
Crash Course in Dr Stone’s Wisdom Teaching (6)

namaste123 2009. 1. 12. 21:40

On Perseverance

The I Ching says, “Perseverance furthers success.” Perseverance pays off! Given that the Spiritual Path is most often experienced

as climbing a mountain or fighting a great Spiritual war, the qualities of perseverance and tenacity are some that everybody needs

to develop. The Spiritual Path is like running a marathon; you do not want to burn out in the beginning. Many seekers are

enthusiastic in the beginning, but they are not able to maintain the divine enthusiasm and perseverance over the long haul.

This is because they are too anchored in the Emotional Body and not enough in the Mental and Spiritual Body. True Masters are

unceasing in their efforts. They know when to rest, but nothing can stop their efforts. They are literally unstoppable no matter what

the obstacle. They do not coddle themselves, and whatever the obstacle is, they find a way to make the appropriate adjustment,

prayer, affirmation, visualization, and also take the action that is needed. Their faith, trust, and patience in God are unwavering.

“That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” (Hebrews 6:12) “For ye have

need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.” (Hebrews 10:36) They are levelheaded

and practical within their divine enthusiasm. Their efforts are like the ocean waves, which just keep coming until victory is achieved.

The real Master will not take no for an answer, yet knows when to change course and direction when this is the divine guidance. The

real Master remembers the words of Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 30:21) “And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, this is the way,

walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.” The real Master will always keep in mind what was put to

paper a long time ago, “To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality, He will give eternal life.

(Romans 2:7) May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance. (2 Thessalonians 3:5) Consider it pure joy…

whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develop s perseverance.” (James 1:2-3)

on Polarity and Duality

The Biblical story of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is a most wonderful symbology and metaphor for understanding

the negative ego! In this story, Adam and Eve are told to not eat the apple of Good and Evil, but they are doing so anyway as Eva

is being tempted by the snake. The eating from the Tree of Good and Evil as described in the Bible is a metaphor for mankind using

their free choice to think out of harmony with God’s Will. The original Divine Plan was that we would make choices within the

realm of goodness only, without evil ever entering the picture! But since we were given the free choice to think with our negative

ego mind instead of remaining in the Spiritual Buddha/Christ/Melchizedek Consciousness, fear, separation, and the entire gamut

of negative feelings and emotions began to be created. This was as the Biblical story tells, the “Banishment from Eden!”, Eden

being both, an allusion to Psychological principles, early Lemuria, and the First Golden Age on this Planet.

It was only because of this choice of misusing free choice, eating the apple, and choosing negative ego thinking instead of God

thinking, that feminine and masculine energies got imbalanced, all negative emotions began, the Patriarchy took over the Divine

Mother Energies and the Matriarchy was rejected. It is because of this that all selfishness began. It was why roses grew thorns!

None of this would have ever occurred if this choice had not occurred. Now do understand, that even if Adam and Eve had never

eaten the apple off the Tree of Good and Evil, there would still be polarity, and there would still be an evolutionary process, and

there would still be the 352 Levels of Initiation. There would still be Feminine and Masculine, God/Goddess, Priest/Priestess,

Yin/Yang. For this was all part of God’s Divine Plan, however, all choices would be made in the realm of polarity, however only

in the context of “Goodness”.

Darkness, or negative ego duality, was never meant to be part of God’s Divine Plan. Glamour, illusion, and maya was all a product

of this choice! The snake was on a Psychological Level the negative ego or fear-based mind. Well, the good news is that after 18.5

million years of living in the illusion of separation, we are now returning to another Golden Age on this Planet, the Seventh Golden

Age. It is in returning to the “Garden of Eden Consciousness” that we can transcend all evil, all darkness, all separation, all fear,

negative ego, and all negative selfishness, negative feelings and emotions. It is then that we can transcend negative ego duality

and live in the “Garden of Eden Consciousness” of old times!

on Processing Life Properly on a Spiritual and Psychological Level

Processing is a certain type of thinking. There are different types of thinking that people do. There is a type of thinking that comes

from the subconscious mind, types that come from the conscious mind, and types that come from the superconscious mind. Processing

is a specific type of thinking that stems from the conscious mind that is for the purpose of Spiritually and Psychologically work on

oneself to achieve clarity on any given subject. It is very important to learn to process life effectively, otherwise the mind and

emotions will be constantly running and on a roller coaster. What is the natural state of one’s consciousness in the ideal? The most

basic state is your consciousness as a center of pure awareness: the mind is quiet, the emotions and feelings are calm; it is a state of

no thought, or having a quiet mind with nothing going on.

Now, many people only on occasion experience this. Instead of having a center of pure awareness and no thought as their baseline

and core self, their mind is running a mile a minute and always active, always thinking on a subconscious and conscious level,

and their feelings and emotions are always churning and/or on a roller coaster going up and down. The first goal of learning to

process effectively is to use a certain type of thinking to requiet the mind, to get it back to this state of being a center of pure

awareness and no thought. The second goal is to make sure the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Mind is interpreting everything that is

going in within self, life and all your relationships, so you can remain in a state of Personal Power, Unconditional Love, Happiness,

and Joy. So the goal of processing is to requiet the mind and get the feelings and emotions back into a calm place, for if the feelings

and emotions are agitated or in a negative place, usually the mind will be working overtime to try and get back to a state of pure

awareness, with no thought first, and secondarily a state of inner peace and calm. Life is filled with choices, unexpected lessons,

challenges, and life decisions.

It’s important to have Spiritual and Psychological tools to get yourself clear as quickly as possible. So when you are feeling a little

out of sorts, what do you do? First, try to get centered in your consciousness through the process of self-introspection and

self-inquiry. Examine what’s going on and try to make the appropriate attitudinal adjustments to get yourself re-centered. Sometimes

this is enough, and sometimes it is not. This is when processing comes into play. Processing is a more serious type of thinking and

work to straighten out your consciousness, to get it back to is normally centered space.

What do you do? Do Huna Prayers, ask for the “Core Fear Matrix Removal Program”, call forth the Platinum Net from Melchizedek,

the Mahatma, and Archangel Metatron. If feeling low self-esteem, make a list of all the reasons why you should feel good, if feeling

sad, make a list of what you have to be grateful for. If something has gone wrong, make a Spiritual vow to forgive yourself,

unconditionally love yourself and never allow this particular situation to ever happen again. Chant or repeat the names of GOD.

Get organized inwardly and outwardly. Set up a Spiritual Battleplan which is a Spiritual list of every idea you can think of to

correct this challenge or problem. Write a letter to your Higher Self. Practice attitudinal healing (go through what’s on your mind

and try and attitudinally adjust any attitudes or feelings that are bringing you down)!

The goal of processing, in truth, is just “perspective”. There is no situation in life for which GOD and your own creative mind cannot

come up with a perspective to make you happy an joyous. one of the total keys to effective processing is learning how to NOT think,

and put a certain lesson “on the shelf”, so to speak. Other keys are to  always remain in a state of 100% Personal Power and 100%

Self-Love and unconditional love towards others. To only have preferences, not attachments. To pray, have faith, trust, and patience.

The key to effective processing is to learn to do the smallest amount of processing necessary to get the quickest and greatest results!

on Prosperity

The Bible says, “And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, and in the law, and in the commandments,

to seek his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered.” (2 Chronicles 31:21) The negative ego’s interpretation of life is that

we never have enough. Spirit sees the universe as abundant, with plenty for everybody and no need for negative competition. The

negative ego teaches both that money is the root of all evil and at the same time the answer to all problems. What a contradictory

premise! Money, in and of itself, is divine. It is how you use it that determines whether it is good or bad. Spirit guides people to love

money and make as much as possible, so that it can be used to make Physical changes in the world for a Spiritual purpose. The more

you have, the more you can give.

Prosperity Consciousness also encompasses the understanding or knowing that you can get a job or manifest a business and

opportunities whenever and wherever needed. Who is more prosperous, a woman who lives in the ghetto with seven children and

has total faith in God to provide her with everything she truly needs, or a stingy millionaire who worries about money constantly

and makes a habit of stabbing clients and competitors in the back? You can be a multimillionaire and live in total poverty


The first key to developing Prosperity Consciousness is to become right with self and right with GOD. By doing this you will

develop the “Midas Touch.”

Secondly, let go of the belief that money and material success is bad. Money is Divine.

Thirdly, let go of the belief that to realize GOD you have to give up all your possessions and be in poverty. This is a

misinterpretation of the Bible and, in truth, just the opposite is true.

Fourthly, deny any thoughts of poverty consciousness to enter your mind! only allow those of a Prosperity Consciousness nature in!

Fifthly, be creative and don’t wait for GOD or the Inner Plane Ascended Masters to conk you over the head and tell you what to do.

GOD helps those who help themselves. Pray for help but also be creative yourself.

Sixthly, put GOD and your Spiritual Path first and have no false Gods and ideals; this includes money. Mother Teresa said, “I try

to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money. No, I wouldn’t touch a leper for a thousand pounds; yet

I willingly cure him for the love of God.” The only way to make lots of money is not to be attached to money. “Seek ye first

the Kingdom of GOD and all thins shall be added unto thee”, as the Biblical verse reveals.

Seventhly, have a flawless character and integrity, always putting the customer first.

Eighthly, dedicate your life to service 100%, which will ultimately cause you to have a pure heart and which will cause the

universe to reward you.

Ninthly, seed money to those in need, and it is totally your right to expect a ten-fold return!

Tenthly, monitor your thinking and feeling to make sure that once you have prayed and done your affirmations and visualizations,

that your daily thinking and feeling and speaking to others is not sabotaging the immaculate and perfected thoughtform you are

trying to consciously hold.

Eleventh, always remember that you are, in truth, one with all Creation. You are one with that which you strive to manifest.

Twelfth, keep your money in circulation and don’t overly hold onto it.

Thirteenth, do not be afraid to take risks and make mistakes. Sometimes you may have to try five or ten ideas. Give up the word

“failure” from your vocabulary. There is no such thing. Failure comes from a belief in judgement, which also does not exist. All

that exists are mistakes, and mistakes are part of the Spiritual Path and are unavoidable and appropriate.

