Ascension/Ascension Healing Resources

The Final Endgame Drama is playing out. We are in...

namaste123 2021. 10. 18. 13:20

Romeo Baron 

The Final Endgame Drama is playing out. We are in...

The Final Endgame Drama is playing out.

We are in the last stretch before duality ends forever in this Galaxy Time Matrix. We are watching it happen right now in real time. We all have front row seats to the spectacle of all spectacles. 

The veil is being lifted so much that the Unified Field of Consciousness will collapse the old faulty system of the Phantom Earth Matrix; the Moon Chain Forces and the distorted Chakra Displacement system. There is a Divine Plan for the complete Liberation of our Solar-Star System. 

Everything that’s happening now follows a Divine Plan in its general contours. 

There has been detours and delays because of the Free Will rights to choose to go another route. But our Mother planet will ascend, whatever we do. Her Ascension is part of the Plan. The Free Will program allowed one to create and manipulate energy out of fear and negativity without the consent of others. We are shifting into Consciousness Freedom in the next Harmonic Universe or Density 2, new Earth-TaRA, which enables one to create with the consent and cooperation of others in Divine Love for the benevolence of Creation. 

[the following may be triggering and shocking to many people. It is normal as old programming is being shattered]

The idea of consuming animal flesh/blood/fluids was introduced by intruders/invaders entities of a negative alien fallen consciousness to keep people trapped in the reincarnation cycle in order to feed the false matrix continuously as a finite Soul Trap enslavement system for the negative forces genetic mutation agenda, which aims to Suppress the Angelic Human DNA Template Activation. 

Humanity's Real heritage is purely Angelic. Great Souls will be strong to live, as well as strong to think without hurting Life. To spiritually respect all life, including humans and animals is of the Highest Consciousness maturity. 

The only reason we need to eat or drink energy is because we were disconnected from our central vertical spiritual channel of higher Source Energy.

In our original balanced, healed expression we are breahtarians; sustaining the Self with the Source Energy of the Sun-Star. We do not do photosynthesis as plants do; we simply receive our Source energy via our vertical spiritual channel connection.

In this Ascension System, the process of consuming food, water or any of the elements of the earth hologram, is the process of the fragmented consciousness of the earth hologram merging as much of their original energy as possible, until we merge all of our energy back into one, and return to oneness as the Unified whole of Source. 

Cooking food removes or releases some of the life force from the food. Cooking is a process of heating up the elements of the food, which alters the chemical structure that held the form together. 

Processing foods releases the life force held within the form. It is a “process” of energy changing states, to take on a different form.

Denser 'foods' such as meats/fluids may offer calories or protein, but offer no support of sparking higher Source energy within the consciousness body. This accelerates the aging process and keeps the whole body matrix trapped in a karmic looped cycle of disharmony and dis-ease.

It is an illusion to think that the body craves comfort foods. The body only needs energy, to function.

Living Foods creates sparking- Source connection charge within the body and assist the body to function longer. The sparking creates the electrical signals which flow throughout the energy centers that creates our reality field. Living Foods provide the body more living energy and assist to maintain the immune system as the body can convert them to usable energy easier. 

EVERYTHING that has existed within the Original Cosmic Creation where Earth was born will be moved into the New Earth Timeline of TaRA where the Consciousness is as pure, as perfect as it was before the negative intruders invaded. This is how the Kingdom of Heaven will return.

In this Lifetime, many of us are breaking free from the Phantom Earth Matrix. Many of us will reach the stage of full Consciousness Freedom as a Diamond Sun Cosmic Christ Citizen. Many of us won't have to come back to this matrix, nor have to incarnate back here. We will have the ability to travel to other star systems and the Cosmos without limitations. 

This is the time that we are to be set free from our amnesia. There will be a Huge activation of Cosmic Memory for many ascended Source beings. Not everyone is here on the path of personal and planetary ascension. So not everyone will activate their cosmic memory, but many will. This is the time of remembering who we really are, as Divine Source Embodied Consciousness beings. We are returning to divine wholeness.

As we anchor the next-level of accelerated Cosmic Divine Mother energies and frequencies in Solar Living-Light expansions for the Christ, Christ-Sophia Eternal Flame Codings to being fully restored within the Cosmic Divine Blueprint, of the benevolent Source Embodied organic God-Human Hologram aligned with the Aurora Rays of the Eternal Elemental Consciousness of the next Harmonic Universe...the energies for 2020 will culminate a Quantum Leap into the Universal Avatar-Christ of Ascension and Freedom, synchronized within the Collective oneness team of the Diamond Sun, Sacred Heart Crystal Guardians and Planetary Body Krystal Core Activation of Universal connections devoted to Love and Liberation. 

Rise of the Trinity-Source Consciousness!

