
"Rebirthing into The Diamond Light"

namaste123 2009. 7. 9. 14:13

"Rebirthing into The Diamond Light"

The Energies for July 2009 

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn




Beloved Lightworkers, the month of July will be one filled with the energies of Change and 

Transformation. The Diamond Light continues to bring illumination and awakening to the Planet, and at 

the same time, there are new Light Codes for the evolution of the Planet that will be activated in the 

Collective Consciousness at the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on the 7th of July, and the New Moon and 

Solar Eclipse on the 22nd of July as well as the Lion's Gate which opens on the 23rd of July.

It will indeed be a powerful time, and one in which you will need to hold the Diamond Light in your Heart 

and hold your energy in Peace and Calm as the changes occur and the New Earth energy facilitates the 

disintegration of the old energy and the birthing of the New Earth. In this process, you will find that your 

own inner energies are in the process of rebirthing in order to be able to take form in the higher 

frequencies of the New Earth. This Rebirthing process will affect the energies of the lower chakras, as 

the Diamond Light frequencies are activated within the three lower chakras to allow for the radiance and 

clarity of Cosmic Consciousness to become part of Material Reality in the New Earth.

So it is, Beloved Lightworkers, that at the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, the Masculine energies of Planet 

Earth will be rebirthed into the Higher Frequencies of the Light. The Collective Consciousness will 

embrace the more gentle and Ascended and Christed Masculine energies. This will be facilitated by the 

Lunar Code activations of the Full Moon and Eclipse in Capricorn, assisted by the powerful transformative 

energy of Pluto in Capricorn. The "Lunar Codes" for the Masculine energy that have been absent from 

Earth Reality for so long will be fully restored and activated at the New Cosmic Christ level.

At this time, the Divine Masculine energy within the Collective Consciousness will begin to express into 

form, through Co-Creation, the ascended energies of Unconditional Love, Sharing and Empowerment for 

All. This shift within the Collective will raise to the surface much anxiety and stress, as the old is 

released and the new takes form. These energies will create an opportunity for the release of old 

patterns and the embracing of new patterns of being and relationship.

These new Light Code Activations will affect the lower three chakras, and there will be a releasing of old 

energy and an alignment with the Diamond Light energies that are held within the Diamond of the Heart 

and are radiated into the lower Chakras to "tune" the frequencies of these chakras to the new Diamond 

Light frequencies.

These shifts may be felt on the physical level as vibrations and pains within the lower part of the body as 

the incoming energies restructures and realigns the lower chakras. Other feelings may be hyperactivity 

or extreme fatigue as the chakras recalibrate their frequencies. There may be extreme mood shifts and 

emotions as the emotional cleansing and realignment occurs, and some of you may feel very tearful with 

the desire to cry for no reason as you release old sadness and move into the new joy. on the mental 

level, there may be extreme anxiety as old patterns of fear are release and replaced with new patterns 

of Love and Sharing.

At this time, Beloved ones, you may also experience the closing and completion of many relationships 

as the ole energy patterns of relationship are replaced with the new Ascended Energy of the Sacred 

Heart as the basis for relating and relationship.

This will mean, dearest Lightworkers, that the old energies around Money, Sexuality and Power will be 

replaced with the new higher energies that you have held for the Collective. In place of the distorted 

energies of Greed and Fear around Money, the new energies will introduce the higher frequencies of 

Abundance, sharing and Enough for All. The Ascended Human Angel will be quietly confident that he or 

she will always be able to manifest exactly what is needed to provide for life, and that he or she will 

always have enough to share with others who may not as yet perfected the skills of manifestation in this 

time of transformation and change. These energies will be introduced by a realignment of the Base 

Chakra energies.

The new energy around Sexuality will replace the distorted energies of ownership and control through 

manipulation of the creative and reproductive energies. As the Sacral chakra aligns with the Diamond 

Light from the Sacred Heart, the new energies will create Sacred Relationships in which every 

relationship will be held sacred and will be a reflection of the Divine Union of energies. At the heart of 

Relationship will be the energies of Unconditional Love, Acceptance and Commitment. Each Relationship 

will have a focus of energy and that will be the focus of the Sacred Commitment within the Relationship. 