True Prosperity Consciousness is rooted in the understanding that God, your personal power, and the power of your subconscious

mind are your true source of financial security. The only security in life is a belief, knowingness, and understanding of GOD and

GOD’s Laws! GOD is your stocks and bonds and financial security. It is in the integrated understanding of these four levels that

total faith and confidence in the ability to manifest money and wealth, no matter what happens in life, truly lies. God (prayer

and meditation), your Personal Power (physical action), the power of your subconscious mind (affirmations and visualizations to

program your subconscious mind to attract and magnetize monetary and material opportunities) are an unbeatable team!

Practice these simple keys to prosperity and they will bring you not only untold prosperity and material wealth but they will

also bring you, more importantly, inner wealth and success because you are dealing with money and material things from a GOD

and Buddha/Christ perspective! “Wealth aquired unjustly will diminish; but he who gathers justly shall increase his wealth!”

(Psalms 13:11)

on Protection

It is of utmost importance to protect oneself because there is a lot of negative energy in the world and a lot of people who are

run by the negative ego! It is not only important to be Spiritually vigilant against allowing your own negative ego to try to enter

your consciousness and mind; it is also essential to put your Golden Bubble of Protection up every day almost like a piece of

clothing you put on every morning to keep out other people’s negative energy. Because most people have no training in

Spiritual psychology, even Lightworkers are extremely run by the negative ego. They are very advanced in their Spiritual Bodies

or “Light Bodies”, but they have a lot of rough edges around their Psychological Selves and Bodies from lack of proper Spiritual

training. Because of this there are constant attacks, criticisms, judgements, put downs, self-righteousness, competitiveness,

anger, intolerance, impatience, irritableness, and frustration, which of course are all negative ego qualities. If you don’t keep

your Golden Bubble of Protection up, these outside negative ego thought forms and energy can act as negative programming

to try and counteract the Spiritual work you are doing.

The key is to put this Golden Bubble on every morning from your “Etheric or energetic wardrobe,” and place it around yourself

so that when other people are manifesting this type of negative energy it just slides off your bubble like “water off a duck’s back!”

So, it is essential to develop an inner bubble to protect us from our own subconscious minds as well as to develop an outer bubble

or shield to protect ourselves form other people’s negative energy. The ideal is for us to be the programmer of the subconscious

mind. Always remember that if we don’t take responsibility for our own programming and protection, then the subconscious mind

or other people will run our lives. The ideal is to be the cause, creator, and master of our own lives. If these Psychological laws

aren’t clearly understood, then other people will be our programmers.

Let’s say someone is judging or criticizing you. The ideal is to have an imaginary bubble or shield around you so that when

criticism comes toward you, it hits the bubble or shield and bounces off, like water off a duck’s back. It must be understood that

this bubble is semi-permeable. In other words, it allows in positive energy but keeps out negative energy. You make a conscious

choice as to whether to let others’ energy into your subconscious mind or not. If you don’t have this bubble of protection available

to you at all times, then you can be victimized by another person’s comments, statements, or energy. When your inner and outer

bubbles are not functioning properly, you are letting yourself be hypnotized. Victims are in a sort of hypnotic state, letting another

person program their emotions in a waking state.

There is a time to be open and a time to be closed. It is necessary to close down and protect yourself if other people are being

negative. If someone threw a spear to you, you would physically try to get out of the way if you could. The same thing is true when

other people are directing negative energy toward you like a Psychological spear. You will be wounded if you let it in. You wouldn’t

let a person shove Physical poison down your Physical mouth. So don’t let people shove Mental poison into your mind. You don’t

want your subconscious mind to run your life, and you don’t want other people to run your life, either.

Now, to make sure we cover every angel and lens of the Universal Law of Protection, let’s go one step further and let’s talk about

invasion, for we all need to learn to protect our space from invasion of others and to always monitor our consciousness, thoughts,

words, and deeds so we are not invading the space of others on any level! Invasion can occur Physically, Etherically,

Emotionally, Mentally, Psychically, and Spiritually. on a Physical Level, be aware to of your Physical space and others’ Physical

space and be sensitive to both. on a Psychic Level, don’t give psychic readings if you are not asked for one. on an Astral Level,

don’t send your Astral Body, consciously or unconsciously, into a person’s home or bedroom and into their space. This is

inappropriate and an invasion. Sometimes this happens unconsciously because the person is not in control of their Astral Vehicle.

This can also occur in an inappropriate sexual fantasy about another. on an Etheric/Energetic Level, if one is sexually attracted

to another, they may project their Etheric or Energetic Body, which is the same, onto that person without touching them Physically.

on a Mental Level: sending negative thoughts to someone consciously or unconsciously. When you think a thought it does not

remain in your Physical Body. All minds are joined. So, if you send someone a thought, that thought will instantly go to that person

and either uplift them or do the reverse. This is why it is so important to be vigilant over the thoughts you allow yourself to think

and even daydream about. Your thoughts affect people. If a person has a weak aura you may fill their liver and solar plexus with

darts that can actually be seen clairvoyantly. on an Emotional Level, invasion occurs anytime one allows negative ego

aggressive emotions, such as anger, impatience, manipulation, revenge, jealousy, and frustration, to manifest. These emotions

can be felt immediately trying to penetrate another person’s field. on a Spiritual Level one must be careful not to invade one’s

space either. one can travel in their Soul Body and visit others consciously or unconsciously. Make sure you are welcome! once

one becomes a full-fledged Ascended Masters, there are many gifts. You can read a person’s mind or you could look into their

Akashic records, to name just two. Just because one has these abilities doesn’t mean that the negative ego can’t misuse them

for selfish purposes. We must be aware of the subtleties of invasion, for it isn’t always as obvious as someone stealing from you

or punching you in the nose. Negative ETs invade space by planting implants that suck energy, and Astral entities hang onto

your aura like a parasite. Ponder on this, and make sure you protect yourself on all levels!

on Psychological Health

Psychological health can be likened to Physical health. If a person we know catches a cold or the flu, we certainly don’t want

to get it. We take extra vitamin C, eat well and try to get enough sleep. In other words, we build our resistance. If we keep our

resistance, we don’t get sick. There is no such thing as a contagious disease. There are only people with low resistance. This analogy

is exactly the same on the Psychological Level. There is no such thing as a contagious Psychological disease. There are only people

with low resistance. How can we keep up our Psychological resistance so that we don’t catch the infectious diseases of anger,

depression, jealousy, hatred, and so on? We keep our Psychological resistance up by maintaining a positive mental attitude, by

developing and maintaining the protective bubble, maintaining our personal power, unconditional self-love and self-worth, as well

as faith and trust in God. “Activity must be dedicated to God, the Highest Good. Then, it will provide health to body and mind.”

(Sai Baba)

on Purity

Lord Buddha is quoted as saying, “As a silversmith sifts dust from silver, remove your own impurities little by little.” Purity is one

of the rarest qualities on Earth. Earth life can be a very tough school and the lessons of Earth life and the meanness and cruelty of

others makes it hard for one to maintain their innocence and purity of character. What does it mean to remain one’s purity?

To remain pure means that one loves GOD to such an extent and to such an attunement that no matter how mean or cruel people are

and no matter how tough the lessons of Earth life are, one holds to their unconditional love and faith, trust and patience in GOD. one

holds to their Christ/Buddha Consciousness at all times, no matter how  high the degree of momentary defeat of how high is one’s

Spiritual and Earthly success. Purity means that one’s love for GOD and one’s attunement to GOD is so great that the temptations,

glamour, and false gods of the negative ego hold no interest.

The development of purity means choosing the path of selflessness at all times, never giving in to an attack thought, admitting

mistakes, never giving up, holding to one’s Spiritual ideals at all times, always being the one to apologize, being the first to forgive

others and self, being constantly vigilant for GOD and His Kingdom and denying any thought not of GOD to enter one’s mind.

Maintaining humbleness and humility. Having compassion for other people’s suffering and being willing to do something about it.

Not gossiping or engaging in ego battles. Not competing with others.

Always being the peacemaker and establishing harmony, oneness, and love in all situations. Purity means sticking to your ideals in

thought, word, and deed, even when alone and even when Physically tired and/or exhausted. Purity means that you remain the same

person no matter if you become the most famous person in the world in a Spiritual and Earthly sense, or if you live in seclusion and

have a very small sphere of influence. Purity means examining one’s motives in a thorough and honest manner! As we all know,

the negative ego is very tricky. In the deepest recesses of our subconscious mind, what is it that truly motivates us to do what we

are doing? It takes great courage to fully examine this. “Sincerity of conviction and purity of motive will surely gain the day, and

even a small minority armed with these is surely destined to prevail against all odds.” (Swami Vivekananda)

To truly realize God and move into the highest levels of leadership, the conscious and subconscious minds must be cleansed of

the impurities of the ego: selfishness, narcissism, lower-self desire, hedonism and materialism. To do so, one needs to be

devastatingly honest with self! In conclusion, remain purity on all levels purity in the Mental Body from impure thoughts; purity

in the Emotional Body from impure, negative emotions and lower-self desires; and purity on the Physical Level in terms of diet,

proper use of sexuality and proper action at all times. “Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and glamour, and evil speaking,

be put away from you, with all malice.” (Ephesians 4:32) “Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates Body and

spirit!” (2 Corinthians 7:1 NIV) “Purity of life is the highest and truest art!” (Mahatma Gandhi) Heed these words! They are worth

its weight in platinum!

on Pursuing Excellence and Immaculateness in Everything one Does

The word kaizen is a Japanese word that means “constant improvement.” The idea here is to appreciate the achievements of

yourself, but on another level never be satisfied. This is the true pursuit of excellence. Cultivate this attitude of kaizen or

“constant improvement”, which means to do your best and then try to do better than your best. The foundation of all Spiritual

work is the “God immaculateness and pursuit of excellence” that you maintain every moment of your life on every level of

your being.

What will manifest in your outer life is the clarity, pursuit of excellence, and immaculateness, or lack thereof in your consciousness.

