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Activation of the Planetary Goddess Archetype of Light

namaste123 2014. 6. 21. 04:44

Anrita Melchizedek

June 21, 2014 Solstice The Elders Transmission

Activation of the Planetary Goddess Archetype of Light

Welcome, sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of June as you experience a deeper integration of the Divine Feminine archetype of Light, and the activation in particular, of the Planetary Goddess archetype of Light, amplified at the time of the Solstice on June 21st. Sweet ones, this is a glorious moment in time as you experience the activation of this beautiful flame of Divine Love within your hearts, and within the hearts of all humanity ~ of every man, woman and child on this Earth Plane, within the freewill aspects of Creation. 

For, through the many planetary activities of Light, a clearing, transmutation, and an embracing of the negative ego aspects – the old cellular memories, judgments, false beliefs, and human miscreations, are being purged and transmuted back into the Cosmic Heart of all Creation. This Divine Dispensation calls forth the Sisterhood of the Rose to assist in the activation of the Planetary Goddess archetype of Light so that all Life may know themselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and Master Beings of Light.

Sweet ones, the Sisterhood of the Rose was created in the time of Lemuria, and later as priestesses in Atlantis they gathered together in circles of twelve to activate this Flame of Divine Love, of harmony, of abundance, of joy, and peace, through the hearts of all humanity. There were twelve groups of twelve women who formed the Sisterhood of the Rose. The goddess symbol is the rose, but it is through Self Love that this beautiful Pink flame of Divine Love activates within your hearts.

The Sisterhood of the Rose took this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love out in the four directions of the earth to assist Mother Earth and all her Life, also working directly with the energy of Sirius, the Pleiades and the Galactic Center. For it is Sirius and the Pleiades that draw into alignment the influx of energy that activates through the Galactic Center, and the Sun and Central Sun, to a greater knowing of your multi-dimensionality as Initiates of Light. And what you are called upon, sweet ones, to assist as these physical vessels of Light in this sacred month of June, is the activation of this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love within your hearts ~ and the healing too, of your lower bodies, so that you may experience your full magnificence and Light, so you may embrace your pain and anger, your guilt and your shame, and your perceived separation, as the lower bodies are purged. 

As the Sisterhood of the Rose Overlights this process, you are initially invited into the Healing Temple of Isis within the etheric of Sirius and from here, into the Temple of Divine Love within the Pleiades constellation. For Isis, known as the Goddess of Great Healing, the Lady of the Words of Power, the Divine Queen, the Great Goddess and Mother of Creation, brings forth the activation codes that ignites the Flame of Divine Love, and the re-emergence of the Planetary Goddess of Light.

So let us set our sacred space, sweet ones, as we take you on this journey into the Healing Temple of Isis, and to assist through this, in the clearing, the releasing, the transmuting and the healing of the lower bodies of all humanity.

Sit comfortably now within your sacred space, breathing deep into the body ~ expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out.

You have a sense now of the Christed timelines merging into this Now, as you experience a greater level of the Knowing of yourselves as Initiates of Light, and of choosing to be of service to Mother Earth and all her Life. You have a sense of knowing too that you are an innate healer ~ able to tune into the Divine Intelligence of the physical body, as well as the emotional and mental bodies, and being able to assist in the transmutation and clearing of the negative pockets of energy and cellular memories within yourself that create these oscillations within the emotional body in particular, sweet ones. 

These emotional oscillations have increased for many of you, as you are experiencing these Light frequencies amplifying through the lower bodies, moving into every aspect of the shadow that needs to be embraced, loved, accepted, appreciated, nurtured, transmuted, and understood as you come into a greater balance and a deeper alignment into the Cosmic Heart of all Creation.

You are surrounded now in a beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Flame of Light. This is the Healing Flame of Isis and connects through the heart chakra and into each one of the chakras, allowing for this recalibration, allowing for this transmuting, allowing for this healing and rebalancing, and in particular, the activation of the Divine Feminine blueprints of Creation.

