
Crash Course in Dr Stone’s Wisdom Teaching (1)

namaste123 2009. 1. 12. 16:53

Crash Course in Dr Stone’s Full Spectrum
Prism Wisdom Teachings:

A Gift to the Integrated Ascended Master Apprentice
and Apprentice Buddha/Christ!

on Affirmations and Visualizations

Every thought we think, positive or negative, is an affirmation. Every word we speak is an affirmation. Every action or

behavior we take is an affirmation. Used in a Psychological healing context, affirmations are specifically designed to

program a desired feeling, behavior, or habit into our subconscious minds. The continuous process of pushing the negative

attitudes out of the mind with our personal power and then repeating the new positive affirmations into the subconscious

mind is the main key to reprogramming the subconscious mind, and also maintaining self-mastery.

Affirmations are a total key to developing every attitude and behavior demonstrated by one who is in Buddha/Christ/

Melchizedek Consciousness. For affirmations to develop certain key attitudes that pertain to self-concept and self-image,

please see Soul Psychology. Every thought and feeling you allow into your mind is not only an affirmation and

visualization, but once accepted into the conscious mind, it imprints itself on the subconscious mind like a tape recorder

or computer! It will then attract and magnetize that! The subconscious mind is always attracting and magnetizing. It is

just a matter of what you allow it to magnetize and attract. Now the question is, Why do affirmations and visualizations

not always get the results people want?

First, most people don’t realize that every thought you think, feeling you feel, word you speak, and action you take is

an affirmation. Hence, everyone is doing affirmations and visualizations every moment of their lives. Second, most people

are not aware of all the programming that currently exists in their subconscious mind from this lifetime and all their past lives,

which is functioning as an affirmation and visualization already programmed into the subconscious from the past. Third, most

people do not have 100% mastery of their thoughts, emotions, negative ego mind, lower-self desire, and inner child, and are

not thinking and feeling with their Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Mind at all times. So what happens is, Lightworkers use positive

affirmations and visualizations, which is good, however, they are having to counteract an enormous amount of programming

that is already functioning all the time as an affirmation and visualization. Plus, all the positive or negative daily self-talk

which is the inner dialogue that goes on all day in our consciousness. So the positive affirmations and visualizations definitely

help, but be sure to clean out your subconscious mind and conscious thinking, and work on gaining full mastery of your daily

thinking, feeling, speaking, negative ego, inner child, lower-self desire, and so on. Above all else, deny any thought not of

GOD to enter your Mind! Ponder on this! This is a golden key to life!

on Appropriately Responding Rather Than Inappropriately Reacting

Whatever happens in life, you want to respond rather than react. A response is a product of the conscious mind, when you

choose how to deal with the incoming energy. A reaction is a product of the subconscious mind. If someone judges or attacks

you and you let the incoming energy go right into your subconscious mind, solar plexus, or emotional body, you will either

be hurt, withdraw and cry, or lash back. You are letting another person be the cause of your emotions. We are hypersuggestible

when we don’t make a choice about how to respond. In reality, we all are invulnerable psychologically. This is a very profound

statement. To be invulnerable means that we can’t get emotionally hurt unless we choose to be! See on Feelings and Emotions.

Don’t go on automatic pilot! Be conscious and respond rather than react! An integrated Ascended Master responds and stays

in his self mastery!

on Ascension and Integrated Ascension

Ascension begins when you take the beginning of the sixth Initiation. This is called the Ascension Initiation. It has to do with

achieving approximately 83 % Light Quotient in your Spiritual Body! All Initiations are basically focused on the amount of

Light Quotient you are currently holding. The first step is taking this Initiation which means you have to go through the seven

sublevels of that Initiation to take you to the sixth Initiation and completion of the seventh sublevel! This would mean the

completing of your Sixth Initiation and Ascension Initiation.

once you take your ninth Initiation and the seventh sublevel, which leads to the beginning of the tenth Initiation, it leads to

the full completion of Planetary Ascension and the beginning of your Solar Ascension! After Solar Ascension comes Galactic

Ascension, Universal Ascension, Multi-Universal Ascension, and the full realization of Cosmic Ascension! Well, all Initiations

are just levels or percentages of Light Quotient in your Spiritual Body! So really Initiations are speaking of the evolution of

your Light in your Spiritual Body, but that is all! Which brings us to the subject of Integrated Ascension.

Integrated Ascension refers to the understanding that it is not enough to just achieve your seven or nine Levels of Initiation

and build your Light Body or Light Quotient, you also must integrate your Initiations into your Mental Body, Emotional Body,

Etheric Body, Physical Body, and into your Earthly Life! Ascension and your seven Levels of Initiation or beyond have nothing

to do with Psychological development or Physical/Earthly development! A fully Realized Ascended Master on a Planetary Level

is the Master of the Spiritual Level, the Psychological Level, and the Physical/Earthly Level, and is balanced and integrated

in the three!

To understand what it means to integrate your Initiations into your Four-Body System, please see on Integrating one’s

Twelve Levels of Initiations Into one’s Four-Body System. So you also must integrate your Initiations and become an

Integrated Ascended Master. And no one will be allowed to move into their Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi-Universal,

or Cosmic Ascension process unless they do this! There is a ring pass not at the seventh Initiation for those who do not

address this issue. Also, even if you do pass the seventh level of Initiation, if you don’t do your Integrated Ascension

Work you will have to reincarnate back to the Astral or Mental Plane to complete this work even if you have achieved

liberation from the Physical/Earthly Plane. The seventh Initiation is the “Liberation from the Wheel of Rebirth”.

Once we complete our seven levels of Initiation and our nine levels of Initiation and integrate them into our Four-Body-

System, we are allowed to begin taking our Cosmic Ascension Initiations!

To fully realize God we must take 352 levels of Initiation. It is impossible to take all of these Initiations in a Physical

Body! The First Cosmic Initiation is the Tenth, which is an Earthly Solar Initiation! Then the Eleventh, which is an Earthly

Galactic Initiation! Then the Twelfth, which is an Earthly Universal Initiation! These Initiations keep continuing until 352

are achieved! These Cosmic Initiations are much larger in scope than the Planetary Initiations! Well, what about Physical

Ascension? Physical Ascension is the process of turning the Physical Body completely into light and returning it to the

Spiritual World! However, this is not required to become a fully Realized Ascended Master. It is just an option, and most

choose not to do this! It is an option, however, that is not even realistic to consider until you fully complete your Twelfth

Initiation! In terms of Physical Ascension, you can Physically ascend and leave for good when your Spiritual Mission on

Earth is complete, or you can Physically ascend and remain on Earth to continue your Spiritual Service Work! This allows

you to travel back and forth from the Spiritual and Earthly World and in a sense live in two places consciously simultaneously!

Now, there is also what might be called Multi-Dimensional Ascension.

There are many lenses to Multi-Dimensional Ascension. The first is that it is not just you who are ascending, it is your twelve

Oversouls, your Mighty I Am Presence, and your 143 other Souls, or Soul Extensions, who are ascending with you as well!

Also ascending is your entire monadic family! So, from this lens, groups of ,onads are ascending together at higher and higher

levels. At the Solar Level is one grouping of monads, at the Galactic Level a much larger grouping of monads, at the Universal

Level an even larger group, at the Multi-Universal Level a larger grouping yet, and at the Cosmic Level or the 352nd level of

the Godhead, all monads are grouped together! Add to this the fact, that the Mineral, Plant, and Animal Kingdoms are in an

Ascension Process as well!

The Earth Herself is in an Ascension Process! So is the Solar System, the Galaxy, the Universe, the Multi-Universe, and the

Omniverse or Cosmos, that is God on all levels and all Dimensions of Reality! If you look at Multi-Dimensional Ascension

from God’s Perspective, there is no such thing as Personal Ascension! There is only GOD Ascending! All of Creation is Part

of GOD! This is the Supreme Multi-Dimensional Perspective! We are all Ascending for GOD! We are God! Well, this is the

good news! The other news is that the most common form of Ascension is what might be termed Disintegrated or

Fragmented Ascension!

The first part to start is that a great many Lightworkers are much more developed in their Spiritual Bodies than their

Psychological Self. Often this manifests with people not knowing how to properly own their personal power, love

themselves, keep up their bubble of protection, control their mind, emotions, energies, and master their Physical Body!

They are often victims instead of causes of their reality, are run by the subconscious mind and by the inner child. And

one of the biggest problems is that they do not understand the difference between Spiritual/Buddha/Christ Consciousness

and negative ego/fear based/separative consciousness. They do not fully understand and do not fully apply the Spiritual

understanding that our thoughts create our reality, our feelings, emotions, behavior, and largely, what we attract and

magnetize into our lives!

The negative ego is creating havoc in a great many Lightworkers. When one is not fully right with self, this begins to

contaminate all channeling, psychic work, healing, and Spiritual teaching. The work begins to be contaminated with

wrong motivations, personal agendas, negative feelings and emotions, power, fame, greed, selfishness, false pride, lust,

lower-self desire. This is rampant in the New Age Movement and religion! And this is why the concept and ideal of

“Integrated Ascension” is so important!

There are three Levels that each person must master to become truly a full-fledged Ascended Master the Physical/Earthly

Level, the Psychological Level, and the Spiritual Level! Each Level is unique and has its own set of laws and Spiritual

practices that must be adhered to! The key is to master all three levels and then keep them integrated and balanced at all

times! See on Integrated Spiritual Growth on all Three Levels: Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical/Earthly. Ascension

really is the process of anchoring your Higher Self and Mighty I Am Presence into your Physical Body in an integrated

and balanced way and hence achieving your levels of initiation. It is also a process of achieving a 99% Light Quotient

level on a Planetary scale. It is also Self-Mastery on a Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical/Earthly level in service of

God and Unconditional Love. It is the balancing and integration of your Seven Rays, Seven Chakras, Twelve Archetypes,

Twelve Astrological Signs, and Twelve Sephiroth of the Tree of Life. It is the fulfillment of your Spiritual mission, contract,

puzzle piece, personal blueprint, and Divine Plan on Earth. It is the full embodiment and demonstration of God and

Unconditional Love on Earth and a life dedicated completely to service of one’s brothers and sisters!

on Attitudinal Healing

It is our thoughts that create our reality, and there is always a perspective of life that will bring you inner peace no matter

what your outer situation. This is the science of Attitudinal Healing. Think with your Christ Mind and you live in a reality

that is based on oneness and love. Think with your negative ego mind and you will live in a reality that is based on separation

and fear. Our thoughts create our feelings. And there are only two emotions, love and fear. All other emotions return to this

basic core. Fear based emotions are expression!s of the negative ego, love based emotions are expression!s of the Christ Mind.

The ego perceives itself as separate, and therefore fear arises as it tries to protect itself. When you view all through your

Christ Mind, you see all as one, so love based emotions arise. So you see, your experience of life depends on whether you

interpret life from your negative ego mind or from your Christ Mind.

The process of accomplishing attitudinal healing is very simple. Imagine that you are surrounded by a golden bubble that

protects you from the outside world and other people, and also protects you from your own subconscious mind, in other words,

imagine that all of your thoughts, feelings, impulses, desires, and images are outside your golden bubble. All of what is termed

the content of consciousness is outside the bubble. The idea, then, is that every time a thought, feeling, or impulse arises from

your subconscious mind, you stop it at the gate of the bubble. If the thought or feeling or impulse is positive, loving, Spiritual,

balanced, Christ-like, of God, then let it through the bubble and into your mind. If the thought, feeling, impulse, or desire is

negative, selfish, fear-based, imbalanced, and not of God, then push it out of your mind. A Course in Miracles states,

“Deny any thought that is not of God to enter your mind.”

