Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

NEW Earth Alternate Universes: Which one Do You Live In?

namaste123 2015. 9. 30. 04:44



NEW Earth Alternate Universes: Which one Do You Live In?


You will always have to step up and out of your comfort zone, for where there is hesitation and fear, this is an old program that kept you from being your TRUE DIVINE SELF and sharing yourself, your gifts and you as love with the entire world and being in-service here.

Comfort zones are a that you are judging yourself and allowing something to get in your way. Something of lack, something of avoiding... there is no avoiding anything here. Holding back is a human program...

As Light BEings, we are not "little people" anymore... limited humans that believed that outside world out there. WE see the roles we are here to fulfill, yet where we are still human inside, we will hold back...

WE are REQUIRED to go inside and find our inspiration, our drive, our power... and grab our INITIATIVE and go git'r'done. Our higher self aspects wait for us to step up and as we do, as we PROVE we are serious, opportUNITIES and GIFTS to support us start to come forth.

Our desire must be stronger than our fear.... our heart more open than our closed mind... our Light more important than the old "dark" realities that represented where we were separated and small inside.

WE not only DESERVE more... we have to allow it to come. We have to FEEL it inside though, know it and call it forth, while getting our butts busy to do what we are shown.

What we are here to DO, will not look like anything we thought. WE have to get over ourselves in order to put "being in-service" to the entire Universe (and beyond) first.

Now, in order to do this, we must "learn" to love ourselves, pamper ourselves, nurture and care for ourselves more. We have to take time for us and pull away and sleep a ridiculous amount in order to connect to the other dimensions so that we can bring them forth in our own physical reality here. When we do this, things get weird, goes bizarre, psychadelic and we lose physical strength. Photonic Light activates inside of us and this will shut us down in a heart-beat....

Our job is to HONOR the journey, which means honoring us so that we can honor all. All of our lack will come up.... we are not to judge it, we are to see it and not believe it anymore. Old programs held as energy inside, start to release really fast. We get to jump timelines in our sleep, but first we must choose... make a choice.

That choice is to honor the journey and to dedicate everything we have to our own Awakening and Ascension Journey here. It is for us to bring our Higher Self Aspects from within us, no longer "floating around out there". This journey is one of EMBODIMENT, where we let go of everything not in-alignment with love and light. For everything WE HOLD onTO, that we resist, takes up VALUABLE SPACE in our own REALITY that blocks pure love and unlimited abundance to come forth.

As we put us first, as we take quiet time to ourselves, as we get out in nature, sleep and connect inside, our body starts to upgrade in light. Love for ourselves will activate our LightBody... gratitude a feeling we hold at all times. The moment we shift out of gratitude, we shift to human and the old programs start to play again to show us where we have forgotten why we are here.

In the beginning, we don't understand, but deep inside there is a yearning that is so strong it overtakes us. This is our soul waking up and nothing will be the same again once this starts.

As our inner guide tries to speak, we find there are two of us and we get confused. Wait until multi-dimensionality starts, as confusion is an understatement, yet we did not come here to make sense of that outside world anymore, we came here to completely re-create it and ourselves, from the inside out. We came to let go of everything we once knew, other than that which was deep inside of us that never conformed to "out there". We start to find that everything is opposite/backwards and what we thought was wrong with us end up being our greatest gifts.

We start to speak out, where we were silent. We start to FEEL we were shut down. We start to express ourselves, share our selves, no more hiding. We start to see how judgement is wrapped around everything...

Living in the boxes, shutting down and being silent... no longer options anymore. Yet it's scary to "come out" and show who we are, for out there judges so harshly... then we start to realize that we are the ones with the judgment and they are just a huge mirror for us...

WE start to use the outside world to see, instead of focusing on it as a distraction anymore. Every exchange has a purpose and letting go of WHO WE ARE NOT becomes a whole lot easier...

Our LightBody and Merkaba start to activate, and talk about weird! Ascension is awesome, bizarre and where the physical stuff kicks in, is scary until we understand (listen) to what's truly going on. That energy running through my body, the heating up, losing consciousness, sugar dropping, physical pain and everything going haywire... wow... that's how it sometimes works? Seriously? How weird is this reality!!!

