quantum leap 9

The Final Endgame Drama is playing out. We are in...

Romeo Baron The Final Endgame Drama is playing out. We are in... The Final Endgame Drama is playing out.We are in the last stretch before duality ends forever in this Galaxy Time Matrix. We are watching it happen right now in real time. We all have front row seats to the spectacle of all spectacles. The veil is being lifted so much that the Unified Field of Consciousness will collapse the old fa..

Resolving Negativity: The Nuances of Mass & Individual Relations

Six Degrees of Separation Archangel Metatron Channel Resolving Negativity: The Nuances of Mass & Individual Relations Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn Greetings Masters! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you in an vector of Love, Unconditional Love! And so it is a powerful time, and there is much movement on the planet in this month of the September Equinox within..