Getting Clear & Staying Clear
"When things are 'ripe' to become manifested,
all will fall into place for you as if by divine orchestration..."
Edna G. Frankel
Greetings, dear readers, from the Brotherhood of Light. We meet and greet you in your own space and time, for whenever you read these words will be perfect timing for you! Have you noticed yet, dear ones, the emergence of synchronicity in your lives? Yes, when things are "ripe" to become manifested, all will fall into place for you as if by divine orchestration. Which it is! When you "over think" something, worry at it, and keep your thoughts looping about it, that creation will not work well. Why? As we have explained in prior Circle of Grace text, the more you focus on the lack of something, the more the Universe will provide you with that very lack. You create what you focus on!
When you create from your heart rather than from your mind, your creation is fueled by the Divine Flame of Unconditional Love that you all carry within. You are all Divine Be-ings, here because of your soul contracts, all cooperating within a common physical experience. Some of you have asked, are we physical beings having a spiritual experience (awakening), or are we spiritual beings having a physical experience? We love that question, for it means you are peeking beyond all of your old fear-based "boxes of thought" and considering broader potentials. Our answer is that you were eternal souls long before this Earth quadrant of space came into physical existence. You will continue to be an individuated, live essence in the sea of eternity long after your current-life bodies cease to function. Yes, you are truly eternal, remember?
Of course, such lofty concepts probably don't help much in your everyday world! What most people are facing now is a bewildering intensification of drama, due to the speeding up of time and the ever-heightening energies that are requiring you to clear, clear, clear on all levels. When combined with general fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and new or chronic illness issues, you might say that life isn't much fun right now. Dear ones, you are down to the "crunch time", by which we mean the last fives years of the Millennium Shift. Your current now time has been predicted by ancient human cultures, and prophesized about through many different channeled sources. Were you scared by all the horrific weather predictions? Check your news, you're in the thick of it already!
From earthquakes in China to flooding in the mid-west United States, your whole world is changing very quickly. Don't lose heart, dear children, for despite how bleak things may seem, all is as it should be! Thanks to all of your efforts to date, the earth shifts now occurring are much milder than they could have been!
In our Predictions article for 2008 (Sedona Journal, December 2007 issue) we named this time period "The Year of Global Awakening". Yes, do you see? Awakening must first take place, then comes taking responsibility, and then comes change! You, dear light workers, are all heroes to us in the non-physical realms - heroes valiantly supporting the shift process, both within yourselves and for others. In order to best support your efforts, we have brought forth the Circle of Grace information to teach you how to eat and excrete universal energy. The new energies don't come in a pill, and the old type of foods you were used to eating will no longer fully sustain your expanding energetic bodies! In order to gracefully weather the Shift, we have taught you how to clear excess pressure from your nervous system to make room for new energy to enter (Sedona Journal, April 2008 issue). Yes, care and maintenance of the aura will become vital to your well-being. Dear ones, meditation can replace medications! If you already have a daily practice, God Bless, just add in keeping your jaw open and watch how your body relaxes.
When we speak of your entire "Be-ing" we are referring to your physical core surrounded by your emotional, mental, and spiritual layers. These PEMS layers form your dense etheric body, your vehicle into 5D and beyond. We explained in prior text that your energetic meridians are the auric counterpart of your physical nervous system. Both are actually one system, with your body acting as the energetic trashcan for your auric layers. The Circle of Grace is merely the name we gave to the internal cleansing system built into each and every one of you. It is not a healing modality, but rather a bodily process – we are teaching you how it works, and how to turn it on when you need it. Your body does this clearing whenever you are asleep. Crucial to this process is having the jaw open so that the meridians will express pressure and take in new energy. The jaw joints are your on-off switch that open your meridians to release and refuel. People who clench their teeth in their sleep often wake up tired and groggy because they do not get a good night of restful, cleansing sleep. Those who try to meditate and don't realize they are grinding their teeth will not be able to relax well. That is why we are teaching you simple body energetics, and urge you all to adopt a daily practice!