It takes twenty-one days to cement a new habit into the subconscious mind. After twenty-one days it will be automatic to

think with your Christ Mind. It will be easy. It will be a habit. The idea is to fill the subconscious mind with positive Christ-like

habits and get rid of the egotistical ones. This process is called the science of attitudinal healing. Be aware though that most

people have never been trained in the science of attitudinal healing. Traditional Personality-Level Psychology, practiced by

90% of the psychologists, marriage/family/child counselors, social workers, and psychiatrists, will tell you that it is wrong to

get rid of negative emotions. They believe that it is wrong to deny them. They hold that one should acknowledge them and

then release them. Do you believe that responding out of anger, defensiveness, upset, fear, depression, attack, violence, and

revenge are appropriate responses for a Son/Daughter of God? Look at the examples of the great Masters who have graced

this planet, like Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and others. Let this Mind be in you that was

in Christ Jesus, Master Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, Gandhi, and Mother Teresa, and the peace that passeth understanding

is yours! Ponder on this!

on Balance and Integration

Integration and Balance. These words hold much power, but no power is achieved unless you strive to attain these goals

through daily use in your lives. We must learn to live in balance and integrate God’s wisdom into our consciousness! It must

become part of our beings without conscious forethought. It must become an automatic unconscious action. How does one

achieve Integration and Balance? How do you stay in balance when everything around you seems to be out of balance?

This is the time when you focus on your Divinity! This is the time when you focus and tune into God. This is the time when

you need to remember your God-given Divinity and know in your being that God will take care of everything within His

divine plan. Now, this is all well and good but how can I really learn to do this? Where to start?

You start with yourself. “Your Thoughts Are Things And As You Think, So You Are!” You must realize and understand

that your thoughts are the first items to be addressed. Changing your thoughts should be the first priority in your life to change

your realities! For it is your thoughts that create your reality! You must learn to handle what you can and do it always remaining

in the Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness. This is how you achieve balance in your life. It is in this way you shall integrate

love and light into your Four-Body System and all of your Light Bodies. You must attain balance in all areas of your earthly

life. You must become a Master in all areas of your lives and live in the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness! You

must learn to balance and integrate the Mental/Physical/Earthly/Psychological aspects of your lives! You must be devoted

and dedicated, owning your personal power 100%, using your free will choices to constantly keep your thoughts in balance

and integrate these principles into your daily lives and into your total beings! Always, no matter what happens in your lives,

focusing on your Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness! Always adjusting your thoughts the instant something

happens and focusing only on this Consciousness! This simple process will help you to live a life in balance and integration.

on Balancing and Integrating Each New Light Body

It is not enough to only work on one aspect of Ascension and building Light Quotient. You must learn to build each Light

Body and level of Ascension in a balanced and integrated manner. What does that mean? With each level of Light Body come

very specific life lessons associated with it. You must learn these lessons and live these lessons before you will be allowed to

move up the Spiritual ladder. It is not merely enough to request from the Masters your acceleration of Light Quotient and

expect to receive it unconditionally. Although the Ascended Masters are ready and willing to dispense this to you at your

request, they are more interested at this time in developing your Integrated Light Body as opposed to just your Light Body.

Integrated Light Body means you are balanced in all areas of Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness. You are balanced in the

Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical/Earthly aspects of life on Earth. So, as you strive to achieve a new level of Light

Body you must realize that you must clearly be focused on achieving integration and balance in this new Light Body.

You must learn to focus on integrating the new Light Body into your being, and balance the new Light Body with your

existing structure. What does this truly mean to you? As your Spiritual lessons come with each new Light Body, you must

learn to live these lessons with sincerity and devotion. “Devotion is not a uniform to be worn on certain days and then to

be put aside.” (Sai Baba) You must integrate these lessons into your being and they must become a part of your consciousness.

It is not enough to be Spiritual if you do not have control of your emotions, your negative ego/fear-based thinking or you

have abusive behaviors within your Physical/Earthly existence.

How does one achieve this balance? Through the right use of your “will” and the right use of your “power.” You have total

control over your “will power.” You are the Masters of these gifts. These are the God-given gifts of free will. It is through

your free will that you make the choices to learn your lessons and live your lessons with devotion and sincerity. There are

no shortcuts to this process. You certainly will fool no one but yourself if you think there are shortcuts on this path of

Ascension and building Integrated Light Bodies. You must take it one step at a time and build your Light Bodies in a fully

integrated and balanced fashion. Ponder on this!

on Balancing and Integrating Heaven and Earth

God Realization cannot be achieved if the Heaven and Earth sides of self are not balanced. Some Lightworkers get way too

heavenly and celestially focused and ungrounded. Other people on Earth get way too materialistic and third dimensionally

focused. If a person is too Earthly and too grounded they will have blind spots to proper development of their Spiritual life.

If a person is too heavenly they will have blind spots as to how to function effectively on the Earthly plane. Spiritual people

and Lightworkers must come to love and appreciate the Material Universe and the Earth and see it as one of GOD’s Heavens.

They must recognize it as one of the “Four Faces of GOD”! The Four Faces of GOD are the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and

Material Faces. Lightworkers often forget about the Material Face of GOD and think it is less than or not equal to the other

faces. Listen carefully!

You will not achieve true full God Realization if you do not integrate the Material and Earthly Face of GOD. Remember

God’s words when He was talking with Moses, “Put off thy shoes from thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest, is holy

ground.” The Earth is Holy Ground! Your Spiritual mission is to create Heaven on Earth. Your Spiritual mission is to become

the Mighty I Am Presence on the Earth. Your Spiritual mission is to manifest your Spiritual mission and Spiritual puzzle piece

on the Earth. GOD is as much in the Physical as He is in the Spiritual. You will literally miss out a quarter of GOD if you do

not fully understand and demonstrate this. For always remember, the purpose of life is to demonstrate God and Integrated

Ascension on the Physical/Earthly Plane, not just in your Mind, or your Feelings, or on the Spiritual plane! You are meant

to demonstrate GOD in all your Bodies, the ones in Heaven and on Earth. Namaste!

on Integrating and Balancing the Eight Spiritual Quotients

The Cosmic and Planetary Masters, contrary to popular opinion, are not into “Ascension”, they are into “Integrated Ascension.”

They are not just into “Christ Consciousness”, they are into “Integrated Christ Consciousness”. The path of true GOD

Realization is the path of integration, balance, moderation, synthesis, and synergy in all aspects of self and in all things.

If you strive to score high marks on a percentage basis on these following eight quotients, you will be well on your way to

becoming an integrated Christ and achieving Integrated Ascension. The eight quotients which would be the new ideal for

the understanding of Ascension in this next millennium are: Light Quotient, Love Quotient, Wisdom Quotient, Melchizedek/

Christ/Buddha Quotient, Transcending of Negative Ego Quotient, Service and Spiritual Leadership Quotient, Integration

and Balance Quotient.

Your Light Quotient is the amount of light that you are currently retaining in your aura or 12-Body system. Some of this light

is created by your own thinking, feeling, and demonstration of the Presence of GOD in your daily life, and some of it is built

by calling to GOD and the Masters to have them channel it into your aura. Your Love Quotient is being increased by callin

on GOD and the Masters to infuse you with Love Quotient from the Spiritual Plane. Ask for a Love Shower! on a

Psychological Level, your Love Quotient is built by demonstrating unconditional love in your daily life, in all your

personal and impersonal relationships. You cannot realize GOD without this quotient, regardless of your level of Initiation.

The next ingredient to becoming an “Integrated Christ” is the development of your Wisdom Quotient which is divided into

Psychological and Spiritual Wisdom. Building your Spiritual Wisdom Quotient means building your information banks in

your subconscious mind. When channeling, you are utilizing the information in your information banks from this life and

past lives, hence you will be a better channel of information for the Masters if you fill them. Another way of building your

Wisdom Quotient is to call upon GOD and the Inner Plane Ascended Masters to anchor and activate from the Celestial Realms

“Light Packets of Information” from some of the different Ashrams of GOD. This type of wisdom will build your Wisdom

Quotient, however, you will never truly realize GOD unless you develop Psychological or Psycho-Spiritual Wisdom.

This is the most advanced form of the Wisdom Quotient, and when learned and mastered, will allow you to utilize the Spiritual

Wisdom you have gathered in a much more efficient and useful manner. Without Wisdom you cannot maintain Unconditional

Love, and also cannot use your power appropriately at all times. Balancing the Love and Power takes Great Wisdom! Part of

building your Wisdom Quotient, of course, is demonstrating and practicing the Wisdom of GOD! So, the ideal here is to build

your Psycho-Spiritual and Spiritual Wisdom Quotient simultaneously. After having discussed the Love and Light/Wisdom

Quotients of GOD, it’s important to equally balance and integrate the Third Flame of GOD, which is Power!

Now this quotient has two levels: owning your Personal Power and surrendering to GOD’s Will. You cannot retain

Unconditional Love in life, or attain any true Psychological Wisdom if you don’t learn to own your Personal Power. If you

don’t own your Personal Power, then by the laws of energy you automatically give it to other people, life situations, and

give it to your mind, emotions, Physical Body, subconscious mind, lower-self desire, inner child, subpersonalities, and

negative ego though system. The Spiritual Path is the Path of Self-Mastery. You cannot be a master if you don’t own your

Personal Power. You cannot be a cause of your reality through your thoughts if you do not own your Personal Power.

The second level of building your Power Quotient on a Psychological Level is learning to let go of the negative ego’s wil

and instead surrender to GOD’s Will in all things. Have preferences and strive for them with all your heart, and then also

surrender to GOD’s Will. the third level of building your Spiritual Power Quotient is to anchor and activate the power

packets of information from the different ashrams of GOD.

The fifth and sixth major Spiritual Quotient to become an “Integrated Christ” are to transcend negative ego thinking, and

to only think with your Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha Mind. These two quotients focus upon the joyous vigilance you keep

on a moment to moment bases of denying negative ego/lower-self thoughts from entering your consciousness, and replacing

them with thoughts of a Christed nature. To say it in Jesus’ words, “Deny any thought not of GOD to enter your Mind!”

Or as it is written in the New Testament, ”Let this Mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.”

The seventh major Spiritual Quotient is to develop your Spiritual leadership and Spiritual service Quotient. It is a natural

byproduct of the Spiritual Path, as you Spiritually evolve and move through your seven levels of Initiation and Ascension

development process in becoming an integrated Christ/Buddha to at some point begin to fully claim your personal power,

full love, full wisdom,and Spiritual Leadership and find your Spiritual puzzle piece in the Divine Plan as to where you can

best be of service to your Brothers and Sisters in the world. The first step is to become right with self and right with God,

and to become whole and complete within self once this is achieved. The second step is to then claim your Spiritual leadership.

Service is not just a job, it is every moment of your life. The main Spiritual service is practicing the Presence of God every

moment of your life, in every thought, word, and deed. Did not Jesus say, “The greatest among you is the servant of all!”

The eighth Spiritual quotient is the Integration and Balance quotient which requires the integration, balance, and synthesis

of all you have learned in life about self and the world. It requires the balancing of your Three Minds, your Feminine and

Masculine, and Heavenly and Earthly selves. It requires the proper parenting of your inner child, the integration of your

Seven Rays, twelve major Archetypes, and the learning to think with your Christ/Buddha Mind rather than the negative ego

mind. Strive to score high on these eight quotients, and you will be well on your way to becoming an integrated Christ and

achieving Integrated Ascension!

on Balancing and Integrating the Feminine and Masculine

It’s important to learn to balance the Feminine and Masculine aspects within self. This is one of the prerequisites to achieving

Ascension. Balancing the Feminine and Masculine energies is another way of approaching the clearing of the negative ego.

