
Crash Course in Dr Stone’s Wisdom Teaching (2)

namaste123 2009. 1. 12. 17:06

On Building one’s Antakarana

The Antakarana, or Rainbow Bridge, is the thread, and later the cord, which the disciple creates through meditation,

understanding Spiritual practices, and specific, focalized Spiritual work. The disciple does receive help from the Soul

and later the monad in this process, but the first part of the work must be done by the disciple. The Higher Self does not

pay much attention to the unconscious Soul until it pays attention to the Higher Self! The monad has a thread or cord

of energy, called Sutratma, Life Thread, or Silver Cord, that extends from it to the Heart Chakra of the disciple on Earth,

and the Soul has a thread or cord that extends from it to the pineal gland of the disciple which is called Consciousness

Cord. The Sutratma and Consciousness Cord work from above downwards, the Antakarana works from below upwards.

Later, in the final stages of the building of this cord, at the fifth Initiation and Ascension, these three cords merge,

integrate, and blend together, just as the personality, Soul, and later on, monad, merge.

How does the building of one’s Antakarana take place? It occurs in stages. The first stage deals with integrating the

personality and the four bodies. The second stage is then building the bridge from the integrated personality and four

bodies to the Soul. The third stage is building the bridge from the Soul to the Spiritual Triad and then the monad itself,

the Spiritual Triad being the three interrelated aspects of Spiritual will, intuition, and the Higher Mind, that make up the

Three-Fold vehicle that the monad works through on Earth. The Antakarana in actuality does not just stop at the monad.

It continues all the way back to the Godhead. Now, it’s important to not only build the Antakarana up through the Soul

and monad but also down through the Chakra Column to the base of the spine and then down into the Earth.

This is called the Grounding Cord! How do you now actually build the Antakarana? Saying the Soul and monadic mantra

(I am the monad/Soul, I am the Light Divine, I am Love, I am Will, I am Fixed Design) activates the monad, Soul, and Soul

Star to do Spiritual work, the Soul Star being an instrument through which the Soul works through an Etheric star of Light

about six inches above the head. The Central Canal (Chakra Column, Sushumna) is the column of energy that extends from

the base of the spine to the top of the head. It’s important to widen the central canal and clear it of all Psychic debris.

There are three meditations, given by Djwahl Khul, that are for the distinct purpose of widening and clearing the Central

Canal and building the Antakarana. It is through the Antakarana and Central Canal that the Soul and Spiritual energies can

flow! Those three meditations are The Triangulation Meditation (helps to clear your Central Canal and begins to build your

Antakarana), The Spiritual Whirlwind Meditation (clears all unwanted material out of your auric fields), and The Corkscrew

Meditation (to widen the central canal to the size of the circumference of your head). Please see The Complete Ascension

Manual for detailed description. Make sure the Central Canal is built in a uniform manner from the Earth and feet to the

crown, otherwise the energy can become dispersed and congested, causing Physical health problems. This issue speaks to

the importance of proper grounding as well as attunement to the Soul and monad!

on Channeling

A great many people in this world think that if it is channeled, it is true. Nothing could be further from the truth. Not only is

most channeling coming from the Mental or Astral Plane, but even when it is coming from the Ascended Masters and/or Spiritual

Planes, because of the nature of channeling, it is filled with the belief systems, personality, philosophies, and personal agenda

of the person who is doing the channeling. The development of one’s consciousness enormously affects the channeling process,

even within the finest channels on this planet. For a channel for GOD and/or the Ascended Masters is only as good as the

development of one’s consciousness in a holistic perspective. If a person’s consciousness is not developed and balanced, the

channelings and all psychic readings for that matter that come through that person will reflect that imbalance and ultimately be

in danger of negative ego corruption, personal agendas, and contamination by the belief system of the person who gives the

channeling or psychic reading! This is not a judgement upon channelers, it is just the nature of the process of channeling itself.

To give an example here, a person who is developed in the First Ray of Power will bring through powerful, commanding, and

charismatic channelings. If developed in the Second Ray of Love/Wisdom, the channeling will be filled with love and Spiritual

wisdom. If developed in the Third Ray of Active Intelligence, the channelings will reflect keen intellectual knowledge and very

practical information, whereas a person developed in the Fourth Ray of Harmony and Beauty will bring through very poetic and

beautiful words. If, however, the channeler is not developed in the First Ray, the information will lack a certain power, and if

undeveloped in the Second Ray, lack certain Unconditional Love and/or specific Spiritual Wisdom. A person developed in the

Fifth Ray will bring forth incredible New Age science information, a person developed in the Sixth Ray will bring forth very

devotional channelings, and if developed in the Seventh Ray, the channelings will come through in a very Divine order, with

a certain pomp and circumstance. Now, let’s have a look at the channeling process from the lens of the Chakra system.

We all know that we create our own reality by how we think. This manifests within the Chakras as the Chakras being too open,

too closed, or balanced. The overstimulation or understimulation of the Chakras is connected to our seven major glands. Improper

thinking causes the Chakras to be overactive or underactive, which causes the glands to be overactive or underactive. Well, let’s

have a look at the channeling process now.

If developed in the First Chakra, the person will be very grounded and their channelings will be very attuned to Mother Earth;

if there is only little energy in the First Chakra, the channeling will be very heavenly or mentally oriented. If overactive in the

Second Chakra, channelings will be very emotional in nature and usually very creative and poetic; if undeveloped in this Chakra,

the channelings will be dry and intellectual. If a person is overactive in the Third Chakra, the channeling will be powerful and

commanding, and timid, shy, and soft if underactive. Fourth Chakra: channelings will either be extremely loving and flowery, or

very scientific and dry. Fifth Chakra: channelings are either highly communicative or focused on silent meditation. Sixth Chakra:

highly mental and filled with visions and psychic experiences, or just very technical information. And if the Crown Chakra is

overactive, then there will be a lot of information and light, but it will be very ungrounded and not integrated. It will be Spiritually

uplifting but the person receiving the channeling will not know how to integrate it. If undeveloped in this Chakra, channeling

will be more earthly in nature.

Every thought you think is reflected in the Chakras. Every negative ego thought you allow in your mind will reflect itself

in the Chakras as being overactive or underactive. It is only when you practice and realize the goal of becoming an

Integrated Melchizedek/Christ and Buddha that your Chakras can truly be balanced. Perfectly balanced Chakras are a

byproduct of becoming an Integrated Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha. The ideal channel of information for the Aquarian Age

is to become as integrated and balanced as possible within self, so the Love, Wisdom, Power that comes through your channel

is integrated and balanced in nature. This means carrying a balance of the Seven Rays. This means carrying a balance of the

Three-Fold Flame of GOD of Love, Wisdom, and Power. This means reflecting a balance of the Seven Chakras, as well as the

Twelve Major Archetypes, and the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac.

It is perfectly in Divine Order for everyone to reflect a certain Ray or theme of GOD for that is how GOD created us. So, the

key understanding here is not that everyone should be exactly the same, or do channelings exactly the same way. The ideal is

that every person strive to become an Integrated Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha in their practice of the Presence of GOD on Earth,

and in doing so, even though your channelings may have a tinge or theme of your own monadic and Soul Ray, your channelings

will also be reflective of being an Integrated Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha! one last thought on the issue of channeling: an

enormous number of people and Lightworkers give their power to external channelings! Lightworkers are being asked by the

Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy to be much more discerning regardless of who the external channeled entity claims to be.

Remember, in truth, there is no such thing as channeling. There are only people at different levels of Psychological and

Spiritual development bringing through guidance that is being reinterpreted by all their filters, lenses, belief systems,

subconscious programming, and level of Psychological vision. Take all external channeling with a grain of salt, and trust

your own inner guidance above all else for the above mentioned reasons, and never give your power or your Spiritual

discrimination and sword of discernment away ever again!

on Christ Consciousness

Christ Consciousness is not just for Christians. Christ Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, God

Consciousness, and the Consciousness of all religions are all the same thing. Just different words for one and the same thing.

Swami Sivananda said, “Know well that the heart of the Vedas, the heart of the Bible, the Holy Koran, the Sacred Gathas, and

all the world’s scriptures are, in truth, one, and they sing in unison the sweet message of love and concord, goodness and

kindness, service, and worship.”

In A Course In Miracles, the introduction says, “This is a course in miracles. It is a required course.” What this means is not

that everyone has to study the books, but rather that everyone has to learn the basic message contained therein which is to

learn to undo the negative ego’s thinking and to replace it with Christ Consciousness. There are only two ways of thinking

or philosophies of life! Negative ego thinking and thinking with your Christ mind! You cannot go through your Spiritual

Initiations and realize GOD without transcending the selfish, materialistic, fear-based mind of your ego.