Now that you are within the last five years of the Millennium Shift, many of you expected to be feeling exquisite new energies. Instead, you are finding physical and etheric blockages you didn't know you had, or sudden illness, new or old, that you must deal with. Feet, leg, and hip issues are arising for those with a clogged root chakra. The mate to root is crown, as we explained in the text on Chakra Pair Blockages (Sedona Journal, June 2007). Some of you are feeling pressure at crown, or illness in the head region. But how can you tell if it is the root-crown pair of first and seventh chakra that are showing signs of heavy overpressurization, or if, for example, the head blockage comes from an adjacent chakra region in distress?
In this article we will finish the Practitioner Information that began with our teaching about chakra pair blockages. The other main chakra blockage pattern you will find is sourced from the chakra above or below the area of illness. Finding the true source of illness can be tricky, especially if one is only looking in the physical body layer. Sometimes a blocked chakra or ailing region can cause symptoms to arise in the chakra area above or below it.
This is a different cause-effect function of internal pressure, when overpressurized areas impinge on (or flow into) areas of less pressure nearby. If you take an air-filled balloon and squeeze it in the middle, what happens? The air within the balloon bulges above and below your hand. If you squeeze the top and bottom of the balloon, the air moves into the middle and creates a bulge there. So, throat (5) can affect the heart (4) region below and third eye (6) above. Sacral (2) can affect root (1) below, and solar plexus (3) above. Root (1) blockage can cause pressure in sacral (2) up to solar plexus (3). Blockage around the crown (7) can cause symptoms to manifest in third eye (6) directly below, which eventually puts excess pressure on throat (5).
For example, some chronic sinus irritations (apart from allergy issues) can arise from a blocked throat chakra or from injuries to neck and shoulders, which will block the throat from adequately clearing excess pressure down the arm meridians. These cases often cause a person to feel run down, with a chronic cold coming on that does not fully materialize. When the meridian system is thus blocked at the neck, pressure in the head region cannot release through the open jaw joints and down the arms. Chronic sinus trouble can also be triggered by sixth chakra blockage at the forehead, since the sinus area is between chakras five and six. Finding which chakra is blocked, or tending to a series of blocked chakras, is far more effective to relieve sinus pressure than taking medication to temporarily breathe better. Treating the symptoms is vital for patient comfort, yes, but clearing the source of internal pressures alleviates the need for palliative measures. Just taking pills to relieve pain, without addressing the source of pain, allows illness to truly form.
Grinding the teeth, or damage to the jaw joints (TMJ), can trap excess pressure above the jaw in the head. This can cause ear, eye, or sinus issues for some people, and/or headaches for others. TMJ blockage can also cause pressure downward, in the neck, shoulder, and upper back region. This is a crucial point in the meridian system – the jaw joints must be open for the meridians to release pressure. When those joints are closed, nothing flows. For any type of meridian-clearing modality or meditation to succeed, the jaw must be fully relaxed!
We have been discussing blockages in the chakras, or energy centers of the body, that use both the nervous system and etheric meridians of the body to clear pressure and re-energize. Another form of blockage that can affect the entire energetic system is meridian blockage that clogs the pathways by which the chakras are designed to clear.
The aura carries etheric damage from trauma to the body (illness, accidents, and surgical intervention) long after the physical body has visibly healed. Until the meridians are cleared of blockages, the chakras cannot release from the head on down as they were intended to do. Meridian blockage can be localized to a specific body part, area, or system, and still affect a chakra region, or eventually impinge upon the entire system.