Whenever these two complimentary aspects of Self get out of balance, negative ego qualities develop. As with the Archetypes,

Rays, Astrological Signs, Houses, and Planets, they each have a negative and positive expression!. Every man and every

woman needs a balance of both of these energies within themselves.

This is called androgyny. When this balance is lacking within ourselves, we usually seek it outside of ourselves in another.

Hence we have the father-daughter relationships and mother-son relationships, or variables on this theme. If a person is too

Feminine and too overidentified with their Emotional Body and right brain, then they will automatically develop enormous

numbers of blind spots in their Masculine side. They will have extremely poor Spiritual discernment. They will likely be very

poor in business and mathematical areas. They will likely be very child-like and have blind spots in being more adult and

impersonal. They will also have a great many blind spots to the negative ego’s thinking because when the Emotional Body is

too much in control the negative ego automatically becomes the programmer. Hence, an imbalance of your Feminine and

Masculine energies manifests as negative ego emotions and feelings rather than Christed dmotions and feelings. Imbalance

equals negative ego, which equals lack of Godliness in that moment. one can, in truth, never lose their Godliness for that is

beyond what can be lost. one can, however, lose one’s realization of their Godliness in any given moment, which is us

falling into glamour, maya, and illusion like in a bad dream.

on the other side of the coin, if someone is too Masculine and identified with the Mind, they will have blind spots to the

appreciation of the heart energy and feeling energy. They will have blind spots in romantic relationship functioning. They

will have blind spots to their own criticalness and judgementalnesss. This issue of balancing the Feminine and Masculine

obviously relates very much to balancing one’s Four Bodies (Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual) and the need to

balance one’s Three Minds (conscious, subconscious, and superconscious). This need for balancing the Feminine and Masculine

could be seen in Carl Gustav Jung’s “Theory of Types” in which he said there were four types of people: the intuitive, feeling,

thinking and sensation/function type. People tend to lean towards one or two types within themselves, however, the ultimate

is forever balance.

In astrology and Chinese medicine they speak of the need to balance the four elements: fire, water, air, and earth. In nature

we see this balance again in the four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. We see this need for balance in the left and right

brain. one side of the brain is not better than another. one needs both sides to fully realize God, and to clear away negative

ego. The Masculine side provides the power to master your energies. The Feminine side will provide the ability to listen to

the intuitive guidance that is always forthcoming in every situation. This will also allow for the blending of the First Ray

and Second Ray. This is the blending of the Power and the Love with the Wisdom. Power without love is like Nazi Germany.

Love without power is to become Emotionally dysfunctional. A woman likes a man who is strong but sensitive and loving.

A centered man wants a woman who is loving and sensitive but who can be strong and powerful. More and more, these two

sides of ourselves, which might be considered the ultimate Archetypes, are coming together. The key to our society changing

is for this merger and integration to first occur within oneself. The ultimate example of this in our universe is the Lord

Melchizedek, our Universal Logos. So again, this ties in with the need to balance the Four Bodies and Three Minds and

coming into a proper relationship with the inner child in firmness and love. These are core aspects and the nuts and bolts

of the Spiritual Path. The Spiritual ideal is to become Psychologically androgynous. Learning to achieve this is absolutely

essential to achieving God Realization. God Realization cannot be achieved if this is not done!

on Balancing and Integrating the Four Faces of GOD

There are Four Faces of GOD: the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical/Earthly face. Most often new seekers to

the path open up Spiritually with an incredible opening of some kind. Over time however, if the person’s psychology and

consciousness isn’t addressed, in some people problems can take place. Especially those who begin opening to talking with

their Spirit guides. If their psychology is still very much personality centered and run by the negative ego and victimized by

the Emotions, it will attract more Astral and Mental plane entities rather than the Ascended Masters. In the beginning they

may be Spiritual but over time this psychology of the person will draw and attract its frequency and attunement. Being

developed Spiritually but not being fully trained in Spiritual psychology creates corruption, personal agendas, self-centered

motives, and corruption. Now the reverse of this process is where a Lightworker develops themselves Psychologically but

not Spiritually. Some approach the Spiritual Path through the Spiritual door and some through the Psychological door.

Those who choose the Psychological door often get involved with traditional psychology and/or fragmented understandings

of Spiritual psychology. Why? Because Spiritual and/or Soul Psychology is so poorly understood in our world. Traditional

Psychological theories will actually cut oneself off from their own Higher Self and Mighty I Am Presence. For example, there

are a certain number of Spiritual teachers who believe in their psychology that they have to balance everything. Balance is a

wonderful thing, however there is one thing we do not want to balance in life and that is negative ego consciousness versus

Christ/Buddha Consciousness. Remember, “GOD equals man minus ego!” Sai Baba said “minus” ego, NOT “balance” ego.

They are opposite philosophies of life. Balancing the two would be like trying to balance forgiveness and holding grudges,

unconditional love and conditional love. Holding this philosophy, they may be doing wonderful work on a Spiritual Level,

but their psychology is completely corrupting their work and ultimately it contaminates every aspect of the work because

their foundation is totally off-kilter. If one is off-kilter in self and one’s psychology, it is impossible for this imbalance

and off-kilteredness not to exist in their channeling, clairvoyance, healing, Spiritual teaching, Spiritual science work and

in relationships.

The lack of understanding of the negative ego and the need to transcend it allows the negative ego to run rampant in their

personal, professional, and Spiritual lives. The danger of the person coming through the Psychological door is that they get

stuck in a particular Psychological theory, and this creates a certain lens they get stuck in for seeing life. What happens is

this type of person attracts and magnetizes people and Lightworkers of a similar imbalanced philosophy yet still Spiritual.

They think they are getting healthy feedback from others but really what they are doing is just attracting a small group of

people who keep collectively reinforcing their Psychological neurosis. It is only when we see life through the full spectrum

prism of Soul and Spiritual psychology, and are able to demonstrate this self-mastery in our daily lives, can full integrated

Self-Realization and God Realization take place. Now, the third aspect is the Physical/Earthly Level.

Some Lightworkers become highly enamoured with the Spiritual Level and become too ungrounded and create Physical health

problems. They may be highly Spiritual, however they may not eat right or exercise. They may drink too much coffee or smoke

cigarettes, which eventually takes a toll on their Physical health. They may eat too much sugar or not get enough sleep.

All their energy is in their higher Chakras and very little energy in their lower Chakras and this will take a toll on the Physical

organs and glands in the Physical Body. Another way this problem manifests is that the person is raising their frequency

Spiritually at an astronomical rate, however, if the Physical Body isn’t evolved at a similar rate of growth in terms of raising

the frequency, one can and will get sick a lot. This is a type of cleansing crisis to raise the vibration and frequency of the Physical

Vehicle to catch up with the Spiritual Vehicle. So the question is how does one raise the frequency of the Physical Body?

This is done by eating a good diet, Physical exercise, sleep, grounding one’s Spiritual energy, holding and demonstrating

a proper Spiritual psychology, connecting with nature, practicing the Presence of GOD on Earth and creating Heaven on Earth

in your daily life. If one does not take care of the Physical Body, one can develop chronic Physical health lessons which greatly

impede one’s Spiritual and Psychological progress. Life becomes much harder when the Physical Body is not supporting the

Spiritual and Psychological work. Take care of your Physical Body as well, for as you know it is the Temple of the God you are.

Sai Baba has said that our Physical Bodies are a house rented to us by God. We live in the Physical Body as long as God wills it,

and we pay God rent by demonstrating faith, devotion and Spiritual sadhana or Spiritual practice. Imbalance can also occur in

the Physical Body if the Psychological Level is not addressed properly.

The subconscious mind runs the Physical Body; this can be clearly proven by the practice of hypnosis. Most people don’t

have mastery over their subconscious mind, emotions, and negative ego. This causes too many negative thoughts, negative

emotions, and too many negative orders given to the subconscious mind which will cause it to manifest all kinds of Physical

health problems, pain, and illness. Every thought you think manifests in the Physical Body. Every emotion you feel manifests

in your Physical Body organs and glands. Your psychology totally affects your Physical immune system. If you do not have

a healthy Psychological immune system over time you are going to have a weakened Physical immune system. So, people

are often sick, fatigued, exhausted and not in good Physical health because of overidentification with the Spiritual, improper

psychology, improper care for the Physical Vehicle and then living in a world filled with Physical pollutants such as smog

petrol chemicals, chemical pollutants, drugs, pesticides, imbalanced ozone layer, polluted water, polluted air and polluted

Earth, caused by imbalanced psychospiritual relationships to the Earth in the mass consciousness of the world. It is actually

amazing that our Bodies function as well as they do, given all the abuse they take. In conclusion, always remember that

God lives as much in the Physical and material universe as He does in the Emotional dimension, Mental dimension,

and Spiritual dimension.

It is absolutely essential that we pay our rent to all Four Faces of God in a balanced manner. This includes working to revamp

our Earthly society and civilization as well as taking care of the Earth Mother and nature. As we enter the New Millennium

and the Seventh Golden Age it is now time for Lightworkers to fully ground their Spiritual Paths on Earth and dedicate their

lives to transforming our civilization and society into a fifth dimensional, fully functioning society on Earth. For too long

Lightworkers have waited to ascend and escape Earth. This New Millennium, Aquarian Age, and Seventh Golden Age now

teaches us just the opposite. Love the Earth, love nature, and love our society and civilization and make it reflect God in

a similar manner that His other three faces reflect on a Spiritual, Mental and Emotional Level. It is now time to manifest GOD

on Earth and in our society and civilization. It is not God’s job and it is not the Inner Plane Ascended Masters’ job. It is our

Spiritual assignment and mission for we are the ones inhabiting Physical Bodies. Transforming our Earthly civilization into

one that functions fully on Spiritual principles in all its countries and institutions is not an easy task. It is, however, what

we have collectively come here to do. Let us now take hold of the sword of Archangel Michael in a balanced manner and

courageously and joyously realize our destiny and fully realize the “Great Souls” that we collectively are!

on Balancing and Integrating the God/Goddess Within

This is a new Spiritual ideal and balance for Lightworkers to focus on. The Divine Mother, the Lady Masters, the Earth

Mother and the Goddess Energies have taken a beating in Earth’s history. The patriarchal nature of our society has caused

them to recede into the background. Finally, the return of the Goddess has come! And we each have a part to play by

integrating the God/Goddess within ourselves whether we are female or male! No one will achieve full God Realization

without learning to balance the God/Goddess within! The Goddess Energies, although in truth fully balanced and integrated

from the “Full Spectrum Prism Perspective” of the Divine Mother, classically have to do with the proper integration of

unconditional love, compassion, feminine nature, feelings, the Earth Mother, the Nature Spirits and Devic Kingdom,

Spiritual joy, Spiritual passion, Spiritual enthusiasm, Spiritual desire, and the proper integration of the inner child.