As you ground into the crystal heart of Mother Earth, and connect through the Unity Grid of Divine Love to your Soul and Star family and friends of the Light, you call in all the Beings of Light from on High that you personally acknowledge, and your Beloved I AM Presence who is guiding you in this Golden Age of Light. And in this support and in this Love, you are now invited into Isis’s Healing Temple of Light within the etheric of Sirius. You find yourselves traveling in Soul consciousness through the portals and stargates of Light, through the grids of Divine Love, and now, you enter into this beautiful Isis Temple of Healing. 

As you look around you, you notice that you are surrounded by the Sisterhood of the Rose, welcoming you to Isis’s Healing Temple of Light. They surround you in their Pink Flame of Divine Love and place within your heart, a beautiful pink rose, a symbol of the Sisterhood. And now, sweet ones, they take you into this beautiful golden Temple of Light where you see before you Goddess Isis. 

She is dressed in a beautiful white flowing robe with gold embroidered symbols across this robe ~ she has magnificent white wings, and wears a vulture headdress combined with cow-horns encased in a solar disc. She sends you her Love and lets you know that she is delighted that you are here, sweet ones. She understands that you have chosen the experience of being human, and says to you that you can let this go now, you have understood what it is to be human, and to experience the human miscreations to know yourself as Divine Love.

Isis is here to awaken the hearts of all humanity and to assist in the healing of the lower bodies with the support of the Sisterhood of the Rose and the many Legions of Light from on High. For in order to fully experience the Divine Feminine aspects of Creation and the Planetary Goddess of Light, the Flame of Divine Love must be steadfast through open hearts, and you are these open hearts, sweet ones. 

Understand too, sweet ones, that you have made the soul contracts with soul brothers, and sisters, and soul family, so that you are never alone, and even as you experience the human nature, the lower bodies, the distorted human miscreations and your own pain bodies, you understand the courage that you have in choosing these lessons, for you are clearing not only for yourself but for all Life. Isis now activates her Healing Flame of Light, Overlighting by the Sisterhood of the Rose and the many female deities and Beings of Light from on High.

As this beautiful Healing Flame activates within the base chakra, amplifying through this Red Flame, and this Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Flame of Light you now say:

“I am grounded and centered in the knowing of my magnificence and Light, as I draw upon the energy of the Divine Feminine Beings of Light, the Isis Healing Flame, and the Sisterhood of the Rose. I allow myself to fully manifest my magnificence as a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love through the purification and transmutation of all that I no longer need to experience along the karmic pathway to know myself as Love.”

As this beautiful Healing Flame of Light now activates within the sacral chakra, this Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Flame of Light activates within the orange sacral chakra flame. As this Healing Flame of Light releases old false beliefs and judgments between men and women and activates the goddess energy of Light, the kundalini energy gently moves through each one of the chakras. As you experience this Healing Flame of Light, you bring a focus to the healing of your relationships as you now say:

“I honor all the karmic contracts I have made to know myself as Love. As I forgive and Love myself and all those with whom I have experienced any level of abuse and misuse of power, I understand that these karmic contracts at their Higher Light level were made in Divine Love. I now release these karmic contracts as I experience the Pathway of Divine Love in full appreciation of myself as a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love.”

And now as Isis takes this beautiful Healing Flame, this Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Flame of Light through the solar plexus chakra it merges into this Yellow Flame of Light and you find yourselves coming into a deeper level of power, of clear boundaries, and also clearing these issues of victim and persecutor consciousness. You are starting to feel more loving and gentle with yourself, sweet ones. You are starting to experience a greater level of nurturing, of Self-Love, and of Self-appreciation as you now affirm:

“I create healthy boundaries and magnetize and attract into my reality those of an equal or greater Light. I flow with grace and ease, abundance and joy, harmony and Love, trusting and surrendering to Life, trusting and surrendering to the Divine.”

