May 1, 2004 GOF Lecture - Excerpt "Heart Energy"
Copyright © 2004 David K. Miller
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians.
The heart energy is the key to your transformation and evolution into the fifth dimension. Many starseeds have wondered about the nature of the Arcturian heart energy. We have given many lectures about our mental abilities and thoughts and scientific understandings about the third dimension. Naturally, our ability to communicate to you about science is limited in that we cannot overstep the bounds of karma and the interventions that higher scientific knowledge would offer. There are intuitive leaps of insight and there are guidances that we can give regarding certain scientific episodes. We cannot give the keys to discoveries that must come from the Earth beings.
It is with great pleasure that we chose the subject of the heart energy. The heart energy is so powerful, emotional and enlightening. The heart energy can overcome all neurotic patterns, all self doubts and all limitations imposed by the third-dimensional cognitive process. The heart energy is also an energy that is characterized by the feeling of surrender. Surrender in our terminology means that we are opening to our true nature. We are allowing whatever feelings of love that are within us to emerge and to be emitted to other beings, to other planets and of course, to unite with Adonai, the Father and Mother energy.
The Arcturian heart field is a tremendous chakra energy, at least three to four times the size of the human heart chakra. The spinning of the Arcturian chakra is at a much higher rate than the Earth heart chakra. But most interesting, the Arcturian chakra has the ability to reach out light years, unimaginable distances to connect with the heart energies of other sentient beings throughout the galaxy, throughout the section of this universe and throughout the universe. The Arcturian heart has the finer emotions of love that you picture and that you relate in the eyes of Sananda, Chief White Eagle, the Buddha, Quan Yin, Kuthumi and other great masters who have walked on this planet. All of them have had extraordinary hearts. All of them have been able to connect to the universal energy fields beyond the Earth and throughout the galaxy and throughout the universe. All of them have the ability to connect to sentient beings throughout this third plane and beyond to the fifth dimension. The Arcturian heart energy field is indeed filled with a great capacity for love and understanding. The heart of our Arcturian brothers and sisters is connected to our minds in a way that [are] a true mind-heart connection. Your field of psychology is fascinated by the mind-body connection. We are focusing on the mind-heart connection because we have programmed our evolution to assimilate and to coordinate the advancements of the heart and the mind simultaneously. This has been the key that has allowed us to move into higher realms and has allowed [us] to overcome all diseases and war. This has allowed us to overcome hatred and lower emotions of fear and jealousy so that our hearts are not corrupted, lowered or slowed in vibration. I can say that one of the major lapses in the Earth evolution has been the dichotomy between the mind and the heart. Your Earthly scientific discoveries have led to advancements in warfare; however, the heart energy of the scientists and the leaders who use such weapons has not advanced and therefore they allow themselves to use these weapons without a heart. This is why warfare can continue on the planet. You see the evolution of the mind and heart together does not imply lack of defensive abilities. We have the ability to defend ourselves from missiles, nuclear attacks or even personal attacks from your guns and lasers and dirty bombs. We have not negated our defensive abilities. We do have highly advanced technology that would thwart any attacks on our ships or on our individual persons. Our ships do have the ability to send out destructive weaponry if ever needed. But we have evolved our technology with our hearts so that we have a deeper understanding of primitive drives, thus we would not chose or even allow ourselves to destroy unless there were a last resort necessary for self-protection. Destruction of attackers does not even occur because of our ability to freeze the technology, to block weaponry and also to communicate directly to high energy of those whom we are interacting with.
The ability to communicate a heart energy, a heart meld, with our opponents or with our new beings that we are interacting with has allowed us to stimulate an evolution among new people we encounter. We then begin to send a high frequency energy to the heart chakra of the people that we meet. We use our group consciousness in meditation techniques, much like you are doing in your work. We coordinate our focus on projecting heart energy outward to the other beings. We have a special method of thought and heart melding that allows an emission of love to go outward. (tones) We now project our heart energy directly to you who are listening to us. (tones) Allow these tones to open up a connecting link between your mind and your heart so a third chakra is united and is representative of this unity of your mind and your heart. This can be considered a new chakra because it is a unity of this mind and heart. (tones) Let the heart and mind unify with our spiritual masters who are meditating with you. And we are also meeting in a group. We are projecting feelings of love, compassion, surrender and acceptance and understanding for all sentient beings on earth.
The group energy and focus allows a projection of light and an energy of mind-heart vibration to enter the foundation and structure of the entire Earth plane. Your members' activity in the placement of the Peace Pole (note: 7 to 10 Group of Forty members went to Zion National Park in Utah last month to place a peace pole there) is a verification and assertion that the mind-heart vibration can enter the structure of the planet and can transmit this vibration of interactive forces. The Peace Pole, which was placed in the Zion National Park in Utah, is emitting this energy. The name Zion itself is a galactic name that is representative of the mind and heart interaction that I am speaking of. It is representative of a place where beings have achieved this evolutionary stage. It is very similar to your concept of Shambala, where only beings who have reached a certain evolution in their heart, or that in their mind, can enter. This is the concept that allows the entry into the fifth dimension that is the opening of the heart, the manifestation of the highest heart vibration. (sings...ZZZZZiiiiiiOOOOnnnn) Let the light from Zion, the mind and heart vibration, permeate the basic third-dimensional structure of this planet, increasing the vibratory flux and stabilization of all life forms to move towards harmony and peace. (sings...ZZZZiiiIIIoooOOOnn) The people who named and discovered this beautiful place were vibrating with that energy. The name is of the Bible and there is a Mount Zion which harmonizes with the Pleiades as does this park harmonize with the Pleiades. The place that you have placed this pole is in direct link with Alycone, one of the Seven Sister stars. The Alycone is the primarily evocative and transmitting energy star of the Pleiades which is announcing the vibration of mind and heart to all galactic beings.
We also work to stabilize the vibration of the galactic family, the galactic brotherhood and sisterhood. There are certain pole energy fields in this section of the galaxy that connect to our work. I ask you to visualize the pole that was placed in the Zion area filled with the wonderful words of love and peace and the flags and shields that were also placed there by the beloved members of the Group of Forty. Focus on that pole connecting to the star Alcyone in the Pleiades. Let that pole that was placed there be a receiver of that vibration from Alycone that will allow a new technology, a new psychology, a new psycho-spiritual science that focuses on the unification of the mind and heart on Earth.
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