It is the understanding that on the right and left sides of God are the Divine Mother and the Divine Father. They are

on the two sides of the Cosmic Tree of Life as well. Creation cannot be understood orrealized without fully integrating

the God/Goddess within. Ponder on this!

on Balancing and Integrating the Horizontal and Vertical Planes of GOD

There are two planes of GOD that need to be fully mastered, balanced and integrated in order to become a full-fledged

Ascended Master and Self-Realized Being. There is the vertical plane of GOD and the horizontal plane of GOD. The vertical

plane deals with one’s direct relationship to GOD and the Masters. The horizontal plane deals with one’s relationship to your

Brothers and Sisters on Earth and to Earth life in general. What often happens in Lightworkers is that they become more

developed in one of these planes to the slight neglect of the other. There are those who become very introverted and focus

their lives on GOD and their Spiritual Path, however, in doing so they isolate themselves from other people. on the other

extreme there are those people on Earth who are immersed in Earth life and in relationships of all kinds, however, are a little

weak in their vertical development. They may spend all their time with people in socializing and working at their job, and

may not, in essence, spend enough time cultivating their relationship to GOD. Both of these paths, in truth, are not good.

It is easy to be Spiritual when you live in a cave. Master Jesus taught about the importance of living in the market place.

Or as Sai Baba so aptly put it, “Hands that help are holier than lips that pray.”

It’s very important to get involved with Earth life and be of service. GOD’s Plan is it to create Heaven on Earth, and this can 

not be done if Lightworkers do not get involved with Earth life. on the other side of the coin, if you get involved with Earth

life and do not properly cultivate the vertical plane, the demonstration you will be doing on Earth will not be as pure and

refined as it could be to your own Spiritual Path and to others. Some of the tendencies to be more vertical or horizontal stem

from past lives. If you had many lives as a Buddhist, ascetic lives, or Hindu lives or ?lives as a Priest or Priestess, there may

be a subconscious tendency to be more horizontal. on the other side of the coin, if you have had most of your past lives

immersed in Earth life then the opposite is true. The most important thing is to try and be balanced in this life. The true goal

of life is to be an integrated and balanced Spiritual Master!

on Balancing and Integrating the Seven Rays

This law stresses the importance of mastering and integrating the Seven Great Rays of GOD. These Seven Rays make up what

is known esoterically as the “Personality of GOD!” GOD’s Personality is divided into three parts and seven parts. GOD is first

divided into the Trinity of GOD, which of course is GOD, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, GOD being the Creator, Christ being

the Eternal Self we as the Sons and Daughters of GOD are in truth, but are in the process of realizing, and the Holy Spirit, which

is the Voice of GOD and the “still small voice within,” which speaks for the Atonement or the At-One-Ment. Each person was

created by God under the auspices of one of these Seven Rays! Said in another way, their monad, or their Mighty I Am Presence

is under the auspices of one of these Rays. This Monadic Ray does not change! Each incarnation, the Soul Ray, Personality Ray,

Mental Ray, Emotional Ray, and Physical Body Ray do change, to help the incarnating Soul develop new and different aspects

of self! These Rays have an enormous influence on the incarnating Soul, even more than any Astrological influence. So, our

Ray readout tells us how GOD created us and what we came into this lifetime with.

The goal is to integrate and master all of them. People who have not started on the Spiritual Path are dominated by the Rays

of their Physical, Emotional, and Mental Bodies. As the person develops a more self-actualized personality, then the Personality

Ray becomes dominant and the three Body Rays (Physical, Emotional and Mental) become subordinated to it. As we continue

to evolve, the Personality Ray becomes subordinated to the Soul Ray which in return will become subordinated to the Monadic

Ray. This process continues throughout the steps of Initiation, with each successively higher Ray becoming dominant over the

previous one.

This hierarchical order proceeds step by step to the Godhead! In different lifetimes, the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and

Personality Rays change to allow the incarnating personality to develop a more holistic perspective. All of us need to exhibit

the qualities of each of the Seven Rays. All of us need personal power, love, activity or action, artistic sensibility, scientific

development, devotion, and business acumen. Although we incarnate with a certain Ray structure, we need to integrate and

master all the Rays. If we are deficient in any one of these, our whole personality will become imbalanced. Each Ray, although

characterized by a specific quality, is in truth whole and complete within itself and carries within it the qualities of all the other

Rays. And in blending with the other Rays, an even greater whole is created. Well, since everyone comes into incarnation with

one Ray influencing their monad or Mighty I Am Presence, there are eight different types of Ascended Masters.

The first seven types spring forth of the first Seven Rays, whereas the eighth type of Ascended Master is the type that knows

how to master and integrate all Seven Rays and hence truly demonstrates the full nature of GOD on Earth!

The First Ray type of Ascended Master is highly developed in their Personal Power, God’s Will, Spiritual Leadership, and may

achieve their Ascension working in the field of politics, government, international relations. Also, in leadership, in a business,

as soldier, explorer, pioneer, or executive.

The Second Ray type of Ascended Master is highly developed in the Love/Wisdom Aspect of God, and will achieve their

Ascension usually in the field of being a Spiritual Teacher or Educator. Also, in writing, public speaking, television, radio,

and so forth.

The Third Ray type of Ascended Master is highly developed in the quality of Active Intelligence aspect of GOD. This is

an aspect of Wisdom and Intelligence that is very active in the Physical world. This could be in the area of business, finance,

economics, or they could be serving as organizers, diplomats, or bankers.

The Fourth Ray type of Ascended Master is highly developed in the quality of Harmony and Beauty. This type of Ascended

Master achieves their Ascension most often in the Arts! Being an artist, musician, composer, architect, and so on. Any area

dealing with the Arts, and creating more beauty and harmony in the world!

The Fifth Ray type of Ascended Master is highly developed in the quality of Concrete Science! This type of Ascended Master

achieves their Ascension working in one of the great many scientific professions. They may be a doctor, psychologist,

chemist, mathematician, metaphysician, surgeon, inventor, lawyer, and so on.

The Sixth Ray type of Ascended Master is highly developed in the quality of Devotion and Idealism! This type usually

achieves their Ascension as a priest or minister. Also in philosophy, philanthropy, missionary work, or as reformer and healer,

to name but a few!

The Seventh Ray type of Ascended Master is highly developed in the quality of Ceremonial Order and Magic! This translates

into development in the qualities of organization, structuring, alchemy, invocation, and freedom! This type of Ascended Master

you usually find serving in the area of restructuring society in some way, or in business and economics, as priest, doctor, nurse,

or sculptor to name a few!

The Eighth type of Ascended Master is the “Integrated Ascended Master” who may still have a profession in one of these areas,

but they do it fully operating out of Mastery and Integration of all Seven Rays!

No matter what your Ray Configuration, and no matter what your Astrological Horoscope, and no matter what your Numerology

is, you must develop all Seven Rays, all Signs of the Zodiac, all 22 Numbers of God, all Twelve Archetypes of God, all the cards

of the Tarot Deck, and develop Mastery on a Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical/Earthly Level. If you do not do so, you will

be filled with blind spots and see life through a limited lens! Now, there are Planetary Rays, Solar, Galactic, Universal,

Multi-Universal and Cosmic Rays. Not only is it possible to call forth and utilize the Twelve Planetary Rays, it is also possible

to call forth and utilize the Ten Lost Cosmic Rays.

The Twelve Planetary Rays consist of the Seven Rays spoken about plus the Five Higher Rays which are combinations of the

first Seven Rays with a touch of Source Light, or white Light, that gives them a luminous quality. They have only been

recently activated in relationship to humanity’s evolution.

(Ray Eight: Ray of cleansing; cleans out characteristics and qualities within self that one no longer needs and wants to get

rid of; green-violet luminosity. Ray Nine: Ray of joy; Ray that begins to attract the Body of Light; also cleansing function;

greenish-blue luminosity. Ray Ten: helps to facilitate the Soul merge experience and to code the pattern of Divinity into

the Physical Body; allows the Body of Light to be fully anchored into one’s being; pearlescent-colored luminosity.

Ray Eleven: deeper cleansing function; bridge to New Age; orange-pink luminosity. Ray Twelve: Ray of anchoring the

Christ Consciousness on Earth; summit of all the Higher Rays; combination of all the Rays with a sprinkling of white Light

and Christ Consciousness; golden.) Now, part of understanding the Balancing and Integrating the Seven Rays is also that each

Ray has a higher and lower expression!. This is because the Rays, although created by GOD, can be misused and corrupted by

the negative ego/fear-based/separative thought system. Each of the Rays can be used in service of the negative ego or in service

of the Soul. Your goal should be to overcome and transcend the lower aspects of all the Rays in order that you are free to

manifest each Ray’s highest potential within your Being.

Glory and Corruption of the First Ray: one either owns their personal power 100% in total service of GOD and unconditional

love plus surrenders to GOD’s Will. Or one owns their personal power to hurt, control, and manipulate others for reasons of

selfishness and does not surrender to GOD’s Will but consciously or unconsciously follows the will of the negative ego mind;

the negative ego has you either surrender to GOD’s Will and not own your personal power or it has you own your personal

power and not surrender to GOD’s Will.

Glory and Corruption of the Second Ray: Ability to unconditionally love self and others at all times, and the Psychological

wisdom it brings to help one do this in all situations and with all people. Or conditional love, being overly loving and not

having a backbone, being overidentified with the guru role, being a know-it-all, since the Second Ray is that of education.

Glory and Corruption of the Third Ray: Wisdom to put out our God Consciousness into demonstration and action on and in

the Earthly world. Or being overintellectual, lack of proper integration of one’s feelings and emotions, being run by the mind

instead of being its master.

Glory and Corruption of the Fourth Ray: Creation of harmony, unity and oneness at all times with self, and in relationship

to others and one’s world, creation of the arts in glorification of GOD. Or on a Psychological Level the negative ego thought

system creating disharmony and conflict within self which would manifest in conflict with others.

Glory and Corruption of the Fifth Ray: on a Psychological level, the use of the ?mind in a scientific way for the purpose of

healing all aspects of a person and our society. Or being overintellectual and cut off from one’s feeling and intuitive nature,

worship of science, rejection of religion, too much focus on concrete mind, and not allowing oneself to tap into the abstract

mind, the Higher Mind and intuitive right brain mind.

Glory and Corruption of the Sixth Ray: Devotion, Spiritual passion, enthusiasm, joy, idealism; glory of sixth Ray makes us

strive for the highest within us, and pursue excellence at all times. Or, being overly Emotional, giving power away, being too

idealistic to the point of being a negative perfectionist, lack of Spiritual discernment

Glory and Corruption of the Seventh Ray: Emphasis on freedom, Divine structures and systems within self and society that

lead to even grater freedom within self and society, Spiritual alchemy, prosperity Consciousness. Or thinking that one is free

when in truth they are run by the negative ego, Emotional Body, Mental Body, the inner child, lower-self desire, and the

subconscious mind; misuse of structure (having too much or too little), use of magic without Spirituality, misuse of money,

poverty consciousness; freedom is not giving free reign to one’s negative ego, Emotional Body, and so on; this is not freedom,

but being a victim; true freedom stems from total Self-Mastery of one’s energies in service of GOD.

on Balancing and Integrating the Ten Sephiroth

The Tree of Life is composed of Ten Sephiroth or Spiritual centers. There is an Eleventh Spiritual center called Daath, which

refers to the hidden wisdom that is opened when one attains higher initiate status, and a Twelfth Sephiroth the Sephiroth of

Synthesis. Each of these Sephiroth embodies a certain psychospiritual quality. Now, the Tree of Life can be used to help clear

the negative ego. Each Sephiroth has a higher and lower expression. There is no lower expression of the Sephiroth of Daath,

for it doesn’t come into manifestation until the higher expression has come into play. People often end up identifying with

one of the Ten Sephiroth just as people end up doing this with the Twelve Archetypes.

The idea is to integrate and utilize all Ten Sephiroth in their higher expressions in a balanced and appropriate manner.

One can imagine the Tree of Life as superimposed over the Physical Body and Etheric Body much like a Chakra System.

