divisions in the physical vehicle, 12 Schools, Colleges, and Challenges of Life, through the 22 major arcana of the Tarot Deck, through the Four Faces of God and Four Faces of Man, through the 22 numbers, through the Three Minds, Four bodies, God/Goddess, Three Fold Flame, and through the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God consciousness in an integrated and balanced way! All this must be done so you can stand as an “I Am Master” as the inner plane Ascended Masters do from all religions and no religion. They are all one in the “I Am Consciousness”!
The Aquarian Age marks the full beginning of the full manifestation of the I Am Age. That is why the I AM University at the beginning of the New Millennium has been birthed in Heaven and on Earth. It is the University of the I Am. Its purpose is to create I Am Christs and Integrated Ascended Masters! So what is an I Am Christ? Well there are different types of I Am Christs.
There are Metatronic I Am Christs! There are Melchizedek I Am Christs! There are Mahatma I Am Christs! There are Sananda I Am Christs! There are Buddha I Am Christs! There are Mohammed I Am Christs! There are Krishna I Am Christs! There are Lao Tse I Am Christs! There are Zoroaster I Am Christs! There are Moses and Abraham I Am Christs! There are Kuan Yin I Am Christs! There are Mother Mary I Am Christs! There are Isis I Am Christs! There are Divine Mother I Am Christs! There are Arcuturian I Am Christs! There are Ashtar I Am Christs! There are Melchior I Am Christs! There are Helios and Vesta I Am Christs! There are Mighty I Am Presence I Am Christs! There are Universal Mind I Am Christs! There are Oversoul I Am Christs! There are Superconscious Mind I Am Christs! There is the Allah Gobi I Am Christ! There are El Morya I Am Christs! There are Kuthumi I Am Christs! There are Serapis Bey I Am Christs! There are Paul the Venetian I Am Christs! There are Hilarion I Am Christs! There are Saint Germain I Am Christs! There are Eastern Masters I Am Christs! There are Western Occult I Am Christs! There are Archangelic I Am Christs! There are Elohim I Am Christs! There are Mother Earth I Am Christs! There are I AM THAT I AM I Am Christs! There are God, Christ and the Holy Spirit I Am Christs! There are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva I Am Christs to just name a few of the types!
My Beloved Readers, if you hear nothing else hear this! The I AM University has been created to show you the unity and oneness of all these, and to show that all of them lead to God, to Christ, to Ascended Master Realization and to becoming an I Am Master and one with the I AM THAT I AM. As I have said many times we do not seek to change anyone’s religion or spiritual path. We just seek to enhance the path you are on. Now listen closely to this: Each of these paths and many more I have not mentioned is each a lens in the “Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness of God and the I AM THAT I AM”. Can you imagine developing an “Integrated I Am Consciousness” that can see and hear God, the I AM THAT I AM, through all of these lenses? Even beyond this, can you imagine developing an integrated Spiritual I Am Consciousness that sees through all of these lenses simultaneously? Everyone will still have their favorite religion or spiritual path, however, developing this type of consciousness will allow you to understand God, the I AM THAT I AM, from all lenses while still being allowed to keep whatever path you are on, or whatever path you like the best! Can you see my friends how this could enhance your present spiritual path? It will also show you more deeply the unity and oneness of all paths. It will help you to develop understanding, love and compassion for your fellow man instead of saying as many religions do, that if people do not believe what I believe they are of Satan. This is the height of egotism as we all know. It is each person’s divine right to choose the path that is right for them. Can you imagine developing such an “Integrated I Am Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Consciousness”? This is called opening your third eye, but this does not occur through developing clairvoyance. I know hundreds of clairvoyants and most of their third eyes are almost completely closed! You open your third eye or sixth chakra through developing and refining your consciousness! Through becoming of the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Krishna/Mohammed/Moses/God consciousness in an integrated and balanced way. You open your third eye through transcending negative ego/fear based/separative consciousness. You open your third eye and all seven seals or chakras through developing “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Consciousness” and not limited lens consciousness. This, my beloved fellow I Am Masters is what opens the third eye and all your Seven Seals and Chakras. It is the developing and refining of your “I Am Consciousness” that does this. Your consciousness is the foundation of your entire evolution. Channeling, clairvoyance, healing, teaching, psychic work will all be completely corrupted if you do not develop your I Am consciousness, your Christ Consciousness, your Ascended Master Consciousness, your Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness, your full spectrum prism consciousness, your integration and balance consciousness, your synthesis consciousness!
