Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

Emerging from the Artificial Time Matrix

namaste123 2019. 7. 4. 12:34


Emerging from the Artificial Time Matrix

” …without a unifying harmonic standard humanity is incapable of any long term resolution of any of its problems.” –Jose Arguelles

We as a civilization are living in an artificial hologram caused by a time-space distortion. Humanity lives in the past, running our lives by a mechanical clock and irregular, outdated time count implemented 433 years ago by Pope Gregory 13.

This time distortion matrix confines us to believing that 3D physical realty is the only (or predominant) reality. This perception closes our species off to the infinite possibilities and keeps us from accessing other dimensions of being where the solutions to our problems lie.


Isn’t it time that we as a species updated our system of TIME? We speak of the new feminine cycle though we still live in a patriarchal linear time frame based on the synchronization of mechanical clocks (Standard Time). Now our “Doomsday” clock is threeminutestomidnight

“Who Owns Your Time Owns Your Mind. Own Your Own Time And Know Your Own Mind.”  

— Jose Arguelle

At present, humanities understanding of time is governed by a 12-Month Gregorian calendar that conditions us to associate time with money, business, industry, schedules and taxes, which creates anxiety and depression. The majority of our thoughts, ideas, plans and decisions are derived from this artificial time matrix of which we are largely unconscious of.

Time Enslavement

Human civilization is enslaved to an unconscious mental matrix governed by artificial time. The definition of a slave is “a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.”

images-4The chief instruments of collective time enslavement are the Vatican calendar and mechanical clock, which together, form the structure or mental lattice that our world paradigm is woven on. Embedded into this paradigm are all of our current beliefs, be they religious, economic, political or scientific. The imposition of artificial time impedes our flow and natural rhythms, thus veiling us from our true essence.

“Condition the mind to an irregular standard and the mind will adjust to disorder and chaos as normal conditions of existence. The worlds  racial, tribal, historical and religious conflicts are embedded in and a function of different timing systems (calendars), all now coordinated within a master irregular timing standard and macro organizing principle, the Gregorian calendar.” Jose Arguelles

The issue of TIME is vast and runs through every facet of human endeavor. The more you understand and reflect, the deeper it gets. Here are some practical steps we can take to lift ourselves out of the artificial matrix and enter into a new time frequency.

1. Simplify. Get rid of everything that you do not need. Clear your space. Let go of old things. Move the energy. Purify body. Eat clean, organic. Make way for the new.

2. Know Thyself.  Learn to understand how your mind works. Trace your thoughts back to their source. Notice how many of your thoughts are conditioned by “Time.” Are you living in the past?  Are your thoughts shaped around weekends and holidays and tax time and vacations? In what ways are your thoughts shaped by technology? Are your thoughts yours or are they your parents or families? Where do your thoughts come from?

3. Educate Yourself on The Nature Of Time. What is the history of the Gregorian calendar? What do the names of the months and days of the weeks mean? What is the history of clocks? Why was time standardized and what does that mean? How does technology affect our minds? What is the difference between artificial time and natural time? What is the Law of Time?

4. Change Your Calendar.  A 13 Moon/28 day synchronometer gives us a harmonic lens through which to view the world and enters us into the synchronic order. Thirteen perfect moons with 28 days each (and a day out of time), is  convenient, logical and easy to use. Adjusting our timing is like learning a new language.

5. Share Your Knowledge. What is your part in educating others on the nature of TIME?   You don’t have to know everything. Share what you know and what you know will grow. For those who know all of this already, please share your knowledge and experiences of the new Time. Start where you art.

 The 13:20 frequency is the natural universal frequency of synchronization. The 12:60 is the artificial time of the clock and the Gregorian calendar, the “built in mechanism of accelerating insanity” that holds humanity in the grip of the present world hallucination. The sole purpose of the 13 moon/28-day calendar which is thoroughly of the 13:20 frequency is to help entrain the human mind into the higher cosmic frequency which sustains the universal whole, from the bird tribes to the galactic totality. – Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan




Music that highlights artificial time matrix (feel free to add more):


Background of the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Plan

UnknownWhen Jose Arguelles and his wife Lloydine created the Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Plan in 1992, it was the only comprehensive peace plan for the people presented during a century of total war. Up until then all the peace treaties were negotiated on behalf of governments. Jose describes this as the “peace of artificial time”.

As Jose wrote: “In unilateral peace treaties, one government is denied munitions manufacture and military power, another government is granted all the munitions and military it wants. The strongest military power can say which governments are criminal, which are not, and which deserve to get more guns. … 
A world peace movement was not necessary until the Theory of Relativity was propounded by Einstein in 1906, which was followed in 1914 with the First World War.

Jose saw that everything that is occurring in the world is revealing the ineffectiveness of a civilization running on an artificial time matrix. The Law of Time allows for objective analysis of human civilization not based on politics, economics or physics, but based on one timing frequency common to all.

As Jose wrote, “Time is sacred order. Artificial time, as a form of institutionalized dis-harmony, is out of order. All of our suffering stems from being “out of order” with nature, with God, with the Source of all Sources. To return to natural time is to re-order ourselves and come into harmony with Nature.”

Nicholas Roerich inaugurated the first peoples world peace movement, Pax Cultura, Peace through Culture Movement, in the late 1920’s. Using the Banner of Peace as its official symbol, the Pax Cultural Movement accomplished the signing of the Roerich Peace Pact of 1935, establishing culture as the true basis of peace. The Banner of Peace is also the official instrument of the 13 Moon calendar change peace movement.

