On Spiritual Honesty
There are two kinds of honesty. There is the honesty of a child and the honesty of a Spiritual Master or adult. The child’s form
of honesty is to say everything. A child has not developed their reasoning mind or finely tuned their intuition. Whatever is inside
of them comes out. The honesty of a Spiritual Master and adult is based on the proper integration of one’s attunement to GOD and
intuition, reasoning mind and Spiritual discernment, and emotional and psychic feelings. From GOD’s perspective, in every situation
in life there is an appropriate response and an inappropriate response. You can respond from your negative ego or from your Soul
and Mighty I Am Presence.
True Spiritual honesty is sharing that which creates unconditional love, and not fear; that which creates oneness, and not separation;
that which heals rather than hurts others. A child will blurt out something regardless of whether it hurts others, or whether it is
appropriate to do so. If what you have on your mind to share is just going to hurt someone, create a war, and not get you what you
want, then why say it? Then silence might be the appropriate action to take. A Spiritual Master understands that this is true honesty.
In other situations, childlike honesty is inappropriate because the person is not trustworthy to receive your honesty. They will not
keep it confidential, or in the future they will use it against you. As Master Jesus put it, “Don’t cast your pearls to swine.” Also,
examine your motive for sharing and being “honest.” Often when people are being “honest””, they are indulging their Emotional
Bodies and negative egos by using “honesty” as an excuse at the expense of another person to let out anger, punish, or win an ego
battle. Heed the holy words written down in the Bible, “Nothing in all Creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered
and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.” (Hebrews 4:14 NIV) “O Lord, thou art my God, I will exalt thee,
I will praise they name, for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.” (Isaiah 25:1)
on Spiritualizing the Ego
Everyone has an ego or personality which the Soul and Spirit work through. What is the ego? The ego is that part of self that gives
us a sense of identity and individuality. Having an ego goes along with having a Physical Body. The ego’s true function is to be
a retriever of information and to remind the Soul extension who is living in the body to take care of its Physical Body. The ego is
the material-plane expert. If we didn’t have an ego we might forget that we are even incarnated. The ego reminds us that we need
food, water, and sleep. Now the problem arises because the ego was never meant to interpret the rest of our lives for us. The rest of
our lives were meant to be defined and interpreted by the Soul and Spirit. We have let the ego interpret our reality, which
interpretation is based on the faulty belief that we are bodies (because that is all it knows about), and we have let the ego override
intuitive ways of processing information of Spirit.
In interpreting our realities, the ego has misused the conscious, reasoning mind and created an illusionary belief system based on
fear, separation, selfishness, and death. Hence we have the negative ego/fear-based/separative mind. The Fall that the Bible refers
to occurred when we as monads, or individualized sparks of God, chose to come into matter. It wasn’t the coming into matter that
caused the “Fall” but the overidentification with matter. It was that moment when we thought we were a Physical Body rather than
a God-being inhabiting or using this Physical Body. In thinking we were a Physical Body, we fell prey to the illusion of separation
from God and separation from our Brothers and Sisters. Then came selfishness, fear, and real death. From these faulty premises a
whole thought system developed that was based on illusion, maya, and glamour.
The amazing thing A Course in Miracles teaches us is that the “Fall” never really happened. We just think it did. The basic law of
the mind is that it is our thoughts that create our reality. Our feelings, emotions, behavior, and what we attract and magnetize into
our lives all come from our thoughts. Our thoughts create our reality, but our thoughts do not create truth! The negative ego didn’t
come from God, it came from man’s misuse of free choice! We have always been the Christ, the Buddha, the Atman, the Eternal Self,
and have always been one with God. All of our negative egotistical thinking has not changed this one single bit! The “Fall” never
really happened! So if you think that you are just a Physical Body rather than Spirit living in a Physical Body that will be the reality
you will find yourself in a reality based on fear, separation, and self-centeredness, which is illusion, in truth. For you have always
been one with GOD and have always been the Christ, or Sons and Daughters of GOD. However, our thoughts create our reality. As
Sai Baba said, “Your mind creates bondage, or your mind creates liberation.” He also said, “God, if you think, God you are. Dust,
if you think, dust you are. As you think, so you become. Think God. Be God.” To interpret reality through the ego is to interpret
reality through the physical eyes only. We have not allowed the ego to become spiritualized; it has become a negative ego.
So our job now is to spiritualize the ego.
How do we accomplish this? Since our thoughts create our reality, the key is to deny any thought not of GOD to enter your mind.
The key is to be vigilant for GOD and His Kingdom at all times and never to go on automatic pilot. Whenever a negative thought
tries toenter your mind just deny it entrance and push it out. Switch your mind like a channel changer to a positive thought. This
is the concept of denial and affirmation. You are the executive director of your personality and it is your choice to think with
your illusionary/negative ego/fear-based/separative mind or with your Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Mind, understanding that you
are the Christ, the Buddha, the Atman, the Eternal Self. GOD and the Ascended Masters will not do this for you no matter how
much you ask.
This is your job! Every person on Planet Earth only has one real problem: you can call it negative ego, fear, or separation. It is
all the same thing. Every problem in life will find its initial source and cause in this place. The negative ego is the cause of all
negative emotions, all negative thoughts, all negative behavior, all Psychological diseases, all relationship problems,
poverty consciousness, war, and terrorism. In essence, the negative ego is blocking you from God Realization. Sai Baba says,
“God is hidden by the mountain range of ego!” It is the negative ego in all its infantile variations and manifestations that leaves
us open to negative implants and elementals, parasites, negative imprints, Etheric damage, Etheric mucous, Astral entities, core
fear, gray fields, and negative Archetypes.
It all comes down to which voice you are listening to. Are you listening to the voice of separation or oneness, the voice of
fear of love? As A Course In Miracles says, “Choose once again.” Every moment of our lives we are choosing either GOD or
ego. As Yoganand Paramahansa said, “If you want to realize GOD you must want Him like a drowning man wants air.” You
will not find GOD, being indecisive or sitting on the fence. Now, there are corollary lessons that are also required that emanate
out from this initial lesson of denying the negative ego and choosing Buddha/Christ/Melchizedek Consciousness. The main
corollary lessons are: learning to balance your Four-Body System, learning to integrate your Three Minds, learning to properly
parent your inner child, developing Self-Love and Self-Worth, learning to own your Personal Power at all times, learning to
reprogram the subconscious mind, proper control of sexual energy, psychic self defense, right human relationships, proper
care of the Physical Vehicle, and mastery of the Desire Body. Just taking heed of and practicing.
The Universal Laws of God as outlined within these pages and website will spiritualize your ego in a Full Spectrum Prism
Manner! Choosing GOD in every moment of your life will spiritualize your ego! Living a life in accordance with Sai Baba’s
definition of God will spiritualize your ego: “God equals man minus ego! Ego lives by getting and forgetting; love lives by
giving and forgiving; love is expansion; self is contraction; self is lovelessness; love is selflessness.”
on Subconscious Interference
If you take 12 people who see an accident, all 12 will tell a different story. How can this be? Is it the Physical eyes? Well, maybe
a couple of people had poor Physical vision, but this could not be the case with all of them. No, it usually is none’s Psychological
Consciousness that is distorting a true efficient perception of realty. This is called subconscious interference, and this is, in truth,
an entire new study in the field of psychology and vision. This is what dyslexia is. This is why when people read something out
loud they add and subtract words. This is why often when we type something there is the adding and subtracting of words that
were not even meant to be typed! Or, we are all aware of the process of “Freudian Slips,” where words come out that a person
doesn’t mean to say, but slip out anyway to show one’s true thinking and meaning. A person can park their car in the mall and
on their return from shopping look for it, but they have a fixed idea in their mind where the car is and so they walk right by it
even though it is right in front of their Physical eyes. We all know the game of telephone where a message is passed along to
someone to give to someone else, and when it finally goes around the circle the message is nothing like the original message.