Many on the Spiritual Path do not hold themselves to the high standard and high calling of really trying to be God, be the Christ,

be the Buddha, and be a Son or Daughter of GOD on Earth. This means monitoring every thought to make sure that it is a God

thought and not a negative ego thought, monitoring every feeling and emotion to make sure it is stemming from your

Spiritual Consciousness and not your negative ego consciousness, and monitoring and being vigilant over every word you

speak, recognizing the power of the spoken word. Monitoring and being vigilant over your every action and behavior to make

sure your every movement is representative of the Most High GOD! Keeping your word as GOD keeps His Word!

Maintaining the highest level of integrity and honesty in everything you do, with yourself and others. Striving to be absolutely

egoless and selfless at all times. And when it is right to be Spiritually selfish, it means to make sure that you are really being

Spiritually selfish and not egotistically selfish. Pursuing excellence in everything you do means being devastatingly honest

with self, and examining your every motivation for everything you are doing, constantly checking yourself to make your

motivations are pure in GOD. Being able to admit mistakes to yourself and to others when necessary. Being willing to

apologize for your mistakes.

Putting GOD first and not having false gods before him in a Psychological sense (like power, fame, greed, and lower-self desire).

Being consistent on a superconscious, conscious and subconscious level and Physical Body level, so that all Three Minds and

the Physical Body are consistent with each other. It means every moment of your life trying to practice the Presence of GOD

and to practice living like an Integrated Ascended Master on Earth. Sticking to your Spiritual and Psychological ideals on every

level no matter what the circumstance, even when you are Physically exhausted, stressed out or overwhelmed. Not giving into

temptation. Striving to live a life of perfection. Manifesting a flawless character to your highest ability every moment of your

life. Recognizing that mistakes and adjustments are okay. Not being lazy or procrastinating. Making choices and standing

behind them. Maintaining absolute mastery over your thoughts, emotions, feelings, subconscious mind, negative ego, inner

child, lower-self desire, energies and Physical Body at all times in service of GOD, unconditional love and balance.

Maintaining GOD Purity in every aspect of your life, every moment of your life. Treating others who are not at your level of

Spiritual, Psychological and Physical/Earthly development with the utmost kindness, generosity, and compassion. Never judging

another who does not hold the “Immaculate Standards and Demonstration” that you keep. Not giving in to the line of least

resistance and the indolence of the subconscious mind. Getting back on the saddle when you fall off, and not indulging in

self-pity or self-indulgence when you get knocked off or fall off the wagon, as you invariably will at times. It is to look at every

moment of your life as a Spiritual test and to try and pass every test to the best of your ability. Pursue excellence in everything

you do! Stay on top of things! The pursuit of excellence must be maintained on all three levels: Spiritual, Psychological,

and Physical/Earthly at all times at a 100% level to the best of your ability. Do not settle for anything less in everything you do!

Pursue excellence in your every thought, word, deed, and feeling, and you shall dance with God’s Angels in Heaven sooner than

you might have dreamed possible!

on Quieting one’s Mind

The mind is a wonderful apparatus and as we all know, it is our thoughts that create our reality. So the key question is, how do

we use this tool so it only works for us and not against us? There are two things we need to learn in this regard. First, we need to

learn to think properly with our Buddha/Christ/Melchizedek Mind, and secondly, we need to learn how to quiet our mind and

not think at all. This law shall explain in greater detail the latter. The first key to learn to quiet the mind is you must own your own

personal power at all times and be conscious and aware of your content of consciousness (your thoughts, feelings, desires…). The

owning of your personal power helps you to be the observer and have the needed detachment from the content of consciousness

that is needed to have self-mastery over your content of consciousness. Learning this, more than half of this lesson of learning to

quiet the mind will have been learned if proper joyous vigilance is consistently maintained.

Always remember, the real you is the observer self, who controls, directs, chooses, and causes. The key to being the director is

understanding the need to differentiate yourself from the content of your consciousness. You are not your thoughts, emotions,

body, actions, personality, mistakes, successes, abilities, or beliefs. You are the essence and not the form. You are the consciousness,

not the creation. You can direct and control only what you do not identify yourself with. Whatever you, as the consciousness or

“I”, are identified with will be your master. Identify yourself with only the Eternal Self for that is your True Self! The next insight

that is important is that it is impossible to stop the mind completely from thinking and one should not desire to do so, for it is not

GOD’s Will that it be completely stopped. We are creative by nature and we create with our mind. The mind is always creating.

The key insight, however, is that it can be quieted down and it can and must be mastered so we are not driven by it.

Most people in the Western world are driven by the mind; the mind runs them instead of them running the mind. In the Eastern

world it’s the opposite. In truth, both are important and need to be balanced and integrated properly. So there is a time to think

and a time not to think. Now here is the key insight. The subconscious mind is always thinking and creating in a negative or

positive way because it has no reasoning. The key insight here is that the conscious mind does not have to engage the continuing

string of thoughts, feelings, and impulses of the subconscious mind. So, it is as important in life to learn to think properly as it is

to learn to not think at all. The mind is always striving for inner peace and understanding. The problem is, it is not possible every

moment of one’s life to have this understanding in every situation of life in any given instant.

It is essential at times to put the mind on the shelf so to speak and to just be in the quietness and silence. If the mind is always

chattering and the conscious mind is engaging the chattering, then how does the Holy Spirit, Mighty I Am Presence, and/or

Higher Self enter the picture? They are the “still, small voice within.” They do not fight for attention as the mind, emotions, and

negative ego do. There is a time to identify and a time to disidentify with the content of consciousness. This brings us to the truth

that the mind creates bondage or liberation depending on how it’s used. Now, that we have this foundational understanding

and perspective, here are some tools to achieving this quieter mind we all seek at times.

First, write lists. The mind will be quiet as long as it feels honored to a certain degree. Keep a little notebook with you at all times

and just write those things down that the mind presents you while watching TV or doing whatever, and your mind will be happy

to be quiet as long as it is on the “tomorrow list.” Secondly, have a journal section in your notebook, where if you are processing

something and you do not want to think about it, you can write a little affirmation like, “I will not think about this until Monday

morning.” Even if something is really bothering you, as long as the mind knows that its agenda is being addressed, it will be willing

to quiet and honor your affirmation not to think. The mind and emotions are amazing tools. In any given moment everything they

create seems so important and real. The act of delaying thinking about different issues not always, but sometimes, resolves them

without having to spend time thinking, processing, or doing anything. Issues that seemed so important in the moment, a week

later you can’t even remember. Time heals. Of course, there will be issues that do need to be addressed at a later time no matter

how long one puts them off. one of the reasons that no thinking often resolves certain situations is that often an emotional charge

seems extremely important, but a week later that emotional charge is gone and hence the thought or issue or thing to do may not

need to be done. Well, here goes the third key to quieting the mind: sometimes you may be running errands or doing whatever and

may not have a pen and paper.

Make a number list in your mind from one upward. Each number will be one item on the agenda of the mind to think about or do.

Fourthly, make Spiritual lists. There are an infinite number or kinds of Spiritual lists. When you are feeling unhappy, write a list of

all the reasons you can think of that you have to be happy about. At Thanksgiving or any time you want some upliftment, create a

Spiritual list of all the reasons why you have to be grateful. What does this have to do with quieting the mind? The mind is quiet

when the Emotional Body and Mental Body feel at peace. When you are feeling negative about self or you are having negative

interactions with other people or your world, the mind will be much more agitated and overactive. An overactive mind and too

much thinking will exhaust your adrenal glands. So to learn to quiet the mind, it is essential to learn to think properly as well. The

fifth tool to quiet to mind is making Spiritual vows. If you make a mistake, instead of feeling bad about it, dwelling upon it and

letting it get you down, create a Spiritual vow not to let this happen again. See on Making Spiritual Vows. If you are depressed

or agitated because of a setback or mistake, your mind is going to be overactive trying to get you back to equilibrium. Spiritual

vows and Spiritual lists are a quick method to bring you back to this state of inner peace.

In conclusion, too much thinking takes a toll on the Physical organs. When you consciously think and are constantly planning

this runs energy through your liver and pancreas. The liver is known metaphysically as the organ of planning. Many people have

digestive problems from overthinking because this is also running too much Third Chakra and Sixth Chakra energy. Too much

thinking can create Emotional turmoil. Why? Again, since our thoughts create our feelings and emotions, the mind is always

creating scenarios. Let’s say you had a little spat with a friend. It is good to process this with your mind and come to a peaceful

resolution. If there are any unresolved feelings, however, the mind will create scenarios of taking out its anger or telling people

off. It’s very important to shut these scenarios off for they are being created by the negative ego and not by your Soul! The key

is to choose when you want to think and how you want to think and to be able to not think when you don’t want to. Make the mind

work for you rather than you working for the mind! As Lord Buddha said, “ Wonderful it is to train the mind so swiftly moving,

seizing whatever it wants. Good is it to have a well-trained mind, for a well-trained mind brings happiness.” (Dhammapada 35)

Ponder on this! This is one of the Golden Keys to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens!

on Reincarnation

To understand reincarnation, let’s go back to the ancient times of Lemuria and Atlantis! The reason that the veil of reincarnation

was placed upon the Earth and the people of the Earth began over 18.5 million years ago in Earth’s history at the time of Lemuria,

which predated Atlantis! This was the First Golden Age on this planet, and is referred to in the Bible as the Edenic State! This was

the time on Earth when the Earth and the people of the Earth were more Etheric in nature! The world was not as Physically dense

as it is now. Earth and Earth life was a Garden of Eden! There was no separation between Spiritual worlds and the world on Earth!

There was no stepping into the world of negative ego duality, only making choices within the Mind of GOD! Then came the eating

of the fruit from the Tree of Good and Evil, and the choice to think with one’s negative ego mind! This was the choice to overidentify

with the Physical Body, and people forgot that they were God living in a Physical Body! As this negative ego thinking and feeling

spread, the world began to densify and Physical Bodies began to densify.

This was not part of the Original Plan. Pretty soon most of the world had fallen asleep! And so 18.5 million years ago, Sanat Kumara

and his fellow Kumaras from Venus came to rectify and heal this problem! Part of the Plan that was set up by GOD and the Godforce

to remedy this descent into forgetfulness and Spiritual sleep was reincarnation. The plan was that all those Souls who had falle

asleep would reincarnate over and over again until the seven Levels of Initiation were completed in an integrated and balanced

manner so liberation from the wheel of rebirth and/or graduation would be achieved! The idea was that having time on the Inner

Plane between lives would give Souls time to remember who they were, and give them time to introspect and reflect before

incarnating again!