My Beloved Readers, this is the revelatory new Aquarian Age and I Am Age teachings of the Mighty I Am Presence and of the Christ, the Second Aspect of the Trinity! This is why Melchizedek the Universal Logos or President of our Universe has said that:
“The I AM University Is Set To Become The Biggest, Most Influential Spiritual Teachings on The Planet! The New World Religion Of Which The Masters Speak Is Closely Connected With Its Teachings. Joshua’s Readership Will Widen Beyond His Imaginings And Will Be A Legacy For The New Millennium!”
This is what the I AM University is prepared to teach you to become! Not just an I Am, or Christ, or Ascended Master, like in the Piscean Age, but the next Octave and Revelation upward for the Aquarian Age for this next 2000 year cycle which is to become an “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Consciousness Mighty I Am Presence, Christ, and Ascended Master”! This is why Spirit and the Ascended Masters have made the inner plane I AM University a mandatory gateway for all souls on this planet. No soul on this planet will be allowed to go to higher dimensions without going through the I AM University and achieving “integrated” ascension! No future Chohan will be allowed to take their position without going through the I AM University. For the omniverse of God is not looking for just I Am’s, or Christs, or Ascended Masters, they are looking for “Integrated I Am Masters”, “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Consciousness Christs”, and “Integrated Ascended Masters!” Spirit and the Masters are not into Ascension, they are into “Integrated Ascension”! Now no one will become a fully realized Mighty I Am Presence, or Christ, or Ascended Master from this I Am School called Earth, if they do not do it in an integrated way. The reason I have humbly achieved my 24th/25th level of initiation and light body, and no one else is beyond the 15th as of the year 2004, is that I focused on developing and refining my humble consciousness along these lines of being an “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Synthesis I Am, Christ, and Ascended Master”! Upon achieving my 22nd level of initiation and light body, shortly afterwards I had a dream that I was climbing Mt Everest with a beautiful woman. It was a treacherous climb. The woman fell at one point and almost fell off the mountain, but caught herself at the last second with her pickaxe. As I and the lady finally made it to top of Mt Everest, a master from the Great White Lodge greeted me and said, “No one in the history of the Earth has ever climbed this face of Mt Everest before!” Upon consulting with Spirit and the Ascended Masters about this dream, Spirit told me that the face of Mt Everest I climbed was the path of “Synthesis, Integration and Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness”! I humbly achieved my realization of my Mighty I Am Presence, Planetary Christ Realization, and Full and Equal Membership with the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy through following all religions and all spiritual paths to God. This, my Beloved Readers, is the next octave of Christ’s the Second Aspect of the Trinity, and the Mighty I Am Presence’s Teaching for the Earth for the Aquarian Age. The Master Jesus laid the foundation with Lord Maitreya the “Planetary Christ within the Office of the Christ” overlighting him along with the Mighty I Am Presence and Christ. 2000 years later we begin the Aquarian Age and what the “I AM University” is offering you is how to become an Aquarian Age Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Christ! To become an Aquarian Age Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Mighty I Am Presence. To become an Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Ascended Master on Earth. To become an Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis I Am Master on Earth! This is the next higher octave of Christ’s and the Mighty I Am Presence’s Teachings for the Aquarian Age! It is my humble honor to be the vehicle which the Christ, the Mighty I Am Presence, Lord Maitreya, Sananda, Melchizedek, Mahatma, Metatron and the Ascended Masters have chosen to bring this information through for the Aquarian Age and to begin this New Millennium. This was prophesized in the Alice Bailey books in the 1940’s by the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul who said at the turn of the Century a third Dispensation of Ascended Masters teachings from all the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy would come forth. My Beloved Readers this “I AM University” is the humble fulfillment of this prophecy!
The “I AM University” is in the business of helping to create Lady and Lord I Am’s, as well as channels and teachers of the I Am or Integrated Ascended Master Consciousness!
