Ascension 1872

The Shift to Crystalline Silicon Structure Bodies

Ascension Symptoms Have you been wondering lately why you seem so tired – almost to the point of exhaustion, or feeling irritable, angry, lonely, sad, frustrated, or all of the above, and you can’t figure out why? Have you been asking yourself why you’re behaving in ways, or feeling things, that don’t seem to fit with who you know yourself to be, or that just don’t make any sense? Or wondering w..

The 10 Stages of Awakening That Everybody Has to Go Through

The 10 Stages of Awakening That Everybody Has to Go Through BY GOSTICA After experiencing my own awakening, I started encountering many others who were just starting to go through the process. In fact, it seemed that everywhere I went I started encountering people who were on the brink of awakening. It has happened so much over the years that I can’t help feel that it is part of my purpose to he..

Wake Up and Transcend the Parody - The Great 5D Shift Has Truly Begun!

Wake Up and Transcend the Parody - The Great 5D Shift Has Truly Begun! By Open Contributing writer for Wake Up World We’re living in two worlds, not one. There’s the old crumbling 3D karmic reality and a pristine shiny new 5D one, steadily emerging from the dross of the old. But you’re still here for now, a while longer, rummaging through the rubble, digging up those priceless buried fragments o..

A Pleiadian Message: Self-Liberation and Opening to Your Power

A Pleiadian Message: Self-Liberation and Opening to Your PowerChristine Day Beloved ones, we greet you. Your third-dimensional story continues to unfold as your planet undergoes a rapid recalibration since the opening of the 2020 vibrations. There has been an upswing in the third-dimensional drama, which is being held within the veils of illusion. These higher vibrations that are entering Earth ..

Dolores Cannon: THE EVENT Information

Dolores Cannon: THE EVENT Information The following article contains excerpts from Dolores Cannon’s The Convoluted Universe, Book 3. by Jonathan Carty, Contributing Writer, It’s taken a few weeks but I’ve finally gotten through this entire book and I have been bookmarking various pages so that I can come back and write an article about the amazing information she is getting through her ..

Gregg Braden, "Let Things Clear Out of Your Life"

Gregg Braden: Is there something in your life that you need to release and let go of? Share with me below! Be kind and take care of yourself during the process and remember that letting go of what no longer serves you will create more space for the things that will. -