This is subconscious interference. People are constantly projecting their thoughts and images on a conscious and subconscious
level onto the world and something that is not there. They are also constantly allowing other people to plant thoughts and images
into their minds and seeing things that are not there. A person goes to see a scary movie, and then all night after the movie they
think they are seeing and hearing possible scary things. Are you fully getting the point here? People are constantly hallucinating
and seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling things that are not there, which is being caused by “subconscious interference.”
How come? The reason for this is that most people on Earth live in hypnosis 99% of the time, even though their eyes are wide open.
Most of what the people on Earth are seeing, including Lightworkers, is a massive hallucination of their subconscious mind. In the
field of hypnosis which we have all seen demonstrated in stage shows, by a mere suggestion to the subconscious mind, a person can
be made to hallucinate any of the five senses and any thought or image that is planted in their mind. They actually see these things
and they are not there. Most people being under hypnosis, they are constantly seeing, tasting, touching, smelling and hearing things
that are not there because of subconscious interference. People are constantly hallucinating things from thoughts and images that
are being programmed into their minds, from the past, by themselves, and from other people in the present, that are not really there.
When a person is run by the subconscious mind they are also automatically run by the Emotional Body, Astral Body, and Desire
Body. This means that you do not cause your emotions, they are victimizing you. This also means that the negative ego is running
the person and their life, for if the Emotional Body is in control then that automatically means the negative ego will also be the
programmer. This is an indisputable fact and law of the mind. If you allow your feelings and emotions to run you, the Desire Body
will be too much in control. In most cases this will also mean that the inner child will be running the person’s life. This will also
mean the mind is running the person and the person will not have inner peace. This will lead to unbelievable numbers of mistakes.
The subconscious will be creating havoc. And the person cannot figure out why. It is because they are not in control of the
subconscious mind, the Emotional Body, and their conscious mind. Hence the negative ego is in control and is sabotaging the
person right and left. The person is letting a non-reasoning mind run their life and does not even realize it. Ponder on this!
on Success
That which you hold in your consciousness will eventually manifest in your outer reality! GOD is 100% successful in everything
GOD does. You are God so you have to be successful in everything you do! How can GOD, which is everything, not be successful?
“My ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it. Makes it grow.” (Yoda, Star Wars Trilogy) So hold this Spiritual Ideal
or Perfection and know that you will be successful in everything you do, and it is impossible for anything but this to happen. Yet
be balanced and integrated in the process of how you do this! Work on all levels of GOD to achieve this. Yet hold the perfected
ideal! What the bank account is saying, or what your outer life experience is saying in terms of success is meaningless! Don’t let
your outer circumstance determine what you are.
Let your consciousness, which is attuned to GOD and your true identity as a Son or Daughter of GOD, determine who and what
you are. It is impossible for GOD and God not to be wealthy and successful in every aspect of life! The key to success is to hold
the Perfected Ideal, but also have common sense and practicality while doing it! For some hold the ideal of perfection, but are
not integrated and get all fouled up. And others strive for integration and balance, yet do not always hold the Christed or
Perfected ideal! So, honor the need to be integrated and balanced in everything you do, and recognize the need to utilize all
levels of GOD to truly be successful and not just get stuck in one!
The four keys to success lie in the following statement: “GOD, my Personal Power, the Power of my Subconscious Mind, and my
Physical Body power are an unbeatable team!” There is much profundity in this affirmation and you should say it often! This is
how the Integrated Ascended Master manifest. He or she works on all four levels. They use personal power and Spiritual/Christ/
Buddha thinking and feeling on the conscious level, prayer on the Spiritual level, affirmations, visualizations and self-suggestion
on the subconscious level, and right Physical action on the Physical level. Always remember, that each of us carries within us an
aspect of God’s Mind. So, the key to success is Co-Creation calling on God and the Masters’ mind power and utilizing our own
mind power to cause the reality we wish. The negative ego will try to make you forget one of these levels. If you do, it will
sabotage the process.
All four levels must be maintained and continued in a structured, self-disciplined and continual manner and if you do this,
success will be assured! “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night,
that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then
thou shalt have good success.” (Joshua 1:8)
on Taking Physical Action
Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind! The Buddha said, “ one is not low
because of birth nor does birth make one holy. Deeds alone make one low, deeds alone make one holy. (Sutta Nipata 136)
One of the many ways the negative ego thought system sabotages your ability to manifest is by making you passive, indolent,
and procrastinating. As Carl Gustav Jung, the famous Swiss psychologist, said, “Man’s greatest sin is his indolence”! Don’t putt
off later what you can do now. He who hesitates is lost! Part of manifestation is owning your power and taking Physical action.
This is called “Active Intelligence”! It is not enough to just own your personal power (first ray) and love yourself and others
(second ray) . You also must take Physical action (third ray). Many get the opportunities they seek, however they don’t take
action when the opportunity arises! “There are risks and costs to a program of action, but they are far less than the long-range
risks and costs of comfortable inaction!” (John F. Kennedy)
In order to create Heaven individually within our own consciousness and collectively on Earth, we need to take Physical action!
We are the hands and feet of GOD and the Masters on this Earthly plane. “We are all pencils in the hand of God,” as Mother Teresa
put it. “Mere brave speech without action is letting off useless steam.” (Mahatma Gandhi) Remember the wisdom of Saint Germain
as brought forth through Godfrey Ray King, “I am the presence of God in action this day!” May this be your new mantra!
on Temptation
What is temptation? Temptation is the negative ego trying to steer you away from the straight and narrow path. Temptation is
the negative ego’s inappropriate thinking and misinterpreting reality. Temptation is the negative ego trying to get you to indulge
in negative emotions, trying to pull you into your lower-self, trying to a take the low road where GOD would always have you
take the high road. Temptation is the negative ego trying to make you indulge in carnal sexuality where GOD would have you use
sexuality only in service of unconditional love and in an appropriate and non-overindulging manner. It’s the negative ego trying
to make you follow the path of hedonism and overindulgence and pleasure seeking. GOD would guide you that there is a higher
purpose to life than just pleasure seeking. Temptation is the negative ego guiding you to indulge in bad habits where GOD would
guide you towards self-mastery, self-realization, and moderation in all things. Temptation is the negative ego guiding you to pollute
your body, mind, feelings with things not of GOD, where GOD would guide you to maintain purity of consciousness on all levels.
In Christianity they would refer to temptation as stemming from the devil or Satan which is nothing more than a symbol and
metaphor for the negative ego. In Hinduism the negative ego would be called illusion or maya. In Western esoteric teachings
it would be called glamour. When temptation occurs, the key is to pull your attention away from it. It can be done in your
consciousness and/or by partaking in a different Physical action. It can be done through doing a positive affirmation or
visualization, through prayer, through repeating the names of GOD, by just telling it to go away. It is always a process of
denial and affirmation. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.
The key to successful living is to keep your focus and attention always on GOD in thought, feeling, and action. There is no
sin in temptation, it is acting on temptation that is the lesson. The key is, when you become conscious that you are indulging
in the negative ego and/or temptation, just stop without judgement and with forgiveness. Perfection is not, not making mistakes.
Perfection is not making conscious mistakes. GOD does not expect perfection even consciously. Even if we consciously give
into the negative ego or temptation, it is not the end of the world. It is just a mistake and mistakes are okay.
Righteousness in the eyes of GOD is trying. You must own your personal power. A lot of people have consciousness, but they
do not have personal power. They are victims, they are conscious of it, and this makes it even worse. A true Spiritual Master has
consciousness and 100% personal power, wisdom, and unconditional love to enforce his or her conscious discernments. Some
people make the mistake of becoming aware they are giving in to temptation and then the negative ego says that you have already
totally blown it, and now you might as well just continue. Do not compound a smaller mistake with a bigger one. All is forgiven
by GOD. The key is forgiving yourself. As A Course In Miracles states, “My Salvation is up to me”. GOD has already given us
everything, the question is, will we give GOD to ourselves. We do this by choosing to not give into the negative ego and
temptation, and if we do, to forgive ourselves, unconditionally love ourselves and learn from our mistakes. “No temptation has
seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.