Our goal is to create an Integrated I Am Planet, or Christed Planet, or Ascended Master Planet. Then our goal will be to create with Helios and Vesta an Integrated I Am/Christed/Ascended Master Solar System. With Melchior an Integrated I Am/Christed/Ascended Master Galaxy! With Melchizedek the Universal Logos an Integrated I Am/Christed/Ascended Master Universe! Then with the Multi-Universal Logos of the multi-universe an Integrated Cosmic I Am/Christed/Ascended Master Multi-universe. Then finally with the I AM THAT I AM an Integrated Cosmic I AM THAT I AM /Christed/Ascended Master Omniverse. This is all our work my friends! First however, you must achieve this within yourself! Each person must become the I Am Master over themselves. only then can one be given spiritual leadership and I Am Mastership over a planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multi-universe or omniverse! Whatever theme of I Am Christed Master you want to become is fine. I gave you a list earlier of all the different types and that list just scratched the surface of all the types of Christed themes or paths you can take. When all souls reach Integrated Planetary Mighty I Am Presence and Integrated Christ Realization at the 22nd level of initiation, then the whole earth will sing the I Am song! They will dance to the I Am tune! All they see will be the I Am in multitudinous forms and frequencies. All they will hear is the I Am speaking to them in an infinite variety of ways. People will manifest all the I Am qualities, or Fruits of the Spirit, or Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Krishna/Mohammed/Moses/Lao Tse/Zoroaster qualities! Through this process everyone will step into their I Am spiritual mission, profession, leadership and spiritual leadership, both on Earth and in Heaven!
All souls on earth will develop I Am Minds free of all negative ego and imbalanced thoughts. I Am feelings and emotions which are free of all negativity. I Am energy which is clear and sparkling like the Mighty I Am Presence, Christ and the Holy Spirit itself. All souls on earth will develop I Am physical bodies. Christed physical bodies! Ascended Master Physical bodies! Free from sickness and disease! Filled with Light and Love! Filled with the Mighty I Am Presence, I AM THAT I AM, Christ, Holy Spirit, Superconscious Mind, Oversoul, and Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Elohim and Christed Extraterrestrial spiritual current! Our relationships will take on the pattern of the Mighty I Am Presence and of the Christ and of the Ascended Master design!
Our cities will become “I Am Cities of Light”, “I Am countries of light”! Lord Buddha’s work as Planetary Logos and Earth Mother’s work will be complete when the entire planet becomes an Integrated I Am Planet, a Christed Planet, and Integrated Ascended Master Planet!
This, my Beloved Readers, is the work and spiritual mission of the I AM University. Just as peace in the world cannot be created until people have inner peace within themselves and their relationships, the same is true within the integrated I Am/Christ/and Ascended Master Planet. Before this can be achieved people must realize the Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Synthesis Mighty I Am Presence/Christ/and Ascended Master within themselves. This my Beloved Readers is the great work of the I AM University. What is also unique about this work is that it ties the Mighty I Am Presence, the work of the Christ and Holy Spirit, the work of the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Elohim, Christed Extraterrestrials, the work of the Oversoul, the Superconscious mind, and the I AM THAT I AM, or God all into one movement. It also ties the work of all religions, all spiritual paths, all mystery schools, all spiritual teachers, gurus, spiritual texts, channels and Ascended Masters, Spirit guides and celestial beings into one movement! This is why Melchizedek the Universal Logos or President of our local Universe has tied the I AM University with the New World Religion the Ascended Masters have been trying to anchor for the last 2000 years. I am not saying the I AM University is a religion for it is not, and I am not promoting it as such. It is in truth a unifying and uniting integrated synthesis full spectrum prism consciousness teaching that connects everyone and everything. The Master Jesus said the whole law could be summed up as “Love the Lord thy God with all your heart and soul and mind and might and love thy neighbor as you love yourself”. He also said part of this most important law was “Shema Yisrael Adonai Elohanu Adonai Echad! The Lord thy God is one!” The I AM University promotes total integration, total synthesis and total oneness. As the Musketeers used to say, “All for one and one for all!”
It is for these reasons the I AM University focuses on integration, synthesis and full spectrum prism consciousness. Just as going through the Mighty I Am Presence is a required gate to realize the Christ and God and Integrated Ascended Master status, the “I AM University” has been made a required gate all souls on earth must go through. This does not mean all souls on Earth will outwardly study these teachings, however, all souls will have to attend the inner plane I AM University to get integration, synthesis and full spectrum prism training to enhance whatever path they have chosen to return to God. The I AM University will never try to change a person’s path, it will only bring integration, balance, synthesis, full spectrum prism consciousness to it, to enhance it. So the I AM University is literally for all souls on this planet. It is connected with the inner plane Synthesis Ashram which is one of the Eight Ashrams of the Christ, Lord Maitreya. Since I have spiritual leadership of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram, and I am in line to take over Lord Maitreya’s position of Office of the Christ in the future, I think you can see why I am humbly the perfect person to run and implement the I AM University. The I AM University came about after I wrote my Book “Integrated Ascension”. I humbly coined this term, and out of this the I AM University or Integrated Ascended Masters University was born on the inner plane! As I grew spiritually and grew in my spiritual leadership the former MSLA or Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy on the inner plane evolved into the I AM University! Now it is time to anchor the I AM University on Earth. These groupings of write ups mark the official ground breaking opening of the I AM University for all souls on Earth in both the inner plane and outer plane I AM Universities!
