
Kuthumi: The 2nd Ascension Wave of 2008

namaste123 2008. 9. 28. 02:17

The 2nd Ascension wave of 2008

The information in this article is all based on information channelled by Michelle Eloff, founder and director of The Lightweaver. Michelle is a gifted trance voice channel, who has been bringing forward some very advanced information from various Ascended Masters and other light beings over the last few years. Information channelled by Michelle has been changing lives around the world for quite some time now; especially since bringing the work to the internet a little over a year ago.

“I recently discovered your channellings which has changed my life. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on. I can't get enough - the material literally pulls me to it. Sometimes I go to my car while at work to read through (and meditate to the best of my ability) on one of the activations. These channellings have given my life a new level of purpose in regards to my spiritual path and I cannot adequately express my gratitude." Laura.

For quite some time now, Master Kuthumi has been talking about the “Second Ascension Wave of 2008”. This event is scheduled to take place on the 21st of December 2008. This is what Master Kuthumi had to say in the 7:7 Gateway Magic, Miracles and Abundance Manifestation Channellingon 07/07/2006:

"You have, until the 21st of December 2008 to get your act together so to speak. During this time, leading up to 2008 in December, the Masters will work very closely with you."

The Lightweaver will make this channelling freely available, please read on.


Since then, Master Kuthumi, and a host of other Ascended Masters that this channel brings forward, has mentioned The 2nd Ascension wave of 2008, on numerous occasions.

On 1 January this year, Master Kuthumi had quite a bit to say about this event. What follows are a number of excerpts from that transcript:

(Page 1) It is during this year that the Second Wave of Ascension will manifest its fullness and by the 21st of December 2008 many of you will have undergone changes of drastic proportions. These changes are not to be feared; this is change that brings you into a higher state of awareness, a deeper state of understanding and a stronger presence of self, directing your life.

(Page 5) Now November is a vital month because it is the last phase of the preparation that you require to fully embrace the Second Ascension Wave that shall grace your planet in December. Every single day of November will be filled with Master Vibration Energies. Key dates are the 1st of November, the 11th of November as well as the 21st of November. The 22nd of November is gateway into a vital realm of deeper understanding in preparation for the ascension wave of the 21st of December. However, during November you are going to experience powerful waves of new consciousness moving through your being, and moving through your life internally and externally. November is kind of like a whirlwind month where the energy of that whirlwind will literally suck everything out of your life that you have stubbornly clung to, making sure that December is the month you will be able to freely step into the higher consciousness and awareness that the Second Ascension Wave brings.

In the month of December I, Kuthumi, will be accompanied by all of the Divine Beings of the Universe housing your planet. December is one of the most important months in terms of you learning, in terms of you understanding the physics of life, the mechanics of your heart and your soul, and it is in the month of December 2008 that I, Kuthumi, accompanied by St Germain and the Master Jesus will be moving to higher realms in our own evolution, which will automatically draw all of our willing Lightworkers, those who have completed the journeys of initiation, those who have mastered the necessary levels, with us into this new realm.

(Page 6) The 21st of December will be the time where we open the doors to this higher realm that I spoke of earlier on that I will be moving into, and it is at this particular time that the Second Ascension Wave will take place where all Lightworkers who have mastered what I have spoken of and who have attained that level of inner awareness and consciousness will move through into the higher levels of ascension awareness.

On the 12th of December all of you will experience the first activation of the preparation for this particular wave. There will be massive change beloved ones in all areas of life. It is important because 2010 is another vital ascension time and all need to be prepared. The years that move on from 2008 will be ones to further empower you. Let me also add at this point it does not mean to say that because we are moving to higher levels that no longer will we communicate with you. All it means is that the level from which we are communicating is of a much higher vibration and it is only those who are willing to embrace that vibration that will get the truth within those teachings.

And here is an excerpt from the ‘9D Indigo Ray of True Religion Channelling’ transcript, from way back on 2 August 2006. 

St Germain says the following in the channelling:

(Page 3) The Indigo Ray of the 9th dimension serves the purpose of relieving humanity of the fear to walk the path of ascension. This great day opens a 9th dimensional portal for many of the “sleeping” Star seeds; the Lightworkers still slumbering, to move into the state of consciousness and experience accelerated awakening so as to meet the criteria of the ascension wave of 2008, December on the 21st day of that month.

This also means that advanced Lightworkers receive a similar opportunity to accelerate your ability to integrate quotients of light and to hold 99% light quotient with ease and grace within your body.