But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV)
on the Goddess
There was a time on Earth during the time of the ancient civilization of Lemuria which predated Atlantis when the God/Goddess
energies were in perfect balance. However, when there was the first eating of the fruit from the “Tree of Good and Evil”, what
happened was that for the first time on Earth, man misused his free choice and thought out of harmony with GOD. This was the
beginning of negative ego/fear-based thinking. It was this choice of fear, separation, selfishness, lower-self desire, conditional love,
guilt, hurt, depression, and anger that also began the process of rejection and abuse of the Divine Mother and Goddess energies
on Earth. It also began the process of mass consciousness on the Earth to identify with masculine energies over feminine energies.
mind over heart! Thinking over intuition! Thinking over feeling! Thinking and science over Spirituality! Thinking, selfishness,
and technology over anything in regard to Mother Earth and Nature! This caused an overidentification with the Patriarchy over
the Matriarchy! Left brain became more important than right brain! Men began to control society and women were not seen
as equals! Women were forced to become subservient and lesser class citizens.
The cutting off of the feminine also cut off Spirituality to a great degree. It caused a total disconnection from Mother Earth,
the Animal, Plant, and Mineral Kingdom. Even GOD was seen as being masculine. We were taught to call “Him” the Heavenly
“Father”. The Feminine aspect was seen as Mother Earth. In the New Age Movement there is a great focus on Spirituality but
there is an overidentification with Heavenly energies and a lack of appreciation for the Material Face of GOD! There are millions
of examples. The Divine Mother was completely rejected from Spirituality! The feminine path to GOD needs to be much more
developed in people and Lightworkers around the globe to hence then find the proper God/Goddess balance that true Gods and
Goddesses both want! The feminine path to GOD has been disowned. Lightworkers on Earth are extremely imbalanced. Their
Spiritual Bodies are highly developed, but their bank accounts are not. Their Light Bodies are highly developed but their
Love Bodies may not be equally as balanced! The Divine Mother and Goddess energy brings us not only a reconnection to
our feeling nature but also the ability to ground our Spirituality. The Divine Mother and Goddess energies help us also to fully
realize GOD through embodying God on the Earth. Well, women, of course, now have to be careful not to overidentify with the
Goddess path and not become matriarchal in nature, feminist in the sense of anti-masculine, overemotional where we are victims
of the Emotional Body, and negative ego mind. Women have to be careful to avoid being too right brain where they lose
commonsense or logic, and become too empathic.
The true Goddess Path does not try to oppose the masculine path of GOD, but to just properly integrate it. The same is true of the
masculine path of GOD. God Realization, the Divine Plan, and Integrated Ascension will not be achieved if the Divine Mother, the
Goddess energies, the Lady Masters, and Mother Earth, Pan, the Nature Spirits, Plant Devas and Elementals are not brought back
into their rightful Divine place within yourself and our society as a whole. No one on Earth will achieve true God Realization in
the fullest sense of the term, which integrates all Four Faces of GOD (Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Material), if they don’t fully
embrace the masculine path of GOD and the feminine path of GOD! It is only then that you will know the “Wholness of GOD!”
on the Holy Encounter
Every time we meet another person, it is a holy encounter. Each encounter with another person is, in reality, Christ meeting Christ,
Buddha meeting Buddha, Atman meeting Atman, Eternal Self meeting Eternal Self, God meeting God. Every person we meet,
whether we know him or not, is God visiting us in Physical form. This concept applies to the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms
too. There is only one being in the universe, and that is God. So every encounter is indeed a holy encounter. See beyond the
appearances of the Physical, Emotional and Mental Bodies and see the true core of every being. The world is a mirror of our own
thinking. What we see in our Brothers and Sisters is, in truth, what we are seeing in ourselves. You cannot realize GOD unless you
also see your brothers and sisters as God! We are all Gods whether we like it or not. We have no choice in this, because we didn’t
create ourselves. GOD did. This is a fact, and all negative ego thinking in the infinite universe will not change that truth!
“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” (Hebrews 13:2)
on the Holy Spirit
In some ways the Holy Spirit is the ultimate Spiritual Master, for it is the aspect that GOD created right out of Himself to, in essence,
be the “answer” to all our challenges and lessons in life. GOD has divided Himself into three aspects. This is the Trinity of GOD,
Christ, and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit being the aspect of GOD that He has placed within us as the answer to all our problems.
In truth, all problems are created by the negative ego or separative mind.
All answers and solutions come from the Holy Spirit. “When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not
worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.”
(Luke 12:11-12 NIV) The Holy Spirit speaks for the “Atonement” or the “At-One-Ment.” To atone means to undo. Of the many gifts
of the Holy Spirit and the infinite wisdom, knowledge, love and power it possesses, one of the most profound ones it has is its ability
to undo past mistakes and negative interactions and situations. The Holy Spirit cannot only undo it in your subconscious and
unconscious minds and auric field, it can also undo the effects that your mistakes may have caused to other people or other situations.
There is no situation in life that it cannot undo or rebuild if you call upon it. There is no situation in life that it does not have the
answer for.
Call on GOD and the entire Godforce, however, don’t forget to call on the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the ultimate Cosmic Master
that GOD has placed inside of you to be the answer to all your challenges and lessons, and the ultimate power in the universe to
undo obstacles in every aspect of life. This applies to the Physical Level, the Etheric Level, the Astral Level, the Mental Level, and
the Spiritual Level. As long as your requests are sincere and pure, and are not negatively ego motivated, it will help you and it is
literally the arm of GOD. Let’s remember the words written down in the Holy Bible, “May the God of hope fill you with great joy
and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the Power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans, 15:13) “And hope
does not disappoint us because GOD has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit whom he has given us.” (Romans, 5:5)
on the Incredible Power of Ideas
Most people do not realize that they are literally an incarnation of God and have an aspect of God’s Mind within them. This Mind
is filled with the inspiration and creativity of God, if each person will use it. The power of one good idea can completely change
and revolutionize the world! The power of one good idea can make you rich and successful. Most people do not realize and
acknowledge what a rich resource they have within them.
All of Creation began as a single thought in God’s Consciousness. We have the same power to cause and create our reality as God
does. We are in essence miniature Gods growing to be like God. Every single thing that has manifested on the Earth began as a
thought. The Sistine Chapel of Michaelangelo began as a thought in his mind. Jesus raised the dead with the power of a thought.
“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind
transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world.
Dormant forces, faculties, talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed
yourself to be!” (Patanjali)
With the power of Your Mind, God’s Mind, the Masters’ Minds, your Monadic Mind, your Higher Self Mind, and your Subconscious
Mind (see on Balancing and Integrating Your Four Minds), do you realize how much creative thought, inspiration, and ideas
can potentially flow through you every day? Write all your ideas down on paper, for the nature of the mind is very fleeting and if
you don’t write them down you will lose them as the mind floats off to another area of creativity and expression. God gives
creative expression to the infinite universe through the power of His Mind. We give creative expression as incarnations of God
to our lives through the power of our minds. Harness and utilize this power for it is a golden key to Realizing God, being happy,
successful, and fulfilling your Spiritual mission on Earth!
on the Merkabah
The Merkabah is like a Body that surrounds the auric field of every person. Contrary to popular opinion, it is nothing that has
to be consciously built by the person for it is automatically built in the process of evolution! The Merkabah is used for a number
of things. one is greater protection of the energy fields. Another is as a means to travel in. It is a vehicle of light that operates
automatically even if one is never trained consciously how to use it. When each person Soul travels at night, or even consciously
Soul travels, they are in their Merkabah. It is not anything one has to consciously do for it happens automatically! The Merkabah
changes its shape after each Initiation you take. Every person’s Merkabah is different for its shape is created at Initiation according
to the development of your consciousness. So, at each Initiation it changes to reflect the growth in your consciousness. There is no
need to spin the Merkabah to clean your fields.
