ascension 216

Gateway Ascension Symptoms: New Forerunners Leaving the Matrix

Gateway Ascension Symptoms: New Forerunners Leaving the Matrix Many of the Star Seeds, Blue Rays and the New Forerunners, who have been on the trailblazing ascension path for a long time, will be the first to be experiencing this vibrational shift. As you are leaving the old matrix, this time-space may feel very different from anything you have experienced before. First to exp..

Physical Ascension and NEW Earth: "Becoming a Light BEing Again"

Physical Ascension and NEW Earth: "Becoming a Light BEing Again" Lisa Transcendence Brown click here=> ... Many are on a “Spiritual Path”, trying to wake up, trying to REMEMBER. Many experience their realities changing, the realization that there’s got to be more, that something’s different. They are no longer fulfilled by their p..

Ascension Symptoms, or “What is Happening to Me?” (Part 1/3)

Marilyn Raffaele Ascension Symptoms, or “What is Happening to Me?” (Part 1/3) Have you been wondering lately why you seem so tired – almost to the point of exhaustion, or feeling irritable, angry, lonely, sad, frustrated, or all of the above, and you can’t figure out why? Have you been asking yourself why you’re behaving in ways, or feeling things, that don’t s..

NEW Earth/ Quantum Existence: Embodiment/ Anchoring Multi-Dimensional...

Lisa Transcendence Brown NEW Earth/ Quantum Existence: Embodiment/ Anchoring Multi-Dimensional Aspects here (The NEW HUE-man) - Published on Nov 5, 2014 I speak about whatever is going on with Multi-Dimensional Consciousness, LightBody Upgrades, Light Activations, Awakening, Ascension, Integration, Light, Consciousness, Opening Hearts, Letting Go of OLD Earth Programming, Crys..