And this is what Terry had to say (Terry has been participating by reading transcripts and listening to recordings on the other side of the world from The Lightweaver, for quite some time now):

“Reading this channeling from 31 months ago, I am in awe not only at the power of the Activation from it, but also the awareness back then of the 21 December 08 date.” Terry

Excerpt from 27 Keys of Ascension & 54 Kundalini Chakras 19/01/2008 

(Page 2 / 3) 2008 is preparing you for the second ascension wave, this particular wave is taking you beyond what is referred to as fishbowl consciousness, it is moving you beyond group consciousness; the dynamics that inhibit your growth forward.

Excerpt from 21:3 Equinox Channelling, Kuthumi's Challenge 21/03/2008 

(Page 1) The second ascension wave, which anchors the full extent of it’s energy on the 21st of December 2008, and will continue to affect humanity until the 21st of December 2010, is coming forth with an energy that may be considered ruthless. There is nothing ruthless about it precious ones, what you are perceiving as ruthlessness is simply authenticity, truth, the "real deal" so to speak.

Excerpt from 8:8:8 Windows of Abundance Celebration 08/08/2008 

"Your energy field is being prepared to receive additional dimensions of consciousness, which are programmed into the Sun Chakra, which will fully weave itself into the sacred grid of your unique divine plan upon the day of the 21st of December 2008. At that time those of you who are willing to receive your new chakras through the Sun Portal of Akhenaton will be activated on many levels so that the calling to receive this particular initiation will be heard loud and clear, and felt deeply within your heart, your body, your mind and your spirit."

We could fill another 5 pages with excerpts about this event from these channellings. If you want to see that, please go here. We can also fill a webpage as long as your leg with glowing testimonials about this channel and the information she brings forward. If you don’t believe us, go here!

So now you're probably thinking "It sounds like there's been quite a bit of preparation for this. And while I'm very attracted to this event, I don't quite see how I'm going to catch up with the rest." To loosely paraphrase what Mary Magdalene had to say in a recent channelling, everything that has happened in your life so far has been a process bringing you to this point. This point in time where you are reading these words. The mere fact that you are here right now, reading this, means that you are most likely ready to receive this information. We would say the odds are more than just good, they are definitely fair.

One thing we can assure you of, if you're not ready to receive this material, you won't! While we do make this material freely available on the Internet via our web shop,, we know that many people cannot access the material, for the most wonderful variety of reasons. For truly the Masters that work with us control the flow of information on the websites. For those who are attracted to this material, but who are not ready to receive it, we apologise in advance for the frustration you are going to experience. You will be amazed at the variety or errors that the Master’s have up their “sleeves”. We have seen too much evidence to have any doubt as to who is really running the Lightweaver andIndeContent websites! Our Webmaster has been heard to mutter the phrase "light meddling" (and some other comments we can’t mention here) on more than one occasion.

The Lightweaver offers a number of ways for you to sample this information. For a starter you will definitely want to come and have a look at our website, There you will find numerous transcripts and our pod cast. At the moment our pod cast includes 19 recorded channellings from 2005. The audio quality on some of those recordings is not of the highest quality. Our recording equipment back then was not of the best quality. But it is certainly good enough to give you some idea of the energetic power of these channellings. We heartily recommend that you subscribe to the pod cast, because we are planning to make some of the upcoming major activations, leading up to, and including, the 2nd Ascension wave of 2008, available via the pod cast. While you’re at it, you will also want to subscribe to thenewsletter too. It will be the best way to stay informed. And for those who use iTunes, you can find us here. Or just do a search for “The Lightweaver”.

The 10:10 activation will be available via our pod cast for the first 10 days of October, 2008. During this window of opportunity, you will be able to download the recorded MP3 for free. We will also make this file ‘free for download’ via our web shop, at the same time. And we plan to post the full transcript of this channelling on the Lightweaver website for all to freely access. The Transcript of "10:10 The paths to peace and harmony" is now available here.

The 11:11 activation will be available via our pod cast for the first 11 days of November, 2008. During this window of opportunity, you will be able to download the recorded MP3 for free. We will also make this file ‘free for download’ via our web shop, at the same time. And we plan to post the full transcript of this channelling on the Lightweaver website for all to freely access.

So mark those events in your diary now! But most importantly, make a big note of this in your diary; the 21:12 channelling "The 2nd Ascension wave of 2008" will be available via the pod cast and via our web shop, completely free. We will place no restrictions or charges on either the audio or text version of this channelling. This will be made available to any and all who might be interested.