The core of A Course in Miracles instructs us that GOD created us, and our true identity is the Christ. Said another way, we

are all Sons and Daughters of GOD, made in GOD’s image. In the Old Testament the Jewish prophets said, “Ye are Gods and

children of the Most High.” David, in the Psalms, said, “Be still and know, I am God.” Your true identity as the Christ cannot

be changed. That is how GOD created you. You can think you are something other than this, but that does not change reality.

You are the Christ, whether you like it or not. You have no choice in this because you didn’t create yourself, GOD created you!

The Spiritual Path is really not about trying to get anyplace. It is just about reawakening to who you are. It is about

demonstrating and being who you are! You are the Christ! So it’s about demonstrating your true identity which is the Christ,

the Buddha, the Eternal Self. So, being of the Christ Consciousness is as simple as BEING a living Christ in your everyday

life! Demonstrating Christ Consciousness in the marketplace and transcending negative ego, fear-based, separative thinking

and feeling! What is the negative ego? If there had to be one word that describes negative ego more than any other, it is fear.

And if there is one word that describes the Christ Consciousness more than any other, it is love.

There are in truth only two emotions in life: love and fear. All other positive and negative emotions have these at their core.

To understand fear is to see that it is projected attack. When we attack others we live in fear of Karma operating in our own mind.

This is why A Course in Miracles says to give up all our attack thoughts. Probably the greatest test of the Spiritual Path is to

learn to release all core fear and to replace it with core love. When we have released all fear, we have released and transcended

negative ego consciousness, and hence can live in Christ Consciousness. one of the great dispensations of the Twentieth Century

given to us by the Ascended Masters has been the Core Fear Matrix Removal Program. With the Ascended Masters’ help, this

advanced technology can remove all the core fear programs from this life and all your past lives in a very short time.

A Course in Miracles says there are no neutral thoughts. All thoughts are either fear-based or based on love. This is why it is of

the utmost importance not to allow any thoughts that are not of GOD to enter your mind, and to affirm and visualize only thoughts

of GOD and the Christ Consciousness. Be a living Christ! Transcend negative ego consciousness and live in Christ Consciousness.

“Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus!” Then said Jesus unto his disciples, “If any man will come after me, let him deny

himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24)

on Clearing Negative Psychic Energies

This law speaks of the importance of clearing negative psychic energies. There are two levels to Soul psychology: the

psychological level and the psychic level. Both of these aspects are of equal importance to achieving Ascension and Self-

Realization. The psychic level of Soul psychology deals with the principles of esoteric psychology that most people are

not aware of. This arena is completely ignored by traditional psychology, and it is often ignored or deeply misunderstood

in most Spiritual practices. That is why we will explain that issue of negative psychic energies in greater detail. It is crucial

for you to pay attention to that aspect and clear yourself of all negative implants, negative elementals, Astral entities,

Etheric mucus, parasites, negative imprints, toxic Astral energies, gray fields, and holes in the aura.?

The main point is to get rid of these unwanted negative aspects, and get purified and cleaned out. This is an area of work that is

usually addressed by psychic healers, however, you don’t need to be the least clairvoyant, clairaudient, or psychic to do that. Plus,

you can do it yourself! You just need to ask the Inner Plane Ascended Masters! All Physical diseases and Psychological problems

have negative implants, negative elementals, parasites, negative Astral energies, or Etheric damage connected to them. What might

be interesting though is, that you can obtain mastery of your mind, emotions, and body and still be plagued by that negative kind

of elementals, imprints, and so forth, in your auric field. So the question now is, where do these psychic entities originate?

Much of this toxic psychic energy was implanted in childhood and in past lives. These negative implants exist in all your bodies

Physical, Etheric, Astral, and Mental and are the result of past life traumas. For example, you may have been stabbed by a sword in

a past life. on a psychic level that sword is still stuck in you and needs to be removed. This process can become quite complicated

as you merge with your Soul and later with your monad, for you will begin to clear imprints from your Soul family of 12 Soul

extensions’ and your monadic family of 144 Soul extensions’ parallel lives! Of course you will also have all the help you need

from the higher realms.

The Physical interface of all this Astral and Psychic debris appears as the core cause of many viruses and bacterial infections.

Most medical doctors deal only with the material level. But the true origins of disease begin when we are implanted, usually

during a traumatic event like an accident, depression, divorce, drug use, surgery any Physical or Psychological imbalance.

This period of weakness also allows the negative elementals, or parasites, to wreak more havoc in your system. The negative

elementals are negative thought forms that attach themselves to different parts of our Physical or Metaphysical Bodies.

They create pathways for viruses and bacteria to first enter the Etheric Body, and eventually the Physical Body. Isn’t it that

often a Physical illness is preceded by a downswing in your mood

?The Physical Body has a natural defense mechanism that fights disease, but the Metaphysical Body does not! Everyone on

Earth has those implants, and we have had them throughout all of our past lives. However, as we move upward on our Path of

Initiation, it is important to clear them! It is also important to understand that even if you have cleared your implants and invaders,

they can and do come back. So it is essential for you to have a tool and method for constantly reclearing yourself. So what can

you do? First, make it a habit to place protection around yourself religiously three times a day. This will help a lot. Ask The

Masters to remove all leaks, spots, holes in your aura, and to repair your Etheric Body. Yes, the Etheric Body, or Blueprint Body,

can be damaged! This is why many people who have chronic illnesses never get better no matter what they do. If you are operating

our of a cracked mold, so to speak, how can you possibly heal? Problems occur when we don’t do our Psychological work of

clearing the negative ego, and all negative emotions and qualities of judgement, anger, superiority or inferiority, and so on.

These negative qualities, especially the Emotionally loaded ones, attract negative elementals, and this is why both the

Psychological and psychic Astral levels must be cleared simultaneously, or one will defeat the other. So what else can you do?

Call forth the Seventh Ray of Saint Germain, the violet transmuting flame, and ask it to clear all Astral and Etheric debris! Or

work with Ray number eight, the violet and green flame, which is especially used for cleansing purposes. Or you can call in the

Core Fear Matrix Removal Program from Djwhal Khul and Vywamus. It will appear as a network of golden-white light strands

that superimpose themselves over a person’s light grid and through all the Chakras. The Matrix Removal Program not only

removes the core fear from your Four-Body-system (not only from this life but from all your past lives and even your Soul

extensions as well), it also removes negative implants and parasites, negative imprints, Etheric mucus, Etheric damage, Astral

entities, gray fields, irritations, spot, and leaks from the Four-Body-system, and so on.

What else can you do? Have your Etheric Body replaced by a new Monadic Blueprint Body. It will assure you that you will

be working with a perfect mold! Be vigilant about every thought you think, for it is your thoughts that create your reality,

your feelings, emotions, behavior, and whatever you attract or repel in life. Lightworkers are not vigilant enough in this regard.

They tend to go on automatic pilot too easily and forget that negative thoughts lead to negative feelings, and thus the attention

of negative elementals, parasites, and lower Astral entities. Also, do not give Physical illness your power. Whatever you think

programs your subconscious to create that thoughtform in your Physical Body! Remember, sickness is a defense against the truth!

Christ can’t be sick! one other very useful tool given to Djwhal Khul’s Ashram by the Arcturians is the Prana Wind Clearing

Device. It is like a fan anchored in your solar plexus that removes all the negative Etheric mucus gumming up your Psychic

Body by blowing energy through all the meridians and nadis to clear our whole field. Those are some basic tools that you can

use to clear negative psychic energies. For further information, please study Soul Psychology, Revised Edition. The best thing

you can possibly do is LOVE THYSELF! Ponder on this!

on Life Being A Co-Creation

There are a great many people who live their lives and do not call on GOD and/or the Masters for help on a regular basis, and they

are missing out on unbelievable help and guidance from GOD and the entire GOD force. And on the other hand, there are people in

life who are very heavenly oriented, who call upon GOD and the Inner Plane Ascended Masters or Angels for help, but they do not

always do their part. GOD and the Masters help those who help themselves! The Spiritual Path is a team effort. GOD and the Masters

will do their part, however, you must do you part by owning your Self-Mastery and Personal Power, and taking action where you

need to. You must also take responsibility for programming your subconscious mind with positive thinking and visualization, so

it may help the process of Co-Creation! So, the Spiritual Path is a 50/50 proposition. You must do your 50% and GOD and the

Masters will do their 50%.

There are many Lightworkers who call upon GOD and the Masters, but their lives are not working, or it seems that help is not

forthcoming. This is not true, for every prayer is answered in GOD’s time and GOD’s way. The Lord works in mysterious ways!

Never forget this! A lot of the times the problem is really stemming from Lightworkers having too much negative thinking and

negative emotions on a conscious and subconscious level, which is causing a great many blocks that even GOD and the Masters

can’t control if the Lightworker is not taking responsibility on that level. Another interesting concept of Co-Creation is in the

realm of guidance and creativity. Often people pray to GOD and the Masters for guidance which is good. It is also essential,

however, to use your own co-creative powers of your intuition, mind, and creativity to create on the Earthly Plane. You are

capable of coming up with your own answers and creativity to a great many of the issues and lessons of life.