Any Soul who does not master the Psychological Level (mind and emotions) will be forced to reincarnate again on the Mental or

Emotional Plane even if they have completed their seven Levels of Initiation! This will only occur if there is somewhat of a serious

issue of nonintegration, victim consciousness, negative ego contamination, and corruption or fragmentation. “There are two paths,

Arjuna, which the soul may follow at the time of death. one leads to rebirth and the other to liberation!” (Krishna to Arjuna in

the Bhagavad-Gita)

Achieving your seven Levels of Initiation in an integrated and balanced manner will bring you liberation from the wheel of rebirth.

The purpose of life is to achieve liberation from the cycle of rebirth, to realize God and to be of service to humankind. “I am easily

attained by the person who always remembers me and is attached to nothing else. Such a person is a true yogi, Arjuna. Great souls

make their lives perfect and discover me; they are freed from mortality and the suffering of this separate existence. Every creature

in the universe is subject to rebirth, Arjuna, except the one who is united with me!” (Krishna to Arjuna) one does not have to be

perfect to achieve full liberation, you just must be in the “ball park”, so to speak, of “Integrated Ascension”. Isn’t this an interesting

view on that whole issue? Complete your seven Levels of Initiation in an integrated and balanced manner, and liberation from the

wheel of rebirth shall be yours!

on Relationships

The two most important relationships in our lives are our relationship to self and our relationship to God. Actually, our relationship

to self is even more important than our relationship to God. If we are wrong with ourselves and allow ourselves to be run by the ego,

then we will project this wrong relationship to self onto everything in our lives, including our relationship to God and the Inner

Plane Ascended Masters. This lack of a right relationship with self is the cause of the angry Old Testament God. It is also the cause

of concepts such as original sin, the idea that we are lowly, sinful worms, and the judgmental and self-righteous qualities of

some fundamentalist religions. So, get right in these two relationships first and all other relationships will come into divine order.

Before we are ready to serve others, we need to self-actualize. There are many people who are trying to serve from a place of not

being right with self and right with God. It is noble that they want to be of service, but they would be better off getting right with

themselves first. This law of becoming right with self and God as the two most important relationships in your life is a golden key to 

God Realization! “Live every second in the consciousness of your relationship with the infinite universe.” (Paramahansa Yogananda)

on Releasing Anger

Sai Baba says, “Anger is the worst exhibition of the ego.” To release anger from our lives, it is just a matter of understanding what

attitudes, thoughts, and beliefs create anger. The definition of anger is “a loss of control and an attempt to regain it”! If you always

remain in your 100% personal power then you never have to lose control. Many people on Earth use anger as a replacement for

true personal power and this is not good. Anger is not personal power and self-mastery, it is a demonstration of being out of control.

It is a false sense of power that stems from the negative ego.

To truly become a Spiritual master you must replace anger with true personal power! If you always own your personal power then

you will never have to be angry! If you ever do start to get angry, channel that energy immediately into a creative usage of personal

power! Just redirect it with the power of your mind, so it becomes true personal power and Spiritual warrior energy instead of

anger. Mahatma Gandhi said, “I have learned through bitter experience the one supreme lesson to conserve my anger; and as heat

conserved is transmuted into energy, even so out anger controlled can be transmuted into a power which can move the world.”

This is called “positive anger.”

The Buddha said, “Anger is like a chariot careering wildly. He who curbs his anger is the true charioteer. Others merely hold the

reins!” So firstly, own your Personal Power 100%. Secondly, keep up your Golden Bubble of Protection 100% at all times! Without

this protection, other people’s attacks, criticism and negative energy can lodge in your subconscious mind and solar plexus and

cause a defense and anger reaction. The ideal is to respond in life and not react. Thirdly, let go of attachments. As Lord Buddha in

His Four Noble Truths said, “All suffering comes from attachments”. Whenever you are angry, you are attached, and this is a fact.

The Spiritual ideal is to change all attachment attitudes to preferences. See on Having Preferences Rather Than Attachments.

Fourthly, look at everything that happens in life as a Spiritual test and lesson, not as some kind of bummer and problem. Every

time you get angry you are forgetting to look at life as a Spiritual test and lesson! Everything that happens in life is happening

for a reason! Everything that happens is GOD and/or life teaching you something! The real purpose of Earth life is nothing more

than to see if you can respond to everything that happens in life in a centered, unconditionally loving, and forgiving manner. In

every situation of life you either respond from your negative ego/fear-based/separative mind or the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Mind.

You either realize GOD in that moment or lose GOD in terms of your realization by how you respond!

Fifthly, always remember that you cause your own reality, your feelings and emotions by how you think. No one can make you

feel angry but yourself! They may have attacked you or criticized you unfairly, but that did not cause you to feel anything! That

is what is called the “catalyst”! Sixthly, always seek to maintain love within self and from GOD first before seeking it from others.

In other words, unconditionally love yourself and your inner child. Also fully allow yourself to receive GOD’s and the Masters’ love

for you. This way, before you enter the world you are totally complete and whole within yourself. This way you go into life feeling

filled with love! If you don’t do this you are not feeling loved, and hence will seek love from others instead of finding it first within

your relationship to self and GOD.

Perfect love casts out fear! Seventhly, always remember that anger is a form of attack. Anytime a person attacks, they are feeling

fear! There are only two emotions: love and fear. An attack is a call for love! Anger is the negative ego thought system’s misguided

and faulty thinking way of trying to get love! Anger will not get you what you want. It will create the opposite. The key is to

transcend both fear an anger, which are the two sides of the negative ego philosophy and thought system, and to instead think with

your Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Mind, which only thinks from the heart and unconditional love. As Master Yoda of Star Wars said,

“Do not give into your anger and fear and become seduced by the dark side of the force!” Do not look back in anger, or forward

in fear, but around in awareness!

on Releasing Fear and Worry

Worry is negative affirmation and meditation. “Worry is wasting today’s time to clutter up tomorrow’s opportunities with

yesterday’s troubles,” as the saying goes. The first key to releasing fear and worry is to always own your personal power and

Self-Mastery. The second you lose your Personal Power and Self-Mastery, fear based thinking and feeling will begin to creep

back into your consciousness. You must be in control of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, energy, and Physical Body to not

have fear! The second key is to place around yourself, every morning to start your day, a semi-permeable Golden Bubble of

Protection that keeps out negativity from self and others and allows in only Spiritual and positive thoughts, feelings, and

energies. This will give you the appropriate sense of invulnerability. Thirdly, it is impossible to release fear unless you adopt

an attitude of unconditional love at all times. This is because the opposite of love is attack and fear! If you don’t approach self,

people, and life with unconditional love then you will approach it with attack and judgement

 By the law of karma within your own mind you will live in fear. Fourthly, pray! Why worry when you can pray? Fifthly, do

affirmations. Every time a fear-based thought or feeling arises, push it out of your mind, and replace it with a love-based thought

or feeling and/or affirmation. Doing this, all fear will be released over time. Sixth, have faith! Constantly affirm your faith in

yourself and your own abilities to master, cause, and create your life and your faith in GOD, the Ascended Masters, and the Angels.

Your thoughts create your reality. If you affirm this it will be so! Whenever thoughts of doubt arise, remember the Biblical verse,

“And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known; I will make darkness

light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.” (Isaiah 42:16) Have faith!

Seventh, maintain Spiritual attunement with GOD, your Mighty I Am Presence, the Inner Plane Ascended Masters, and the Archangels

and Angels. What manifests in life is where you put your attention and consciousness. If you keep your mind steady in the light, what

is to fear? As the old adage goes, “Focus on the positive in your life, for what you focus on increases.” As Jesus said on the Mount

of Beatitudes which is traditionally thought to be the place where he gave his Sermon on the Mount, “Do not worry about what you

wear or what you eat and drink. The birds in the air do not sow wheat or store it in barns, and yet the heavenly Lord feeds them; the

lilies of the field do not spin or weave, and yet not even Solomon in all his glory was as magnificent as one of these.”

on Renunciation or Involved Detachment

A renunciate is one who renounces the material world and gives first priority to the Spiritual world. Now, this does not mean

that one does not remain involved with the material world. The idea is to be involved but not attached. You might call this

involved detachment. The key is to let go of all material attachments, for that is what leads to suffering, as Lord Buddha described

so beautifully in one of his Four Noble Truths, “All suffering comes from attachment. And all suffering comes from wrong points

of view.” To realize God it is necessary that at some point you let go of all attachments, and put material life, and this includes

all relationships, on the Spiritual altar and surrender them to God. Put your Spiritual life first, and release all false gods and idols.

By doing this you will save yourself much suffering. So make material things just preferences and happiness and inner peace shall

be yours forevermore!

on Resolving Conflicts

one of the most important understandings and skills in one’s Spiritual Path is the ability to resolve conflicts in yourself and

your relationships. It is of the highest importance to resolve conflicts within self as quickly as possible. This is necessary to

remain in a state of personal power, self-mastery, and decisiveness. Too many conflicts in your conscious and/or subconscious

mind begin to drain your energies over time. Agree to disagree. Frame the discussion in a win/win manner. Spirit’s philosophy

is a win/win philosophy, whereas the ego prefers a win/lose philosophy. We will see what we look for. When we see fault and

judgment, we are in reality faulting and judging ourselves, for what we see in another is just a mirror of our own state of mind.

When we see only God, love, and blessings, that is what we give to ourselves. Whether we see it or not, that is what is there,

for that is what God created. Faulty perception doesn’t create truth; it just creates the reality we live in! Respond instead of react.

Be the first to apologize and admit your mistakes. Be the first to forgive no matter how much you have been wronged.