In brief, your meridian system is designed to expel pressure in different ways, as explained in the Circle of Grace release patterns. We have advised you to begin with the Fully Blocked Pattern for each new client, and then observe how their body is releasing, and where the flows get stuck. Adding new energy at the crown to a system that is already over-pressurized will give the person an instant headache. Think of a balloon blown up so much that the rubber is stretched taut – adding any more air would cause it to explode. Here is where our balloon image breaks down (chuckles), but we remind you here about the circuit-breaker meridian that protects the crown chakra. In cases of extreme pressure in the head, you will find a band of deep blockage around their head at ear level, as if they were wearing a hat. They may not feel it, but you will! Clearing that band will help with migraines, eye, ear, and sinus issues; also mental confusion or "fogginess" complaints, poor memory, excess worry, and other mental faculties can be dampened by excess pressure in the head.
So, you will find cases where people feel pain or tenderness in an area that shows no evidence or history of damage. Test results will come back negative, nothing will be found. We say here that every twinge, every pain, every dysfunction in the body arises for a reason. The human body never stops functioning "just because". If there is no physical evidence or history of trauma, then the blockage is still etheric. For example, a backup of pressure can form in the thigh-hip-lower back area that has sustained no discernable injury, yet knee surgery twenty years prior has left meridian blockage that eventually prevents the thigh meridians from releasing downward past the knee. Hence the thigh tissue may be sore to touch, sometimes feel hot, yet not show any diagnosable or treatable cause, while the knee appears symptom-free yet is the true culprit here. Years after the incident, the person may have hip problems, lower back pain, or pain piling up all the way to the shoulder on "bad days".
Similarly, a person who fell on both knees as a child and recovered, but as an adult found themselves with intestinal or gastric issues. In such cases, unreleased etheric blockage from the knees will back up the body and "squeeze" the organs in each chakra region until it meets a blocked chakra. Then the pressure will spread across the body, often creating ileitis (1), colitis (2), or gastritis (3) symptomology. Again, a person's detailed history will expose old blockages as well as current issues, which must both be addressed.
Let us look at another example of old blockage that can truly affect a growing adult. A girl breaks both of her wrists, is treated, and recovers. As she grows, that etheric damage will prevent her upper body from properly clearing down both arms. The accumulated stress and strain will eventually clog her arms, shoulders, throat, and either clog up or down from throat (5) – either heart (4) or third eye (6). Let's choose number five. Heart blockage can affect the entire upper torso; combined with throat blockage, it will cause the child to be unable to express emotions, and will cause phobic reactions to be linked to ongoing drama. Phobias attach along the sternum, from heart (4) down to stomach (3), hence the nausea associated with phobic reactions. The fresher the event, the easier it is to pull of and release back into the earth. In this type of blockage pattern you will find depression, poor self-image, fear of responsibility, delayed maturity, even suicidal tendencies may occur.
In our last example, let us look at a right-handed boy who breaks his left ankle, is treated, and recovers. With a blocked nondominant foot, his body has trouble releasing pressure from the armpits down. By full adulthood (around age 30, chuckles) he finds his body aching more on the left side than the right. His left leg feels "heavier" than his right, and by age 40 feels like he is walking on a "wooden leg" that drags behind the right one and causes him to limp. The hip becomes involved, then the blockage eventually spreads to chronic lower back pain by age 50. Degenerative arthritis is the doctor's diagnosis, and recommends the eventual need for a knee or hip replacement. All this from a broken ankle in childhood!
There are many cases where the chakra pair information does not suffice to explain the symptomology. one must observe carefully the COG meridian release patterns your client displays to understand what blockages are causing which symptoms.
Dear practitioners, knowing about these interconnections will enable you to see the bigger "healing picture", so that you can help each client find a better level of health, and a better quality of life.
Dear reader, client, practitioner, or both (chuckles – remember, dear lightworkers, to work on each other!) all of these above examples go beyond your current medical technology, showing how etheric blockages can cause confusing physical symptomology. Please, use your common sense – if you feel ill, seek the help of a medical professional. Use all the tools available and gather as much knowledge as you can, to smooth your healing path. Know that we are waiting to support you with the cleansing flows of the Circle of Grace.
We are, in All Love, the Brotherhood of Light.
© Copyright 2008 by Edna G. Frankel
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