In the ideal relationship with GOD and the Masters, there is a Co-Creation that takes place and a sparking between the two levels!

When both levels are operating at a 100% level, that is when true success, creativity, and manifestation will take place! The mind

that GOD placed within us, as part of our creation, is unbelievably creative. It is an aspect of GOD’s Mind. So, whenever you are

working on any project or problem, definitely call on GOD and the Masters, but then sit down and brainstorm the answers yourself

and see what you can come up with, with your own creative consciousness! The other extremely important point is the importance

of taking not only Mental action on your own, but also taking Emotional action on your own, and Physical action on your own.

Many Lightworkers are very naïve and really think that GOD and the Masters are going to do all for them, which, with no

judgement intended, is a very naïve and childlike understanding. GOD and the Masters’ help should be seen as a dessert!

We are each Sons and Daughters of GOD, adults, and Masters in our own right! If GOD and the Masters did it for us, which they

cannot anyway, but if they did, they would be taking away the very lessons we incarnated to learn. So, the key understanding

here is to own your Love, Wisdom, and Power on all levels, not to just rely on one level! This is the true key to success!

Co-creating with GOD and the Masters is the touchstone and key word for the Aquarian Age, the New Millennium, and the

Seventh Golden Age. Working with the Cosmic and Planetary Ascended Maters on one’s Spiritual Path could be called

“The Rocketship to God.”

on Compassion

one of the most important qualities to develop on the Spiritual Path is compassion. This is the recognition that since all is GOD,

that other people’s pain is our pain, and that other people’s suffering is, in truth, our own suffering. Compassion does not mean,

however, to be an empath where you take on the pain of others and make yourself Psychologically and Physically sick! So there is

a fine balance to find between nonattachment and being an empath, which is compassion! Don’t take on the suffering of others so

that it is debilitating, but you can have the utmost compassion for their suffering. Compassion is one of the most important

Buddha/Christ qualities a person can develop! As Lord Buddha said, “All beings long for happiness; therefore extend thy

compassion to all.” Heed those words of wisdom!

on Decisiveness and Making Decisions From an Integrated Perspective

one of the most important lessons on the Spiritual Path is to demonstrate “decisiveness and consistency” on all levels. This is

really one of the great keys to God Realization and Integrated Ascension. If you are not decisive you will not be in your 100%

Personal Power, and if you are not in your Personal Power 100%, you will not be in your 100% Self-Mastery. If you are not in

your 100% Self-Mastery, you will not be consistent in all bodies and all aspects of self. In every choice you make in life you

want to do it with all your being, not just part of your being! To be decisive means to do it with every part of your being, or

don’t do it at all.

Whenever you do something, do it with all of you! Do it with all your heart, and soul, and mind, and might! Do it with your

Spiritual Body, Mental Body, Emotional Body, Etheric Body, and your Physical Body! Do it with your superconscious,

conscious, and subconscious mind! Do it in a Spiritual sense, Psychological sense, and a Physical/Earthly sense! Do it

embodying all Seven Rays. Do it integrating all Seven Chakras. Do it considering all Houses in Astrology. Do it integrating

all Sephiroth of the Tree of Life. Are you over or underidentified with one Sephiroth over another? Are you integrated and

balanced and seeing life from the Full Cosmic Tree of Life? Are you making decisions from just a Planetary lens, or a Solar,

Galactic, Universal, Multiuniversal and Cosmic perspective? Are you making decisions out of all Twelve Major Archetypes?

Are you seeing life through all cards of the Tarot Deck?

Own your 100% Personal Power! Keep a 100% positive mental attitude about it! Affirm and visualize it! Act as if it is already

yours! Take 100% action in the earthly realm. Always be 100% decisive with full 100% Personal Power, 100% Unconditional

Love, 100% Wisdom, 100% Active Intelligence and Physical Action, 100% Harmony and Beauty, 100% Precision and Detail,

100% Devotion to your ideal, and with 100% Adherence to the Divine order and structure you have set up for yourself! Again,

if you are going to do something, then do it on all levels, or don’t do it at all! It is better to not do something at all than to do it

with half your being. Sometimes people are in their power, and sometimes they are not. It fluctuates. This is not consistency!

They are not in their full unconditional love all the time! They do things Spiritually and Mentally, but not 100% Emotionally

or Physically! They do not do things consistently with 100% power in all Seven Rays, which are the Personality Attributes of

GOD. Others teach it, but don’t demonstrate it. Some think it, but don’t feel it. Some feel it, but don’t think it! Some think it

but don’t speak it! Their conscious mind is doing one thing and their subconscious mind is doing another. one body is doing

one thing and the other is doing another thing. They have personal power, but don’t have faith. They have faith, but don’t’

have personal power. The combinations are endless!

When you are consistent you become invulnerable and invincible on all levels because you cause your reality on all levels.

The only level where that is not true is the Physical, and eventually at that level it is possible as well if you choose Physical

Ascension. This is turning the Physical Body into light and being able to materialize and dematerialize the body! People

don’t pay their rent to GOD equally on all levels! once you become an Integrated Spiritual Master you will be able to trust

your intuition, heart, mind, feelings, instincts and Physical Body, for they will all be working in an integrated and balanced

fashion, and they will give you instantaneous and accurate guidance. This will be true as long as you also have done your

Spiritual and Psychological homework to release all negative ego/fear-based thinking and feeling and to only think and feel

from your Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Mind and perspective. So, my friends, the ideal is to be decisive in all you do. Whatever

you do in life, do it with 100 percent of your energies. It is better to be decisive and make the wrong decision than to be

indecisive and make no decision at all, so as to not live in the “twilight zone”. Ponder on this!

on Demonstrating and Practicing the Presence of GOD

If you want to be with GOD in Heaven, act like God on Earth. It’s not enough just to think about GOD or just feel GOD.

Be God in every moment of your life. This is the key to realizing GOD. “However many holy words you read, however many

you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act upon them?” (Buddha) Sai Baba, the Cosmic Christ, said, “The fastest

way to realize God is to see Him in everything and everyone, to see Him in our Brothers and Sisters because He is our Brothers

and Sisters”. Every person, animal, plant and mineral is GOD incarnate. Greet every person as if they were the Master Jesus or

Buddha or Quan Yin which in truth they are. “Do it unto the least of these my brethren, and you do it unto me,” as Jesus said.

Treat every animal as GOD. See in every mineral an embodiment of the Most High. Play the Ultimate Archetype.

Play God! Be God! As Nike so perfectly put it, “Just do it” or maybe more accurate, “Just Be It”! Or as the Bibles states,

“My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. (1 John 3:18) If ye know these things,

happy are ye if ye do them. (John 13:17) But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

(James 1:22) Those things,which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace

shall be with you. (Phillipians 4:9) Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.

(Chronicles 15:7) Or as Mother Teresa said, “We long for heaven where God is, but we have it in our power to be in heaven

with Him at this very moment. But being happy with Him now means: Loving as He loves, Helping as He helps, Giving as

He gives, Serving as He serves, Rescuing as He rescues, Being with Him twenty-four hours a day, Touching Him in even

His distressing disguises, Never despising, rejecting, or hiding our faces from him.”

on Developing a Flawless Character

Mahatma Karamchand Gandhi said, “All your scholarship, all your study of Shakespeare and Wordsworth would be in vain

if at the same time you do not build your character and attain mastery over your thoughts and your actions.” one of the premier

qualities of an Integrated Ascended Master is a continual commitment to work on self and to correct character flaws. Sai Baba

said, “The body will shine if the character is fine.” If one makes an agreement then one should keep that agreement. If one sets

a deadline and makes a promise to complete something then one should meet that deadline or at least have the courage to call

and apologize for not being able to keep it. If one makes an appointment, they should not break it at the last second unless an

emergency. If one makes a promise then they should keep that promise or not make it in the first place. If one makes a mistake

they should admit their mistake and apologize. Another word for character development is developing Christ and Buddha

Consciousness in one’s Mental and Emotional Body.

once you have attained Master status and Spiritual leadership, and have lots of people coming to your workshops and lectures,

you will be under a microscope of the highest order. Your every word, deed, action and written word will be microscopically

examined. If there is the slightest bit of lack of integrity, inconsistency, character flaws, or lack of clarity on any level, your

students and the general public will see it and throw it back at you. Remember the words of John Wooden, “Ability may get

you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.” Abraham Lincoln said, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you

want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Many Spiritual leaders are not prepared for this and go through many har

 lessons because of lack of integrity, inconsistency, and character flaws. Some of the feedback they get will be appropriate and

some of it will be other people’s negative ego looking for faults and criticizing to make themselves feel better because of their

lack of self-worth and being caught in the negative ego. Not only will the public be an incredible mirror of your thoughts, words,

and deeds on every level, but even if you remain in integrity and demonstrate a flawless character and clarity, you will still be

attacked and criticized by people in the public who are run by their negative ego.