Calling in the Platinum Net works much better. However, once in a while it is a good idea to ask for an alignment and clearing of
the Merkabah. Part of the building of the Light Body is the anchoring of Higher Light Bodies one by one into the energy fields
and the entire system, the Merkabah being the outermost body that surrounds all one’s energy fields. The Merkabah is semi-
permeable in nature and allows one’s other Light Bodies to extend out as far as they are able while simultaneously still providing
total protection. When one is sitting and not thinking, the Merkabah field extends like 10 to 50 feet outward. Depending on what
you are thinking it extends out much farther. Potentially, as one expands in Spiritual evolution, the Merkabah field can extend
infinitely. If one on Earth is an extremely highly advanced Master, an “Integrated Spiritual Master”, and totally in integrity
and transcending the negative ego to a very high degree, then it is possible for this Earthly Master to extend their Merkabah to
a Universal Level! This is all governed by one’s thinking process and the level and degree of one’s Spiritual Leadership and
Planetary World Service work!
The Merkabah is indestructible and is created by God. Where the other Light Bodies can potentially get out of balance, the Merkabah
does not. It also helps to channel the energies of the Light Bodies and is automatically programmed by God to function with all the
codes, frequencies, functions, and wisdom of all the different Light Bodies at all 352 Levels of God! For those who are integrated
and balanced as Spiritual Masters in total service of God and the Masters and pure of heart, the Merkabah can allow service work
and lightwork to be done beyond one’s level of Light Body integration at the discretion of God and the Masters; however, this can
only take place if the person is truly operating as an “Integrated Spiritual Master”!
on the Platinum Net
Living on the Earth where there is so much negativity, it is essential to find tools to constantly clear your fields. The easiest way
to do that is to call forth Melchizedek, the Mahatma, and Metatron, and ask for a Platinum Net. This Platinum Net will move
through your Twelve-Body System and cleanse it of impurities. The color platinum is the highest color frequency available to
the Earth. Upon request, the Platinum Net can be placed in all the doors, windows, and arch ways of your home and office. That way,
every time you walk through a doorway or archway, you are immediately cleansed by the Platinum Net, and any and all negative
energy is transformed by this net into the Higher Light Frequency of the Divine! It ensures the cleanliness of your auric fields, and
also protects your home from any unwanted energies entering in! Simple but profound!
on the Potential Glamour of Spiritual Gifts
This is indeed an interesting law we are about to discuss! There are an enormous number of people who have various kinds of
Spiritual gifts that have been developed in this life or past lives which are wonderful! It is essential, however, to understand that
just because someone has a Spiritual gift or Spiritual power in some area, it doesn’t mean that they are a Spiritual Master or are
integrated and skilled in other areas of their life. Lightworkers must be more Spiritually discerning and discriminating in regard
to this! For example, someone can be a channel for the Ascended Masters and be completely run by the negative ego, a total
emotional victim, and on a massive ego trip and path of self-aggrandizement, yet still at times bring forth beautiful channelings!
Half the time these channels are not even channeling the Masters, they are channeling their own belief systems and calling it
the Masters. This whole process is unconscious, of course. Or, another person may have written a very popular book that has
made them famous, when the truth is, if you read the book with real
Spiritual discernment and know the person, there is much negative ego contamination and the person is not even close to being
any type of integrated Spiritual Master. Another example might be a person who has had past lives as one of the Disciples of Christ
or some other great Saint or guru. Half the time people say it, it is total illusion and a massive ego trip and information they received
from another contaminated external channel. Even if, however, this was true, the Masters care less for what you have done in the past
as to what you are doing in this moment! Well, there are many, many examples, but I think you get the point! Well, in conclusion,
in India they call these Spiritual gifts and/or Spiritual powers “Siddhas”. There is nothing wrong with having Spiritual gifts or
powers, however, don’t make these gifts or power your goal or aim. If they come, so be it. If not, so be that.
Let your goal be God Realization in an integrated and balanced manner. Also, do not put other people on pedestals and do not
project powers, gifts, and levels of Spiritual mastery onto people just because they have a wonderful Spiritual gift in one or two
areas of their life. Be Spiritually discerning and street smart on a Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical/Earthly Level! Let your
Spiritual discernment not overestimate any given individual and not underestimate any given individual. Let your Spiritual
discernment see on these four levels exactly as things are, in unconditional love as GOD would have you see!
on the Spiritual Purpose of Life
The negative ego’s purpose in life is essentially hedonistic it seeks pleasure, gratification of carnal desires, power in a top-dog
sense, material wealth, and control over others rather than control over self. The Spirit’s answer to this is the biblical statement,
“For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” The Spiritual purpose of life is to achieve
liberation from the cycle of rebirth, to realize God, to become an Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Ascended Master, and to be of
service to humankind. The Spiritual purpose in life is also to be happy and to enjoy oneself, in balance with our Spiritual growth.
Swami Sivananda uncovered the mystery of life. He is quoted as saying, “You have come to this Earth to attain spiritual perfection.
You have come here to attain supreme and unalloyed bliss. The purpose of this human birth is the achievement of divine
consciousness. The goal of life is self-realization!” His Holiness, Sai Baba, teaches, “The purpose of living is to achieve the
living in God.”
on the Spoken Word
Those who are able to see with “inner vision” would see as do the Masters, that words are far more than they seem to be. Every
single word has not only frequency of vibration but also, upon the Etheric realm, literally has weight, shape, form, color, and tone.
Each and every word uttered is a power packed force of singular substance. When we string words together in sentences, particularly
when formatted with Emotional and/or Mental Imagery, we, as human beings, harness and make manifest a great and dynamic
powerhouse of force. “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy
ways.” (Job 22:28)
It is time for us all to be aware of the vital force and power of the spoken word, so this abundant energy is neither wasted in idleness,
not worse, used unthinkingly and unintentionally to do harm. “Do not use poisonous words against anyone, for, words wound more
fatally than even arrows.” (Sai Baba) In point of fact, as a race in general, we speak far too much and think about what we are saying
far too little. We all know from direct experience the impact hurtful words from others have had upon ourselves. We likewise have
seen the effect our own negative and deleterious words have had upon our fellow human beings. As is written in the Holy Bible,
“Not that which goes into the mouth defiles a man but that which comes out of his mouth, defiles him.” Think before you speak!
Preceding even this, meditate and attune with your Soul, monad, and Mighty I Am Presence before you even think. Mother Teresa
said, “Before you speak, it is necessary for you to listen, for God speaks in the silence of the heart.” This will align your motive
and intent with that of GOD.
The thoughts that then enter your being will be even of a higher order and the words that therefore follow these thoughts will
be synchronistic with them. They will carry with them the shape, tone, color, and frequency of that which, for you, is the highest
and best expression of GOD. Your words then will be an upliftment, not only to humanity, but also to every kingdom and evolution
that exists upon the planet. “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou
cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall
have whatsoever he saith.” (Mark 11:23) “In the beginning was the word and the word was with GOD and the word was GOD.”
This is the force we wield with every single utterance we make! Ponder on this! Let us all choose our words wisely! “Thy word
is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (Psalms 119:105) “It is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but
every word of God.” (Jesus)
on the Three Levels of Spiritual Vision
There are three levels of Spiritual vision. When most people think of Spiritual vision they think of someone being clairvoyant.
