초인생활 (超人生活): '생명(LIFE)'에 대하여 "Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East" By Baird T. Spalding 초인생활 (超人生活): 히밀라야의 초인들, 베어드 T. 스폴딩 (1894 ~1897 스폴딩외 11명, 3년 6개월 영적탐사기) '생명(LIFE)'에 대하여 - 대사들의 삶은 생명 그대로이고 길 그대로이다. 그들은 생명의 실상 그대로 살아간다. 그들은 생명이란.. 자기계발·Self-Improvement 2015.04.27
The Healing Power of Breath Lauren Galey "There is one way of breathing that is shameful and constricted. Then, there's another way: a breath of love that takes you all the way to infinity." Rumi In this Healing Conversation, Learn About The Power of Breath and Experience a Self-Healing Meditation: The Healing Power of Breath The Heart of the Matter: In-Spire means to breathe in, yet inspiration is more .. Ascension/Cutting Edge Healings 2015.02.12
(1) How to Raise Yourself out of 'Mass' Consciousness How to Raise Yourself out of 'Mass' Consciousness Dr Joshua David Stone My Beloved Readers, this is another one of those chapters I have really been looking forward to channeling and writing about! For this issue of how to raise oneself out of mass consciousness may be one of the single most important topics of one’s entire Spiritual path! This is a very complex and multi-fa.. Ascension/Spiritual Psychology 2013.04.20