This is what Carole-Anne had to say about participating in The Lightweaver channellings:

“How truly blessed are we who are participating in these amazing and incredible channellings and activations... thank you so much for providing these for us and allowing us to participate and do our part, not only for our own spiritual growth and personal ascension but to also assist humanity and contribute to Mother Earth's ascension.. Thank you also to Master Kuthumi, the Lords and Ladies, Gods and Goddesses and all the Divine Light Beings who come forward to assist us...Much Love and Light and abundant blessings to you.” Carole-Anne.

As part of the preparation for this event, in October we will be anchoring the Fluid Grids of Cosmic and Divine Love within the Golden Horseshoe area of Canada. These activations will be linked up to Victoria Falls on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia. The purpose behind these activations is to ground the Higher Awareness that exists within the authentic self, i.e. the Higher Ego Self. Canada currently represents the Higher Ego of our planet and USA the lower ego. Zimbabwe is the point of "darkness" and holding site of all the collective "darkness" of humanity. We are being offered the opportunity to lift the dense blankets that blind humanity to the Underworld and foolishness of their ignorance and activates 44 new fluid grids, which accelerate the clearing of the wounds inflicted at the hands of an ignorant and ego-centered and ego-driven society. This is our opportunity as a group of like minded people to become a force of Fluid Light and Love driving out what's left of the fixed grids keeping a stronghold on the minds and hearts of less evolved souls, like those living in Zimbabwe for example. As the Higher Awareness of the Authentic Self gains greater recognition, so we will witness more of the dismantling of the lower ego based creations of the fixed underworld, and the co-creation of a vaster reaching weave of the Tapestry of Truth of the Golden Age.

This anchoring of Fluid Grids will include 9 channellings. The first one will be made available via the pod cast and via at no cost! And the other 8 channellings will all come with a 10% discount on The Lightweaver will then be bridging this energy in Dubai, before returning home to South Africa.

Excerpt from 2:2 Re-Union of Love through the Sacred Self 02/02/2008 

Lord Kuthumi, Lady Guinevierre, Goddess Jezebel and Mary Magdeline all spoke in this channelling.

(Page 4) Now as we build the energy towards the second wave coming on the 21st of December 2008, you are stepping into a world where a different mirror exists. A different reality exists and I don’t know what else to do to prove to each and every one of you that the promise of the new world cannot be comprehended by you as yet. It is impossible for you to even imagine what it will be like because you have never experienced it, so the only thing you can do is give yourself the opportunity to step into that world, to dunk your finger in that pie and taste it.

Excerpt from 21:6 Solstice Channelling 2008 21/06/2008

Lord Kuthumi had the following to say about the second ascension wave during the channelling

(Page 5) 2008, 21st of December is the time where the shift between fixed and fluid becomes a noticeable change, where many of you will experience that chasm between fixed consciousness and fluid consciousness. And the people who choose to live within a fixed world and those who choose to live within a fluid world, you will still be sharing space but your worlds will be radically different, and it will just continue to change more and more. There will be opportunities for those from the fixed worlds to move into fluid consciousness, there always will be, but those who have moved into fluid will move further and further away from fixed, and that is what will eventually be perceived as the worlds separating. Two different states of experience, two separate “earths” and the world as you know it now will no longer exist for you then.

This is almost upon us and the time to act is now. If you want to get onboard, please come on over to to get started. Register on the site, read some of the material we have there (there is no shortage on the site), listen to some of the older ones, sign up for the newletter, subscribe to the Pod Cast and start participating NOW!

Then step into your authentic self on 21 December 2008 with the “Second Ascension wave of 2008”.