The energy of Creativity that is the purpose of the Sacral Chakra will be used within Sacred 

Relationships to manifest the energies of the Sacred in the New Earth. And, because you are now Co- 

Creators on the Planet, each of you will decide within your Relationships what is the Sacred purpose and 

focus of your partnerships and how you will express this in alignment with the Mastery of your Diamond 

Light energy.

The old energy of Power as a means of control and manipulation will be replaced at the Solar Plexus 

Chakra by the new ascended Christ energy of Personal Empowerment and the ability to hold the energy 

of Unconditional Love in the Heart at all times. The frequency of Love transmitted through the Diamond 

of the Heart will manifest as the ability to flow your personal energy in any situation without needing to 

exert control and domination. The Flow of Unconditional Love ensures that each being is able to express 

their needs and desires without fear and to have those needs met in love by those with whom he or she 

connects. The essence of the New Earth is negotiation and co-operation as a way of manifesting for the 

highest good at all times. Beloved ones, you will learn the skills of working together as groups to ensure 

that everyone is able to manifest what they need and desire at all times, and that you can support the 

process of manifestation, not just for yourself, but for others as well. In this case, learning how to create 

Harmony through oneness will be the essential skill that will bring the energy of the Solar Plexus into 

alignment with the Diamond Light of the Heart.

So, Beloved ones, on the 22nd of July, the New Moon will be in Cancer and there will be a Solar Eclipse 

which will also activate New Solar Light Codes. These will be the Activations for the Solar Feminine 

energies, the Ascended Feminine Christ energies that are being encoded into the Diamond Heart of the 

Planet and into the Diamond Heart of each Awakened and Ascended Human Angel on the Earth at this 


At this time, the old "victim" energies of the Feminine in the old energies will be replaced in the 

Collective Consciousness with the Ascended energy of Empowerment and Creation with Spirit. The New 

Human Angel will be open to Receiving with Grace and Gratitude the Abundance that is offered by the 

Cosmic River of Life. The Base Chakra will be realigned from the lack and poverty of the old 

consciousness and will be set at the frequency of Acceptance and Gratitude, within the knowledge that 

Abundance is always present and that lack is an illusion. on the level of the Sacral Chakra and the 

Sexual and Creative energy, the New Code will allow the Feminine energy to be empowered to express 

Passion and Creativity and to receive these energies from others with Grace and Gratitude. At the level 

of the Solar Plexus Chakra, the new Light Codes will allow the Feminine energy to express its power and 

empowerment through the energies of Equality and Sharing. Giving and Receiving will be held in balance 

at this point, and the new Light Codes will enable the Human Angel to ensure that he or she Receives 

and Gives in a balanced and loving way that honours the essence of each individual within the group or 


Within the Collective Consciousness, Beloved ones, the old energies of Polarity and Duality will be 

replaced by the Yin and Yang of Complementarity and Co-Creation.

And then, on the 23rd of July, when the Sun moves into Leo, the "Lion's Gate" will open to bring through 

the new Evolutionary Codes for the New Earth from the Cosmic Portals of Sirius, Alcyon and Arcturus, 

and to bring new codes to the Heart of Humanity from the Galactic Center and the Andromedan 

Consciousness. As the New Earth manifests, the Stellar, Galactic and Cosmic Codes for Light Frequency 

Evolution will also be encoded into the Human Collective Consciousness through the Diamond Light 

Frequencies. At this time, those of you who are fully Awakened to your Cosmic Consciousness will begin 

the process of integrating your Stellar and Cosmic Codes and co-creating with the Galactic and Stellar 

Consciousness. Initially, this will be through the Dream states, and many of you will be called to meeting 

and councils in your dream states to share in the new Galactic Council that includes the New Earth and 

her Ascended population. But, as the Cosmic energy becomes stronger, you will be empowered to 

participate in Galactic Council gatherings in more conscious ways.

So, Beloved Lightworkers, you can perceive that the energies of the New are very strong right now, and 

that the old ways of being and perceiving with their third dimensional limitations will not serve you now. 