Choose your battles carefully, for there are certain battles that are just not worth fighting. Always remember, there is a time to

talk and a time to be silent, and sometimes the best form of communication is silence. Honesty does not mean you have to say

everything. True mature honesty means you say what is appropriate, as GOD would have you say it, to gain maximum results

in a Spiritual and Earthly manner. If the other person starts getting angry, attacking or coming from their negative ego, don’t

catch their Psychological disease. Set a better example. It takes two to have a war! Always remember that the person you are in

conflict with is an incarnation of GOD, the Christ, the Buddha, the Atma. Treat them as such even if they are not demonstrating

it. Turn the other cheek when appropriate and necessary. Be more concerned about learning your lessons than teaching other

people theirs. Leave that to GOD. Always remember the words of Mother Teresa:

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some

false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, there may be jealousy; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway.

Use every conflict as a Spiritual challenge, test, and Spiritual opportunity to practice the Presence of GOD and Godliness.

By doing this you will not only help yourself Spiritually, you will also be giving yourself unconditional love, inner peace

and oneness. You will also be setting a wonderful example to your Brothers and Sisters, and by doing so, you will have brought

unconditional love, oneness, and peace into the world. How can we have peace between nations, if we do not know hot to

create unconditional love and peace between ourselves and our Brothers and Sisters when conflict arises? Each of these conflicts

are just mini Spiritual tests, Spiritual challenges, and Spiritual opportunities to practice this. In all conflicts and situations in life,

it comes down to, do I want GOD or do I want my ego in this situation? Do I want unconditional love or fear and attack? Do I

want oneness or do I want separation? The choice is yours! The paradoxical nature of life, however, is perfectly stated in the

Biblical verse, “Seek ye the Kingdom of GOD and all things shall be added onto thee.” Those that choose GOD and the Path

of egolessness may at times look like they are losing from the limited third dimensional perspective. But that is illusion, of course.

The truth is, you have gained and realized GOD in that moment and series of moments. In the long run you will not only realize

GOD, which is the greatest gift of all, but your egoless, selfless example will bring to you material gain as well. For the Bible verse

ends with the words, “All things shall be added onto thee”! In the bigger picture choosing the path of ego and selfishness will only

cause you ultimately to lose material wealth, and not gain it. Choosing GOD and unconditional love in this manner will allow you

to “Gain the Whole World and not lose your own Soul.” For does not the Bible also say, “What does it profit a man that he gains

the whole world but loses his own soul.” The consistent choice to choose your Soul and Spirit every moment of your life, and

especially when conflicts arise, will bring you a Spiritual, Psychological, and Earthly wealth that “passeth understanding”!

Finally, remember the words of the Buddha who said, “He who does not strike nor makes others strike, who robs not nor makes

others rob, sharing love with all that live, finds enmity with none.” (Lord Buddha, Itivuttaka 22)

on Respecting Each Person’s Unique Point of Balance

Everyone has their unique point of balance in all aspects of life. It is very important in life that everyone speaks only for

themselves, and never tries to impress their point of balance on another person. The Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual

Bodies must all be respected, balanced, and integrated properly. If what you are doing in your life is hurting your Physical Body,

then stop. The Physical Body is a face of God. Listen to the wisdom of your Physical and Emotional Bodies and do not try to

override them. Always remember, GOD didn’t create everybody the same.

Every person has a different Monadic Ray and Soul Ray. Some people were born to be mystics and some, occultists. Some people

were born to do Physical work, and some people Spiritual work. Some people were created by GOD to be artists, and others,

scientists. There are many people in this world who are run by the negative ego and are very self-righteous, and go around telling

people how everyone should follow their point of balance. This is illusion, and nothing more than a massive ego trip. Be vigilant

against the negative ego if it ever tries to do this. People’s points of balance are greatly affected by their Physical health or lack

thereof. A person’s point of balance is also enormously affected by their Spiritual development. The more advanced you become

Spiritually, often the more unconventional some of your habits may become. Also, what must be factored in here is that people’s

points of balance are constantly changing. Follow the beat of your own drum. Do not compare yourself with others, but rather trust

your own point of balance. Most of all do not let your negative ego tell you that the point of balance you have found for yourself

is the point of balance everyone else should follow. Every person is at a different state of evolution, which also greatly affects

one’s point of balance. This is why it is often dangerous to make fast and hard rules. one man’s meat is another man’s poison.

Never forget this!

on Romantic Relationships

In A Course In Miracles it says that “relationships are the temple of the Holy Spirit.” As already explained, the two most

important relationships in your life are those with yourself and with God. A relationship partner is third on the list. If this is not

clear, you are headed for some suffering. The danger here is trying to find your wholeness in another person, rather than finding

your wholeness within yourself and God. If you don’t do this, your relationship turns into a type of addictive love.

one of the most important prerequisites to a healthy love relationship with another person is self love. The ideal is for you to

love your inner child and to allow yourself to feel and receive God’s love. If these aren’t established first, then you end up seeking

love, worth, approval, and acceptance from another person instead, which again will turn into a type of addictive love. Virginia

Satir, the well known family therapist, said, “Communication is to a relationship what breathing is to living.” This statement

brings us to the next important ingredient to a healthy romantic relationship. Communicate with your partner about your feelings,

or the relationship wont’ work!

A romantic relationship is said to be the Master of all relationships! Your partners are master teachers in everything they do.

Even when they are misbehaving, they are giving you the opportunity to practice Christ Consciousness and to demonstrate qualities

your Soul would have you develop! You are constantly being taught to stay in your power, to be loving, to forgive, to practice

humility, to turn the other cheek, to remain the cause of your own emotions! A romantic relationship provides you with lessons

in patience, emotional protection, honesty, communication skills, nonattachment, egolessness, unconditional love and staying

centered, to just name a few! It’s easy to remain in Christ Consciousness living in a cave, but it’s a whole other story to practice

the Presence of God while in a relationship!

Now, this brings us to the next issue which is divorce. Never leave a relationship until you have learned the lessons of the

experience. Otherwise, you are likely to have to repeat the lessons in a new relationship. It will be a different Physical Body,

Soul extension, and personality, but the same psychodynamics will occur. So, in all relationships there are times when your ego

or lower self is triggered. How do you respond? The Soul’s perspective on this is not to talk! When you are caught in your ego,

all that happens is that you hurt each other emotionally. You say things you don’t really mean in a vain attempt to get back at

the other person. The negative ego’s game is not love, but who is “right”. You must ask yourself whether you want to be right or

to have love. You can’t have both! When both partners are caught, sometimes the best thing to do is take time alone to calm down,

get re-centered, and attune to self and God. one other key lesson in romantic relationships is to focus on your own lessons and

not the lessons you think your partner needs to learn!

As Master Jesus said, “Do not condemn: as you judge others, so will you yourself be judged. Before you criticize the speck of

sawdust in another’s eye, first remove the plank of wood in your own.” You are not responsible for your partner’s lessons, only

for your own lessons! So what do you do if your partner has a Psychological disease such as judgementalnesss, anger, depression,

worry, lack of self-worth, lack of faith, self-doubt? The ideal is that you not catch the disease, but maintain a strong

Psychological resistance. When your partner is Physically sick, you also do everything to build up your resistance! You take

extra Vitamin C, get enough sleep, exercise, and sunshine, and keep a positive mental attitude, and don’t catch it! Now, how

do you build your Psychological resistance? You do so by staying in a place of personal power and self-love, using a protective

bubble, a positive attitude, meditation, prayer, Spiritual reading and journal writing, to name but a few. If you maintain this

Psychological resistance, negative energy does not hook into your subconscious programming. You are setting an example

and hence helping the other to come out of his or her off-centeredness! Otherwise you can catch the Psychological disease.

The world is like a hospital that is run by the patients: the purpose of life is to be a healer and a teacher of God so you can set

a good example! Now, what do you do when you and your partner disagree about the perception of a given situation? It’s easy!

Agree to disagree, and stay in love and in oneness. This is possible as long as you don’t let the ego in. No two people see things

the same way all the time. Remember that you see with your mind, not just with your eyes. You see through your belief systems,

since it is your thoughts that create your reality! Aren’t relationships the best testing ground for helping you to get out of your ego?

In the beginning of this paragraph we mentioned the importance of yourself and God being the two most important relationships

in your life. What happens if you don’t do your inner work and achieve these two right relationships is, that you form father-

daughter, mother-son relationships! The ideal of course is to form mutually independent adult-adult relationships, not

dependent relationships. If you don’t find your wholeness within and oneness with God, then you will end up seeking it within

a partner. And this will lead to two halves joining together, instead of two whole people uniting. If you are a daughter or

son Psychologically, then by the laws of energy you will attract people who want to be mothers or fathers within the relationship.

And if you are a father or mother Psychologically, the only type of people you can possibly attract are Psychological sons or

daughters! So how would the ideal relationship now look like?

The Dalai Lama said, “Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each

other.” The ideal relationship is one in which both individuals are in right relationships with themselves and with God. Both

people are whole and complete within themselves, and then they will attract a whole person who realizes his/her oneness with

God! They are both causes of their own realities, not victims! Both individuals put their Spiritual Paths first! And the reason they

are together is that they can grow faster and experience more love and joy by sharing the path together! The key to finding your

true mate is to focus completely on your Spiritual Path and on service of humanity. Your total commitment to God and your

Spiritual Path will attract the ideal Spiritual mate.

on Safety and Security

The negative ego creates insecurity because it teaches you to find your security outside of yourself in other  people, possessions,

houses, money, and so on. The only true security that cannot be taken away from you is security that is grounded in your personal

power, in God, in the power of your subconscious mind, and in God’s Laws! “True security is not the absence of danger, but the

Presence of God, no matter what the danger!” The following quotes taken from the Bible speak for themselves and do not need

any further explanation.

“For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands,

eternal in the heavens.” (2 Corinthians 5:1) “As I walk through the shadow of death, I hear no evil, speak no evil for the Lord is

with me.” “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when

thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” (Isaiah 43:2) “He shall not be

afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD.” (Psalms 112:7) “The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he

shall preserve thy soul.” (Psalms 121:7) “The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.”

(Proverbs 18:10) “The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom.”

