
The Planetary and Cosmic Axiatonal Alignment

namaste123 2008. 9. 19. 14:24





The Planetary and Cosmic Axiatonal Alignment 

The Planetary and Cosmic Axiatonal Alignment prepares you to be a Divine Instrument for Spirit. It also allows for the preparation for the frequencies of energy from Spirit to move through you, your hands and your total being. You will also experience a Higher Light Integration in this process. It also allows for you to build your light bodies at a faster rate.

Why is Higher Light Integration necessary?

Higher Light Integration is to assist the DNA in receiving more light, support the building of the Lightbody and prepare the five lower bodies for unification with the Oversoul. It also provides clear thinking, better dream recall, and gentle openings in psychic or multi-dimensional perceptions. It will provide a way for the light to move more smoothly through and around the body. It will provide for the energy bodies to be restructured and realigned. The chakras will begin to operate at a higher functioning and merge. New synaptic pathways are formed in the brain and allow it to open up into a biotransducer receiver and translator of Light Languages. Higher Light Integration also provides a deeper communion with Spirit.

1. Review of the Twelve Levels of Lightbody – An overview of the 12 stages of lightbody and how you can determine which level you are in and know the symptoms of the remaining lightbodies when they anchor within you.

What is an axiatonal line? 

As part of the game of separation, the acupuncture meridians were cut off from direct connection with the Overself and other star populations. Axiatonal lines are the equivalent of acupuncture meridians that can connect with the Oversoul. Through the axiatonal lines, a human body is directly re-programmed by the Overself into a new body of light. 

They are the meridians flowing through the galactic body, renewing the energy of all the organs and cells. The functions of the Office of the Christ are necessary to restructure the axiatonal meridians in the human body.

2. We will be learning to diagnose and repair all of our axiatonal lines on the physical body.

3. We will also be connecting The Star of David Grid around the physical body.

What is the Adam Kadmon Body? The Adam Kadmon body was the body that we had prior to the fall. We had instant manifestations and had everything that we needed at our fingertips. This work prepares you for the Adam Kadmon body.

4. We will also be anchoring the New Divine Blueprint.

5. We will be Activating water.

6. You will also learn how to remove 6th dimensional limitational devices on yourself and others.

7. You will also learn how to use the Karmic Matrix Removal process- This is the removal of all Karmic Matrices, thought forms, emotions and cellular memory for abandonment, fear, co-dependency, blame, guilt, forgiveness, resistance, and control . Also, any thought that holds the sense of separation from spirit or enemy patterning, and clears blocks to have clear communication with spirit.

8. You will also learn a Hormonal Re-balancing technique as you move through the light body changes. This also assists anyone that you know going through menopause.

9. We will have an overview of Diet Changes and Lifestyle changes as you move more into Lightbody. This is a hands-on class so be prepared if you are able to bring a massage table. 

An Axiatonal Alignment is deeply relaxing and very gentle, it is a powerful healing modality that works along the meridian/acupuncture lines of the body; rejuvenates at all levels and is a means of waking you up and reconnecting yourself to your higher levels of self. Session clears, opens and prepares the client to receive the new energies of the alignment into the physical, emotional and mental bodies that facilitate healing. Axiatonal Alignment can be used alone or combined with any other healing therapy (when done before any other healing modality it takes that therapy into a deeper level).

During an Axiatonal Alignment session the practitioner will systematically move from your head down to your feet "tapping" on specific "spin" points along the body that lay along meridian lines. Spin points are small vortices of energy that emit light and sound frequencies.

The treatment consists of three parts:
  1. The first part clears the Axiatonal lines of blocked energy, allowing for the free flow of (chi/prana) energy.
  2. The second part of the treatment is done to balance the right and left sides of the body and brain.
  3. The third part of the treatment reconnects you to the Cosmic Lattice. The Cosmic Lattice is a specific kind of energy, it is something so common that it is around all of you - all the time. It is the energy of Love. Read more...

Benefits of an Axiatonal Alignment:

* Opening your meridian channels and removing blockages

* Balancing your Chakras and the polarity of your body

* Releasing any physical, emotional and spiritual limitations

* Becoming deeply relaxed and having a sense of well being on all levels: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual

* Balancing of the male and female sides of the body,

* Deeper meditation for those who meditate

* Clearing negative emotional patterns

* Feel more focused and highly motivated

* Balancing, centering and focusing you

* Powerfully boosting the effects of other therapies such as Reconnective Healing, Reiki, Massage and Reflexology


I can't wait to get back and perform this work on all of my friends. I feel so clear and light. This will be

a great technique to offer my clients other than just massage. Thank you very much.Sandy 

The axiatonal alignment provided me with a greater connection to my higher self and guides. It also

removed the pain that I had in my right shoulder for the last ten years. Great workshop. Jim 

The class provided the means for me to clear a past lifetime having to do with me not taking my power

back. The technique used made it really easy and now I feel more empowered. I didn't even

believe in past lives until I experienced this. Thanks again for everything. Cindy 

This workshop gave me so many techniques that I can use in my healing practice. I know why I have

been experiencing all of the things that I have now and I feel that I have achieved integration and a clear

channel to my higher self for communications. Removal of the limitation devices stopped my back

from hurting. Karen