As you move into the heart chakra now, as this beautiful Isis Healing Flame activates into the emerald-green flame of the heart, you release the sadness, the separation, the pain, the loss ~ knowing that you truly are this beautiful magnificent, sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love. And now you affirm:

“I allow myself to be healed through the Divine Love that surrounds me and imbues within me the knowing of my magnificence and Light. My heart is the expression of Divine Love and I am one with all Life. I am Love in embodiment and I am loved and appreciated, as I love and appreciate myself. In gratitude I receive this beautiful Isis Healing Flame of Light. I allow myself to make the changes I need to, to know that I am Love, and I allow myself to be an open heart in this Golden Age of Light”

And now as Isis takes this beautiful, sacred healing Flame of Light into the throat chakra, this beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Flame of Light activates within the blue sacred flame of the throat chakra, as it releases the old expressions of self that no longer serve in this Now. As this vibrational frequency activates within the throat chakra, a deeper expression of your Soul note expresses itself as you now affirm:

“I express the utterance of my Spiritual reality in such a way that I am seen and heard, understood and appreciated. I observe each Now moment and each perceived challenge through my Master eyes as I express myself clearly, lovingly and gently as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love.”

And now, as you bring a focus to the third eye, as the Healing Flame of Isis, this beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Flame of Light activates within the third eye and through this Indigo Flame of Light. Your brow chakra opens to your dreams and visions, beyond the veils of illusion, taking into your heart’s passion, and your heart’s joy, and your ability to ground your Soul purpose. And now, a recalibration takes place between the pineal, the pituitary, the thalamus and the hypothalamus, and as this occurs, you have a deep sense of aligning into the Cosmic Heart of all Creation. Wonderful sweet ones. You now affirm:

“The veils of illusion lift for me, as I bring into this Now the parallel realities of my Highest Potential through the Christed Timelines and my many creative gifts of Service in Love. I live my life in joy, following my heart’s dreaming, following my heart’s passion.”

And now, as Isis’s sacred Healing Flame of Light activates within the crown chakra, a thousand-petalled lotus appears within the crown chakra, as the Shekinah energy activates through the chakras and out the crown chakra, as you are now surrounded in this beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Flame of Light. You now affirm:

“I am here in this Now to activate the Planetary Goddess archetype of Divine Love through my heart, and to assist in this activation of the Flame of Divine Love for all humanity.”

Wonderful sweet ones. Isis now tells you to focus on the Knowing of yourselves as healers, to connect into to the Divine intuitive intelligence of your energy bodies and your physical body. You now find yourselves tuning into your body and seeing where it needs this healing and Love. You bring your focus to each body part and organ ~ the lungs, the heart, the spleen, the pancreas, the liver, the intestine, the oesophagus, the kidneys, the stomach, the bladder ~ whatever part of the body needs this healing and Love. You now take this beautiful Healing Flame of Light, this beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Flame of Light into every area within the body, and now, around and within the energy body.

Good sweet ones. And now, as you link with the Sisterhood of the Rose, the Beings of Light from on High, the wayshowers and starseeded ones, you take this beautiful Healing Flame of Light, this beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Flame of Light around and within the Light Body of Mother Earth and now, into Glastonbury Tor in the United Kingdom, the heart chakra of Mother Earth. And now, this beautiful Healing Flame of Light ignites within the hearts of all humanity as the Planetary Goddess of Light anchors within the Unity Grid of Divine Love, clearing the lower bodies of all humanity, so that all Life may know themselves as Love. And to assist in this transmutation and clearing, we speak in the Language of Light.

Wonderful sweet ones. You thank Isis and the Sisterhood of the Rose for allowing you to partake in this beautiful journey of the knowing of yourselves as the Divine Feminine aspects of Creation as you are now invited into the Temple of Divine Love within the Pleiades. You now find yourselves traveling through the grids of Divine Love, of stralim radiation, into the Temple of Divine Love within Alcyone. 

As you enter into the Temple of Divine Love, you are surrounded by Soul family, and your Star family and friends of the Light. You are welcomed and greeted in Love, as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. The Sisterhood of the Rose now surround you, wrapping you in this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love, as they again activate the pink rose of Divine Love within your heart chakra. At this Now moment sweet ones, you align completely into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God in the knowing and experience of yourselves as Divine Love. You come into your heart’s temple, in Self-Love, Self-nurturing and Self-appreciation of your magnificence and Light. Wonderful sweet ones.