(2 Timothy 4:18) Always remember those words in times of need! They are worth its weight in gold!

on Salvation

one of the lessons of A Course in Miracles is, “My salvation is up to me.” This is confusing to some, for most feel that GOD

gives salvation. The truth is, GOD does not need to give salvation because GOD never took salvation away. As A Course in

Miracles also says, “The fall never really happened, we just think it did.” In other words, we have always been the Christ or

the Buddha; always have been and always will be. No matter how much we indulge in negative ego thinking, which tells us

we are separate from GOD and each other and are just Physical Bodies, this does not change the truth.

As the introduction to A Course in Miracles says, “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace

of GOD.” So, God has already given us everything. It is we who have separated ourselves from God by listening to the voice of

the ego, by thinking that we were just a Physical Body. The truth is that we have never been separated from God, however, in

our consciousness, or perception of reality, we are. We can easily remedy this situation by changing our thoughts. The Bible

instructs us, “Be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind.” Change your thoughts and you change your reality. The negative

ego tells us that God doesn’t exist because we can’t see Him with our physical eyes and hence the ego is the ultimate authority.

The ego tells us that each of us is just a Physical Body, not the Christ living in a Physical Body. We have been letting the ego

be the ultimate authority.

It’s time for us to recognize and own our authority over ourselves and to gain mastery over our mind, our emotions, our physical

body, and our ego. It is not God’s job to get rid of the ego, it is our job. We created it, so we can get rid of it.  God could do it,

but this would be like giving birth to a child and doing everything for the child. If we did that, the child would grow up to be

completely incapable and there would be no reason to incarnate into this school called Earth Life. God doesn’t need to learn

these lessons we do! So recognize and own your personal power and gain mastery over your mind, emotions, physical body

and ego, and “salvage yourself”. Your salvation is up to you! God has given you already everything! “The LORD is my rock,

and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and

my high tower. (Psalms 18:2) And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.

(Hebrews 5:9)

on Self-Actualization

There are three distinct levels of our Spiritual constitution monad, Soul, and personality and hence there are three distinct levels

of self-actualization. Our true identity is the monad an individual Spiritual spark of the Creator representing our first core

intelligence and our first individualized identity. There are 60 billion monads in our planetary system, and each of these monads

created 12 Oversoul projections, each of which in turn creates 12 Soul extensions or incarnated personalities. We on Earth are

personalities, or Soul extensions of our Soul, just as our Soul is an extension of a greater Consciousness which is our monad.

Our monad is an extension of an even greater Consciousness which is GOD. A self-actualized person at the personality level

would be someone who is Psychologically self-actualized, but not necessarily Spiritually self-actualized for example, a famous

movie star or psychologist. The second level of self-actualization would be self-actualization at a Soul level. A self-actualized

person at this level has become one with the Soul and Higher Self and is living this reality in daily life. A self-actualized person

at the third level of self-actualization, the monadic level, has become one with the monad and Mighty I Am Presence and is

living this reality in daily life.

on Self-Inquiry

This law states the importance of developing an unflinching commitment to self-inquiry! Self-inquiry is the commitment to

monitoring one’s thoughts and being Spiritually vigilant at all times. This means never going on automatic pilot. This also

means not allowing any fear thought or any other thought that is not of God to enter one’s mind. This Spiritual practice is of

such importance that Sai Baba actually says it is 75 percent of the Spiritual Path. It is the practice of recognizing that there are

no neutral thoughts. All thoughts are either from the Higher Self or from the ego. It is the ego that fears, for the Higher Self

knows that it is eternal. It is up to each one of us to choose who we will serve.

on Service

Mahatma Gandhi is quoted as saying that the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. There is an

ancient proverb that states, “One who is pure of heart has the strength of ten.” Your powers of manifestation are increased a

thousandfold if your life is focused on God and serving your Brothers and Sisters in Christ. “True pleasure is serving God”,

as Jesus says in A Course In Miracles. Is there anything more exciting than serving the one who created and embodies all of

Creation? Isn’t serving God the most glorious thing in the universe? And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto

them, “If any man desire to be first, the same shall be the last of all, and servant of all!” Don’t go to work! Go to service! It does

not matter what you do. You could clean toilets, or collect garbage. This is a most holy and sanctified service of GOD.

All cleanliness and purification on every level is a Spiritual practice. It does not matter what type of work you do, it is the attitude

and perspective you take towards it! Mother Teresa said, “Love cannot remain by itself it has no meaning. Love has to be put into

action and that action is service. Whatever form we are, able or disabled, rich or poor, it is not how much we do, but how much love

we put in the doing; a lifelong sharing of love with others.” Sai Baba said, “Love must express itself as service.” See each customer

as God, which is who and what they are, and treat them as such. See yourself as God! See the process as Son and Daughter of GOD

serving Son and Daughter of GOD in service of GOD! Gandhi said, “I am endeavoring to see God through service of humanity, for

I know that God is neither in heaven nor down below, but in every one.”

Now, being of service is a noble thing. Nevertheless, there is one little thing that you should consider. There are many people who

are trying to serve from a place of not being right with self and right with God. If you are operating out of a cracked mold, so to

speak, how can you possibly be really of service, and stay centered and whole and complete within self? It is a noble thing wanting

to be of service, but they would be better off getting right with self first! “Secure Spiritual bliss first and then try to convey it to

those who thirst. When the tank is dry how can the taps give water,” as Sai Baba put it. once we become Spiritual Masters, however,

the main reason for being here is to serve! Taking this attitude makes work not work, but makes work a Spiritual practice which is

the joy of serving GOD and the joy of serving your Brothers and Sisters in GOD!

Krishna said, “Work becomes consecrated and purifying when it is done as service unto God.” Always make sure that when you

serve, you do so from a pure heart, with pure motivations! In the Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna instructs Arjuna “to serve and to not

focus upon the fruits of the service.” And the Bible teaches us, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable,

always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” (Corinthians 15:58)

We do not serve for power, fame, self-love, self-worth, approval, or praise; we serve because “true pleasure is serving GOD.” So,

get right with self and GOD, and be about your Father’s and Mother’s Business! “As for me an my house, I serve the Lord!”

on Sevenfold Protection Against Psychic Attack on All Levels

The first level of psychic attack is when we are being attacked by our own negative ego. This is very common and a great many

people in the world are suffering from this in the form of the critical parent, lack of self-love, negative ego thinking, and sabotage,

to name a few. The second level of psychic attack comes from people in the world who attack you either in your verbal

conversations with them, or are doing this on the psychic plane without your awareness. They may do this either consciously

or unconsciously.

Always remember, that since most people on Earth have not been properly trained in how to master their mind and emotions and

transcend negative ego thinking and replace it with Christ/Buddha/Spiritual thinking, they live in fear. Fearful people attack.

So everyone on Earth will have to deal with being attacked and criticized at times! It is important to be able to receive constructive

criticism in life, and it is even important to learn from people’s feedback even if they express it from their negative ego. Do not,

however, let disturbed negative, egotistical people who are manufacturing things to attack you about, have any effect on you.

Stand solid in our truth and let their negativity slide off your Golden Bubble of Light like “water off a duck’s back.” The third

level of psychic attack comes from some lower Astral entity, or a group of entities, on the Inner Plane. The fourth kind of attack

is from negative Extraterrestrials. Why are so many people suffering from this problem? The key understanding here to become

invulnerable to psychic attack on any level is that you must create a protection on seven levels. These seven levels are the Spiritual,

Mental, Emotional, Psychic, Etheric, Physical, and Earthly Levels. The reason a great many Lightworkers are suffering from

psychic attack is they are requesting projection, but are not doing it on all seven levels!

The most important level to prevent psychics from occurring on any level is to learn to master your own thoughts, emotions,

desires, subconscious mind, inner child, physical body, energy, and most of all, negative ego mind and thinking. If you do not

learn how to do this, all other forms of protection will be extremely limited in effectiveness. Most people in this world are under

psychic attack or psychological attack from their own thoughts, emotions, inner child, and negative ego mind. When the negative

ego is programming your thoughts and emotions instead of the Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha Mind, this will not only make you

miserable, it will also leave an opening for you to be attacked by other people, Astral entities, or negative Extraterrestrials. If this

first level could be mastered, almost all psychic attack would stop without doing anything else. Mastering this level takes a little

time however, and does not happen in one day. It takes great focus, commitment, and Spiritual vigilance. So, on the Mental Level

you are going to deny all negative ego thoughts from entering your mind and you are going to reply them with

Spiritual Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha thoughts. on an Emotional Level, you are going to only create Melchizedek/Christ/

Buddha Emotions for you are only going to think with your Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha Mind.

You realize that your thoughts create your feelings and emotions. You take responsibility that if you feel negatively or positively,

you are creating it by how you are interpreting the situation. once you have focused your energies to try and completely master

the Psychological level, then it is time to call in the Spiritual forces for protection. Do a meditation called “The Cosmic and

Spiritual Hierarchy Protection Meditation” (see Ascension Activation Meditations of the Spiritual Hierarchy: A Compilation)

which will create a force field of protection that is so profound that nothing will be able to get through unless you choose to

allow it! It enormously invokes the help of the Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy and Archangels Michael and Faith, whose job

since they are First Ray Archangels it is to protect.

on a Physical/Earthly Level you are going to strengthen your Physical immune system through proper Physical diet, Physical

exercise, sleep habits, rest, sunshine, fresh air, positive affirmation, positive visualization, and calling on the Inner Plane Ascended

Masters and Angels to keep your Physical Body and Etheric Body (energy Body) in perfect radiant health. This is important

because the Physical Body can be attacked as well by bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungus, and so on, and keeping a strong

Physical immune system will fight any potential diseases off!

Keeping the Physical Body strong also allows you to not be Physically tired and it makes it easier to remain in your personal

power, self-mastery, and joyous vigilance at all times! on an Earthly Level, lock your car, lock your house door. You pray to

Allah but you also make sure to tie up your camel! on an Energetic Level, the calling in of GOD, the Masters, and the Angelic

energies, as well as your own ability to shift and change the energy in your auric field and body, will keep your Etheric Body clear,

strong, and full of energy and vitality! on a Psychic Level, do the Meditation, practice the other levels spoken of in this paragraph,

do a prayer of protection and put on your Mental Armor, so to speak, every day and every night. What does it mean to put on your

Mental Armor? It is not enough to just ask GOD and the Masters to protect you.

