
The Fabric of the Cosmos: "Quantum Leap"

namaste123 2014. 2. 5. 22:22

Steve Henery

The Fabric of the Cosmos 3 of 4 

"Quantum Leap"



Join Brian Greene on a wild ride into the weird realm of quantum physics, which governs the universe on the tiniest of scales. 

Greene brings quantum mechanics to life in a nightclub like no other, where objects pop in and out of existence, and things over here can affect others over there, instantaneously and without anything crossing the space between them. 

A century ago, during the initial shots in the quantum revolution, the best minds of a generationincluding Albert Einstein and Niels Bohrsquared off in a battle for the soul of physics. 

How could the rules of the quantum world, which work so well to describe the behavior of individual atoms and their components, conflict so dramatically with the everyday rules that govern people, planets, and galaxies?

Quantum mechanics may be counterintuitive, but it's one of the most successful theories in the history of science, making predictions that have been confirmed to better than one part in a billion, while also launching the technological advances at the heart of modern life, like computers and cell phones. 

But even today, even with such profound successes, the debate still rages over what quantum mechanics implies for the true nature of on the DVD: The DVD version of the program stated that one entangled photon is sent from the island of La Palma to the island of Tenerife by laser. 

The photon is sent via laser-guided telescope. In the DVD version of the program, it appears that the research team led by Anton Zeilinger has successfully teleported photons from La Palma to Tenerife. 

Although the Zeilinger team has used the method described to teleport photons shorter distances in other locations, as of November 2011, photons have not yet been teleported between La Palma andTenerife. 

The team plans to continue experiments in the Canary Islands, which attempt to complete the teleportation process there.