道 經/Toltec Nagual·The Path

Living from the Wite Light

namaste123 2009. 11. 15. 06:43

Living from the Wite Light

The Infinite speaks:


During the dream, life existed from the blue color of My Being predominantly, as the red and yellow light contained it like a light-filled mirror.  The red light sought to expand the boundary, the yellow to contain it.  The blue contracted and at the center of the contraction was man -  hence his vision’s  inability to see other realms living around him.


These patterns that are obsolete now that the cosmos has awakened, is causing inner turmoil and pressure.  An androgynous melding of expansion and contraction needs to occur.  The perpetuating of contraction (a form of ego-identity even experienced by masters), creates tension in the muscles; a tension in the stomach being most notable.


It takes an individual surrendering to the large flow of life for expanded vision to unfold; then a return to the details to know the difference.  Then live both at once.  This is living in focused meditation.

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