Someone being able to see auras, Spiritual beings, and into the inner Spiritual worlds. Spiritual vision is not necessarily a sign
for advanced Spiritual growth. Spiritual vision on this level is connected with the development of one’s subconscious inner
senses, not any superconscious level necessarily. There are people who are schizophrenic who are clairvoyant and see into the
Astral world. It must be understood that there are thousand different degrees of Spiritual vision at this level. Everyone’s clairvoyance
is not the same. Some people can see into the Astral Plane, some into the Mental Plane, some into the Buddhic or Causal Plane,
some into the Soul Plane, some into the Spiritual Plane. Some people can see one layer of the aura, another person two, another
person three, and so on into infinitum. Some people can see into Chakras and other people can’t. Some people can see Spirits
and other people can’t. Some people see lots of light and color, other people can see clearly the inner plane worlds.
There is one thing that must be understood, and that is one cannot separate the development of consciousness from one’s
clairvoyance. How developed or undeveloped one is will totally affect one’s clairvoyant abilities. This is because one’s thoughts
create one’s reality, and this will act as a lens and filter for one’s clairvoyance. It will attract and magnetize certain types of sight
and repel other types. So, it is of the highest importance that every person develop their consciousness on a conscious, subconscious,
and superconscious level, for that is what you are causing manifesting, creating, and filtering everything in your life through,
every moment! Well, now the second type of vision is Physical vision. This is also a type of Spiritual vision for GOD is as much
in the Physical Body and Material Universe as He is in the Heavenly Universe. Just as Spiritual clairvoyance can give important
information about what is going on in and around one’s reality, Physical vision gives equally important information.
There are all kinds of things going on in one’s Physical reality that gives all kinds of important Spiritual information. The
appearance of any given person, their body language, the way they talk, the way they sound, the clothes they wear, their demeanor,
their posture, their eyes, their stride, how they decorate their home, their desk, just to name a few. The third level of Spiritual vision
is the most important level and profoundly affects the other two types of vision. As stated often before, we just don’t see with our
Physical eyes, we see with our minds. We also see with the images in our minds and through our feelings and emotions. We also
see through not only our conscious minds, bur we see thought our subconscious minds. The last one is the kicker. For the
subconscious mind is the storehouse of all our programming from all of this life and even past lives. So most people don’t see
in the Holy Instant, most people see through their past programming. This is a very profound statement.
Take a moment and ponder on this! In this Holy Instant I am the Christ, you are the Christ, and we are all one with each other and
one with God. In reality all else is illusion. This is why A Course in Miracles says, “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal
exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” You do not have to try and become God. You already are God now, in this Holy Instant. This
third type of Spiritual vision profoundly affects the other two types of vision because a person’s channeling and clairvoyance are
filtered through the consciousness and/or subconscious programming of the person who has these abilities. This is why
very Psychologically disturbed individuals with these abilities are usually tuning into the Astral Plane and channeling Astral
entities even though they have these gifts. Their consciousness attunes them to and attracts its level of understanding and
The world, in truth, is actually a neutral screen and we each project our thoughts and programming onto this world, and we see,
experience, and feel what we are projecting, but it all happens so fast we think it is coming from outside of ourselves. We give
the meaning the world has for us. All the feelings and emotions we feel in relationship to the world and all people are coming
from ourselves, not from anything outside of ourselves. Why? Because you either interpret life from your Spiritual Mind or your
negative ego mind. This, not what is coming from outside of self, governs what you experience and how you feel in life. All
meaning of the outside world comes from your interpretations, perception and belief system. It is not in the world, it is in
your Psychological vision, perception, interpretation, programming and belief system. See on Developing a Healthy
Psychoepistemology, on Hypnosis, and on Subconscious Interference to gain an understanding of the mechanics of Spiritual
For our purposes, however, other lenses are our religion, race, socioeconomic level, country and city we live in, schooling,
parents, Spiritual psychology, philosophy, past life programming, subconscious programming, gender, profession, friends,
political affiliation, education, astrological horoscope, numerological configuration, archetypal identification of the Twelve
Major Archetypes, to name just a few. Adding all of these restricting factors of Spiritual vision, you can see now how much
our Psychological vision affects our Physical vision, and that most people on Earth see life through one one-millionth of the
lens that GOD is looking at life from. Does not the Bible speak of this when it says, “If people have the eyes to see and the ears
to hear”? Everyone has eyes and ears, but most people cannot see or hear. This is because this Biblical verse is speaking of your
Spiritual and Psychological eyes and ears, not just our Physical ones. The truth is, if Christ was to return to Earth he would not
be known or recognized and would be completely rejected by the majority of the world. Most people in this world think they
have excellent Spiritual vision and think they are seeing exactly what is going on. The truth is they do not have the slightest
idea how their negative ego is controlling them, or how much their belief systems, philosophy, Psychoepistemology,
subconscious programming, subpersonalities, Ray structure, Archetypes, Four-Body System identification, Horoscope, lens
background, education, just to name a few, are restricting their vision. People cannot see their own blind spots and limitations
so they do not think they are there. Heed this law!
A Spiritual Psychologist sees a great many things that others do not see because of their training. An artist sees a great many
things that others do not see in the realm of beauty. A clairvoyant sees many things that others do not see. What does this show us?
Because of our training and focus in this life and past lives, we see through that which we have been trained in, and we have blind
spots in areas we have not been trained in. It unlocks the key to understanding the unbelievably profound effect your psychology
and consciousness has upon your vision and the effect it has on all channeling, clairvoyant and Spiritual work, as well as the
extraordinary effect it even has upon your Physical vision of reality. If you truly want to realize GOD and have true Spiritual
vision then you must do this at the highest possible level Psychologically and in your consciousness on the Spiritual level and
on a Physical/Earthly level as well. The ideal is to develop an efficient perception of reality. one cannot do this without being
balanced and integrated, Spiritually, Psychologically, and Physically. It is only then you can become a fully realized
“Integrated Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha” on Earth.
on Transcending Armageddon within Self and Society
Few people have ever thought of Armageddon occurring within themselves, but Armageddon couldn’t happen on a Planetary
Level if it was not first happening within the consciousness of the people of the Earth. In truth, one of the main purposes of life is
to transcend Armageddon Consciousness within self and within the Planet as a whole. So what is Armageddon Consciousness within
self? It is the battle within every person between negative ego thinking and Christ/Buddha thinking, between the lower self and
Higher Self within each person’s consciousness. In Christian terminology, it is the battle between Satan, Lucifer and/or the devil,
and the Christ. In Buddhism, it is the battle between truth and ignorance, and in Hinduism, it is the battle between Brahma, Vishnu,
and Shiva, and the forces of illusion. In laymen’s terms, it is the battle between good and evil, evil being nothing more than an
extreme case of negative thinking. The devil is just a metaphor for the negative ego or separative mind. Now, in truth, the negative
ego and its thought system do not even exist. It’s illusion. So, the Battle of Armageddon is the battle in your own consciousness
every moment of your life as to if you are going to listen to the Christ/Buddha interpretation of every situation of life, or the negative
ego interpretation of life. Our thoughts create our reality. Think with your negative ego mind and you will have negative emotions.
Think with your Christ Mind and you will create Christed feelings.
So, understanding this, we see that transcending Armageddon Consciousness is nothing more than transcending the negative ego
duality within self! once you transcend Armageddon within self, you will find inner peace. It is not possible to have peace in the
world, if people don’t have inner peace. The first step is gaining a right relationship to self and a right relationship to GOD, and
gaining inner peace within self. The second step is then forming peaceful unconditional loving and harmonious relationships with
your spouse, children, parents, friends, and so on. Doing this you will become a beacon of light, love, and wisdom to the world.
If everyone would practice this within themselves, we would have peace on the planet. on a planetary level, World War I was the
first Armageddon. World War II was the second Armageddon.! We warned against prophets of doom. Some are unconsciously
holding on to an old thought form. Others are consciously or unconsciously doing this to achieve power over others by creating
There won’t be another war of this kind! Fortunately, we don’t have that many wars going on on the planet. Unfortunately, there
still is a great lack of unconditional love and Christ/Buddha Consciousness between the nations of the Earth and the people of
the Earth. So it is now time to transcend the Psychological level of Armageddon Consciousness, not just the Physical violence level.