It is the goal of the I AM University to unite the world in the I Am Consciousness and in Integrated Ascended Master Consciousness. No one goes to the Father except through the I Am. No one goes to the Christ except first through the I Am. It is by becoming one with your Mighty I Am Presence that you can move into full integrated Planetary Christ Realization and beyond to Cosmic Mighty I Am Presence Realization and Cosmic Christ Realization!
Most definitely call on your Mighty I Am Presence, your Oversoul, your Superconscious mind, the Universal Mind, the Universal Heart, the Holy Spirit, the Christ, the I AM THAT I AM, the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, the Elohim Masters, and Christed Extraterrestrials for help in doing this! The curriculum they use is that of the I AM University for these are humbly the most advanced Spiritual, I Am, Christed, Ascended Master Teachings on this planet! This is why I was humbly voted to be the next World Teacher by the Spiritual Hierarchy and chosen to take over the Office of the Christ. The I AM University has been chosen by Spirit and the Ascended Masters to be the main movement and next dispensation of Mighty I Am Presence, Christ, New Aquarian Age Teachings and Integrated Ascended Master Teachings on the Earth! Spirit and the Ascended Masters told me that the I AM University has the best chance and potentiality of achieving their collective goal of uniting the Earth, bringing it back into oneness, creating 6 billion 12 degree initiates and 144,000 22nd level degree initiates in the quickest, easiest, fastest, most practical, most balanced, most synthesized possible way which is most aligned with the cutting edge nature of their teachings. I am deeply humbled and humility filled and honored to be involved in this co-creative capacity to turn this planet into an I Am Planet, Integrated Christed Planet, and Ascended Masters Planet!
Each person on earth must get in touch with their I Am blueprint, and I Am puzzle piece to fulfill their role. The I AM University, the Mighty I Am Presence, the Christ, and the Ascended Masters, and all the rest of the Company of Heaven, and I are all humbly asking for your help and support in all ways and all things! Anyway you can support the work and the efforts of the I AM University to help make it as successful as we possibly can, we gratefully accept! Be it just your involvement in the I AM University itself, or turning people onto it. Doing service work in a multitudinous number of areas. See service work help needed further down on the table of contents! We ask for the global help of the world community to consider helping the I AM University through tithing, seed money, and donations of all sizes. The entire global I AM University I am financing myself and I have put every penny I have into it. I don’t mind doing this for I don’t have any other life other than God, the Mighty I Am Presence, Christ, and the Ascended Masters, and Company of Heaven. However, to expand the work to the degree Melchizedek the Universal Logos is talking about will take greater financing! So we ask for your tithing, seed money and donations to help expand the work. If there are any wealthy benefactors out there who feel touched by the truth of my humble words and the spiritual vision Spirit and the Masters and I have presented, we ask for your generous help as well! I have tried to follow the motto in my life, “Seek ye the Kingdom of God and all things shall be handed onto thee!” It has worked my entire life even though I have lived on the edge and lived on blind faith a great deal of the time, and I am not about to stop now. We at the I AM University appreciate all forms of help and service. The biggest service you can do is just turning people onto the work. Spread it all over the internet. Tell all your friends, students, and family about it. I am sure you can sense the profundity of the spiritual vision Spirit and the Masters have humbly given me! I just do what they tell me to do and try to do each Spiritual assignment and leadership post I am given with a pursuit of excellence to the highest level I possibly can! Any way you are guided to help and serve on any level, no matter how small, we totally welcome in deep and profound humbleness and gratitude!
I asked Metatron to look in the Book of Life in the Akashic Records to see the success of the I AM University on all levels, and he told me it would be off the charts! That is why they are supporting it collectively above all other movements to the degree they are! Having channeled and written the 40 volume Easy to Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual path really provided for me a good foundation for starting this I AM University! The ascension book series provides foundational building information. The eight correspondence courses, workbook, journal system, four training manuals, along with the 21 ascension activation meditations provide the “Revelatory New Aquarian Age higher Octave of Teachings of the Mighty I Am Presence, the Christ, and the Ascended Masters”! If you want to achieve your 12th to 22nd levels of initiation and light body and achieve your ascension and resurrection in this lifetime, and become an Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness I Am Master, Christed Master, and Ascended Master, then study this specific information. This information in combination with the eight inner plane training programs you will see below, the inner plane I AM University itself, and the absolute revelatory profundity of the correspondence courses, work book, 21 ascension activation meditation tapes, and sessions, is the “Rocketship to Mighty I Am Presence, Christ and Ascended Master Realization!”