The main celebration will be on the 8th of August. It is the 8:8:8 celebration and upon that day specifically the infinite power of divine abundance will be anchored within every major and minor chakra of Mother Earth’s body, as well as every major and minor chakra of every human being’s body. This anchoring will result in another acceleration in the influx of Abundance Consciousness. This is a time where all of humanity will be greatly challenged in their belief systems if there are still aspects attached to poverty consciousness. This is the time where you will be truly tested in terms of how you relate to prosperity or how you still relate to poverty.
You could imagine this particular day being one of the major crossing over points from poverty to prosperity consciousness. It is also upon this day specifically that the God Horus, Lord Ra, Thoth and Akhenaten will bring a whole new vibration in the form of blessings that will enable Lightworkers of all walks of life to truly experience the blessings of alchemy, the blessings of abundance, wealth and love. In a way it will be the reward for all your hard work, your patience, your perseverance and for never giving into the fears of the poverty conscious ones. on the 18th of August and on the 28th of August you will experience the next level of the 8:8:8’s blessings, which will then complete itself. So remind yourself that August is the month of the major step into prosperity consciousness therefore take advantage of the time you have now and work with every aspect of poverty consciousness inside of you that sabotages your journey into prosperity consciousness.
Set the intention and trust that everything you need in the form of people, places and events to bring this to it’s state of healing will come to you under grace, in perfect and miraculous ways. In the month of September you will be embraced by Lady Nada. During this particular month she will reveal to you the gifts of unconditional love that are already inside of you. She will show you the rewards that come with loving unconditionally, and many of you will recognise that where you have stood in non-judgement, where you have loved unconditionally it has paid of. She will show you how your spiritual strength increases, as does your faith in love and in life as a result of practising unconditional love. on the 9th of September Mary Magdeline and Master Jesus will embrace you in a special cloak of energy, similar to that which was experienced at the 9:9:9 celebration of 2007.
This is where the Golden Egg of Peace is activated in a new way for each of you, reminding you of the promise of new things to come, the awareness of self that liberates you to experience the joy of divinity, the joy of being true and authentic and never selling yourself short for fear of others opinions or conditional love. on the 19th and 29th of September your personal Guides and Master Teachers will reveal to you key aspects of unconditional love and the rewards of such. I, Kuthumi, will embrace you during the months of October and November. In the month of October I will be accompanied by Lord Maitreya and Lady Quan Yin, and on the 10th of the 10th you will experience, let us say, a giant step into understanding self-mastery from the point of the alchemist. All the base aspects that you have turned into golden consciousness will now be standing in front of you in their many forms, showing you how the power of self awareness always brings a level of self-mastery. During this month you will be taken through minor initiations relating to additional opportunities to fine-tune your self-awareness and embrace self-mastery from the point of the Master Alchemist. It is a time where you will truly benefit from the wisdom you have gained as a result of consciously acknowledging what Alchemy Consciousness is all about and how vital the Alchemy of Consciousness is when you know how to use it.
 Many of you will find that you have reclaimed many aspects of yourself that lay dormant within the shadow of self as a result of rejection in your early years. Having embraced these aspects you will feel a renewed sense of purpose in your life, you will also find that your ability to discern is very strong. So the 1st of October prepares you for the 10th of October and it is these two dates that are important, however every day of October is an important one because I, Kuthumi, will be preparing you for the energy of November. Now November is a vital month because it is the last phase of the preparation that you require to fully embrace the Second Ascension Wave that shall grace your planet in December. Every single day of November will be filled with master vibration energies. Key dates are the 1st of November, the 11th of November as well as the 21st of November. The 22nd of November is gateway into a vital realm of deeper understanding in preparation for the ascension wave of the 21st of December, however during November you are going to experience powerful waves of new consciousness moving through your being, and moving through your life internally and externally.
November is kind of like a whirlwind month where the energy of that whirlwind will literally suck everything out of your life that you have stubbornly clung to, making sure that December is the month you will be able to freely step into the higher consciousness and awareness that the Second Ascension Wave brings. In the month of December I, Kuthumi, will be accompanied by all of the Divine Beings of the Universe housing your planet. December is one of the most important months in terms of you learning, in terms of you understanding the physics of life, the mechanics of your heart and your soul, and it is in the month of December 2008 that I, Kuthumi, accompanied by St Germain and the Master Jesus will be moving to higher realms in our own evolution, which will automatically draw all of our willing Lightworkers, those who have completed the journeys of initiation, those who have mastered the necessary levels with us into this new realm.
This means I, Kuthumi, will no longer be trance-voice channelling in the manner that I have been to this date, channelling through specific vessels on earth as you know them. From the 21st of December 2008 I will only work through my chosen channels on a conscious level. This means they will no longer be in a position to trance-voice channel me simply because their energy will have moved to a higher vibration that does not require any level of trance for me to communicate through them. Therefore let me say at this point anyone claiming to trance-voice channel me after the 21st of December 2008 is simply tapping into the old paradigm of what “Kuthumi” was, and that is what they will be bringing forth. Humanity must evolve.