Many people do not feel good about themselves and are totally run by the negative ego. This being the case, they are run by

jealousy, competition, judgementalnesss, faultfinding, comparing, and the only way they can feel good about themselves is to

attack others. So, even if you are perfect in all those qualities, you must be very firm in this within yourself. So when you have

to deal with all these strange and eccentric people, you have developed a thick skin, so to speak. No time spent working on self

is more valuable than proper character development. It may not be as glamorous as communing with celestial realms or other

esoteric studies, however, this is the real key to making Integrated Ascension work. Without proper character development all

other aspects of your Spiritual life will become poisoned by the contagion of negative ego. As the saying goes, “Your behavior

while people is watching is important. However, your behavior while no one is watching is more important, for it reveals your

true character.” Your relationship to yourself is the foundation of your life. Take the time to build a Christed foundation and

only Godliness will then be built upon this Spiritually integrated structure. As the Bible reminds us, “If you live by the sword,

you shall die by the sword.”

on Developing a Good Diet on a Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Etheric, and Physical Level

We all recognize the importance of eating a good Physical diet, which is essential to keep the Physical chemistry of the blood

in proper balance and provide the fuel we need for outputting energy. Well, in the same vein, we need to recognize the importance

of nourishing our Etheric, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Bodies. People need to be much more conscious and vigilant over the

thoughts they allow into their consciousness from  within and without. This may be the single most important aspect of one’s

entire Spiritual Path, because it is our thoughts that create our  reality, our feelings, emotions, behavior, and what we attract

or magnetize.

Every moment of our lives we are choosing either to think with our Spiritual Mind or our negative ego mind. If we do not

control our mind we cannot have mastery over our emotions, and we will not be right with self, right with God, or right with

any relationship in our lives. Far too many people live too much on automatic pilot and do not realize how incredibly powerful

the mind is! Be joyously vigilant over the thoughts that come from within self, as well as over those thoughts that come from

other people in the form of words, letters, books, magazines, and newspapers.

To attain God Realization and inner peace it is imperative that you deny all negative thoughts from entering your consciousness

from within and without. Every day first thing put on your semipermeable bubble of protection that allows in positive thoughts

and feelings and keeps out negative thoughts and feelings. And be joyously vigilant! Every time you lose your vigilance and

every time you fall into automatic pilot, you are in a state of hypnosis, and let other people hypnotize you! Now, in terms of your

Emotional diet, the process is very similar. If you are listening to music, be more vigilant over the kind of songs and lyrics you

allow yourself to listen to.

Whenever we are in a receptive state we are in hypnosis, and the lyrics and the feeling tones will program your subconscious mind

without you even realizing it. At all times we must strive to be the cause of our reality and not the effect! Also, be more discerning

which people you spend time with. Emotionally negative people should be avoided if at all possible. If you do have to be with

Emotionally negative people, keep  your bubble of protection up. If you go to the movies, and you don’t like how you feel

watching it, don’t just stay there because you spent six dollars, get up and leave. Watching violent and lower-self movies is not

only an insult to your Emotional Body, it is an insult to your Soul and spirit, which, in truth, is what you are! Now, most people,

when they are by themselves, let down their Mental and Emotional vigilance. Well, this is a 24 hour day and night job, even

while you sleep!

By the way, ninety-eight percent of our dreams are nothing more than a symbolic representation of our thinking and feeling during

that day. So if you want to have good dreams at night, then think and feel positively during the day! This is actually the purpose of

dreams, to give us feedback in visual form of how we have been thinking, feeling, and acting that day! Getting back to this point

of being joyously vigilant while by yourself, do not get on automatic pilot when alone and give in to negative ego daydreaming.

The second the mind starts going in a negative direction, stop it and direct it elsewhere. Constantly change the channel of your

mind! This can be done just by stopping it or by choosing to think another thought. It can be done by doing an affirmation, a

positive visualization, saying a prayer, or by repeating the name of God! Well, so far we have been discussing the importance of

a good Emotional and Mental diet. Let’s take a look now at the Psychic level. For example, you are by yourself and you are angry

at someone, and you are playing out some angry confrontations in your mind and Emotional Body. This all seems to most people

very innocent. Well, it is NOT! The anger that you are thinking about on the Psychic plane can be seen as arrows and darts

shooting toward the subject of your thoughts. If their aura is not strong it will penetrate their fields and probably lodge in their

liver or someplace else.

The more evolved you are Spiritually, the more power your thoughts, images, and feelings will have on the inner plane. Also,

realize that when you think of someone they telepathically receive it. We are all one. If people indulge in lower-self sexuality or

fantasizing, this affects the other person. Our daydreams affect other people! Ponder on this! on an Etheric level, it is important

to be joyously vigilant in terms of just energy. Again, this could be you walking into someone’s house and not feeling comfortable

with the energy in the room, or you coming home at night and feeling some strange energy in the house. Or you may feel some

strange energies in your auric fields when waking up from sleep.

If so, do not be passive and leave strange energy in your field. Immediately call forth the violet transmuting flame, a Platinum Net,

or the Prana Wind Clearing Device from the Inner Plane Ascended Masters! Finally, on a Physical Body level, maintain your

joyous vigilance. Don’t eat when you are not hungry. “Too much food results in dullness of mind.” (Sai Baba) Don’t eat junk

food just because you are tired! Get some Physical exercise, as well as some fresh air! There are hundreds of books that speak of

the importance of eating a healthy diet on a Physical Body level, so we won’t take that discussion any further! Heed those words!

If you will do your part and keep joyous vigilance on all levels discussed in this paragraph, God and the Masters will do their

part upon request and resurrect and rebuilt your Four-Body System, and 12-Body System into a well oiled, finely tuned Spiritual

Vehicle and vessel for the “Integrated Christ” you are!

on Developing a Healthy Psychoepistemology

This law is of such importance that we decided to explain it in greater detail. The term Psychoepistemology (epistemology

being the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and origin of knowledge or knowing, and the prefix psycho- coming

from the Greek word psyche, meaning “breath” or “spirit” or “mind”) means the mind’s or the spirit’s knowing. What this

means is that every person has an individual Psychological way of filtering their experience.

Because your Psychoepistemology acts like a filter, you could also just use the term filter. Each of us has a philosophy or set

of beliefs that serves as a filter or a lens for interpreting reality. The typical person who is not on a conscious Spiritual Path has

a completely unconscious filter system. His or her view of the world is formed by the subconscious mind, which acts on the

hodgepodge of beliefs from past lives, family upbringings, school, mass consciousness, mass media, and so on. A person with

this type of filter does whatever flows unregulated into his or her consciousness from the subconscious mind. Fortunately, most

people are more conscious than this. They have been exposed to various forms of philosophy and psychology and use these

ideas to filter what enters the subconscious. These perception filters act like the filters a photographer puts on a camera’s lens.

Without the filter, the lens will allow the film to be exposed so that the colors in the photograph are a nearly perfect

approximation of reality. None of us view reality in this way. 

We all have filters attached to our means of perception. As humans, we view reality through a lens with many filters attached.

Among these filters are the balanced relationship of the Three Minds, Four Bodies, Feminine and Masculine balance, Heavenly

and Earthly balance, Christ thinking versus negative ego thinking, Chakra relationships, society’s lenses, personal power, self-

love, attunement to the Soul or lack thereof. This phenomena with any of the above mentioned issues is known as “mind locks.”

A mind lock is when we get stuck in a certain aspect, lens, or belief system and don’t realize it. We are, hence, locked in and only

see life through a very small number of lenses. In truth, every belief system is a lens and potential mind lock. These principles and

how they are integrated and balanced will determine how a person’s experience is filtered. We will give here now some examples

as to show how this filtration system operates.

Chakra System as a Filter: If a person is stuck in their first Chakra, he or she will filter reality through the lens of survival thinking.

The filter will allow only survival-base thoughts to pass through to the film, and therefore, the picture this person sees will have

those survival colors heightened. A person stuck in the second Chakra will filter all experience through sexuality. A person stuck

in the third Chakra will filter all experience through the lens of emotions which is extremely common in our society. For people

like this, all feelings and emotions are heightened, andthey often base their decisions on how they feel rather than what they

think. (Remember, it’s our thoughts that create our feelings and emotions.)

A person stuck in the fourth Chakra will see everything through the heart which may be a more evolved understanding, but

nonetheless is still a lens. Someone who filters life through the throat Chakra through will and communication may interpret

everything as a battle and a war. Being stuck in the Third Eye, there might be a focus on gaining wisdom and insight. Being

overidentified with the crown Chakra, your sights are set on heaven, but you are not grounded and connected to the Earth.

