Copyright © 2004 David K. Miller
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Celebration is the key at this point in working with the energy from the Central Sun. The soul opens, the heart opens when you are in a celebration mode. The natural state of the soul is in peace and is also in joy. This is very important for people to realize, that in seeking to open themselves up to a higher vibration and to open to a greater fifth dimensional light, one must be in a state of joy and celebration. It is with a great joy and great gratitude that we have this opportunity to work together with you this evening in bringing this wonderful energy from the Central Sun. The Central Sun is the core light source for all of the creation energy. The Central Sun, in our estimation, represents the most powerful, creative source in the galaxy. When we are working with the Central Sun energy, and in particular, when we are working with this energy tonight, that is of the crystal light energy, we must tell you that this is a powerful creative force. All of you who are working with us this evening are going to receive a very powerful boost in your creative juices, so to speak. By that I mean that you will have a wonderful opportunity to connect with that aspect of yourself that is filled with the Creator light and Creator joy.
You as a connection to your soul body and soul light have unlimited and infinite creation and creative energy. Perhaps you have been struggling on what to do with your life or how to connect with your soul purpose. When you are in connection with this Central Sun energy and its Creator and creative force energy, then this question will never, never come to your mind. You will be in such a creative flow, in such full joy and will be looking for so many ways of expressing this creative energy that the question of what is your soul purpose will never, never occur to you. You will be too busy in the creative energies. If you think back in your life and think back in this lifetime, you will remember that you were probably happiest and most in the present when you were involved in doing creative activities. You were most connected to spirit. Listen, is it not true that when you refer to Adonai, the Lord, that you refer to Him as THE Creator? I want you tonight to meditate on that word, the Creator. This is your connection to the Creator when you are creating. The Central Sun is the core light force; it is the core creative light energy force and spirit light that is uniquely tied in to Creation and to activating your creative energy.
I call on each of you to open your receptivity to the creative force and the creative light from the Central Sun. As you are receiving your connection to the creative spirit, open yourself to new information, new ideas, new inventions, new problem solving abilities and, of course, new healing abilities. Know that healing is an outlet and is a facet of creation and creative energy. Even though there are particular healing techniques that you can learn and have learned well, it still requires you to be creative with yourself and with the energy and flow. You can call even more on the creative energy to interact with you when you are doing healings. Many of you, many people who are connected with the Central Sun, will find that they will have new creative ideas on how to be a better healer or even how to do new healing techniques.
The wonderful task before is to connect with the Central Sun and to bring this beautiful etheric crystal, originating from the Central Sun to Earth via the path of Arcturus. We have the spiritual and electromagnetic attraction to provide the force to bring that etheric crystal that is still in this moment at the Central Sun. Our technology and our advanced electromagnetic attractive forces can instantaneously bring that etheric crystal to us and to our Crystal Temple and crystal lake where it is going to unite with the crystal in the crystal lake. I must tell you also that we are a little bit selfish in that we want some of that energy from the crystal in the Central Sun to come into the Arcturian system even if it is briefly. It is going to interface with the etheric crystal that is there in the Crystal Temple. Then, it will transfer to the beautiful place known as Lake Moraine in the Canadian Rocky Mountain area.
The crystal will come into that lake after it leaves the Arcturian crystal lake, the Crystal Temple. When it comes into that point known as Lake Moraine, it will instantaneously send energy into the other two crystals that are in Lago Puelo in Argentina and in the Grosse Valley in Australia. It will be like a light force that is electrifying planet Earth, a light force of creative energy, of creative healing and a light force that, my friends, is going to unify the inner Earth with the outer Earth. This is something that we have been waiting to accomplish. The spiritual energy of the inner Earth will become unified with the outer Earth. The energy of the inner Earth spiritually is higher. With this unification with the outer Earth, there will be an upliftment of the Earth’s energy. It is important that you celebrate this unification. It is important that after we are completed with this task that you feel the joy and the celebration activities. I hope that many of you will have the opportunity to be joyful, to have a great feeling of camaraderie. This will help to stabilize this energy and will help also to amplify the energy....
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