When one Sephiroth is not integrated properly this will prevent the Prana from flowing properly through the Etheric Body

which will create Physical and Psychological symptoms. Every person, when they come into this world, is usually predominate

in one Sephiroth. This is the great Psychological work that needs to be done. Strive to embody all the Sephiroth in their

highest expression!

Kether or Crown Sephiroth: Higher expression: person puts Spirituality as their top priority, but is also able to keep their

Physical life in balance; Heavenly and Earthly life is well balanced. Lower expression: too heavy or over-identified with

Heavenly energies at the expense of their Physical Body and Earth life; the Psychological and Earthly Levels are not integrated

properly due to an imbalanced mindset.

Chokmah or Wisdom Sephiroth: Higher expression: person with innate connection to Divine wisdom who is realizing their

potentials; Emotionally balanced and quite steady and evenminded; strong connection to the proper will/wisdom balance;

connected to the Divine Father and the male aspect of Divinity; great occultist, psychologist or Master Spiritual Teacher;

Lower expression: weak will function; wisdom on the level of the concrete mind rather than the Higher Mind and abstract

esoteric mind; too conservative, limited in certain subconscious and conscious patterns; wisdom more of the personality

rather than the progressing wisdom of the Soul and monad.

Binah or Understanding Sephiroth: Higher expression: one who carries the Divine Mother; great mystic; embodiment of

receptivity, love, compassion, and understanding, with still the strong expression of the Divine Will; Lower expression:

person who is talking too much; not just compassionate but too empathic; mother is a co-dependent rather than a Divine

expression of unconditional love and non-attachment; over-mothering, too selfless, not knowing how to take care of self.

Kether, Chokmah, and Binah form a triad that the Kabbalah calls the Supernal Triad; they form the Monadic Level of the

Tree of Life.

Chesed or Mercy Sephiroth: Higher expression: deals with emotions and feelings of unconditional love and compassion;

mercy administered in a very balanced way; also deals with the Christ quality of justice and fairness; Lower expression!:

person feels like they have never been treated fairly or justly and that they are victims of mercilessness; they often think

they are giving mercy, but, in truth, what they are doing is victimizing themselves.

Geburah or Serenity Sephiroth: Higher expression: discernment, self-control, and Divine Will (balance to Chesed); person

is always centered and in the Middle Path; they are always at inner peace within themselves and at inner peace with other

people; they are serene and are very much the peacemaker in a very positive sense of the term; good in political situations

for they have the serenity and strength of will to remain clear and centered; excellent mediators and arbitrators; Lower

expression: person who is undiscerning in life; problem making decisions; not decisive; they don’t know how to retain

their personal power; in essence, they are out of balance and are always struggling; no mastery over emotions, victimized

by the outside world and other people; talk about the importance of being strong but not demonstrating it.

Tiphareth or Beauty Sephiroth: Higher expression: person who sees beauty in everything, rather like the fourth Ray type

in its higher expression! they create beauty all around them; have the strength of beauty about themselves; Lower expression:

vanity; instead of selfless interest in beauty, this is tainted by a self-interest in beauty beyond the quality of Godliness; they

want everything to be beautiful for themselves not as a service for God and humanity. Chesed, Geburah, and Tiphareth deal

with the  oul level of the Tree. If you are identified with the triad that lies below this one, you are identifying yourself as

a personality or Physical Body rather than as a Soul.

Netzach and Victory Sephiroth: Higher expression: person who sees justice and triumph; if a person is just in this Sephiroth

it may manifest only on a personality Level of self-actualization and not necessarily at the Soul or monadic level of victory;

at the personality Level of victory, we might have the great athlete, conqueror, or successful psychologist; connected with

the feeling nature; Lower expression: tyrant or dictator; person who always needs to win and be the “top dog,” and is

extremely competitive; they have not yet learned to transcend the negative ego game of superiority/inferiority complex;

this type of person always needs to be right and is hence very self-righteous; they strive for victory at all costs, even at the

expense of their own Soul; they make bad decisions when in a leadership role because of the negative ego; they always

need to hide any sense of weakness or vulnerability because of their need to be the best.

Hod or Splendor Sephiroth: Higher expression: person who is a great organizer; since Hod is focused on the personality level,

if not blended with other Sephiroth, it will remain more on the level of the concrete mind; opposite of Netzach; not focused on

the feeling state, but on logic, thinking, and analytical perception on the personality level; Lower expression: person who is

disorganized; they are often very limited in their perspective, and see life through a very small selfish lens and hence do not

see the bigger picture; often striving for splendor but are doing so in service of the negative ego rather than the splendor of

Spirit; grandeur versus grandiosity; misjudging self and others; weakness of the Mental function allows the Emotional Body

to have too much sway.

Yesod or Foundation Sephiroth: Higher expression: person has made subconscious mind their servant and has learned to

tapand utilize the unbelievable abilities of the subconscious mind; person is very strong in their convictions, has faith,

and has mastered fear; they can go into the most difficult situation and handle themselves extremely well; often heroic;

will often take a job no one else will do because they are so grounded and strong in their foundation; foundation of all

advanced Spiritual work is a healthy psychology which has its foundation in the relationship between a person’s conscious

and subconscious mind; person might be psychic but not necessarily Spiritual if not blended; Lower expression!: person is

completely victimized by the subconscious mind; they are on automatic pilot and not conscious, vigilant, and do not have

Personal Power attached to their conscious mind; are weak and fearful in all situations. Netzach, Hod, and Yesod make up

the Lower Spiritual Triad; they deal with the personality level, and are only a reflection of the Soul level of existence, just

as the Soul level is a reflection of the monadic level of existence.

Malkuth or The Kingdom Sephiroth: counterpart to Kether in the crown. Higher expression: person who can live like a king

on Earth; when just developed in this one Sephiroth they are Physically very strong and healthy and function extremely well

in Earth life; not necessarily developed on the Soul or monadic level; born with a very strong Physical constitution; good

Physical capabilities; lesson of this type of person is to learn to blend the Soul level and then finally the monadic level into

this Earthly function; Lower expression!: person who is ridden with fears of Physical illness or is a hypochondriac; person

who is fearful of money and Physical survival; preoccupied with First Chakra concerns; often very superstitious.

on Balancing and Integrating the Three-Fold Flame

Each person must own their 100% Personal Power in life to realize GOD and be successful in every aspect of life. Each

person must own their 100% unconditional love at all times towards self, others, all kingdoms of GOD and the Earth, to

fully realize GOD. Each person must own their 100% Psychological and Spiritual Wisdom at all times to fully realize GOD.

It is when all three of these flames are operating at 100%, being perfectly integrated and balanced, that this aspect of God

Realization can be achieved! Love, Power, and Wisdom need each other. All of us on the Spiritual Path certainly recognize

the importance of Unconditional Love. The ability to demonstrate this, however, is easier said than done.

The only way a person can be unconditionally loving at all times is if they have completely transcended the negative

ego and all negative ego thinking and feeling. They secondarily must at all times think and process their reality from

the Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha attitude system. There is also no way a person can be unconditionally loving at all times

if they don’t 100% own their Personal Power at all times, which allows you to maintain Self-Mastery and vigilance over

your thoughts, feelings, emotions and energy. Without your Personal Power you will be a victim of your subconscious mind,

Emotional Body, inner child and negative ego. There is no way you can be a Master instead of a victim or a cause instead

of an effect in life, no way you can control the negative ego and remain in God Cosciousness if you don’t own your Personal

Power. on the other side of the coin, without Unconditional Love, Personal Power becomes a total agent of the negative ego

and becomes a corruption of the highest order. These two Christ/Buddha qualities are intricately tied together! The third

aspect of this trinity is Wisdom.

Wisdom is an essential ingredient and quality in the process of Self-Realization and successful living. To use your Personal

Power always in an appropriate manner in every situation of life, and to remain unconditionally loving at al times and in all

situations, takes enormous Wisdom. To constantly monitor one’s every thought, feeling, word and deed and to keep your

energies and Three-Fold Flame always appropriately balanced takes enormous Spiritual Wisdom, Psychological Wisdom,

and Physical/Earthly Wisdom. To be joyously vigilant over one’s every thought and impulse to make sure that one’s

motivations are always of highest order and not tinged by selfish desires and personal agendas of the negative ego, takes

enormous Wisdom. It is only when these three qualities are perfectly balanced within self and within the sacred chamber

of your own heart that true Self-Realization and full-fledged Integrated Ascension can take place.

on Balancing and Integrating the Twelve Archetypes

In William Shakespeare’s As You Like It, it says, “All the world is a stage. And all men and women merely players.”

Archetypes are underlying mythic themes that can be found in all races and cultures at all times. The Archetypes are

ageless roles or key stereotypes that exemplify different forms of behavior. In other words, the Archetypes are universal

personifications of perennial themes. Every person fits into one of these Twelve Archetypes or mythic themes. And we

are manifesting one or more of the Archetypes every moment of our lives. It’s a good idea to become familiar with them,

for if we don’t, we are opening ourselves to be victimized by their unconscious expression. The Archetypes, left to their

own discretion, will attempt to monopolize our attention and expression. It’s very important to understand that

Archetypes don’t reason.

Each Archetype’s primary goal is to express itself. By taking control of your personality and becoming the executive

director, you can make them work with you in a cooperative manner. But they must have a leader. And well, son of a gun,

you are the that leader, but you must own your Personal Power and maintain absolute Mastery and tough love, for the

Archetypes are like children. If they don’t take you seriously, they will not listen to you. So you really need to be

conscious at all times and not live as if on automatic pilot. If we are not conscious, then mass consciousness, past lives,

parental programming, and so on will determine our Archetypal expression at any given moment. We must strive to be

not the effect but the cause!

The ultimate goal of this science now is to enable you to integrate all Twelve Archetypes, along with all the Subarchetypes,

with the Wise one as the main Archetypal theme during your last life. The Wise one Archetype, because its main role is to

achieve complete balance, incorporates all the Archetypes within itself. The idea is also to integrate all of them from the

perspective of being the Fair Witness or Observer. The conscious mind is not any of the Archetypes, but it chooses which

role you need at any given time for the highest expression of God and service. When you integrate all the Archetypes you

have infinite possibilities of expression! and are not stuck in any one role. You have all of them available in their positive

aspects when you need them. So, you are none of the Archetypes! Archetypes are roles that you are playing! Always

remember, the real you is the observer self, who controls, directs, chooses, and causes. You can direct and control only

what you do not identify yourself with. Whatever you, as the consciousness or “I”, are identified with will be your Master.

Identify yourself with only the Eternal Self for that is your True Self! Archetypes, past life aspects, and subpersonalities

are all related.

When God created us, these Archetypal potentials were built into us from the start, like a psychic substructure. As we

went through the reincarnation process, these past life aspects began to build up as we lived out one ore more of these

Archetypal themes. In our present life all our past life aspects are manifested as our subpersonalities. So past lives manifest

as programmed subpersonality expression! in our subconscious mind. It takes some effort in the beginning to reprogram

them, but after twenty-one days the old expression!s will be working for us instead of against us. Like other Spiritual

sciences, the science of the Archetypes is a tool for gaining Self-Mastery over the mind, emotions, and body in service of

the Soul. Tarot might be the premier system of working with the Archetypes. Well, as always, the negative ego manifests

the negative side of the Archetype and distorts each Archetype’s true purpose as created by GOD. In a sense, the negative

ego works through all the Archetypes just as the Soul and monad do. Hence, as with Astrology or the science of the Rays,

and all the other Spiritual sciences, each of the Twelve Archetypes has a positive and a negative side. And the goal now is

to reject the negative ego and lower-self expression! and always attune oneself to the Soul and Higher-Self expression.