You must consciously do your part as well on the Psychic Plane. GOD helps those who help themselves! A great many Lightworkers

pray their hearts out and can’t understand why Spirit and the Masters won’t help them. This, of course, is a projection, for Spirit

and the Masters are helping them. However, the problem is not a Spiritual one, it is a Psychological one. That is what is allowing

the Psychic attacks to continue! Even Spirit and the Masters cannot fully stop the Psychic attacks if one’s psychology is not

mastered. So, when you first get up every morning, visualize in your mind’s eye claiming your sword of power, your golden bubble

of protection that you create yourself with the power of your own mind and heart. Put on your self-love, maybe by putting a red

rose in your heart.

Visualize your attunement to GOD and the Masters by seeing your Antakarana or tube of light from your Heart Chakra back to

GOD. Put on your Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha thinking and see yourself getting rid of all negative ego thinking. Visualize the

Three-Fold Flame of Love/Wisdom and Power burning bright in your heart! This will keep you protected on the Psychic Plane!

In conclusion, the first type of Psychic attack is that of your own negative ego thoughts, emotions, and inner child. You deal

with it by releasing all negative ego thoughts and only thinking with your Christed Mind. When attacked verbally by other people,

you are prepared for that, as long as you put on your Mental Armor every morning, do your prayer of protection and do your

homework on a Psychological, Spiritual, and Physical/Earthly Level. Why? Because if you fully own your personal power and

have a bubble of protection around you, and you have self-love and self-worth within you and your attunement to GOD and

the Masters, then other people’s negative verbal attacks will slide off your bubble like water off a duck’s back. You will not

have allowed them to cause your emotions or hurt you in any way! You have not reacted as a victim, you have responded like

a Spiritual Master! Look how the Master Jesus responded when attacked and crucified. “Love your enemies,” as Jesus put it.

See on Focusing on Your Own Lessons Rather than Being Concerned about Teaching Other People Theirs. See through the

negative ego veil they are manifesting, and give them unconditional love they are truly asking for.

People attack because they live in fear. An attack is a call for love! Now, what do you do when attacked by a negative Astral

entity? The only way an Astral entity can remain connected with you is if you allow yourself to be run by your negative ego,

negative thoughts, negative emotions, and you do not parent your inner child with firmness and love. If you do these things,

it is impossible for an Astral entity to remain in your aura. What attracts the Astral entity to you is your own negative thoughts,

negative emotions, and negative ego. In terms of attack coming from negative Extraterrestrials in the form of negative implants

and abductions, listen very closely! No one in life is a victim! No Extraterrestrial can abduct you or place implants within you

unless you let them. GOD did not place you on this Earth to be a victim or to be victimized.

GOD placed you on this Earth to be a Spiritual Master and the complete cause of your reality on every level. This is your

birthright as a Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha, which is who you are. GOD is not victimized by negative ETs and neither are

you, if you claim your birthright! If you claim your 100% Personal Power, 100% Unconditional Love, and 100% Spiritual

and Psychological Wisdom, and never let go of it, then you cannot be touched! You are invulnerable! Ponder on this!

on Sexuality

Are we the masters of our sexuality, or is it the master of us? Does the flow of our sexuality serve the lower self or the Higher

Self? Which comes first, God or sexuality? Are we moderate in our sexual practices? Does our sexuality serve love and intimacy

or just materialistic animal pleasure? A selfish purpose or a selfless purpose? Is our sexuality used also for the raising of our

Kundalini and brain illumination, or just for a Second-Chakra release? Sexuality is a wonderful thing. God created it for us

to enjoy as a communication device in the service of love.

Sexuality is not bad, becomes negative, however, when it is used by the lower self, or carnal self, or negative ego. Lord Buddha

said, “If one, longing for sensual pleasure, achieves it, yes, he’s enraptured at heart. The mortal gets what he wants. But if for that

person longing, desiring the pleasures diminish, he’s shattered, as if shot with an arrow.” (Sutta Nipata IV, 1) Use it in service of

the Higher Self and love, and it becomes a most sacred consecration! one of the great tests of the Spiritual Path in regard to

sexuality also comes when we achieve power, money, and fame. How do we deal with our sexuality then? A great many Spiritual

teachers have fallen when confronted with this situation, and used their power to have sex with their students and/or devotees.

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself,” as the saying goes. Learn through

grace instead of karma. Grace erases karma. Ponder on this!

on Silence

Sai Baba instructs us to “practice silence: for the voice of God can be heard in the region of your heart only when the tongue

is stilled and the storm is stilled, and the waves are calm.” There are two ways to look at the subject of silence. These would be

the horizontal view and the vertical view. The vertical view deals with one’s relationship with GOD. The horizontal view deals

with the issue of silence in a more interpersonal and social sense. on a horizontal level, there is a time to talk and a time to be

silent. Most people on Earth talk way too much, because they are lacking in self-mastery and self-control, and are run too much

by their Emotional and Mental Bodies which causes them to talk much more than is appropriate. The Emotional Body and the

mind always want to engage and respond so they can feel good about themselves.

In every situation of life there is an appropriate response and there is an inappropriate response. Silence can be the strongest

and most powerful statement you can make. However, be sure to step forward and communicate when need be. Edgar Cayce

called this “sins of omission and commission.” Remember, the inner voice is often called “the still small voice within.”

The negative ego yells and screams but the “still small voice within” just waits in silence and does not compete for attention!

On a deeper level, this topic of Silence does not only deal with the importance of learning when it is appropriate to communicate

and when it is appropriate to remain silent, it also deals with silencing the mind and the emotions. If your emotions are always

agitated you will never appreciate the silence; most people’s minds are going a mile in a minute. See on Quieting the Mind.

Now, on a vertical level, inner peace comes in two ways. one is learning to think properly and have things in proper perspective.

The second way is to have no thought and just be in the silence, which is where GOD, the Holy Spirit, your own Mighty I Am

Presence, your Higher Self, and the Ascended Masters can be found. “Silence is the altar of God.” (Paramahansa Yogananda)

“God’s Presence is felt in Silence.” (Sai Baba)

The mind will always be active to a certain extent. That is its nature. The mastery comes in learning not to engage it at its every

impulse. The conscious mind has a choice as to whether to engage with the constant flow of input from the subconscious mind.

There is always a balance of when to identify and when to disidentify. Silence is learned by learning to disidentify. Do not be

afraid to enjoy the silence! It is a place of peace and rest! “The Divine Radio is always singing if we could only make ourselves

ready to listen to it, but it is impossible to listen without silence.” (Mahatma Gandhi)

on Soul Retrieval and Soul Fragments

In life as we connect with other people we create cords and threads, and leave aspects of our energy with them. This is a good

thing and a gift from one God to another God, in a sense. Sometimes, however, there are certain energy pieces that it may be

Spiritually appropriate to draw back to one’s Soul. They are called Soul Fragments. This is not something you have to figure

out consciously yourself, you can just ask God, the Mahatma, Melchizedek, Metatron and Archangel Michael to do it for you.

The basic request should be to return to you all Soul Fragments that are Spiritually appropriate to return, and to leave the ones

as Spiritual gifts that are pieces of energy that are meant to stay with all the people you have loved and touched in some way.

In a similar vein, also call in Archangels Michael and Faith, and request that all energy cords and lines of energy from this life,

all past lives, and all inner plane connections between lives since your creation be cut that are not Spiritually appropriate.

Again, this is not something you have to consciously figure out, it can just be requested, and by the Grace of Archangels Michael

and Faith, can be done in an instant! Simple but profound!

on Spiritual Alchemy

one of the absolute Spiritual keys to effective Self-Mastery and Self-Realization is the ability to turn lemons into lemonade!

This is called the process of Spiritual Alchemy! It must be understood that life will never always go according to our preferences.

This is why the concept of having preferences rather than attachments is so important. If one is attached to having things go the

way they want, this person is going to have an enormous amount of suffering in their life. When we only have preferences we are

happy, no matter what happens. We still want our preferences met, but our happiness is not based on achieving them. Besides

the concept of preference, which is essential, we must also understand that from GOD’s perspective everything that happens is

positive and should be looked at as a gift.

The proper attitude to everything in life is “Not my will but Thine, thank you for the lesson!” No matter what happens in life,

no matter how horrific the example, this is the proper attitude. As His Holiness, the Lord Sai Baba has said, “Welcome adversity.”

From GOD’s perspective, there are no accidents in the universe and everything happens for a reason! The reason is always to

Spiritually teach a lesson that needs to be learned! Now sometimes the “negative” things that happen are caused from personal

karma, sometimes planetary karma, and sometimes they are caused by past life karma!

The truth is, it doesn’t matter why it happened or where it came from, for if it happened, you can be assured that you needed that

lesson for some reason and the proper attitude is to welcome it, accept it, and look at it as a gift. From GOD’s perspective,

everything that happens in life is a Spiritual test. In every situation in life, we can respond from GOD Consciousness or negative

ego Consciousness. So, Earth is a school to practice demonstrating GOD, a Melchizedek, the Christ, and/or the Buddha. Now the

truth is that life is constantly throwing us lemons. The key principle here is, will you turn it into lemonade, or will you keep tasting

the bitter taste of the lemon? Now the question is, how does one turn something negative that has happened into a positive? The 

first thing that turns every situation of life that is not your preference into something positive is looking at it as a Spiritual lesson

and Spiritual test. The second thing that causes this Spiritual Alchemical process is forgiveness and unconditional love towards

self and others. The third thing that turns any negative into a positive is the “Golden Nugget of Wisdom” learned from your mistake

or the mistake of others and/or the Spiritual tests you get to practice! Fourthly, recognizing that everything works for the good in

GOD’s infinite universe and that GOD always makes good out of everything. We have all heard the expression, this was a

“blessing in disguise.” 