And this begins with each person doing this within self, and demonstrating this example! Well, it must be understood that the Battle
of Armageddon occurs not only in GOD’s Infinite Physical Universe on Earth, the Orion wars and other galactic battles but occurs
on the Inner Plane or Inner Dimensions as well.
Those who have Physically died from this planet or other planets and live on the Astral or Mental Plane are still in a battle between
their lower self and Higher Self. Just because you Physically died does not mean the Battle of Armageddon is over. This is why
suicide is not an escape from one’s lessons, in truth. The same lessons you have not mastered on this side, will continue on the other
side. Even in Spiritual dimensions of reality, the negative ego can still manifest. The reason this is the case is that GOD created all His
Sons and Daughters throughout the Infinite Universe with free choice and free will. We are the only beings who can create a will
separate from GOD’s which is the will of the negative ego as opposed to GOD’s Will. So GOD didn’t create negative ego, people did
with the misuse of their free choice.
As A Course in Miracles says in its introduction, “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace of GOD.”
The ultimate goal of GOD’s Creation is to end Armageddon Consciousness within every Son and Daughter, within every Planet, every
Solar System, every Galaxy, within every Universe, every Multiuniverse, and within every Dimension in GOD’s Infinite Body. And
be assured, Victory is ours! For could GOD and GOD’s Creation lose this battle with the forces of illusion that don’t even really exist,
in truth? Of course not! All we are fighting is the illusion of negative ego thinking, which is nothing more than a paper tiger! The
outcome for all Souls in this journey is inevitably a return to the Godhead. So be of good cheer, for the battle is as good as won!
on Transcending Duality
As for those who seek the transcendental reality, without name, without form, contemplating the Unmanifested, beyond the reach of
thought and of feeling, with their senses subdued and mind serene and striving for the good of all beings, they too will verily come
unto me! (Bhagavad-Gita) Transcending duality is one of the key teachings of all Eastern religions. Duality could be another way
to describe negative ego. one of the clearest ways of understanding how the negative ego works has to do with the understanding that
the negative ego has an upper and lower side to it. They are like two sides of a coin. If you get caught on one side of the coin, you will
also unavoidably get caught on the other side of the coin. The negative ego reality offers you only an either/or option. Love or fear,
holding grudges or holding the thought of forgiveness, guilt or innocence and so forth. We can’t allow ourselves to flip back and
forth between the two. The negative ego wants us to be caught in duality. We need to transcend the whole system! This is the only
way to achieve true Christ Consciousness and inner peace!
To transcend negative ego thinking you transcend both sides of the negative ego, both upper and lower. As the Bible says, “After
pride cometh the fall.” You must learn to laugh both sides off the stage. This is called transcendence. This is a way of thinking
that transcends this state of consciousness. So the key lies in the transcendence of duality. Krishna spoke of this in the Bhagavad-Gita.
He would counsel us to maintain even-mindedness, equanimity, peace, joy and love at all times, regardless of profit or loss, pleasure
of pain, sickness or health, victory or defeat, praise or criticism, good weather or bad weather. It is fine to have preferences, but if it
isn’t realized, we can still have joy and inner peace. This is the secret to God Realization. And this way of thinking allows us to
remain in inner peace regardless of what is going on outside of self. It is a state of consciousness that is unaffected by the turmoil
of the world or the negativity of others. Djwhal Khul has called this state of consciousness Divine Indifference. Others have named
it Involved Detachment. In essence, it is a state that transcends duality! Lower forms of consciousness focus on duality and polarity.
When we move into fully realized consciousness, we use our Christ Consciousness or Buddha Consciousness, and this can help us
transcend dualistic thinking while we remain fully involved with life!
The Christ Consciousness allows us to be unceasingly the same, always in our power, always loving, always happy, always even
minded, always with equanimity, and always forgiving, regardless of the fluctuation of the dualities of life. This is the Consciousness
of the God Self. This allows us to remain the same whether people praise us or vilify us. This is possible because the negative ego
does not become engaged. The storms of outer life do not affect the stability and even-mindedness of our thinking process. “Let the
wave of memory, the storm of desire, the fire of emotion, pass through without affecting your equanimity.” (Sai Baba) It is not what
is going on outside life that should be our concern, but rather our inner attitude toward what is going on.
Everything in life is perception, interpretation, and our belief system! Our salvation is not up to God, it’s up to us. God has given
us everything from the beginning. The question is whether we will give ourselves salvation by releasing our negative ego completely
and fully embracing Christ Consciousness. The process is very simple! Every time a negative ego thought or emotion comes up in
your consciousness push it out of your mind and replace it with the Christ Consciousness attitude and antidote. By not giving energy
or water, so to speak, to that weed it will die within three weeks time. That is how long it takes to cement in a new habit into
the subconscious mind. By not giving water to negative ego thinking and emotions and watering Christ Consciousness attitudes
and feelings they expand and grow, and soon you have a habit of Christed thinking and feeling and a habit of being in inner peace
and joyous all the time.
The happiness you seek is an attitude and perspective that is attached to nothing outside of self, and has nothing to do with another
person. Change your thoughts and you change your life, for it is your thoughts that create your reality, your emotions, your behavior,
and what you attract and magnetize into your life! As the Bible says, “Be ye transformed by the renewal of the mind.” “Let this mind
be in you that was in Christ Jesus.” Heed this Law! The decision you make this day to transcend the negative ego may be the single
most important decision you will ever make in your entire life! “As long as we think we are the ego, we feel attached and fall into
sorrow. But realize that you are the Self, the Lord of Life, and you will be freed from sorrow. When you realize that you are the Self,
Supreme Source of Light, Supreme Source of Love, you transcend the duality of life and enter into the unitive state!” (The Upanishads)
on Truth
What is truth? There is a common believe in this world that truth is relative! Now from a certain lens this is true, however, from a
more Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness Perspective and Higher Perspective this is totally not true! From a singular lens, there is
such a thing as relative truth! We are all aware of the sayings, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!” or, “In matters of taste there is
not dispute!” Many disagreements that people have are not because one is right and one is wrong, but is because they are seeing
the situation through different lenses, because of maybe race, creed, color, or religion. Most people on Earth think everything they
think or say is the truth! This is because our thoughts create our reality and even if we think with our negative ego mind or from a
limited lens perspective it feels totally 100% true to us!
Many people base truth on how they “feel” and in truth this is not a good barometer of truth for our feelings are created by our mind
and the mind is capable of thinking from the negative ego/fear based/separative aspect or the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha /God Aspect.
So they may feel angry and that is their truth! This may be their personal truth, however, it is truth based on being victimized by
the negative ego mind, and is not the “Higher Truth” based on God’s Reality of Truth! It is “Higher Truth” that often transcends the
limited perspectives of truth that people hold to be true!
The only way to be aligned with real “Truth” is to transcend all negative ego/fear based/ separative and imbalanced thinking! Then
you can see with Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God eyes and hence be aligned with the “Higher Truth of God!” Most people don’t realize
that we do not see with our Physical eyes only, but our minds. It is consciousness that governs perception! Truth is a very tricky thing,
for integration, balance, level of development, full spectrum prism perspective, the entire context of situation must be considered!
However, there are certain principles we hold that are what might be called “Eternal Truths,” and this is, in truth, what people should
base their lives upon! For example, “God equals man minus ego! Perfect Love casts out fear! Judge not that ye not be Judged! Love
the Lord Thy God with all thy Heart and Soul and Mind and Might and love thy neighbor as you love thyself! All suffering comes
from attachment! All suffering comes from wrong points of view! The Lord thy God is one!” Allow other people to have their truth,
even if it is wrong in your opinion! Many people hold truths in one aspect of their being, but do not manifest in another. This is not
truth but disintegration and fragmentation! A person may hold a truth on a conscious level that jealousy and competition is of the
negative ego, yet on a subconscious level or in their behavior that is what they are doing!