The ultimate goal in your final incarnation on Earth is to integrate all of them and be victimized by none of them. It’

important to remember that every Archetype or role has an opposite. This is why you can’t in truth identify with any single

Archetype but must embrace all of them from the position of the Witness self! To become an Integrated Ascended Master

of the highest caliber, you must transcend the lower expression of each Archetype and only strive to demonstrate their

higher expressions!

Destroyer Archetype: Higher expression: Positive use of first Ray (power) to destroy the old and make place for the new,

positive anger, used for destruction of negative ego in all its manifestations and to make positive change, healthy use of

denial, very tied up with the Psychological issue of owning your Personal Power. Lower expression: Destruction, glorifie

violence, abuse, control, domination, negative anger, power used in service of self, and criminal behavior.

Fool Archetype: Higher expression: Risktaker, humor used in a positive and uplifting manner, superconsciousness,

innovator, jumping off the cliff in service of the Soul as the ultimate healthy surrender in any given situation and lesson.

Lower expression: Scatterbrained and prone to the use of negative control and manipulation, being foolhardy and blind.

“The fool who knows he is a fool is for that very reason wise. The fool who thinks himself wise is the greatest fool of all.”


Innocent Archetype: Higher expression: Innocent perception, seeing life free from past programming, fresh and untarnished,

positive side of being like a child, being innocent with the wisdom of the Wise one Archetype, purity, harmlessness,

Spiritual discernment, Holy Encounter. Lower expression: Being too naive and childlike and lacking in Spiritual

discernment, not being able to see darkness in self or others.

Magician Archetype: Higher expression: True alchemists and transformers, magical in the way they can create change and

transformation in one’s Four-Body system (they do this by understanding Universal Laws at each level and applying them),

egoless, true servant of the Divine, skill, diplomacy, self confidence and will! Lower expression: Using one’s Magician

powers for the purpose of manipulation, to seduce others to follow oneself; false gurus, counselors; Black Magic.

Martyr Archetype: Higher expression: Saint, Vow of Bodhisattva, the higher you go the more one realizes that the main

reason for being here is being of service! Lower expression: Person sacrifices but does so as a means to manipulate and

control others, performing sacrifices as a kind of guilt trip, not realizing that there is a time to be selfless and a time to be

Spiritually selfish.

Matriarchy/Patriarchy: Higher expression: Tough love (love and firmness), proper use of Personal Power and Unconditional

Love, Divine indifference in its proper relationship to compassion, parenting inner child. Lower expression: Either weak

father (not protecting the inner/outer child, being wishy-washy and totally controlled by the Feminine which turns the

Feminine into its negative aspect) or the totalitarian, control-obsessed father (being over-protective, too militaristic, and

too controlled by the Masculine); hence Feminine/Masculine imbalance.

Ruler Archetype: Higher expression: Divine objectivity, fairness, wisdom, stability, all of us rule over our thoughts,

emotions, body, subpersonalities, Archetypes, instincts, sensations, and intuition, and all of us will be put into positions

of leadership as we evolve; Which kind of ruler will you be? Lower expression: Tyrannical, dominating, and manipulative

leader; drunk with power which may manifest as a superiority complex.

Seducer Archetype: Higher expression: Spiritual salesperson who “sells” GOD, egolessness, oneness, salesman with

pure motivations, positive use of self-talk (need to seduce inner child, subconscious, Emotional, Mental and Physical

Body to cooperate), motivational speaker and ultimate Spiritual teacher. Lower expression: Negative manipulation,

bribery, molestation, narcissistic love of self, self-indulgence, and corruption; deceiver, the con man, the fast talker,

the unscrupulous used-car salesman, the tempter or temptress, the amoral businessperson; negative Seducer Archetype

uses everyone andeverythingto manipulate and seduce to meet its own selfish needs.

Seeker Archetype: Higher expression: Adventurer, explorer, pioneer, wanderer, seeker who seeks the inner rather than

the outer, the permanent rather than the impermanent, “See ye the Kingdom of God and all things shall be added unto thee”.

Lower expression: Person who seeks materialistic goals and gains and not the path of Ascension and Self-Realization;

on the Physical level accruing money and material things; on the Emotional level seeking hedonistic pleasure and

experiences; on the Mental level seeking of intellectual development of the concrete mind and not of the Higher Mind.

Servant Archetype: Higher expression: Servant of God, the Masters and humanity, serving from wholeness instead of

emptiness, from Personal Power, self-love, self-actualization, egolessness, and attunement to God, vow of Bodhisattva,

“True pleasure is serving God”. Lower expression: Servant of others from an unevolved state of consciousness which can

manifest on outer level (i.e. wife who serves the demands of a selfish husband out of fear, lack of self-love and self-worth,

or lack of personal Power and Spiritual attunement) and inner level (i.e. being a slave to drugs, alcohol, bad habits,

obsessive thoughts, feelings, Archetypes, sexuality, food, the Physical Body, the negative ego, the desire body, the concrete

mind, the child consciousness, or the subconscious mind); you are either a Master or a victim, a servant or the served.

Warrior Archetype: Higher expression: Spiritual warrior, fighting for love, oneness, Christ Consciousness, for the good

of the whole, owning your power, without owning the positive aspect of this Archetype you will be very ineffective in life

and make yourself powerless, weapons are love, prayer, God…, “Life is a battlefield”, “Get up and give up your unmanliness

and get up and fight. This self-pity is unbecoming of the great Soul that you are” (Krishna to Arjuna). Lower expression:

Unevolved Soul who is run by the negative ego and looks at life as a war; manifests as criminal behavior in its worst case

scenario; on an Emotional level, being pervasive in terms of negative anger or abusive behaviors directed toward other

people, animals, or even the environment; on an inner level it can manifest as abuse of self; on a Mental level as

“attack thoughts” toward self or others!

Wise one Archetype: Higher expression: True teacher who seeks to empower their students and make them equals;

guide and teacher of all the other Archetypes (lifts all the other Archetypes into the Soul directed expression), fair witness

or observer, you are in charge of the Archetypes and not the other way round, you are the president and director and will

use each of these as tools. Lower expression: Using wisdom to control others, to manipulate, demean, gain fame, for power,

money, praise, or special status.

on Balancing and Integrating the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac

The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac need to be integrated and mastered as do the Twelve Archetypes and Twelve Rays.

The fact that you are born under one Sign obviously has its influence as does your Ray Chart, ?however, this doesn’t

change the fact that all Signs need to be mastered. This is why we spend many lifetimes incarnating into all the Sun Signs

to get the most complete view of Self. The Sun Signs then could be looked at as major Archetypes. As with the Rays and

Archetypes, each Sun Sign has a higher and lower expression. If you are a victim in life and do not own your Personal Power,

the stars will influence the type of choices you make. However, even if there are a lot of negative aspects in your total

horoscope remember that you are God in truth, and God created the stars, the stars did not create God. There is no force more

powerful in the infinite universe than your will. In this regard, you are the total master of Astrology. To realize God you

must master all Twelve Signs of the Zodiac. The key as always is to develop yourself in the higher aspect of each of the

Twelve Signs, and to transcend its lower aspects.

Capricorn ”I Use”: Positive attributes are: patient, persistent, efficient, practical, ambitious, hardworking, integrity, strong,

solitary and alone, dependable, purposeful, leadership, humility, confident, disciplinarian; Danger areas are: clinging to past,

and possible clinging to mother, false pride, self-righteousness, lack of empathy, cold, selfish, arrogant, street angel and

house devil, materialistic; Key lesson is love and service.

Aquarius ”I Know”: Positive attributes are: Mental pioneers, future focused, outgoing, involved detachment, impersonally

friendly, confident, mind over emotions, work focused, home focused, individualists, creative, inventive strong-willed,

leaders, organizers; Danger areas are: Mentally cold, cruel, critical, demanding, lacking in love or mercy, lack of self-control,

difficulty at times in marriage; Key lesson is development of inner knowing that goes beyond just faith!

Pisces ”I Believe”: Positive attributes are: ?faith, sensitivity, introspective, enjoys alone time, psychic, inner peace,

compassion, devotion, musical, strong and deep emotions; Danger areas are: self indulgence, inferiority complex, unworthy,

workaholic, restriction, limitation, moody, hard to understand, go with the flow attitude even if the flow happens to be

negative; Key lesson is coming to a right relationship with self and God in terms of one’s beliefs.

Aries ”I Am”: Positive attributes are: self-directed, assertive, strong, pioneers, full of energy, filled with good ideas, leaders;

Danger areas are: impatience, impulsiveness, arrogance, egotism, tendency to dominate; Key lesson is coming to a right

relationship to self, and understanding one’s true identity.

Taurus ”I Have”: Positive attributes are: steady, kind, gentle, holds possessions and material things in great value;

Danger areas are: over-possessiveness, jealousy, greed, fear of loss, stubborn; Key lesson is coming to a right relationship

to the things you have or possessions.

Gemini ”I Think”: Positive attributes are: logic, wit, humor, independent, liberty, facility in communication; Danger areas

are: lack of concentration and persistence, extreme restlessness, two-faced, dramatize, neurotic, preoccupation with self,

butterfly; Key lesson number one is developing a right relationship to your mind; are you the Master of your mind, or is

your mind your Master? Key lesson number two is to harmonize one’s Spiritual and Earthly life.

Cancer ”I Feel”: Positive attributes are: mothering, nurturing, focused on house and home, passive, receptive, psychic;

Danger areas are: too emotional, possessive, insecure, self-centered, selfish, sluggish in energy, Physically lazy; Key lesson

is to develop a right relationship to one’s feelings and emotions; are your feelings and emotions under your control, or are

they running you?

Leo ”I Will”: Positive attributes are: honesty, directness, dependable, faithful, dignity, self-respect, integrity, courage,

energy, confidence, kingly; Danger areas are: inability to delegate authority, dominion over others and attachment to

loved ones; Key lessons are impersonal love, coming from the heart, detachment, serving the Spiritual self rather than

the ego self, and developing a right relationship to the use of will or power in one’s life; is power used in a top dog

manner for dominion over others, or can power and will be used in a Spiritual manner for unconditional love, equality,

and for the highest good of all concerned?

Virgo ”I Analyze”: Positive attributes are: idealism, affinity for details, work and service, focus, practical, down to Earth,

importance upon home, refined, quite, gentle; Danger areas are: irritability, shyness, jittery, too cautious, inferiority

complex, selfishness, difficulty in communicating inner thoughts and Feelings; Key lesson is developing a right

relationship to the analyzing mind; in its proper usage there is the ability to correlate, digest, and collect facts in service

of a Spiritual purpose; the negative ego side would be analyzing what turns into judgmentalness and criticalness of

self and others.

Libra ”I Balance”: Positive attributes are: friendly, outgoing, conscientious, just, will to do good, cooperative, focus

on marriage, love, cohesiveness, travel, diplomatic; Danger areas are: people pleaser, and seeking approval from others,

dominating beneath; Key lesson is the balancing of inner and outer worlds; sign of Libra focuses on relationships;

there is a need to be involved with life but not to lose self in a relationship or life in general.

Scorpio ”I Create”: Positive attributes are: strong, quiet, exterior, command respect, creative, resourceful, strong

passions, not easily known, reserved, strong pride, Emotions do not show on surface, dynamic, majestic; Danger areas

are: supercritical nature, judgemental of others, stubborn, vindictive, jealousy, resentful, sarcastic, lone wolves, rough

time in relationships; Key lesson is developing a right relationship to one’s creative energies; do your create energies

serve your personality or egotistical self, or Higher Spiritual Self?