No matter what happens in life, the key is to focus on what you can do instead of what you can’t do! Focus on what you have

gained, not what you have lost! If you lose your voice and can’t speak anymore, then become a writer. If you have an illness and

can no

longer go outside, then dedicate your life to developing your inner life! If you lose a large sum of money and someone rips you

off, you are being given the wonderful opportunity not only to practice forgiveness, but also to not be attached to money. No

matter how much is taken away and no matter how many things you cannot do, there is always something you can do. Focus

yourself and your consciousness on that which you can do! A person with a negative, pessimistic attitude will find a way to feel

unhappy even if outwardly things are going well. A person who has an optimistic positive attitude will ultimately remain so, no

matter what happens in their life. A person practicing a Buddha/Christ/Melchizedek philosophy could go to jail and would look

at it as a Spiritual retreat. They would say, my meals are taken care of. I don’t have to work. What a great opportunity to practice

forgiveness and unconditional love. They would say, I will spend my days Physically exercising, reading, studying the Bible

or some other book, and bilocating to the Ascension Seats of GOD.

Calling in light showers and love showers from the Masters. Doing inner plane service work. Looking at everything that happens

as a Spiritual test. Seeing how Christ-like they could be under the worst circumstances. Mahatma Gandhi, when they came in the

middle of the night to arrest him, said, “I am at your service. I am ready now.” He brushed his teeth, prayed briefly, and went off to

jail. Gandhi could not be imprisoned, in reality, for he saw imprisonment as a state of mind, not a set of bars. The physical prison

was called Yeravda, so Gandhi referred to it as Yeravda Temple! The AIDS patient ends up totally changing their priorities. Living

in the moment. Appreciating life a million times more. Christ was crucified and killed, and used it as an opportunity to practice

forgiveness. “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do!” A person loses their leg and becomes a Special Olympics

athlete! If you have chronic health problems, “join the club.” So did Mother Teresa who had a failing heart. So did Saint Francis!

All these so-called challenges, or crosses to bear are temporary. Life in truth goes by in a twinkling of an eye. GOD deals in

expanses of time such as “100 billion years of Brahma.” one lifetime is like a grain of sand in relationship to the infinite universe!

What’s the worst that could happen anyway? Isn’t death the worst case scenario? If it is meant to be that we go (early) then so be it!

This may not be our preference but there is no such thing as death and you will see all your family and friends soon on the inner

plane anyway! Some would look at it as a blessing, for we are visiting here and this is not our true home. Our true home is in

Heaven! You are fully capable of passing any test, for if you weren’t, GOD would not have sent you!

The world is nothing more than a projection screen for our attitudes and interpretations! GOD would have us be 100% positive

and optimistic no matter what happens in life, no matter how morbid the example! Whatever happens in life is there to teach us

certain Christ/Buddha qualities. Everything that has ever happened in this world, is happening, or ever will happen, is a

blessing (sometimes in disguise). If it happened, it means our Soul needed that lesson. one cannot cry over spilled milk! It is

spilled and nothing is going to change that! There is no such thing as good luck or bad luck in this world. This is total illusion!

The concept of luck is an illusionary fabrication of the negative ego thought system.

Everything in GOD’s Universe operates out of Laws on a Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Etheric, and Physical Level. If something

happened then there is a cause. This is the immutable Law of Karma, or Cause and Effect. We cannot always control what comes

into our life on an outer level, however, we can control 100% our attitude, interpretation, and perspective of what happens to us.

“Never let life’s hardships disturb you. After all, no one can avoid problems, not even saints or sages.” (Nichiren) He continues,

“Life isn’t about what happens to us. It’s about how we perceive what happens to us.” So no matter how sour the lemons are that

you are given, you can thank GOD and bless this experience, for it has given you the opportunity to transcend your negative ego

and practice Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha Consciousness. Even if everything is taken away on every level, then all that is left is

GOD, and you can say, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I leave. The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh

away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

on Spiritual Assignments

In the process of the unfoldment of your Spiritual Path, Integrated Ascension, and God Realization unfoldment and evolvement,

Spirit and the Masters will give you certain “Spiritual Assignments” for you to complete on the Earthly Plane! Spirit and the Masters

watch very closely how you fulfill and accomplish these Spiritual Assignments, and it is by how you accomplish them that you are

being “groomed” in a sense to take on bigger ones! The first step on the Spiritual Path is to become right with  self, right with GOD,

and the Masters, and right with other people! Then it is to complete your seven Levels of Initiation in an integrated and balanced

way. As you are going through this process, Spiritual Assignments will be given to “Spiritually test” your Spiritual Leadership

ability for Planetary World Service! It is by completing each Spiritual Assignment properly, with a pursuit of excellence, that Spirit

and the Masters can see that you are ready for the next step! They only give you what you are ready to handle. However, they are

willing to stretch you.

Do understand that as you evolve, much has been given, and much will be expected! The more advanced you become, the more

Spirit and the Masters will expect of you in terms of stepping forward in Spiritual Leadership and Planetary World Service! There

are many Spiritual Leadership Posts that the Masters are looking to fill! It must be understood that the Inner Plane Spiritual Masters

cannot move onto their next position on Solar and Galactic Levels until they find suitable replacements from the Earthly ranks of

Masters, Initiates, and Disciples! So Spirit and the Masters watch and monitor your progress in terms of each Spiritual Assignment

you are given! If you do it competently, your next Spiritual Assignment will be enlarged! So, completing your Seven Levels of

Initiation and Ascension is not the end, it’s just the beginning! Then comes “Spiritual Leadership and Planetary World Service”!

It must also be understood that the Inner Plane Ascended Masters are going through the same process as well, in terms of the

concept of Spiritual Assignments! Masters like Lord Buddha, Mother Mary, and Quan Yin, for example, all have their

Spiritual Assignments, and they are being overlighted by Galactic or Universal Masters who are guiding them! For example

in 1995, Lord Buddha took over the position of Planetary Logos which Sanat Kumara held for 18.5 billion years.

Sanat Kumara now has moved to his next Cosmic Position and Spiritual Assignment. Even Melchizedek, the Universal Logos,

has a Spiritual Assignment and Cosmic Position to run the entire Universe! And when he completes this Spiritual Assignments,

He will also move on and be given an even more expanded Spiritual Assignment. Eventually, as we fulfill our current Spiritual

Assignments and Positions properly, we will be given Spiritual responsibilities for Planets, then Solar Systems, Galaxies, the

Universes, Multiuniverses, and then for the Cosmos Itself! That is our destiny! Well, but before we shall do so, let’s master the

Spiritual Assignment that is in front of us first, and then more will be given! Also, don’t wait for the Masters to conk you over

the head with a hammer and say, “This is your Spiritual Assignment! Voilà!” GOD has given you a Christed Mind that is

incredibly creative just as GOD’s and the Masters’ are! one of the keys to catching the Masters’ attention is to create your own

Spiritual Assignments so the Masters take notice! This idea that we are just supposed to be channels and robots for Spirit and

the Masters is illusion! They want each person to become a full-fledged Spiritual Master in their own right! So the key here

is to create those Spiritual Assignments and to ask for Spirit and the Masters to give you your current Spiritual Assignment.

Do them as perfectly as you can, for new Spiritual Assignments will be given as  you complete the previous one. Make yourself

useful to Spirit and the Masters! Isn’t Life exciting? As for me and my house, “Yippee and Hurray!”

on Spiritual Discernment and Judgment

The development of Spiritual discernment is one of the most important Christ/Buddha attributes a person needs to develop to

become a full-fledged Ascended Master. Many Lightworkers have not developed enough Spiritual discernment to see through

claims that certain people are making. Certain people claim to have realized GOD on the 352nd Level, when they have not.

Some people claim they are married to the Inner Plane Ascended Masters, and others still complain to have completed their

Cosmic Ascension. And many people think that if people claim such things, it must be true. Nothing could be further from

the truth! The lengths that the negative ego will go to make itself feel important is mind-boggling. Lightworkers are also way

too naïve when it comes to reading books. Half the channeled information out there is ridiculous and inaccurate, yet, the book

says it’s channeled, “so it must be true.” Or the person has some fancy Spiritual name, so it must be true. The negative ego’s

need to feel important fills people with so much garbage, glamour, and illusion, it is unbelievable.

Spiritual discernment is essential because the negative ego comes up with the most bizarre philosophies and belief systems for

seeing life. Just think for a moment of the very naïve and Pollyannaish philosophy of some groups, who in the pursuit of their

Spiritual Path do not want to allow themselves to see anything negative. It is absolutely essential to know how the negative ego

works within self and to see it operating and demonstrating within others. If one doesn’t, not only will karma and imbalance be

created, but one will get involved in all kinds of interactions and relationships that will be detrimental to that person, because

their faulty thinking and belief system is blocking their willingness to have Spiritual discernment in the vein of trying to be

Spiritual. Without Spiritual discernment one cannot weed out all the delusion and illusion of the negative ego thought system

in its infinite forms of corruption. To make it through an entire lifetime with all the lessons which life brings on this planet and

all the lessons that Spiritual leadership brings, takes enormous Spiritual discernment and discrimination. Now there are corollary

issues that are related to this, which the negative ego has distorted because of not understanding it. one is the issue of Spiritual

discernment versus judgment. There are many that think that we should never even have discernments, that any time you observe

negativity it is a judgment. So they try to blind themselves to seeing any negativity. There are others who judge, which means

they are discerning with no unconditional love. “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” (Mother Teresa)

Remember the words of Master Jesus on the Mount of Beatitudes, “Do not condemn: as you judge others, so will you yourself be

judged. Before you criticize the speck of sawdust in another’s eye, first remove the plank of wood in your own.” “Judge not, that

ye not be judged. For with what judgement you judge, you will be judged; and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured

to you.” Both of these are the negative ego. To blind yourself to the existence of evil is a prescription to be run by it. To blind

yourself to not being allowed to have Spiritual discernments is also a prescription to be totally run by the negative ego. To judge

others with “Innocent Perception” or unconditional love for everyone, no matter how evil, is a prescription to be totally run by

the negative ego. The proper integration comes in allowing yourself to have Spiritual discernments and observations while

simultaneously seeing each person as God and the Christ, and only making these observations through the heart and

unconditional love. Never forget the masterful words of Jesus Christ, “Take heed lest any man deceive you for many will

come in my name saying, ‘I Am Christ’; and will deceive many. Be aware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing,

but inwardly are ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruits!” Let those words of Jesus Christ always reverberate

throughout your being, and let them serve as a loving reminder to always be Spiritually discerning.

to be continued...