Balance and integration of all the Chakras is the most evolved and healthiest Psychoepistemology.

Feminine and Masculine Balance as a Filter: Those with the Feminine filter overidentify with feelings, emotions, and bodily

desires. This type of person always goes through Emotional crises and lives on an Emotional roller coaster. Those with the

Masculine filter overidentify with the Mental Body. They aren’t comfortable embracing feelings, just as someone with an

Emotional Psychoepistemology is less adept at embracing a logical approach. Also, the Feminine embraces the mystical and

rejects the occult whereas those with a Masculine filter may not adequately embrace the mystical side of life.

Heaven and Earth as a Filter: The heavenly Psychoepistemology is very ungrounded and filters everything through an

obsession with how to break the wheel of reincarnation and escape the Earth. And those with the Psychoepistemology of

the materialist see through the filter of science and believe that the only thing that is real is what you can verify with your

five senses.

Three Minds as a Filter: When overidentified with the conscious mind, the person is obsessed with control and power.

The subconsciously identified types think the subconsciousness is the key to the Kingdom but don’t truly understand the

functioning of the conscious mind and often have no belief in God. They give too much power to the subconscious mind

and don’t realize the strongest force in their lives is the conscious mind that owns its will and personal power. And then there

are people who see life through the filter of the conscious and superconscious mind while rejecting the subconscious mind.

They have total overidentification with the Spiritual and heavenly things but lack a focus on Psychological and character

development and making their life work on Earth.

If stuck in the filter of traditional psychology, people accept only the existence of the conscious and subconscious minds

and reject any belief in a superconscious mind or God at all. The most widespread imbalanced Psychoepistemology views

life through the negative ego mind rather than the Buddha/Christ/Melchizedek Mind. In truth, it is the negative ego that

causes imbalance and distorts our perception. All perception is in sense a dream, but the idea us to perceive and live God’s

dream, which is a mirror and/or window for the ultimate reality.

The Four-Body System as a Filter: Another way the Spiritual vision is limited is looking at the four types of people relating

to their Four-Body system. There is the more Spiritual, Mental, Emotional or Physical type. Some people see life through their

feelings and emotions. Other people are more intuitive and see life through that lens mainly. Other people still are mental and

see life through their Mental Body and are not interested in intuition or feeling or their Physical Bodies. Other people see life

through their five senses and are called sensation types. Others still are combinations like intuitive/feeling or intuitive/thinking

or any combination you can think of. The ideal of course is to be integrated and to see through all four perceptual lenses in an

integrated and balanced manner.

Astrology as a Filter: If you have a lot of “water” in your horoscope, you may have blind spots dealing with “air.” If you have

a lot of “fire,” you may have blind spots with “earth” and vice versa.

False Holistic Theory as a Filter: It is true that you want to integrate your Rays, Chakras, Subpersonalities, Soul extensions,

Four Bodies, and so on. However, the one thing you do NOT want to incorporate is your negative ego. You must disidentify

with your negative ego and its faulty philosophy of life. You must reject your lower self and completely identify with your

Higher Self to realize God. So, a common Psychoepistemology that Lightworkers commonly hold is the False Holistic Theory

the belief that everything in life must be balanced and integrated. Again, you want to balance everything except for one thing:

lower self and Higher Self. You don’t want to balance the negative ego way of thinking and the Christ way of thinking. If you

believe in this theory, you will end up saying, “I am going to be loving have the time and attacking the other half. I am going 

o have high self-esteem half the time and low self-esteem the other half.” So you want to get rid of all negative ego qualities

and traits. You don’t want to incorporate or balance them!

Why would anyone want to balance the dark with the light? We are not here to incorporate darkness. Did not Jesus say to one

of his disciples who started complaining, “Get thee behind me, Satan”! Jesus did not say, “Come integrate with me, Satan. Come

integrate with me and let me love you and take thee into myself and into my bodies so I can turn thee into Light!” Master Jesus 

aid, “Get thee behind me, Satan”! We are the light of the world, as A Course in Miracles says. Our true identity is light and God.

All darkness is created by the negative ego, not by God. Darkness is just another word for negative ego. If you actually believe

that you want to balance darkness and light, then your own mind will create darkness, for your thoughts create your reality.

What you think doesn’t create truth, but what you think is the reality you will live in. It is the mind that creates bondage or

liberation. Mankind has not yet come to realize the incredible power of its own mind. At its best it will lead you to the sublime

heights of God realization. At its worst, when not mastered, it will manifest psychosis and schizophrenia. Ponder on this!

Shadow Psychology as a Filter: Jungian psychology is responsible for another filter that often misguides people. “Owning

your shadow” is a common Psychological concept. So many people believe that each person has to integrate his or her shadow.

God is light. And we are light. There is no shadow within us. Any shadow we experience is created by the negative ego. God

did not create the negative ego, man did. Therefore, we must not deny the negative ego, but need to recognize it, acknowledg

it, take responsibility for it, and release it. The purpose of life is to transcend the negative ego, not to incorporate it. The idea

here is to deny your shadow. Well, it’s also essential to understand that we all have a negative ego potentiality, and we all

have negative ego within us that we haven’t cleared yet.

There are some deluded Souls who go around thinking that the Dark Brotherhood or the negative ego do not exist, and this is

very dangerous! In thinking this, they have been taken over by the dark side. We need to get clear on how both the negative ego

and the Christ Mind work within ourselves. If we deny the existence of negative ego thinking as a potentiality, we are sure to be

victimized by it. The ideal here is to make negative ego thinking, or the shadow, unmanifest potential. So the key lesson is not

to incorporate our shadow, but to be on guard against releasing it for we all have the negative ego potentiality in us. It is just a

matter of choice! And if you want to realize God you better not decide for the negative ego potentiality!

Traditional Psychology as a Filter: If the therapist is involved with Freudian Psychology, the client too will see everything

through the lens of the second Chakra and the fight between the id, ego, and superego. In Humanistic Psychology everything

will be seen through the lens of the Emotional Body and the expression of feelings. In Gestalt Theory everything is viewed

through the lens of pro-existence and anti-intellectualism. In Adlerian Therapy, we have the lens of social psychology.

In family systems counseling, it will be the lens of the family system and not the individual psyche. Someone involved with

Behavioristic Psychology will see everything through the lens of positive and negative reinforcement, extinction of unwanted

behaviors, and the effect of the environment upon behavior. Cognitive Psychology uses the lens of the effects of thinking

upon behavior, and so on. To a nutritionist, everything is seen through the lens of nutrition. So, as you can see, it is important

to remember that all of these filters will distort perception.

Philosophy as a Filter: Each philosophical viewpoint is a filter. There are literally thousands of philosophical filters, so we

would like to give just one example here. The philosophy of Ayn Rand preaches selfishness as the answer to life’s problems,

which is certainly a soulless philosophy.

Profession as a Filter: Every profession trains its practitioners to have a filter. A comedian sees everything through the filter

of humor. A lawyer sees things through the filter of an adversarial legal battle with a win/lose orientation. A businessman works

through the filter of making money. An artist does so through the filter of beauty. A healer may look at everything in terms of

energy, and a social worker through the filter of social implications, and an astrologer works through the astrological horoscope.

If your Psychoepistemology is imbalanced, your entire life and all your relationships will reflect this imbalance. If you

Psychoepistemology is contaminated by the negative ego, your Four-Body system, all your relationships, and your entire

life will be contaminated. Each one of these potentially imbalanced Psychoepistemologies causes the individual to see life

from not only an imbalanced and slightly skewed state of consciousness, it also causes one to have a slightly imbalanced

and skewed relationship to GOD and the Godforce. Being wrong with self will cause imbalance in every aspect of your life.

Every time you buy into one of these potentially imbalanced psychoepistemologies, it limits your Full Spectrum Prism

Consciousness that GOD would have you see from. Each time we buy into an imbalanced Psychoepistemology we see life

from a smaller and smaller prism. Seek the highest possible truth within yourself. It will take great courage and discernment

for many of you to free yourself from the viselike grip that the negative ego has held over you. The key to breaking free is

examining your Psychoepistemology!

The purpose of life is to wake up from the negative ego’s nightmare and demonstrate our Christ Consciousness on Earth.

The first step is to have this awakening. The second step is to see the Christ Consciousness in others. If you don’t see it in

others, you will lose it in yourself. Just as you are the Christ, so is your neighbor, no matter what their level or state of

consciousness development. The third step then is to practice demonstrating this state of consciousness 24 hours a day,

7 days a week, and 365 days a year. It is by demonstrating this Psychoepistemology consistently that we pass our Initiations

and will come to realize God! Everything, from the planet we live on to the religion we practice and our political inclinations,

as well as our past lives, create filters that distort our perceptions. The mass media, schools, secular and Spiritual teachers all

contribute to this accumulation of filters.