It is indeed time to fully embrace your multi-dimensional self and to move into the new consciousness 

and the new reality as it is birthed in you through the Language of the Cosmic Soul, which is Light and 

Sound and Patterns of Consciousness.

The Diamond Light Children : Supporting the New Consciousness

At this time, this powerful changing of Light Codes and consciousness is being supported by the arrival 

of the Diamond Light children on the Planet. These are the Cosmic Master souls who have been 

incarnating on the Earth in this year of 2009. As more of them arrive, they are facilitating transformation 

and change, and mnay of the Crystal Children are "upgrading" their consciousness so as to be able to 

enter into the Diamond Light energy of Full Cosmic Consciousness. Their support is enabling the rest of 

the Human Collective to make similar shifts into Cosmic Consciousness and fully align with the Diamond 


And so, at this time, the Human Collective is living within two simultaneous realities. The Old Reality 

with its old energies is disintegrating and falling away. The old Light Codes and Energy patterns are 

becoming increasingly worthless as ways of Being on the Planet. This gives rise to deep anxiety and 

panic in many, and an increasing fear of disasters and catastrophes. This energy is perhaps necessary as 

a means by which the Collective can express the transformation and work through the fears and 

anxieties that arise. Many are replaying old survival fears and anxieties around the endings of Lemuria 

and Atlantis. But, at the same time, the New Dream and the New Earth are being birthed into the 

Collective Conscious and into each awakened Human Angel, so that the New Reality can manifest and 

take form. Beloved ones, each of you has now to choose which Reality you will inhabit, according to 

your ability to be conscious and awake and to engage your Creative energy and work with Spirit. The 

Diamond Children are here to welcome you into the New Reality.

Beloved ones, many of you ask how you will know when you have achieved the New Consciousness. 

How will you know when you have opened to the full energy of the Fifth Dimensional New Earth. Well, 

we would say that firstly, you will become aware of your inner Divinity and your Cosmic Consciousness. 

You will feel the "I AM" energy of Soul and Spirit that lives in the Diamond within the Heart. Secondly, 

you will have absolute trust in your ability to Co-create and Manifest with Spirit and to provide all that 

you need on Earth within your Reality and to live in comfort and abundance. Thirdly, you will have 

entered into an awareness of the Infinite nature of Time and Space. You will live fully in the Present 

Moment, knowing that past and future are illusions, and that Now is the only Reality. You will have no 

fear of death as you will feel absolute confidence to face all the transitions and transformations in your 

existence with grace and peace. And, lastly, you will feel yourself to be a Master of your own destiny, 

knowing that you create your own Reality at all times. And you will know that if you do not feel 

comfortable within a creation, that you can change it at any time and create another Reality. 

Indeed, Beloved ones, we can only say " "Welcome to the New Earth!"

The Energies for July 2009

On the 7th of July, the Full Moon will be in Capricorn with the Sun in Cancer. There will also be a Lunar 

Eclipse for the Activation of the New Lunar Masculine Light Codes. The energy of Cancer and Capricorn 

emphasizes the energy of the Mother and the Father, or the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies. It 

is a time to celebrate the emergence and rebirth of the Ascended Masculine energies of the Christ.  

On the 22nd of July there will be a Solar Eclipse in Cancer, in which the Solar Feminine Codes of the 

Empowered Feminine Christ energies will be encoded into the Collective Consciousness. The Lunar 

Goddess will assist in the rebirthing of the Full Solar Consciousness of the Fire or Solar Goddesses, which 

will be expressed more fully in August when there will be a Lunar Eclipse in Leo and Aquarius on the 6th 

of August at the Full Moon in the middle of the Lion's Gate period. This will be another powerful nexus of 

Cosmic energies and Light Code Activations.

On the 23rd of July the Sun moves into Leo, and the Lion's Gate portal for 2009 opens. The Cosmic 

energies for the Evolution of Divine Consciousness for the next annual cycle will begin to be received by 

those on the Earth!

And so, we wish you a journey filled with Light, Love and Laughter in July of 2009!

© 2009-10 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global  


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