Divine Feminine 13

Collective Pulse Report: The Three Waves of Global Transformation

Collective Pulse Report: The Three Waves of Global Transformation by April Bender via Integrated Overself It's been awhile since our last channeled forecast (Embracing Shadow: The Rise of the Collective Unconscious) but today I wish to update you on the current energetics and primary forces at play upon your world in the hopes that this information generates deeper understandi..

Energy Update: Why you feel like you're on spin dry AKA A Multidimensional Recalibration

LeeHarrisEnergy Energy Update: Why you feel like you're on spin dry AKA A Multidimensional Recalibration - Published on Apr 27, 2016 Some quick tips for how to stay grounded and centered right now. You are not alone in this almighty change we are experiencing on the planet. Dana Mrkich's brilliant energy update (which I refer to in the video): http://www.danamrkich.com/#!Five-..