We all like to feel that we see clearly, but the fact is that our view of reality is much more affected by these filters than we

realize! So the ideal is to try to become crystal clear about which filters are affecting our consciousness, which means still

being inclusive of accepting all filters as a part of the whole. The goal is to see through the lens of God! This is the clearing

work we are all involved in, and this process requires great introspection, self-examination, and vigilance! “Your eye is the

lamp of your body. When your eyes are good, your whole body is also full of light. But when they are bad, your body is also

full of darkness.” (Luke 11:34) Heed those Biblical Pearls of Wisdom!

on Developing an Attitude of Detachment and a Thick Skin

one of the most important qualities that all New Age Leaders must develop is an attitude of detachment, invulnerability, and

thick skin. The ideal is to be like a rubber pillow that things gently bounce off of. The ideal is to let things slide off you like

water off a duck’s back. The ideal is to own that as a Master you are mentally and emotionally invulnerable because you cause

your own emotions and thoughts. This quality necessitates cultivating a strong sense of self, a well-developed sense of self-love

and self-worth, and unceasing mastery and personal power. It is essential that all leaders develop this quality, for no matter how

clear you are, attacks will still come. And these attacks are really Spiritual tests to see how strong and ready for leadership you are.

If you are truly immersed in your Mighty I Am Presence and Ascended Master Consciousness, they will have no effect! “Seek

refuge in the attitude of detachment and you will amass the wealth of Spiritual awareness.” (Bhagavad-Gita)

on Developing an Efficient Perception of Reality

one of the most important lessons of life is developing an efficient perception of reality. Our thoughts create our reality.

Whatever we think seems totally real. When a person feel depressed, which of course is created by their thinking, it seems totally

real. When a person feels anger, which is created by their mind, it seems totally real. The nature of the mind is that however you

interpret yourself and life will be the dream you live in. Some people live in a self-created hell, and some live in a self-created

heaven! The importance of learning to think properly about self and to see life with an efficient perception of reality cannot

be underestimated. Every faulty thought about self and GOD will cause you to see the rest of life from an imbalanced perspective.

Every imbalanced, negative ego, or faulty thought or belief will cause you to have a blind spot within self and in how you see

your world.

There are infinite numbers of faulty thoughts, for every Christ/Buddha thought has an opposite negative ego and/or fear-based

separative thought. When people see life through the negative ego’s eyes, everything they experience seems totally real and all

their thoughts, emotions, and actions seem justified, even though they are living out complete illusion. When you dream at night,

while you are in the dream everything seems real. You may be having a nightmare and it seems totally real. This is very much how

life is. The only difference is that most people have not awakened to the fact that they are still in negative hypnosis and are still

dreaming. This is because everything we think causes us to feel the way we do, and it seems and feels right. This is true from the

negative ego’s perspective, but it is completely illusionary when seen from a Christ/Buddha perspective. A person who feels

righteously angry really feels justified in this response. However, in truth, they are just indulging their negative ego.

If you believe in Humanistic Psychology then it is alright to express your emotions whenever and wherever you want, even if

you attack and hurt people. If one has that philosophy then that person feels quite self-righteous in doing what they are doing.

If you are a follower of Carl Jung you must own your shadow. If you are a Behaviorist then we have no free choice, and we are

all rats in a maze receiving positive and/or negative reinforcement. People get stuck in philosophies an psychologies of all kinds

and think they have the truth. What is truth? See on Truth. Developing an efficient perception of reality is a lifelong process.

Deny any thought not of GOD to enter your mind. Be joyously vigilant at all times. Try to retain your GOD purity at all times.

Be devastatingly honest with self, and examine your motivations for everything you do. Do your Psychological homework, not

just your Spiritual homework. If so many people, Lightworkers, disciples, devotees, high-level initiates, masters, and even

Archangels (Lucifer) have been taken over and don’t even know it, don’t think for a minute that it cannot happen to you.

The second you think this, you have already fallen! So develop an efficient perception of reality so you may have the eyes to

see and the ears to hear when the Biblical prophecy shall come true, “…no eyes have seen, no ears have heard, no mind has

conceived what God had prepared for those who love him.”

on Developing Appropriate Boundaries

The most important understanding is that appropriate boundaries have to begin within self, or it is impossible to have healthy

boundaries with other people. Healthy self-boundaries begin with the understanding that there is the conscious mind, and then

there is the content of consciousness from within and without. A person with healthy self-boundaries has disidentification or

detachment from all of the content of consciousness and the outside world. The content of consciousness is all one’s thoughts,

feelings, emotions, impulses, desires, instincts, intuition, inner guidance, subpersonalities, appetites, inner child, and so on.

To have self-mastery, one must have this detachment, disidentification, and self-boundary. It might be visualized as a golden

bubble of light around one’s self that serves almost like a gate or checkpoint for the conscious mind to Spiritually discern if that

particular content of consciousness is positive or negative. “Deny any thought not of God to enter your Mind!” This is called

healthy denial. A person with healthy self-boundaries first denies all thoughts and emotions of the negative ego and immediately

affirms thoughts and emotions of the Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha Consciousness. This is how the subconscious mind within 21

days becomes reprogrammed.

Most people on Earth allow themselves to become invaded by the content of consciousness. They are too run not only by the

mindand feelings, but by desire, inappropriate belief systems, negative ego programming, inner child desires, the indolence of

the subconscious mind, bad habits, and infinite numbers of subpersonalities from present and past life programming. This all stems,

in truth, from improper self-boundaries. Without healthy self-boundaries one cannot choose one’s life, for one’s “programming”

ends up choosing it for them. When one lets the subconscious mind and Emotional Body be the director, this is a direct invitation

for the negative ego to be the commander in chief of your reality.

If you do not develop healthy self-boundaries within self, it is impossible to develop healthy boundaries with other people.

This is because one must be right with self before one can be right with GOD and right with others. If one is wrong with self or

a victim within self, one will be off-kilter and a victim in relationship to others. This Platinum/Golden Bubble and self-boundaries

also apply to protecting one’s self from all energies coming from outside of self. If one does not have healthy self-boundaries in

relationship to the content of consciousness coming from the outside world, one will be basically living in a state of hypnosis.

Most of the people living in this world are living in hypnosis and don’t realize it. Another word for hypnosis is

hypersuggestibility. Without self-boundaries one is hypersuggestible to the programming and influence of the outside world

upon your consciousness. This is also called being a victim. An integrated Spiritual Master chooses his or her reality on all

levels from within and without. once one has developed healthy self-boundaries within self where one can consistently cause

and choose one’s reality on all levels, then it is much easier to develop healthy self-boundaries with others. A Spiritual Master

understands that there is a time to be selfish, and a time to be selfless. A time to take care of the self part of GOD and a time to

take care of the other part of GOD, which are, in truth, one Eternal Self. A Spiritual Master understands that there is a time to say

“No” and a time to say “Yes.” Most people in the world say “Yes” way too much to themselves in relationship to self-boundaries

and “Yes” too much to others. We must learn to deal with self and with others with firmness and with love.

There is a time to be open and a time to be closed. There is a time to set up extra protection and a time to be more open and

sensitive. Working with protection is one of the ways to develop healthy boundaries. People need protection from their own

negative ego and inappropriate energies from the content of their own consciousness. Just as the negative ego thoughts and

feelings exist within, they exist without in the form of other people in bodies and without Physical Bodies. People are being

constantly victimized and hypnotized by other people’s thoughts and emotions, as well as being influenced by people from

the inner plane who are still run by the negative ego. These beings, of course, live on the Astral and Mental Plane. If you don’t

develop the understanding and ability to see and recognize the negative ego in all its insane forms and manifestations within

self, you will not be able to see it in other people either. It will be like you have blinders on or you are under a negative

hypnosis, which, in truth, you will be.

on Developing one’s 38 Planetary and 11 Cosmic Senses of GOD

There are 38 Planetary Inner Senses and 11 Cosmic Inner Senses. GOD has built into us an extra sensory apparatus far beyond

anything we once realized. Some of these higher senses in the Buddhic, Atmic, Monadic, and Logoic realms are far more refined

than the standard extra sensory perception that most people think about when they use that term. Each of these Supersenses of

GOD are connected to the different Planes of Consciousness of the Cosmic Physical Plane! It must be understood that everyone

has all these Supersenses within them, however, because of how GOD created us, our Ray structure, Astrological Configuration,

past life history, and so on, some of these Supersenses will be more developed than others! And this is how it should be! Not

everyone is meant by GOD to develop all of these!

GOD has created each person differently! And certain ones can, over time, be developed. Others may not be your Spiritual destiny,

purpose, or puzzle piece to develop. Those of a more occult nature will be developed in certain ones, and those of a more mystic

nature will be developed in other ones. This is why both the mystic and occult paths lead to the same place. To ideal, of course is

to integrate both, the mystic and occult aspects of self within yourself! The foundation of all 38 Inner Senses is one’s Psychological

clarity and one’s level of Integrated Ascension. If Integrated Ascension and Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness has not been

achieved, then all the Inner Senses, both mystic and occult in nature, will be skewed, colored and in extreme cases corrupted

and contaminated.