As we the Masters of Light continue to grow in our own capacity everything else is pulled into that light of growth. The same applies to you, and when you grow there are people in your environment who either choose to grow with you, or to move in a different direction. So it is generally a time of finding a new flow and confidently trusting in that flow. The 21st of December will be the time where we open the doors to this higher realm that I spoke of earlier on that I will be moving into, and it is at this particular time that the Second Ascension Wave will take place where all Lightworkers who have mastered what I have spoken of and who have attained that level of inner awareness and consciousness will move through into the higher levels of ascension awareness.
On the 12th of December all of you will experience the first activation of the preparation for this particular wave. There will be massive change beloved ones in all areas of life. It is important because 2010 is another vital ascension time and all need to be prepared. The years that move on from 2008 will be ones to further empower you, let me also add at this point it does not mean to say that because we are moving to higher levels that no longer will we communicate with you. All it means it that the level from which we are communicating is of a much higher vibration and it is only those who are willing to embrace that vibration that will get the truth within those teachings.
Now it is important that all of you understand that we are not creating a hierarchy of elitism here, we are creating a system that enables individuals to benefit as a result of their input, their patience, their perseverance, their faith and their trust. So in a way the benefits that come with self-mastery are there because it shows those who are little more lackadaisical in their attitude to self development and becoming more self aware, that it is in fact worth the effort, the journey and the short-term discomfort of getting in touch with ones truth. We also do not believe that it is just or fair that individuals who have invested so much time, energy and love in their soul have to be negatively impacted upon by those who at this stage are not willing to invest that time and energy. So yes, there is a reward system involved, there are boundaries that are in place and there are certain criteria that are important. Would you honestly give a two year old the opportunity play with fire?
The exact same applies to souls who are growing, who are learning, who are evolving and ascending. Beloved ones 2008’s theme is Alchemy Consciousness and embracing the Alchemy of Consciousness. This means you will find the power, your power, to turn the base aspects of self into “gold” by being aware of consciousness, by being conscious, by choosing to look at yourself in truth rather than opt in for the shortcut. 2008 is your greatest year of reward if you are willing to invest the time, the energy, the patience, perseverance, love and faith in self and in Spirit. Every month you are being offered an opportunity to achieve it therefore we suggest that you prepare yourself for what is coming, read the words I have spoken in this transmission so that you know what is coming your way. When you are prepared you are able to deal with that which comes from a greater sense of inner confidence.
This does not mean to say that there will be no challenges, or things will not catch you by surprise. What is important is that you will know inside of yourself what you are working with and please people do not expect the worst! Many of these unexpected surprises may very well be wonderful ones, ones that you least expected, ones that shake you out of any kind of attachment to perhaps going without. Let me add at this point if you choose to wallow in any kind of self-worthlessness or lack of deservability we are not going to “bribe” you to change your way of thinking by bringing you goodness, by bringing you happy surprises. That will come to those who are willing to work with themselves and I trust every single one of you understand and know exactly what I mean and why it works in this fashion. So beloved ones we suggest that you spend some time today writing down what it is you would like to change - the areas of your life that you are clear about that need change.
Take some time to create a picture for yourself. We suggest that you make a chart, if you like, depicting each month of the year and perhaps writing into each month that which we have spoken of today and preparing yourself. Write key words in each month that will help inspire you. Make it a personal map that will guide you throughout the year. Don’t use the excuse that you never stick to your New Year resolutions, that you give up halfway, remember excuses are no longer applicable, excuses are a sign of complacency and there is no place for that in the new paradigm. Embrace Alchemy Consciousness and allow yourself to experience the transition into the new world with grace, with ease, with laughter, with joy and with faith in your ability to do so.
 Open your heart and your mind to receive. Open your heart, your mind and your eyes to see the greatness that lies within you as an individual. Allow the year of initiation into a deeper level of independence, individuality and innovation to be one that inspires you to re-embrace life with passion, with hope, with faith and above all with love. 2008 will be a time of change for the planet, for every arena within life so I am not going to go into detail regarding earth changes, economic changes, political changes and so on and so forth because every year something is happening. My focus at this time it is to get you on track with you, to bring you into a higher state of self awareness and Alchemy Consciousness, and I trust that this will bring you into the true realisation of what oneness means and what it means to feel and be whole within the self.
Therefore beloved ones I bring to each of you all the blessings you require, every tool you need, every means you require to ensure that 2008 is one of the greatest years of your life, one of the most empowering, soul liberating, self embracing years of your life. I will walk every step of the way with you, guiding you, protecting you, holding and loving you and shoving you along at times if need be. All you need do is trust in the very many arms that hold you, trust in the very many hearts that love you and believe in your ability to make the changes necessary. Most importantly act on your truth.
And so it is that I bring to each of you the gifts of initiation, embracing you in Divine Love and Wisdom. I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.