If financial problems exist, If financial problems exist, know this: reality has neither problems nor solutions, only in duality do they exist. A problem only exists because its solution is already there - it is defined by its opposite. - Almine Wisdom 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2010.01.11
Almine: Interstellar Mysticism and Art Almine: Interstellar Mysticism and Art . . . http://www.bbsradio.com/sync/New_Realities/New_Realities_2009-12-22.mp3 - mysticism |ˈmistəˌsizəm| noun 1 belief that union with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute, or the spiritual apprehension of knowledge inaccessible to the intellect, may be attained through contemplation and self-surrender. 2 belief characterized by self-delusi.. 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2010.01.05
On Family and Dysfunctionality Q. I have so much compassion for my relatives, they’re so dysfunctional. Yet, it’s hard to be around them. What do you suggest? A. There is a mistaken tendency to feel sympathy for the dysfunctionality of others. Dysfunction is a 'choice'. All are given the tools to cooperate with the perfect unfolding of life. - Incorruptible Wisdom 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2010.01.04
Almine Visionary, Seer, Inter-Dimensional Traveler "Almine"Visionary, Seer, Inter-Dimensional Traveler . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJDeDKUxVPg - Almine is one of the most remarkable mystics of our time. For years she has traveled through many countries empowering thousands of individuals drawn to the simplicity and compassion of her teachings. In the wake of her selfless service, unspeakable miracles have followed, changing the lives o.. 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2010.01.03
"One Single Step" starkidsdo9.jpg "A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step." Lao Tzu, The Way of Lao-tzu Blessings of Love from Unicorns dear hearts, 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.12.17
Living from the Wite Light Living from the Wite Light The Infinite speaks: During the dream, life existed from the blue color of My Being predominantly, as the red and yellow light contained it like a light-filled mirror. The red light sought to expand the boundary, the yellow to contain it. The blue contracted and at the center of the contraction was man - hence his vision’s inability to see other realms living around.. 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.11.15
On Stillness "When one becomes the center of stillness, the place where the cosmos slows down around us, manifestation becomes instant." - Incorruptible Wisdom ㅡ “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10) 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.11.10
On Mind "The mind creates mirrors then fights against them. When one waits in stillness, all life reveals itself to you." - Incorruptible Wisdom 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.11.06
The illusion of the 'Known' "The illusion of the known keeps us in an 'earthbound' perspective like the caterpillar crawling upon the leaf, unaware that above him the butterfly dances on the wind. To such a one, life's possibilities pass by unseen." - Incorruptible Wisdom 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.11.01
On Wisdom Yesterday's wisdom ended yesterday's dream. It has very little application to ending the dream of 'today'. - Incorruptible Wisdom 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.10.28
On Criticism Criticism is born of 'self-hatred'. The pain you feel is the approval you withhold. - Incorruptible Wisdom 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.10.07
Life of 'Old Cycles' Repeats again, when... "Life of old cycles again repeats when we carry the burdens of old memories. In magnetic components memories reside. Electromagnetic particles are the fabric of life." - Translation of Tablet No. 5 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.09.11
Truth and Integrity It is said: "Fortune favors the brave." The reson for this is that all of life supports one who lives in his highest truth and integrity; one who knows he is all that is. - Incorruptible Wisdom - integrity |inˈtegritē|noun 1 the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness: he is known to be a man of integrity. 2 the state of being whole and undivided : upho.. 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.09.09
"The Maya Of Eternal Time" by Drunvalo Melchizedek 2009 “The Maya Of Eternal Time” by Drunvalo Melchizedek 2009 . . . [1/14] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq3s0u73Oes And the rest of the DM’s videos: click here=> http://www.youtube.com/user/seeker1133#play/uploads - This is a web broadcast of Drunvalo Melchizedek about the mayan prophecies about 2012, The leader of the mayan council of elders Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez has given his appro.. 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.08.20
"Life spins on a single point... Life spins on a single point. Each of us is such a point, impacting the whole with every action. - Incorruptible Wisdom 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.07.18
Return of the Ancestors "SACRED FIRE" Return of the Ancestors "SACRED FIRE" Our Gratitude . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBjxwkz8sgE 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.07.03
“You can only recognize without... “You can only recognize without that which is within.” - Almine 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.05.09
"Portal of Hunab Ku" by Andrew Annenberg "Portal of Hunab Ku" by Andrew Annenberg oil on canvas 36" x 50" fine art poster 24" x 36" From "The Lost Worlds" Suite copyright © 2002 Andrew Annenberg click => Purchase poster Commentary by the artist: "PORTAL of HUNAB KU also uncovers evidence of a highly sophisticated society, a civilization distant and unkown, where art and architectural remains speak of supernatural influence, o.. 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.05.08
Hunab K'u Has Flashed Like Lightning! Hunab K'u Has Flashed Like Lightning! Aluna Joy Yaxk’in In the Mayan religion, the serpent symbolically represents the seven powers of light, energies distributed throughout the body as a gift of the Giver of Movement and Measure, Hunab K'u (the Creator). The seven powers combined and awakened form a circuit of energy focused through the crown of the head to join in the Dance and Flow of ener.. 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.04.27
"Hunab Ku": Giver of Movement and Measure 4fc3e1a0-4951-467a-aae3-911827979c31 Mayan "Hunab Ku" Symbol: One Giver of Movement and Measure Also known as the Galactic Butterfly is said to represent all consciousness that has ever existed in this galaxy. All our physical ancestors including human, animal, reptile, fish, shell fish, plants, as well as the consciousness which organized all of the raw material from a whirling dis.. 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.04.23
Galactic Butterfly: "Hunab Ku" Galactic Butterfly: "Hunab Ku" This symbol is called the Galactic Butterfly which is said to represent all of the consciousness that has ever existed in this galaxy. This is all of our physical ancestors both human, animal, reptile, fish, shell fish, plants as well as the consciousness which organized all of the raw material froma whirling disk into stars then planets and solar systems... 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.04.23
The Seven Caves of Tulan 7-caves-of-tulan-zuvuya.gif The Seven Caves of Tulan ㅡ http://lawoftime.org 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.04.21
'Life Returns' To You Life is constantly returning to you the energy 'you' have sent out to Life with exactly the same qualities that you sent it out. - The "I Am" Discourses: On Supply 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.04.20
'The Destiny' of All Life "The destiny of all life-forms is to align themselves with the song of the cosmos: the genesis of pristine creation." - Almine 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.04.19
Our Environment is 'a Mirror' "Our environment is the mirror of what we are or what we judge, what we've lost or have yet to develop." - Toltec Nagual 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2009.04.18
Strange Rumblings at the Center of our Galaxy Strange Rumblings at the Center of our Galaxy by Hector Carreon La Voz de Aztlan "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."- Shakespeare in Hamlet Los Angeles, Alta California - October 18, 2005 - (ACN) On March of this year, physics professor and astronomer Scott Hyman of Sweet Briar College made a startling announcement. Dr. Hyman and his.. 道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path 2008.08.10