Physical Senses Physical Plane: Smell, Taste, Sight, Touch, Hearing.

Astral Senses Physical-Etheric Plane: Emotional Idealism and Imagination (deals with the concept of being able to formulate

ideals and also engaging the Emotional Body and Desire Body by using Imagination; i.e. daydreaming), Clairvoyance,

Clairaudience, Psychometry (ability to pick up an object and receive information about the person who owns it by following

the psychic threads so to speak). Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, and Psychometry are restricted to the Astral Plane.

All Clairaudience and Clairvoyance is brought through various filters. If a person’s Psychological clarity is not developed,

all channeling and Clairvoyance will be extremely corrupted and contaminated!

Lower Mental Senses Lower Mental Plane: Discrimination (on the concrete mind level), Planetary Psychometry (on a Planetary

level on the Lower Mental Plane), Higher Clairvoyance (on the Lower Mental Plane and no higher; person can see beings who

exist on this plane of reality and no higher); and Higher Clairaudience (hearing on the Lower Mental Plane and no higher;

person can channel entities from the Lower Mental Plane).

Higher Mental Senses Higher Mental Plane: Spiritual Telepathy (ability to give and receive thought transference; automatic

writing), Response to Group Vibration (deals with the tuning into one’s group affiliation on Earth and/or even the group

vibration of the Spiritual Hierarchy as a whole; the ideal is to maintain one’s group identity, however, to also simultaneously

remain in touch with one’s group identity as well), Spiritual Discernment (higher level than in the previous category),

Higher Clairvoyance/Clairaudience (restricted to the Higher Mental Plane).

Buddhic Senses Buddhic Plane: Idealism (in the realm of pure thought on the Buddhic Plane; involves the ability to

conceptualize and understand the Plan of GOD on the Buddhic Plane), Intuition (pure knowingness beyond rational thought),

Divine Vision (having a higher sense of the Plan; involves clear seeing, intuiting, and knowing of the Ascended Masters’ intent

and of the Divine Plan as they conceive it on the Buddhic Plane; also, a more refined state of vision, seeing, and communicating

with the Masters), Healing (ability to heal with light in an inner plane sense or in a type of laying on of hands using the pure

radiance of GOD), Comprehension (ability to comprehend things from the Consciousness of the Buddhic Plane).

Atmic Senses Atmic Plane: All Knowledge (ability to tap into all available knowledge at that level and to ascertain truth

behind any situation; true knowingness), Perfection (pursuit of excellence; pursuit of a flawless character filled with Christ/

Buddha attributes and a mind that transcends most negative ego qualities), Realization (full merger with monad; individual

realizes their unity with the All and feels, intuits, knows, and demonstrates this on all levels as a reality of their being), Active

Service (demonstration of GOD in daily life), Beatitude (deals with the sublime sense of beauty; it is beauty that carries the

essence of GOD; Jesus Christ in his ministry exemplified beatitude),

Monadic Senses Monadic Plane: Monadic Group Consciousness (greater feeling of unity with one’s eleven other Soul extensions

from one’s Oversoul and 144 Soul extensions from one’s monad), Full Monadic Merger (realization of achieving one’s Ascension

which is the same thing as saying one has merged with their monad), Monadic Comprehension (ability to comprehend things from

the consciousness of the monad, and no longer the Higher Self), Monadic Vision (ability to see through the eyes of the monad and

no longer through the eyes of the personality, Oversoul, negative ego, or lower-self desire) Monadic Realization (total feeling,

intuition, and knowingness that you are the Mighty I Am Presence living in a Physical Body on Earth).

Logoic Senses Logoic Plane: Synthesis (ability to see and function through a full spectrum prism rather than functioning

through a fragmented lens of that prism upon the Logoic Level; it must be fully established and demonstrated as one is then

a full representative of the Planetary Logos), Seeing with the Eye of GOD (Planetary vision which extends into Solar and

Cosmic Realms as well), Divine Plan Comprehension (ability to comprehend the Divine Plan of the Planetary Logos,

Lord Buddha, as He intends it to be manifested upon all levels of our Planetary System), Full Attunement with the Logos

of the Planet (completion of your Seven Levels of Initiation; complete merger at the 99% level with your monad and with

the Logos of our Planet, Lord Buddha), Logoic Realization (full realization of the Seventh Plane of Consciousness and

the achievement of liberation from the Physical Wheel of Rebirth), Logoic Comprehension (level of comprehension that

contains within it all Seven Planes of Consciousness; a level of comprehension where full Planetary Mastery is bestowed

upon the initiate).

Cosmic Senses Cosmic Plane: The eleven Cosmic Senses are: Cosmic Synthesis, Cosmic Knowledge, Cosmic Perfection,

Cosmic Realization, Cosmic Service, Cosmic Beatitude, Cosmic Idealism, Cosmic Vision, Cosmic Comprehension,

Cosmic Healing, Cosmic Intuition. These eleven senses are the Cosmic equivalents of the 38 Planetary Senses described

above. The Planetary Senses were developed within the movement of the first Seven Levels of Initiation; the Cosmic Senses

are developed within the 352 Levels of Initiation moving up the Cosmic Scale.

on Developing one’s Conscience

Our conscience is the aspect of self that tells us right from wrong. It is our “moral compass,” so to speak. There are many

people who do not have a very developed conscience. How can that be? First, they are not connected to their Spiritual life.

Without a Spiritual life their “moral code” is basically to do what they feel. Without a Spiritual life, one’s feelings will be

greatly run by the negative ego. They will be disconnected from their Higher Self and monad who do not pay much

attention to the incarnated Soul until it begins to pay attention to Spirit. Spirit and your monad will let you know when

you are doing something wrong. The problem is most people in this world including a great number of Lightworkers are

extremely ego-defended. What does “ego-defended” mean? It means that the negative ego with its infinite number of

voices, subpersonalities, belief systems, selfish motivations, narcissism, self-centeredness, separative thinking, attack thoughts,

and negative ego ambitions has too much of a strangle hold on the personality.

There are people that are so self-centered and run by the negative ego that they will say and do anything, and lie to your face

over and over again and not even be bothered by it. They have almost zero integrity and clearly no conscience. How can that be?

What causes this? It is caused by two things: lack of proper Psychological training and, hence, the individual being run by the

negative ego. What is amazing is that if you would ask these people if they have a conscience, or are in integrity, and are being

honest with themselves and others, every single one will say “yes” and think they are being in complete integrity. When the truth

is, from the vision of Spirit, they are run by their self-centered emotions, negative ego, thirst for power, money, fame, and do not

have a clue that their motives are selfish to the core.

So we see, the development of conscience comes from two places. It comes directly from Spirit and it also comes directly

from within one’s Psychological self. Most people are run by the negative ego, and this is why they have a hard time admitting

mistakes, apologizing for mistakes, and seeing the infinite number of ways the negative ego causes one to be run by fear and

self-centered motives. The development of conscience is blocked off when one allows oneself to be run by one’s feelings and

emotions. Believing that all negative feelings and emotions are real and come from outside of themselves causes people to

do what they feel instead of being in integrity and listening to their conscience. Their conscience is, in a sense, drowned out

by their overindulgence in their Emotional Body. Other people’s conscience is drowned out by they letting their mind run them,

and they are so run by all the thoughts in their mind that this, like the feelings and emotions, drowns out the voice of the Higher

Self and the Holy Spirit, as well a the Psychological voice of the conscience. Other reasons why conscience becomes blocked

are, just being run by the negative ego thought system, or not having the ability to see true motives.

Many are wolves in sheep’s clothing! Sometimes conscience is blocked out not because people are not trying on a conscious

level, but because they are not in complete control of their subconscious mind. So their conscious mind is honestly trying, but

their subconscious mind is running a different agenda. This is extremely common in this world, because people are not taught

how to master the subconscious mind and how to make it subservient to the conscious and superconscious minds. This is why

the development of “true conscience” and integrity depends upon enormous Spiritual and Psychological work that is done upon

self so true Spiritual and Psychological Mastery can be achieved.

By all means, listen to and develop your conscience to the highest level possible! The more you refine and purify your

consciousness on all levels, the more subtle and refined your conscience becomes. As you become a full-fledged Ascended

Master, your conscience will immediately speak to you if you start thinking the slightest negative thought, or if you indulge

in the slightest negative feeling. It will notify you of even the subtlest forms of dishonesty within self or with others. Do not

be victimized by your conscience, but do be in one hundred percent integrity and responsibility behind what you have caused

and created, even on the subtlest levels. Now, one should not be a victim of one’s conscience, for one has to always be the

master of all one’s energies, yet one should never deny one’s conscience and suppress it, whether the lesson is some adjustment

or correction that needs to be made within self or outside of self. In conclusion, one should not be overly sensitive, but not

underly sensitive either. Appropriateness is also a key principle. Always remember the sacred words of Sai Baba, “The way to

immortality is the removal of immorality.” Ponder on this!

on Developing the Midas Touch

Midas was king of Phrygia, an ancient country in Asia Minor, whom the God Dionysus gave the power to turn everything he

would touch into gold. Well, it lies within our power as well to turn everything we touch into gold. The formula for developing

the Midas Touch is very simple. Stay in your power at all times. Remain unconditionally loving and forgiving at all times.