Part of seeking truth is being honest with your self and truly examining your motives for doing all that you do! Part of seeking truth
is not defending the negative ego or having a need to defend your truth or having to convince others of following your truth! To do
so is a sure sign one is insecure about their truth! If not this the negative ego misusing that truth, to proselytize and force one’s truth
on another! Often it is better to just be your truth and be the example! only share your truth, where it is welcome and wanted! Also
be Spiritually discerning about who you share your truth with for truth is a very Spiritually precious thing. As the Bible says, “Don’t
cast your pearls to swine,” unconscious souls, who do not appreciate it or will stamp all over it!
The most important thing is to always live your truth! For a truth not lived is not really a truth at all. It is an unlived, unbreathed,
mental concept! A truth becomes a real truth not only by thinking it, feeling the truth of it, but most importantly by being it,
demonstrating it, living it, practicing the presence of it, and fully embodying it in all ways and all things as God would have you
do this! “Knowledge that is not put into practice is like food that is not digested.” (Sai Baba) It is of the highest importance that
we practice what we preach for as we all know actions speak louder than words! It is through demonstrating truth to the best of our
ability in our daily lives that truth is “Realized” and we become Living Embodiments of that Integrated and Balanced God Truth
on Earth! As the Buddha said, “Follow the truth of the way. Reflect upon it. Make it your own. Live it. It will always sustain you!”
“God alone is truth and everything else is transitory and illusory.” (Mahatma Gandhi) And Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth
and the life. No one come to the father except through me.” (John 14:6 NIV)
on Turning the Other Cheek
Master Jesus said, “It has been said, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say, do not resist evil. But whosoever smites
you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also!” When he said those words, he was speaking both, in a Psychological and
Physical sense. A Spiritual Master does not attack back because they also do not allow themselves to become defensive. They
are so fully established in their Personal Power, Self-Love, Self-Worth, Wholeness, Christ/Buddha Consciousness, Transcendence
of negative ego consciousness, Attunement to GOD, Compassion, Wisdom and Understanding, Protection, and being a Cause of
their reality and not an Effect, that when the attack or criticism comes, it just bounces off them like a rubber pillow, and is not
allowed to implant itself in the subconscious mind or Emotional Body.
The Spiritual Master, understanding that such behavior stems from fear and negative ego control, has compassion, understanding
and detachment so as to again respond rather than react and to set a better example. If one were to react, one would be in a sense
catching the Psychological disease of the other instead of setting the healthy example. The Spiritual Path is always taking the
high road and not the low road. The Spiritual Path is always setting the Christ/Buddha example, not lowering oneself to the level
of the lower-self and negative ego. A Spiritual Master is not victimized in the slightest by turning the other cheek. In truth, just
the opposite takes place; they are fully empowered because they are staying attuned to GOD and maintaining their Realization
of GOD. “A person pure of heart has the strength of ten.” In truth, one is a victim when they attack back or allow themselves to
be victimized in the first place. This is not to say that at times it is not appropriate to respond to a person who attacks you
Psychologically or Physically.
The response of the Spiritual Master would always be from a very calm, rational, detached, unconditionally loving,
forgiving, compassionate state of consciousness. When attacked Physically, the Spiritual Master turns the other cheek
Psychologically and Physically and then walks out the door in total peace, unconditional love and forgiveness. Lord Buddha
said, “The worse of the two is he who, when abused, retaliates. one who does not retaliate wins a battle hard to win.” (Samyutta
Nikaya I, 162) We opened this paragraph with the words of Master Jesus, and we shall seal it thusly, “And if any man sues
you at the law, and takes away your coat, let him have your cloak also!”
on Twilight Masters and Cults
A Twilight Master is a Lightworker that is working for both the light and the dark side of life. A Lightworker who is not clear
on a personality or Psychological level or in terms of the negative ego often attracts a member of the Dark Brotherhood who
overshadows him/her in a way similar to what the Ascended Masters do. Those who are truly full-fledged Twilight Masters,
under the domination of the negative ego and opened enough to the forces of darkness to create a very deep and intense grayzone,
are generally masters that are not simply a bit lost and operating out of the subconscious mind, but are consciously and willingly
aligning themselves with impure motive. once this is done, they will do anything and everything in their power to keep their
students or ‘followers’ under their spell. Giving forth mixed messages becomes their greatest tool, both in attracting the student
to them and in keeping the ones that they have!
To clarify, just because a person is run by their negative ego to a certain extent doesn’t mean they are a Twilight Master. The
Twilight Master is the next step, so to speak, in the wrong direction and develops when they actually are manipulating people
in a negative sense to serve their lower self. These are people who are often Physically attractive and have enormous charisma
and even brilliance in a certain Spiritual or Psychological teaching. This is where Lightworkers are most susceptible to getting
sucked in. Sometimes it is the glamour of psychic abilities that sucks Lightworkers in. Sometimes it is magician-like Psychological
abilities or hypnotic-like abilities that pull people in. Other times still it is profound Spiritual teachings, even of the Ascended
Masters or other ancient truths that the Twilight Master uses to snag impressionable and undiscerning Lightworkers.
The best and most effective method of recognizing a Twilight Master is first and foremost by being as clear as you possibly can
within your own self. The second thing you need to do is to be aware that Twilight Masters are indeed out there, and do seek to
feed off of your own energy fields. It is very easy to become blinded by the light, so to speak, and to think that everyone who uses
similar terms, language, expressions as you do is upon the path of Ascension into the center of Light, Love and Power of Source.
Although that may be their ultimate destiny, be forewarned that there are many who have taken paths of divergence! Do not judge
them, however, do not align with them. When the negative ego, personality, and the need to control is in evidence, stay focused
upon your own Integrated Ascension and you will be invulnerable. Do not let them seduce you through the offering of some
glamorous project, or by believing they will initiate you into some secret teaching that they alone are privy to.
Be aware that a Twilight Master literally gets their energy through zapping into the energy field of another who is firmly rooted
within the continuous flow of light, love, power and wisdom. In fact, Twilight Masters can be seen as one of GOD’s more creative
ways to test an initiates’ power of discernment. The equality of discernment and discrimination is one that we need at every step
of our journey. Recognize individuals for what they are, and not for what they say they are. Didn’t the Bible warn us, “Be aware
of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruits.”
Heed those words! Master Jesus also said, “No man can serve two masters: for either he shall hate the one and love the other, or
else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” “Choose who ye shall serve,” as A
Course In Miracles says.
on Unconditional Love
Mahatma Gandhi said, “When another person’s welfare means more to you than your own, when even his life means more to you
than your own, only then can you say you love. Anything else is just business, give and take!” Sai Baba teaches that love is the
most important Spiritual practice of all. He says that the way to live is to “start the day with love, fill the day with love, spend the
day with love and end the day with love for this is the way to God.” And St. Francis of Assisi is quoted as saying, “It is in giving
love that we receive love!” The only condition for loving is to love without conditions! So the key is to love unconditionally
without conditions, judgements, attachments, boundaries, restrictions or attitudes. Jesus revealed, “By this shall all men know you
are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” He also said, “The whole law could be summed up as ‘Love the Lord thy God with
all your heart and soul and mind and might and love your neighbor as you love yourself.’”