Yep... letting go of everything we held onto, as it represented an Old Earth where we don't live anymore. Our human aspect has fear, for it cannot see that higher versions of realities are waiting to come forth. Fear is the first sign that a portal awaits us.... and we open the portal by stepping into the fear and crying the tears that blocked access to love, abundance, magic and magnificence....

Portals activate inside of us. We feel them open up and it's so cool! A feeling comes out of them and that feeling is what makes the portal bigger, so that the physical reality can materialize for us here. There are portals to absolutely everything!

We start to walk in multiple dimensions and it's confusing as crap when we do. We don't desire what we used to, the excitement is gone and there are times we don't feel anything at all. This is okay though, for it means I have one foot in each world and as more of NEW Earth comes from within me, the easier it will get... I've just got to hang in there and keep letting go of anything "not awesome" that presents. I even have to say "NO" alot...which is not a part of what comes easy..... NO reverses a reality really fast and it builds my own POWER here.... pulling away does too..... for me to regroup and connect inside again....

For awhile we don't know how to function, how things can work out when all we want to do is sleep. We worry about these bizarre things going on with/inside our bodies , yet we know deep inside, under the false fear that it is okay, especially when it does not make sense....

The physical body transforming, upgrading and evolving is a beyond bizarre experience for sure. Star particles activating under the skin, crystals too... and in the joints, swelling, heat, pain... the head/jaw/teeth expanding... my heart continually bursting open and jeesh, are you kidding me with all of these tears? Where the hell do all of these come from? Seriously, oh and the anger, don't get me started on that.....

Oh, really, those are programs? A release of energy... that's all? You have got to be kidding me! I held all of this in and now all I have to do is let it all go? OMG... what a friggin backwards trip this is... a sick joke at times that we played on ourselves...

Along the way, love emerges, happy bursts through and the bliss and joy are beyond. Yes, this is what was buried deep beneath.... and it's just the beginning, for the entire universe and every reality one can imagine, all emerge too....

The key to activating and holding light is the commitment we make to ourselves. The commitment to the journey, and doing what it takes to turn everything around. It's our refusal to play in the old games of Old Earth and the Old Universe anymore. It's us recognizing what a program is and completely transforming all into light. 

It's us going inside and allowing US to EMERGE FULLY FROM WITHIN. It's us honoring the physical body upgrades that used to be called "sick" or "symptoms". It's us re-associating everything in our reality.... and no longer allowing the old stuff to enter in. It's us taking charge, finally, because WE ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THERE IS.... THIS is how we are in service, we make LIGHT the only thing in our world...

AS WE EMBODY LIGHT, ♥LOVE♥ POURS OUT OF US.... and we let the grief, pain, sadness (separation) go... we held on long enough. This stuff is leaving the body so our physical body can ascend and our soul/higher self aspects can descend and all can become one body NOW.

Our evolution does not conform to the human mindset and if we try to fit it into those boxes, make sense of it with our heads, or listen to another human out there... we will get all confused and things can go sideways... INSIDE WE HOLD ALL WE NEED TO KNOW and where we need to, we use the outside world to show us what we already know. WE KNOW TRUTH when we FEEL IT in our whole body.....

NEW Earth and Alternate Universes are available to each when they are ready to embrace. They are a commitment and require total dedication... and the human aspect will teeter todder back and forth. Too much of this will trigger "lessons" (experiences), so don't sit on the fence too long. Falling is not fun... as we like to fly here... It's our natural form...

Walking in multiple dimensions and alternate realities is beyond exquisite as all let go of the judgements, fears, hesistation and safety mechanisms in the way. There is nothing "normal" to the human about walking in a gazillion different dimensions... Who cares? Humans don't live here with us.. WE are LIGHT BEINGS clearing out some human'ness from time to time... it's all just one big ole program....

WE can play in it or suffer to it... it's our chosen path... our openness or resistance determines how we experience....

So.... play in magic or hold on to the old??? Your choice will show you how human you still are. ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

Author, WayShower, Light Embodiment & Empowerment Guide

LIving on NEW Earth and in an Alternate Universe... Sharing for all who are ready to come through ∞
