Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

Incoming Cosmic Radiation Waves...

namaste123 2019. 7. 5. 01:23

Incoming cosmic radiation waves are off the scale at the moment.

I haven't felt energy this powerful for a long time, and its going to intensify into July and August.
Archangel Michael speaks about a very powerful ascension wave that will enter the planetary consciousness 

with the Lion's Gate in August and into 2020.

This wave will activate the codes for full soul embodiment, which means that any and all negativity still 

in the body will need to be released so that the soul can fully embody in the physical form.

This means that the physical body will be in an intense process of clearing along the time lines, focussing 

on collective and individual ancestral time lines and healing.

As we recognize that we are all one, we understand that we have the power to shape time and space and 

to heal collective distorted beliefs and programs that hold us back.

So, we can expect that we will feel this in the physical body and on the emotional and mental levels.

It is important now to focus on self care and to keep the body as comfortable as possible as we work 

with these powerful waves into July and August. 

Celia Fenn