God would always have us practice unconditional love, the rationale for this being that each person, in reality, is an expression of
the one Spirit even if their thoughts, feelings, and behavior are not demonstrating that. As Jesus said, “Love your enemies.” It is
our lesson to be bigger, to practice innocent perception and forgiveness, for what we give is what we get back. If we want God, we
must give God, otherwise we will not realize Him. Everyone is God, however, not everyone realizes God in thought, feeling, and
action. Earth is a school to practice realizing God in our daily life. “Love walks the golden trail that leads to God,” as
Paramahansa Yogananda said. “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (Jesus)
Conditional love means that another person must meet some requirement to deserve our love. Unconditional means loving one
another unconditionally without any conditions, with the understanding that every mineral, every animal, plant and human being
is an incarnation of God. “Love seeks no reward; Love is its own reward. Man loves because he is love. He seeks joy, for he is joy.
He thirsts for God, for he is composed of God, and he cannot exist without him.” (Sai Baba) one of the basic principles of A Course
in Miracles is to give up our attack thoughts. Make a vow to yourself and God never to attack even when you are being attacked
by others. Go to any lengths to maintain an attitude of love no matter how you are attacked or ripped off. This is not to say that you
don’t need to stand up for yourself and stand in your own power. But do it with tough love. It is tied in with the quality of humility
and what Christ said about turning the other cheek and loving your enemies. It also relates to seeing everything through your
Christ Mind.
We are either loving or attacking there are no neutral thoughts. When we are demonstrating conditional love, we are
unconsciously attacking, and the other person experiences that attack on an energetic level. It is like an arrow piercing his aura.
If he is weak or a victim, this can affect him quite adversely. We must not forget that all minds are joined. Our thoughts are not
contained in our Physical Bodies as though behind a fence. The second we think about another person, whether in a positive or
negative way, that thought or feeling hits his energy field. When we indulge in attack thoughts, then by the law of karma we operate
within our own minds and live in fear. If we attack, we will be fearful, because we will expect other people to attack us, which makes
us afraid. If we live in love, then by the law of karma we will expect love in return, and have nothing to fear. Conditional love is of
the ego. Unconditional love is God.
In every situation of life we can ask ourselves, “Do I want God or my ego in this situation?” Choose once again! Let’s remember
the words of Mother Teresa, “Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife
or husband, to a next door neighbor... Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of
God’s kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting.” May her
wisdom inspire each of us to become a living embodiment of Unconditional Love. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy,
it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does
not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. [Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves.” (1 Corinthians
13:4-7 NIV)
on Unconditional Self-Love and Self-Worth
The Universal Mind channel Paul Solomon said, “If there is a panacea or cure-all to life, it is self-love.” “Love is a medicine for
the sickness of the world; a prescription often given, too rarely taken.” (Karl A. Menninger) The most important relationship in
our lives is our relationship to ourselves. If we are wrong with ourselves, we will be wrong with all other relationships. If we are
off center in ourselves, how can we be on center with others? Self-love begins with the understanding that there are two types of
love in the world: conditional love and unconditional love. Do you love yourself conditionally or unconditionally?
Unconditional self-love is based on the understanding that we have worth and we are lovable because God created us. We are sons
and daughters of God, and God doesn’t make junk. If we don’t have worth, then God doesn’t have worth. In other words, our worth
and lovableness are a Spiritual inheritance. But the ego says our worth is based on meeting certain conditions. We have to have a
certain kind of Physical Body, have to go to college and so forth. Those are for sure noble goals to strive for, however, they have
nothing to do with your self-love and self-worth. Self-love and self-worth come from who we are, not what we do. It’s our
Spiritual inheritance. Self-worth is enhanced by focusing on your victories instead of your defeats. It also is very important to
compare yourself only with yourself. Do not compare yourself with others, for each of us carries within us a special puzzle piece
of God’s plan. So we are totally unique and worthy!
There are no conditions we have to meet. We can do everything in our lives right or everything wrong, and our worth and
lovableness are the same. The point is that there is a difference between the Soul and behavior. The Soul is always lovable and
worthy, the behavior may not always be so. No matter what you have done, you are a child of God and hence are worthy and
lovable. We need to love ourselves as God loves us unconditionally. Jesus said, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Love yourself! We also need to learn to allow ourselves to feel God’s love. God’s love is like the sun. It is always shining. It is
just a matter of whether we are going to give ourselves permission to step out of the darkness to receive it.
Never forget, our true identity is the Christ, the Buddha, the Atman, the Eternal Self. It is only the ego’s false, negative,
pessimistic interpretation of us that makes us feel unworthy and unlovable. “Ye are Gods and know it not,” as the Bible reveals.
If you don’t have unconditional self-love within yourself, then automatically you end up seeking it outside yourself. Love is a
survival need; children in institutions have been known to die from lack of love. The ideal is to give love to yourself and to allow
yourself to receive God’s unchanging, unconditional love. If you don’t do this, you end up seeking love, approval, and acceptance
from other people. But this puts you in a compromised position because other people become your programmers and the creators
of your reality. Your worth is then in their hands! Do you want other people to hold this power over you? Ideally, you will give
yourself so much love, and allow yourself to feel so much of God’s love, that you will go into each day feeling totally powerful
and totally loved before you encounter another human being.
Now, since one of the single most important Spiritual qualities to develop in life is unconditional self-love and self-worth,
here is now a very practical program to achieving and/or increasing your present unconditional self-love and self-worth to the
highest level possible. First, you must own your 100% personal power, unconditional love, and wisdom in life at all times. See
On Balancing and Integrating the Three-Fold Flame. Secondly, you need to learn to parent your inner child properly, with
firmness and love. See On Inner and Outer Spiritual Parenting. Thirdly, there are two levels or two kinds of unconditional
self-love and self-worth the essence level and the form level. The essence level being that you are unconditionally lovable
and have worth because GOD created you, and you are a child of GOD! The form level being our behavior and realization
and conscious demonstration of our Godliness.
You cannot develop true unconditional self-love and self-worth unless you work on both levels! Righteousness in the eyes
of God is trying. Even if you are making mistakes, this is fine with GOD as long as you are trying to practice the Presence of
GOD in your daily life. We all know how the negative ego mind can turn gold into garbage. Even though, in truth, from GOD’s
objective perspective you are doing wonderfully and GOD and your own Mighty I Am Presence are totally pleased with your
progress and efforts, your own negative ego is having you “forget” all of your successes and efforts on a form level. Fourthly,
recognize that everything that happens in life is just a lesson and not a sin. See on Everything in Life Being a Spiritual Lesson,
Teaching, and Challenge. Fifthly, learn to turn lemons into lemonade the Science of Spiritual Alchemy. See on Spiritual Alchemy.
Sixthly, recognize that just as we are a Spiritual parent for our inner child and/or inner self, GOD and our Mighty I Am Presence
and Higher Selves are our Spiritual Parents. This way you unconditionally love your inner child and self, and GOD, Christ, the
Holy Spirit, your Mighty I Am Presence and Higher Self unconditionally love you. Lastly, maintain your Spiritual vigilance and
Golden Bubble of Protection at all times around yourself. See The on Protection. Follow these simple steps and you shall develop
100% self-love and self-worth! “To love is to return to a home we never left, to remember who we are.” (Sam Keen)
on Working with the Ascension Seats
Call to the Cosmic and Planetary Ascended Masters to be taken in your Soul Body or Spiritual Body in a bi-located sense to
the various Ascension Seats. The working with these Ascension Seats will literally accelerate your Ascension and Initiation
Process a thousand fold if you work with them on any kind of regular basis. To travel to these Ascension Seats is as simple as
calling to your own Mighty I Am Presence or the Inner Plane Ascended Master of your choice to be taken there, and you
immediately will be! You will also immediately feel the downpouring of Spiritual current. There are not only Planetary
Ascension Seats, but also Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic ones. And if this were not enough, it is even
possible to request that the Cosmic and Planetary Masters anchor and activate these Ascension Seats into your actual Physical
home! That way you actually live and sleep in the Ascension Seats 24 hours a day, without having to go anywhere! Ask and
you shall receive if it’s earned by demonstrating mastery on all levels and service work! That’s law!
the end, Blessings blessed ones!
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