Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

Good Bye 3D – Dropping all Masks

namaste123 2017. 5. 3. 00:33

Good Bye 3D – Dropping all Masks

by  | Apr 30, 2017

We are in an intense gateway as we have passed the point of no return: We are no longer able to move back into 3D frequency once our energy has risen to 5D. The past week has been not only earth-, but also mind-shattering. The Divine Feminine has been driven into dropping all masks and expressing her vulnerability and authenticity without any shame. The Divine Masculine on the other hand was pushed into the beginning of his heart opening process caused by this female move. 

This week has been very confusing and challenging for everyone on the awakening path. It was all perfectly prepared through the solar flares and geo storms the week before. These triggered the core wounds of the Divine Feminine (energy not gender) to the surface. It all had to do with not feeling safe as a woman and not daring to express what she feels, wants and needs from an open heart and from self love and respect. 

And now she did. It was no longer possible to wear the mask and use the outdated collective programs of using emotions for manipulation by being needy or by playing it cool and hiding them. This week was the end of the era of people pleasing for those that are in the ascension wave of the first movers, and partially also the early adopters. The Divine masculine (energy, not gender) on the other hand was triggered by this move of the feminine, being shown their own core wound around showing feelings.

3D Resonance is gone

This resulted in huge communication and connection issues. once the core fear was released and the energetic and cellular script rewritten, there was no possibility any longer to still resonate with any 3D topics or frequencies. Like a radio station you cannot tune into any longer because you are too far away from the broadcasting tower. We used to be able to tune our frequency down to still fake a 3D behaviour and have a 3D small talk. This ability is gone now, and the only place that feels good and light is the own 5D bubble.

“It is not possible to follow a 3D conversation with 3D content anymore as our system is not in tune with this low frequency any longer.” 

It is not possible to follow a 3D conversation with 3D content anymore as our system is not in tune with this low frequency any longer. There is no way to still relate to drama, victim consciousness and duality. This can result in a situation of sitting at a table with people talking about a political topic and there is no way we could get involved in the discussion. The same is true the other way around. People still in 3D are not able to understand the 5D language and energy. When we talk about open hearts and unconditional love, people in 3D cannot relate and they confuse it with their old templates of conditional love and relationships. They have no reference point and are trying to understand this with their mind. 

How are they supposed to understand this language when they are not able to feel? This resulted in a lot of frustration, anger and sadness / grief with the 3D collective. “Why are they not getting it?” There was a tendency to try to convince people, which resulted in even more frustration because there was no getting through. Although it feels annoying, there is no way we can actively push people into their understanding. They reach out when they are ready. We need to remember our own awakening process, and that we only learned when we actively searched for answers and learned step by step about living from the heart and what ascension is all about. All we can offer is feeling compassion, knowing what they are about to face.

“We are required now to maintain our 5D frequency to keep the resonance field for the collective up there and to no longer give 3D any attention.”

We are required now to maintain our 5D frequency to keep the resonance field for the collective up there and to no longer give 3D any attention. It is not part of our reality any longer. Remember: Where you direct your energy into is what feeds it. And now it is all about strengthening the 5D field. Don’t feed the fear. It is each individual’s choice whether they will take this opportunity and stay in resonance with us. This will require them to raise their frequency to our level. This way, we are pulling those people that are ready to shift into the 5D timeline. They will reach out to share and learn more. We cannot push ourselves onto them by trying to convince. That is a waste of energy and will have no, or even the opposite effect.

The mental body is no longer attached to the ego. What is now happening at a large scale is that interpretations of the ego or the stories the ego comes up with are no longer coming through. The heart center is too strong now, and is immediately turning it down, recognizing it as a fake illusion that deserves no energy.

Physically, we could experience the physical body cramping / puking to get the outdated memory out, often resulting in emotional releases. Chronic ailments were flaring up again – depending on the individual weak spots. There also was a lot of movement in the heart area, which was opening and closing to recalibrate to the new energetic situation, not being receptive for 3D frequency and draining any longer.


Beginning of the Heart Opening for the Divine Masculine

After a long period of energetic balancing between the feminine and masculine, we have now reached a trigger point. As the feminine is now reaching a point of full surrender and showing her true vulnerability, the masculine is overwhelmed by this energy. It mirrors back their own core fear around feelings and being open and sharing about them. This causes a huge fear of losing control and depending on where the masculine is in their process can lead to a shutting down and going into learned defense mechanisms to protect their heart.

“For the Divine Feminine, this can feel like repeating the past – being pushed away or rejected. The difference: This is not a repetition, but a dissolving of an old energetic pattern.”

For the Divine Feminine, this can feel like repeating the past – being pushed away or rejected. The difference: This repetition is not a repetition but a dissolving of an old energetic pattern. She has learned now that it is not only about respecting the boundaries of the masculine. She used to drop into the pattern of making herself small so that the masculine could feel safe. Now she recognizes that it is just as necessary to have her own boundaries out of self-love, and not letting the masculine feed off her energy any longer. She knows that they now have to learn to raise their frequency on their own. 

As the Feminine is now able to express her vulnerability and needs without being clingy, dependent or needy but from a place of self-love and power, the learned defense mechanisms of the masculine are no longer working as the feminine can see right through it. She recognizes the fake ego-mind talk. This way, the masculine is not able to give this energy back to the feminine, but is forced to deal with it. And that leads to a lot of internal turmoil. All that the feminine can do is to let the masculine go, refocus on her own life again and hold space without any expectations. There is no guarantee whether the masculine will embrace these e-motions within or will continue to suppress them despite the uncomfortableness.

“We are at the beginning of a new cycle and are moving forward quickly. Keep up the faith and trust yourself and your intution. 3D is no longer part of your reality and there is no reason to maintain it.” 

We are at the beginning of a new cycle and are moving forward quickly. Keep Up The Faith And Trust Yourself and your intuition. 3D is no longer part of your reality and there is no reason to try to maintain it. We are flipping the switch now for the collective by keeping the frequency high. Keep connecting to those that can hear and understand you. A lot of people are ready for the shift from 3D and are to follow soon. Always remember. You cannot lose what or who truly belongs to you. As long as you stay in your power and trust, you can be sure that what drops away will be replaced with something or someone even better.

The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of light and love, Vera Ingeborg