Stay attuned to God, your own Mighty I Am Presence and the Ascended Masters at all times. Remain balanced in everything

you do. Remain the cause of your own reality at all times. Most of all, strive to become completely free of ego. Never give

into fear, separation, or self-centeredness.

Take the vow of Bodhisattva and dedicate yourself completely to the service of humanity. Develop unchanging self-love and

self-worth. Be attached to nothing and have only preferences. Pray and meditate constantly. Recognize that you are maintaining

an individual body and a group body simultaneously, and nurture both. Purify your Physical, Emotional, Mental, Etheric, and

Spiritual Body of all Physical toxins, negative emotions, alien implants, negative elementals, Astral entities, negative thoughts,

Etheric mucus, and imbalanced energies. Remain in the Spiritual Buddha/Christ/Melchizedek Consciousness at all times and

never interpret reality from the negative ego or lower self mind. This is the key to developing the Midas Touch! It takes

enormous commitment, self-mastery, self-discipline, great joy and great focus.

You are here to achieve greatness and grandeur in God’s Eyes. Do not waste this incarnation on lower-self, impermanent side

roads. You were created for a much greater mission, purpose, destiny, and fate than this. Claim your empowerment, claim your

leadership, claim your commitment to fully achieve and realize your Ascension, and let nothing in this universe stop you ever

again, no matter how great the test. If you will now only strive to maintain these simple principles in your daily life, and hold

on to them like a drowning man wants air, never giving in, no matter what the Spiritual test, you will have the Midas Touch,

and everything you think, say, and do will turn to gold and to God! Namaste!

on Discipline

Life is a marathon, not a sprint! You need to set up a Spiritual regime and structure. It is just like going to the gym three

times a week and working out. You don’t exercise for three weeks and then stop. You must stay in shape. It is time to get back

“the eye of the tiger”, as they said in the Rocky movie. It is time to get back to the Spiritual gym, the Mental gym, the Emotional

gym, and the Physical/Earthly gym! It is time to pay your rent to GOD on all levels! It is time to get Physically fit, Emotionally

fit and Spiritually fit! You will never become a Master Manifestor with the “Midas Touch” without having this attitude and

demonstration! The negative ego will try and sabotage this. It will say, “I can’t, I am too busy with the romantic relationship

I am involved in. I am too tired! I will do it tomorrow! I will give in this one time! I give up!” Do not listen to the feeble

negative ego excuses.

Sai Baba said, “Discipline is the mark of intelligent living.” You must ask yourself, do you want God Realization and God

manifestation in every aspect of your life? If the answer is yes, then work your Spiritual program and do not stop your Spiritual

practices! Don’t be lazy and procrastinate! Unceasingly continue your Spiritual practices. The Upanishads teach us, “Not by

the weak, not by the unearnest, not by those who practice wrong disciplines can the Self be realized. The Self reveals Himself

as the Lord of Love to the one who practices right disciplines!” The negative ego has you work your program for a little while

and then get distracted by side roads, temptations, Spiritual weariness, lack of self-discipline, lack of Spiritual structure, or

giving up. The only way to manifest is to work your program. This is not a hundred-yard dash and then it is over and you are

back to your regular life. This is a lifelong program. Being a Spiritual Master and a Master Manifestor with the “Midas Touch”

is a full time job! “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.”

(2 Timothy 1:7 NIV)

on Divine Indifference

This law is truly a golden key! It is the cultivation of the quality of Divine Indifference. This is a quality of being the witness,

objective, detached, yet still involved. It is the difference between sympathy and compassion. In sympathy you take on the

other person’s stuff. Compassion retains boundaries and a healthy Psychological immune system. An effective person and

leader must have this quality. This allows one to respond to life instead of reacting. Ponder on this!

on Dreams

There are occasions when the superconsciousness creates dreams and occasions when they originate in the subconscious mind.

For the most part, our dreams are created by our subconscious mind. A dream is basically a mirror of the way we think, feel, and

act during our conscious daily life. A dream is like a newspaper we receive every night, depicting the organization and dynamics

of our internal energies. A dream is an automatic process that the subconscious mind brings to us as feedback. This feedback is

essential because very often we are all manifesting patterns in our lives that we are not consciously aware of. Our dreams are

the main mirror we have to let us know that our conscious mind is a little bit out of tune with the superconscious mind and

subconscious mind.

Hence, every morning upon rising, each person should make attitudinal adjustments to make sure that their consciousness

is in its proper state. This is one of the main ways that the superconscious, conscious and subconscious can work in perfect

integration, harmony, and balance. The dreams also reflect, of course, all the positive patterns as well. If you are really Spiritually

and Psychologically on target, this will be shown to you in your dreams. Dreams are in the universal language of symbols.

By examining the relationship among the symbols, we can gain insight into and understanding of the thought patterns that

are manifesting themselves in our lives through our actions. Now, the key question is, how do you find out what your personal

symbols are? Examine every morning upon waking your dreams and your conscious thoughts, feelings, words, and actions

from the previous day. By closely examining these things and your dream symbols, you will see repetitive symbols that keep

arising. Keep a close record for these!

Another key to finding your personal symbols is to just examine all the main symbols in your dreams. The subconscious,

Higher Self, and Mighty I Am Presence will always give you symbols that really stand out and emphasize the point or lesson

that is trying to be revealed. Just take each symbol and see what it represents. Sometimes dreams will either show a mistake

or overreaction, or will point out disowned selves or subtle imbalances to adjust to be sure to get the whole picture. We are

always dreaming about different people. Just examine the personality traits of that person and you will see that that aspect

of yourself has been manifesting! Every aspect of your dream represents a part of yourself. Now, once in a while you will

have a dream that is also depicting what is going on with another, or an outside situation. Sometimes it will be reflecting both,

an inner and outer situation. It is always safer, however, to look at your dreams as reflecting parts of yourself. So the key to

finding your personal symbols is to write your dreams down and keep track of them.

Now, there is one thing you need to watch out for. When interpreting their dreams, people often do so from an imbalanced

psychology and Spiritual philosophy. So they think they have gotten a confirmation on their belief system when in truth the

negative ego is interpreting their dream and reinforcing its own philosophy. So, make sure to be totally 100% honest with self

and never cease working on developing a Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness. As we proceed along the Ascension Path, it is

common to have dreams of a more Spiritual nature. These dreams are not coming from the subconscious mind function of

working things out via dreams, nor are they simply dreams of retelling the day’s events so we can process these happenings.

Working with these non-Spiritual dreams can reveal much that is going on with us and can greatly help our Psychological

training. The dreams that come through the higher intuitive sense are often the actual recounting of inner-plane Spiritual

encounters. People often recall attending classes of occult studies on the inner realms that are held at intervals by the Masters.

There might be dreams of precognition that prepare us for events of a personal or planetary nature with which we will be involved.

There might be dreams of actual encounters with specific Masters on the Inner Plane where the conversations might or might not

be recollected by the conscious mind, but the knowingness of the meeting with the Master is brought forth in total clarity.

Writing down your dreams can be of enormous value because you will then learn to understand both what the subconscious

and the superconscious mind/higher intuition are trying to tell you, as well as from which place within the dream is truly

originating. There are also dreams not to waste your time with. Sometimes dreams can be caused by eating a lot of food really

late, planetary static, the Photon Belt, and a lot of other things, so the idea is to generally work with them but not be obsessive,

to never give your personal power to them, and to also know when to let go of them.

Always be the Master of your dreams and use them to fine tune yourself. Do not, however, let them master and use you! If you

don’t like the way any given dream has turned out, use a type of creative visualization to consciously recreate the dream the way

you want it to go as a type of programming method. Always remember, the subconscious and dreams are not telling you what to do.

The subconscious has no reasoning whatsoever! What the subconscious mind is doing is reflecting to you how you are manifesting

your thinking, feelings, words, and behavior. They are not telling you what to do! They are just showing you what you are doing!

By seeing this reflected and mirrored in symbols, you see it more clearly and hence can then make choices to adjust your

consciousness if it is not reflecting your Spiritual and Psychological ideal. Working with your dreams can help you to really

refine your Consciousness, develop a flawless character and hopefully be as GOD pure, refined, and immaculate as you can in

your every thought, feeling, word, and deed!

to be continued...