And now, as you link with the Sisterhood of the Rose, the Beings of Light from on High, and your Soul family and friends of the Light, this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love activates around and within the Light Body of Mother Earth and now, into Glastonbury Tor in the United Kingdom, the heart chakra of Mother Earth. And now, the beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love activates within the hearts of all humanity as the Planetary Goddess of Light activates within the Unity Grid of Divine Love and the New Earth Templates of Light. As this occurs, the key codes of the Divine Feminine activate within the Unity Grid of Divine Love, healing and transmuting the abuse of the Divine Feminine. Wonderful sweet ones. And to assist in the activation of the Flame of Divine Love, we speak in the Language of Light.

As you now experience a deeper sense of the Divine Feminine encoding of Light through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, you find yourselves traveling in Soul consciousness into the Portals of Light that connect into the fifth dimensional Templates of Light. Surrounded now in the beautiful Silver Flame of Interstellar Christ Consciousness, of insight, illumination and understanding, you enter into the sixteenth Stargate Portal of Light, as you experience the Law of Discipline. The Law of Discipline is indeed the greatest way to achieve wisdom, independence, freedom, and Knowing, as it involves commitment to your goals and to your spiritual aspirations. 

Commitment requires a daily focus to be in each Now moment and you know, sweet ones, that you are ready to experience greater levels of discipleship, as you trust and surrender to the Divine. And now you activate the sixteenth Cosmic Christ Holographic disc, this silver disc of Light, along the spinal column into the appropriate vertebra that links you into the Pathways of Discipleship. You are humbled in the knowing that you are indeed this Christ Conscious Being of Light walking this Pathway of Divine Love, and the knowing too that all Life has this opportunity, for all Life is presented with the choice to align their will to the will of the Divine.

As this recalibration occurs between the lower bodies, between the chakras, the nadis, and the New Earth Templates, you experience a greater level of rebalancing and the expression of yourselves in Self Mastery. You now find yourselves entering into this seventeenth Stargate Portal of Light as you experience the Law of Disintegration, the final casting off of the lower sheaths to experience the I AM Avatar Body of Light. This transmutation process of the letting go of the old to make way for new amplifies in this Now moment, and you know that you are finally in this place of experiencing your full transformation as a world teacher, healer, leader, and Flame of Divine Love in this Golden Age of Light. Wonderful sweet ones.

As you now anchor and activate the seventeenth Cosmic Christ Conscious Holographic Disc, this beautiful silver Disc of Light, through the vertebrae and spinal column, you find yourselves moving the body gently, backwards and forwards, and from side to side to integrate these Light frequencies, knowing that all is Divinely Perfect and that Love will always prevail. Simply trust and surrender to this, sweet ones. Trust and surrender to the Divine.

And now you find yourselves entering into the eighteenth Spiritual Stargate of Light, as you experience the Law of Cycles. Everything in Life has a natural rhythm sweet ones, an ebb and flow. We mention this so that you can know that every Now moment has its own perfect rhythm, much as there is day and night, light and dark. There is a rebalancing that occurs too, in this Spiritual Portal of Light. As you experience the Law of Cycles, you find a greater level of equilibrium and balance within the dance of the shadow and the Light, embracing your full range of emotions, embracing yourselves in the Light and magnificence of who you are as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. You now activate this eighteenth Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc into the appropriate vertebra along the spinal column.

Wonderful sweet ones. As you experience this recalibration taking place through your lower bodies, know too that the Cancer New Moon on June 27th will bring a greater level of reunion of your Inner Masculine and Feminine Spirits of Light. You trust in the knowing that in this Now moment all is Divinely Perfect and you are finally being able to release the lower energies at a cellular level, at an etheric, emotional and mental level, as you activate the Flame of Divine Love within your hearts.

You now find yourself back in your sacred space, grounding into the energy of Mother Earth, feeling this blessed Knowing that now truly you are walking this Pathway of Divine Love as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love. It is a time of celebration sweet ones ~ celebrate yourselves, your magnificence and Light as you come into a deeper level of Self-Love, Self-appreciation, and Self-nurturing. You ground into the crystal heart of Mother Earth, sweet ones, as you connect into the Inner Earth Sun, into the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within your hearts, to the Sun, the Central Sun, and now, the Great Central Sun, and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. You are doing well, sweet ones, very well ~ and we thank you for your service work, and with this we bless you as we bid you a most magical day.

Transcribed by Eadie Miller


by The Golden Light Channel

Message through Anrita Melchizedek,


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