Sagittarius ”I Perceive”: Positive attributes are: friendly, outgoing, optimistic, extroverted, sports, gambling, takes

changes, independent, future focused, travel, direct. Danger areas are: superficial, procrastination, nervous, tactless,

disorganized, undisciplined; Key lesson is development of intuition and understanding of the Higher Mind and

Spiritual aspects of life.

on Balancing and Integrating Your Chakras

Chakras are like non-physical organs within the Etheric Body, aligned along the spine corresponding to points

along the central nervous system, and are associated with certain glands and nerve ganglia. At times one or more of

these Chakras may be out of balance, which results in either Physical disease or Mental or Emotional distress.

We have 330 Chakras that reach all the way back through the 352 Levels back to Source. They basically come in sets

of seven, according to the Dimensional Grid with which they are associated: Third-Dimensional Chakra Grid Chakras

1 through 7, Fourth-Dimensional Chakra Grid Chakras 8 through 15, Fifth-Dimensional Chakra Grid Chakras 16 through

22, Sixth-Dimensional Chakra Grid Chakras 23 through 29, Seventh-Dimensional Chakra Grid Chakras 30 through 36,

Eighth-Dimensional Chakra Grid Chakras 37 through 43, and Chakras 44 through 50 make up the Ninth-Dimensional

Chakra Grid, to give you an idea. We have 50 Planetary Chakras, 50 Solar Chakras, 50 Galactic Chakras, 50 Universal

Chakras, 50 Multi-Universal Chakras, and 80 Cosmic Chakras. It is possible to anchor these Higher Chakras into the

Seven Third Dimensional Chakras that we are all aware of.

There are three levels of understanding in the process of anchoring the Higher Chakras: installation, actualization, and

accessing the Chakras’ abilities, or utilization. Call forth to the Inner Plane Ascended Masters and ask for their help in

anchoring, activating, and merging with these Chakras. How do you actualize the Chakras? It is basically done by living

a God-inspired lifestyle. The third step lies in the ability to access the Chakras’ abilities some of which are materialization

of things, teleportation, and bilocation. Part of the whole process is asking for all chambers and facets of the Chakras to be

opened and activated! Well, as you evolve Spiritually, your Seven Third-Dimensional Chakras will move into your legs,

feet, and Earth, and will be replaced by these Higher Chakra Grids.

Now it must be understood that every thought you think is reflected in the Chakras. Every negative ego thought you allow

in yourmind will reflect itself in the Chakras as being overactive or underactive. This is why so many people have overactive

or underactive glands. Their improper thinking causes the Chakras to be overactive or underactive, which causes the glands

to be overactive or underactive. (1st Chakra: gonads, 2nd Chakra: lyden gland, 3rd Chakra: adrenal glands, 4th Chakra:

thymus gland, 5th Chakra: thyroid gland, 6th Chakra: pituitary gland, 7th Chakra: pineal gland) It is only when you practice

and realize the goal of becoming an Integrated Melchizedek/Christ and Buddha that your Chakras can truly be balanced.

Perfectly balanced Chakras are a byproduct of becoming an Integrated Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha. It is only when we

fully integrate and balance first all Seven Chakras, and in the course of our journey back to the 352nd Level the rest, that

true Go Realization can be achieved. There are some on the Spiritual Path who favor the Higher Chakras and think the first

three are lower or unimportant. All Chakras are equally important! All Chakras need to be equally balanced. Those who do

not fully balance and integrate their lower Chakras will not be right with self, which will corrupt their relationship to GOD,

the Masters, all channeling, and a great deal of their Spiritual teaching. Neglect of the lower Chakras would also greatly

decrease your energy level and could also lead to glandular, hormonal and organ imbalances as well as the potential of

other Physical health problems. Learn by grace instead of karma, and heed the wisdom of that which is being shared with

you here. In summary, the Chakras are another great key to understanding the nature of GOD. He built into us Seven Great

Chakras, each representing another Divine Quality and aspect of the Divine!

First Chakra: Deals with importance of grounding, survival, and taking care of one’s Earthly responsibilities as well as one’s

Physical Body! Negative ego’s effect in terms of underactivity: overly focus on issues of survival, not having enough money

to pay bills and eat, and possibly homeless issues. Also, instead of being able to focus on one’s Spiritual life and service,

just making it through Earth life and surviving becomes the focus. Negative ego’s effect in terms of overactivity: being overly

materialistic, too focused on money and business, having an improper diet, too focused on Earthly life, too caught up in the

enjoyments and pleasures of Earth life, too grounded to the point of being disconnected from Spirit, and so on. The ideal is

to get this Earthly aspect of life together so one can focus on higher Spiritual pursuits, taking care of Physical Body and

developing mastery of prosperity consciousness.

Second Chakra: Deals with sexuality, procreation, creativity, and relationships with other people and one’s Emotional Body!

Negative ego’s effect in terms of underactivity: non-sexuality can manifest as no energy being in this Chakra. If you choose

celibacy which of course is a valid life choice for some, then adjustments need to be made to bring energy into these Chakras

Physical exercise, doing Hatha Yoga, stretching, certain Polarity exercises and most of all just being integrated Spiritually,

Psychologically and in a Physical/Earthly sense will do this. Friendships and relationships will also help fill the energy in this

Chakra. Also, those who are too closed in their feelings and emotions will have less energy in this Chakra. Negative ego’s

effect in terms of overactivity: overindulgence in sexuality which causes a weakening of the lydig gland, and will put a strain

on the kidneys and other organs as well. Also, those who are too run by their Emotional Body, too focused on friendships and

relationships, and too horizontal to the neglect of the vertical will have too much energy in this Chakra. Integration and

balance is as always the key.

Third Chakra: Deals with the Mental Body and Emotional Body, the two bodies being intimately connected since it is our

thoughts that create our feelings and emotions. The Third Chakra is also connected to our Personal Power and Will. It is

connected to the proper use of our mind and the proper integration of our feelings and emotions! Connection to the adrenal

glands! Negative ego’s effect in terms of underactivity: caused by a person not owning their 100% Personal Power, not

utilizing the full power of their mind, or not causing their reality with the use of their mind. Also, not causing their

Emotional life by seeing and demonstrating that their feelings are caused by their thoughts! Negative ego’s effect in terms

of overactivity: too much adrenaline in our system which is not good for adrenaline is meant to be used for emergency

energy only. Too much in the sytem will have a weakening effect, and cause “adrenaline exhaustion” which is why man

people are tired so much of the time. This causes the body’s energy systems to have to pull on other glands for energy,

which over time can weaken them as well! Also, overuse of Will, Will Power, Personal Power will deplete person.

Fourth Chakra: deals with the importance of opening one’s Heart and Unconditional love! Negative ego’s effect: the

Fourth Chakra remains in balance and focused on Unconditional Love when we think from our Spiritual Mind. When

we think from our negative ego mind, the Heart Chakra becomes imbalanced, for conditional love, addictive love, anger,

lack of forgiveness, and so on, have been allowed to enter your consciousness and are hence reflected in your Heart Chakra.

Heart Chakra is immune system. If you see life with your Spiritual Mind, your Physical immune system will function

much more perfectly. So Unconditional Love is the key to perfect health!

Fifth Chakra: Deals with the importance of communication! When this Chakra is in balance we communicate from

our Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Consciousness. Imbalances would manifest as gossip, speaking judgementally about others,

bad-mouthing others behind their back, breaking confidentiality, backstabbing, to name but a few. If you don’t have

anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all! Negative ego’s effect in terms of underactivity: undercommunication,

“There are sins of omission or commission”! The key is to know when to talk and when to be silent. Negative ego’s

effect in terms of overactivity: too much communication. Overuse drains the thyroid gland. Person may process too much,

or be too overidentified with service. May talk too much for they do not know how to quiet their mind, feelings, and

emotions, or are not whole within themselves, or don’t know how to just “be”.

Sixth Chakra: Deals with opening our Spiritual vision (occult vision, mystic vision, and Psychological vision), is

connected to the opening of all your Spiritual senses. See on Opening the Third Eye, and on the Three Levels of Spiritual

Vision. Negative ego’s effect: the key is not to underuse or overuse the Third Eye and Sixth Chakra, but to fully open it

and keep it in balance with all the rest of the Chakras.

Seventh Chakra: Deals with opening one’s Crown Chakra, and one’s relationship to GOD, Christ, the Holy Spirit, our

Mighty I Am Presence, our Higher Self, the Inner Plane Ascended Masters, the Archangels, and Angels, Elohim Councils,

Christed Extraterrestrials, All Knowledge, Universal Mind, the Divine Mind, intuition, perfection, and God Realization!

Negative ego’s effect: overactivating and stimulating the Crown Chakra to the improper integration and balance of the

other Chakras. Could result in improper grounding, all the energy being in the Etheric Body in the upper Chakras and

not in the lower ones. This could cause headaches, not embodying the Physical Body, not grounding one’s Spiritual

mission on Earth, living in the Heavenly world, but not properly integrating the Psychological Level, or Physical/Earthly

Level. If the Crown Chakra is not opened enough, the pineal gland will be understimulated or nourished. If the Crown

Chakra is overactivated, the pineal gland will become overstimulated and eventually exhausted. Any Chakra that is over

or under identified will create “blind spots” Spiritually, Psychologically, and in a Physical/Earthly sense, which is

antithetical to God Realization.

on Balancing and Integrating Your Four-Body-System

Everyone has four distinct energy bodies, each with a different and unique perspective: a Physical Body, an Emotional

Body, a Mental Body and a Spiritual Body (which consists of many bodies, in truth). The Physical Body reacts

instinctively and senses. The Emotional Body focuses on how we feel in any given moment or situation and might

provide psychic impressions. The Mental Body gives us a logical perspective regarding what’s going on and the Spiritual

Body gives us intuition, conscience, and GOD’s guidance. The ideal is to respect and listen to all four simultaneously.

Often we tend to overidentify with one or the other. Some people feel life as their main function, others think about life

and are less concerned with their feelings. Still others are so involved with their Spiritual Body that they don’t take care

of their Physical Body, or may not even care about thoughts or feelings either. And well, still others are caught up in their

Physical Body, being completely cut off from their Spiritual Body, and maybe even intellectual pursuits. The Spiritual

ideal and Spiritual balance here is simple. We all must be balanced in these four bodies. The mind must be balanced with

the feelings. Each person must see and practice how our thoughts create our reality, our feelings and emotions.

All people must see there are two ways of thinking and only two. You either think with your Spiritual Mind or with your

negative ego mind, the ideal being to think only with your Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Mind. on the other side of the coin,

we must also properly integrate our feelings and emotions. We must be Masters and not victims in life, and cause our

feelings and emotions but simultaneously integrate them. This manifests as unconditional love, joy, happiness, bliss,

compassion, Spiritual passion and enthusiasm, to name just a few. We also need to integrate our Spiritual Body. This is

the Spiritual Body of our own Higher Self and Mighty I Am Presence.

The whole process of Ascension is to first anchor your Higher Self and merge, integrate, and become one with it, and then

merge with your Mighty I Am Presence. The other key of course is to also integrate the consciousness of your Spiritual Body

into your Mental, Emotional, Etheric, and Physical Bodies as well. Many just anchor it Spiritually and not Psychologically

or Physically. For it is absolutely essential that each person achieve Spiritual mastery, Psychological mastery, and Physical/

Earthly mastery and then integrate and balance these aspects of self. This is an essential principle of balancing the Four Bodies.