Most importantly practice the Presence of the I Am on Earth in your daily life. If you want to posses and become the Mighty I Am Presence you muse live, be, demonstrate, act, embody and receive the Mighty I Am Presence on Earth. Create your I Am consciousness and reality. Everyone creates their own reality by how they think. Their thoughts create their feelings and emotions, energy, physical body, diet, lifestyle, and earth life. This is the reality you life in. Create your reality in accord with the I Am. See every person you meet as an I Am as well. Every contact with another brother or sister is an I Am contact and encounter. See the I Am in ever animal, plant, tree, flower, stone and rock. There is only one being in the infinite Universe and that is the I Am. We are just miniature I Ams, growing up to be like our Father I AM THAT I AM! To understand the I Am is to understand yourself, for you are as much the I Am as God is. Could the I AM THAT I AM create anything other than Himself? Do not be rigid or self righteous in spiritual and religious views. If people want to realize the I Am through another path that is perfectly fine! The I AM THAT I AM doesn’t care. The I AM THAT I AM works through all religions and all spiritual paths. So does the Christ and so do the Ascended Masters. All of the Ascended Masters go to and belong to the Universal Church of the I Am, the Universal Church of Christ, and the Universal Ascended Master Church which are all one Church!
Is it not interesting that the words I Am have three letters! The number three is the number of the Trinity! The letters of the I Am not only stand for Integrated Ascended Master, they also stand for God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, or Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva! So learn to see with the “eyes” of the I Am, on a Trinitized level, which means seeing through the eyes of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, seeing through the eyes of the Mighty I Am Presence, and seeing through the eyes of the Ascended Masters!
You all know the movie “Return of the Jedi” which was the third of the trinity of the Star Wars movies when they first came out. Well the Aquarian Age is the “Return of the Integrated full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Consciousness I Am!” In the movie the Lord of the Rings, Gandalf who in the beginning of the third part of the Trilogy, the “The Return of the King,” was Gandalf the Grey came back as Gandalf the White, after doing spiritual battle fighting the Balrag. In this new Aquarian Age it is the Return of the I Am King/the Integrated Christ and the Integrated Ascended Master! The I Am and the I Am Teachings have evolved as Saint Germain so eloquently told me yesterday and I Am the Grey has now become I Am the White! Interesting that both of these films were part of a Trilogy! The mantra for the Aquarian Age is no longer the force is with you! But “the Force is with you, and you are the Force”! More succinctly put, however, it really should be stated:
The I Am is with you, and you are the I Am! The Christ is with you, and you are the Christ! The inner plane Ascended Masters and Company of Heaven is with you and you are an externalization of the Ascended Masters on Earth! Be Still and Know, I Am God!
This, my Beloved Fellow Apprentice/Master I Am Masters, Christed Masters, and Ascended Masters is the humble work and service of the I AM University! This work is for those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear the humble and truthful words that Spirit, the Masters, and I speak to you on this day of our Lord, the I AM THAT I AM!
It is for this humble reason and purpose the I AM University has been created in Heaven and now on Earth as well! If you drink of this I Am/Christ/Ascended Master cup, it will bring you a peace that passeth understanding! It will accelerate your initiation, Ascension, Light body anchoring process faster than you have ever dreamed possible! The enrollment in the I AM University on the inner and outer plane will help you to become one with your Mighty I Am Presence, with the Christ, and with the Ascended Masters and Company of Heaven! It will help you to develop and refine your I Am consciousness, Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness and Integrated Ascended Master Consciousness! It will help you to find and manifest your I Am Spiritual mission and puzzle piece on Earth!
It will help you achieve your physical ascension and resurrection in this lifetime when your spiritual mission is complete.
It will I Am-itize, Christ-itize and Ascended Master-itize your physical Body and health! It will help you transform your DNA into 12 Strands, imprinted with the fire letters, key codes, and sacred geometries of your Mighty I Am Presence, the Christ, and the Ascended Masters!
My Beloved Readers this is just the tip of the iceberg! The I AM University is prepared to give you the Keys to the Kingdom if you but have the eyes to see and the ears to hear the profundity and truthfulness of the words Spirit, the Masters, and I speak in these writings. I will close this write up with the immortal words of the Bible,
“For no eyes have yet seen and no ears have yet heard what God has prepared for those who love Him!”
With all my love,
Your Eternal Friend and I Am Brother,
I Am Dr Joshua
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