전체 글 3235

Metaphysical causes of Illness (각종 질병의 정신/심리적 원인)

Metaphysical Causes of Illness Throughout this site I have emphasized that failure to deal with spiritual, emotional ,mental or physical issues is likely to result in the manifestation of illness or dis-ease in the body. Deep down most of us know that there is a link between how how we live our lives and our health. Many spiritual groups and individual teachers have used their..

Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth REALities: Physical LightBodies and Fields...

Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth REALities: Physical LightBodies and Fields Always TUNING Whole Body/BEing/Everything to a Much Higher Frequency than Before... 2/5/2020 As Cosmic Frequencies continue to powerfully increase daily, in order to raise/bring all into much higher states of Consciousness than before, the importance of each coming to honor the many processes of tuning, re-..

Quantum Zero Point As A Reference Point For Creation/ Convergence

Quantum Zero Point As A Reference Point For Creation/ Convergence/ Inception/ Conception/ Materialization Through Experience/ Form To Occur: Timeline Collapses/ Convergences And "This Now"... 1/23/2020 We have a massive Cosmic Timeline Convergence underway..... Basically, everything from the last few months, all the frequencies/ codes and clearings... all led up to "this now"...

Poleshift from the mind to the heart… finding your true north in zero point.

Poleshift from the mind to the heart… finding your true north in zero point. As Gaia has repositioned herself in the 0-point infinite fractal convergence point everything will be created by the hands of the monadic field, as this is the divine principle of the new earth frequency of divine balance, equality and oneness. Everything that is not seeded and born out of this freq..

Lisa Brown: You/All have the POWER within you. Everything unlocks...

75443141_10219408043049675_6130730373799215104_o.jpg75443141_10219408043049675_6130730373799215104_o.jpg Lisa Brown You/All have the POWER within you. Everything unlocks... You/All have the POWER within you. Everything unlocks as you open your heart fully, open your mind fully, surrender your ego programming/mentalities/beliefs fully, relax your body fully until it can integra..

The Big Shift 2019 to 2020: Portals, Eclipses and Conjunctions

The Big Shift 2019 to 2020: Portals, Eclipses and Conjunctions power the Shift to New Earth Creation Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn Beloveds, stand by to enter the third decade of the 21st Century! The quantum energies are swirling and accelerating as you arrive fully in this new space and place that is called New Earth. You will see a quantum wave of awakening in 2020 o..