Lastly, each person must balance and integrate the Physical Body. Eat right, exercise, get proper sleep and rest, fresh air, a little

sunshine and so on. It’s much easier to stay focused and keep Self-Mastery on all levels if your Physical Body is taken proper

care of.

The Spiritual Path is a lot harder if the Physical Body is not properly loved and cared for. It is a part of the Four Faces of GOD

a well! How can you perform your Spiritual mission and walk the Earth as a fully integrated Mighty I Am Presence and

integrated Ascended Master if you don’t fully honor, respect, and take care of your Physical Body? Part of the lesson of the

Four-Body System is to get all the bodies working for the same purpose, which is to grow Spiritually and to realize GOD.

Many of us understand this with our Mental Body but haven’t yet aligned the other bodies with this truth!

on Balancing and Integrating Your Four Minds

It’s of utmost importance for us to learn to balance, integrate, and equally develop the four minds subconscious mind,

conscious mind, superconscious (Soul, Oversoul, Higher Self) mind, and monadic mind. Each mind is a level of mentation

or thinking. The ideal is for the subconscious mind to become subservient to the conscious mind and for the conscious mind

to become subservient to the superconscious mind, or Soul. At the third Initiation, this mind is merged with, and the monadic

mind becomes each persons’ teacher. At the seventh Initiation, one merges with the monadic mind. So these minds become

linked like circles on a key chain.

As one learns to become an Integrated Spiritual Master these circular links on a key chain become more and more merged

and integrated until the four minds function as one mind. So, in other words, our conscious self is meant to become the

Master of the subconscious mind, with the Soul or Higher Self acting as our Master Teacher or Guide. The conscious mind

allows us to reason, whereas the subconscious mind operates at a more basic, instinctive level. The Soul/monadic mind is

the all-knowing mind. A metaphor that illustrates how they work is to think of the conscious mind as a gardener. The

gardener plants the seeds (thoughts), and the soil (the subconscious mind) grows whatever kind of seed is planted, be it

a weed or a beautiful flower. The subconscious mind will follow orders whether they are rational or irrational. The

subconscious mind doesn’t care because it has absolutely no reasoning. It has no powers of reason on its own, yet it has

an incredible number of abilities and intelligence factors. The best illustration for understanding this is the computer


A computer is an astounding piece of equipment, capable of performing millions of computations per second, yet it

doesn’t care whether it’s programmed to solve the problem of world hunger or to create a nuclear war. It has the capability

to do either job efficiently, but it doesn’t have the reasoning power not to want to create nuclear war. In the same vein,

the subconscious mind does whatever it is programmed to do, no matter what. It has the intelligence to crate perfect health

or cancer. It will create whatever it has been programmed to. Other functions of the subconscious mind include storing all

of our thoughts, feelings, emotions, imaginings, habit patterns, impulses, and desires. From our infancy we have been

programmed by our parents, grandparents, peers, teachers, ministers and extended family, not to mention television.

All those exchanges of information have been stored in our subconscious.

The key now is to consciously reprogram our subconscious mind! Methods of reprogramming our subconscious mind

include doing affirmations and creative visualizations, journal writing, using affirmations cards, going on affirmation

walks, using endless tapes, hypnosis and self-hypnosis, creating a picture of your desired reality, and acting as if, to name

but a few tools to working with the subconscious mind! Well, let’s continue with some other functions of the subconscious.

Most dreams originate in the subconscious mind. See on Dreams. The subconscious mind can also be termed the habit

mind for it stores all of our habits, both positive and negative ones. See on Habits. It further has the ability to sense the

radiation of energy of any substance, not just water. It can be programmed to search for any Physical substance.

The subconscious mind is also known to be the seat of our psychic abilities. The subconscious mind has five inner senses

clairvoyance, clairaudience, inner smell, inner taste and inner touch that are the subtler counterparts of our five external

senses. Now, the key function of the conscious mind is to be the programmer, protector, and Master of the subconscious

mind. The subconscious mind is meant to be the servant of the conscious mind. Most people, not understanding how these

Psychological laws operate, let their subconscious mind run them. When this happens, we become victims.

The subconscious mind was never meant to direct our life. It will run us into oblivion if we let it, not because it is bad,

but because it has no reasoning.

In and of itself the subconscious mind is Divine; however, why would anyone let a nonreasoning mind run his or her life?

Strangely enough, this is what most people do. The conscious mind can also be imagined as an inner gate or inner bubble

that protects us from our own subconscious mind. When a thought or feeling or impulse arises, it is the conscious mind’s

task to use its powers of reasoning, discernment, and discrimination to check that thought at the gate. If the thought or

impulse is positive, we let it into our mind. If it is negative, we push it out. Practicing this will ensure Psychological health.

It is pretty much like Physical health. If we want to be Physically healthy, we put good, healthful food into our bodies.

If we want to be Psychologically healthy, we put good, healthful thought into our minds. By pushing the negative

thoughtsout of our minds, we are refusing them energy. This is much like not watering a plant.

The plant eventually withers and dies from lack of water (attention and focus). once we have pushed the negative thought

out, the second step is to affirm the opposite positive thought or Spiritual thought. This is called attitudinal healing. By

continually disregarding the negative thought and affirming the positive thought, we can form a new habit in the

subconscious mind within twenty-one days. The old habit dies because we are not giving it energy. Balancing and

Integrating Your Four Minds basically means that all four minds eventually need to merge and become one mind and

function as one mind the Soul and monadic mind guiding the conscious mind, and the conscious mind giving orders

to the subconscious mind.

It is of the highest importance in life to balance one’s development in each of the four minds. If a person is developed in

the conscious mind they will have a great deal of Personal Power, Self-Mastery, and will be very much the cause of their

reality. If one is developed in the subconscious mind, the person will have a great deal of creative ability, access to their

feelings and emotions, psychic abilities and artistic abilities. Many past life gifts resurface through the subconscious mind

of abilities developed in ancient times. This is why a young girl could be a master painter without ever being trained.

This is why a ten-year-old boy could have already graduated from college and have an IQ that is off the charts. Other

abilities could be dowsing, working with a pendulum, healing abilities, and musical abilities. The list is endless. Most

people do not realize that psychic abilities and clairvoyance, clairaudience, and inner taste stem from the subconscious

mind and not the superconscious mind.

Very often what happens is people tend to be either highly developed in their subconscious mind or superconscious/soul

mind. The development of the conscious mind usually goes along with high Mental development. If a person is developed

in the conscious mind but not the superconscious/soul and monadic mind, their consciousness and abilities might be very

scientific, rational, and concrete in nature, but will not be attuned to the Higher Mind or abstract mind. If a person is

developed on a subconscious level and not a superconscious/soul and monadic level, the person will be very developed

artistically but the art will not have any Spiritual flavor. They may be highly developed psychically but they may not even

believe in GOD. The superconscious/soul mind development deals with the higher senses and abilities that transcend the

senses of the conscious and subconscious mind, like intuition, knowingness, higher comprehension, attunement to Higher

Mind and abstract mind, to name but a few. It is only when these four minds are equally balanced that full GOD Realization

can take place and full Integrated Ascension can take place! “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be

transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is?his good, pleasing

and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2 NIV)

on Balancing Selfishness and Selflessness

There is a time to be selfish and a time to be selfless. To be selfless is to direct your energies toward helping others.

To be selfish is to take care of yourself. Balance is as always the key! We are not here to be martyrs and completely

sacrifice ourselves for others. We must learn to be Spiritually selfish, not negative ego selfish. This may come into play

in terms of having proper boundaries, or the need to be impersonally loving at times, or just taking care of the Physical

Body so that we don’t burn ourselves in doing service work. Being Spiritually selfish is an important quality in its place.

Many Lightworkers get trampled on and then are filled with resentment because they don’t understand this precept.

The common belief is that it is egotistical to be selfish and Spiritual to be selfless! However, selfishness has a positive

and negative component, as does selflessness. People often are turned off to the idea of being saintly because of this

misunderstanding. The true saint knows how to be Spiritually selfish when necessary.

So, “the greatest among you is the servant of all”, as Jesus said, but you have to take care of yourself also. “Do nothing

out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look

not only to your own interests, but also the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:3-4 NIV) Sai Baba said, “Self is lovelessness;

Love is selflessness.” So take heed of those Biblical words and the wisdom of Sai Baba, but make sure you have it all in

proper perspective. You are achild of GOD. You are a part of GOD. Not to be Spiritually selfish at times is to reject a part

of GOD. If you are too selfless, you will probably be resentful. The lesson here is that when you are selfish, don’t feel guilty,

and when you are selfless, give and don’t feel resentful. Be decisive in whatever choice you make! May the word of Lord

Buddha seal this paragraph, “Only when envy and (negative ego) selfishness are rooted out of him may he grow in beauty.”

on Being Spiritually Vigilant Against Limited Lens Seeing

It’s very important for all of us to develop a “Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness”! Often people have disagreements,

and it is not so much that they are coming from their negative egos as much as they are seeing things from different lenses.

Some of these lenses are: race, religion, socioeconomic background, past lives, gender, age, country you grew up in,

parental program, cultural programming, professional lens, type of education, to name but a few. It must be understood

now that we don’t just see with our Physical eyes, we see through our mind.

Our thoughts create our reality. Our thoughts create our feelings and emotions! Thoughts are images in our mind!

We see through our belief systems, through our perspective, through our perceptions and opinions! The mind is an amazing

instrument! It can make you see whatever it wants you to see. Some people see out of power, some out of love, some out of

wisdom. People see out of one of the Rays and don’t see out of the others. People see out of some Chakras not others.

People see Emotionally and Mentally. People see Spiritually and do not see with their five senses. Some people see out of

the child, some out of the parent! People see out of one Sign of the Horoscope and are blind to the others. People see out

of the negative ego and only see anger or fear! People see out of Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Consciousness and see only Love!

One person sees a stranger and another sees the Christ.

“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” (Hebrews 13:2) To one the

glass of water is half empty, and to the other it is half full! Most people have no idea how limited their consciousness is

by all these lenses! How many people have developed themselves in all Seven Rays, all Twelve Archetypes, all the Signs

of the Zodiac, all Ten or Twelve Sephiroth of the Tree of Life? How many are balanced in all Seven Chakras? Any Chakra

you overidentify with, or underidentify with, manifests as limited lens seeing. Some people only see out of survival, some

people only see from sexuality! Why limit to one Chakra, why limit to one Ascended Master, why limit to one Spiritual

teacher, why limit to one Sephiroth? When we integrate all paths, religions, Spiritual teachers, mystery schools, gurus,

Ascended Masters, psychologies, philosophies, Spiritual teachings into unity and integration, what has happened is the

infinite strands of GOD have become one Path! The Path of Synthesis Integration!

All the strands, no matter how beautiful, are still lenses of GOD! Imagine seeing life from all strands and lenses of GOD,

free from all imbalance, negative ego/fear based thinking and feeling, and free from all Earthly mass consciousness limited

lens seeing! Now, let’s say you have achieved Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical/Earthly Mastery, and you have

fundamentally achieved all the balances and integrations as outlined within these writings, and have learned to transcend

negative ego/fear-based/separative thinking and feeling and have reprogrammed your conscious and subconscious thinking

and feeling to the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha thinking and feeling, and so forth, even after all this is fundamentally achieved,

it is so incredibly easy to fall back into limited lens seeing. Look what happened to Lucifer. He is a Fallen Archangel! Falling

back into limited lens seeing can happen to anyone at anytime! Life, in truth, is a process of making constant adjustments

Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally, Energetically, and Physically! All that is left to be said is: Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish,

Adonai “Tsabayoth! Holy, Holy, Holy is the “Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness of GOD!” Namaste!

to be continued...