Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings


namaste123 2019. 6. 15. 03:33



First 5 months of 2019 was preparation after preparation for us to gain keyCodes for Luminescent June (this NOW) - Gold Ray of Creation and (further) Activations of Christed Codes Within - Golden Gates for Humanity's Uplift.

Each month came with 'different' 'to Do' list in our personal level as well for Collective; with additional quantity of Plazma photon Light, and even then, we experienced 'sudden' explosions-Shifts that brought us far more we possible comprehended.

May month was last one before Leap into golden June; and it revealed where each of us are on our journeys, perceptions, Divine Services, and most important, where we are into Honesty towards ourselves and others, and how far we are into Divine Sovereignty, - how much we carry our OWN Divine Stream (Energy) Power Within, and where we still tend to give it away; how much we listen in this Higher Guidance that constantly flows through us, and how much we are following to what 'feels' trustable from 'outside'.


Now, when we entered into Solaris, if you will, all is illuminated, including everything Within and everything around. And, beside this so Soft, so Loving, truly Loving energetics of June, we become Open to the next level purification of distortions in MENTAL programming; since 1 June, there started in-depth cleaning; special work field is repetitive patterns-cycles and, what can call as "imprints in the energy body" (it can be one phrase, but it contains such 'impact' on you, that you feel it like 'wooden cork' in your 'energy body', and every time, when this phrase comes up, it distract you).

Headaches, pressure in Third eye area is linked with 'stuck' energy - pattern or imprint, it can even cause nausea or heavy sense.

Energetics of this month call (require) all of us work through it, in every possible way and with every tool you find good for you (example, Violet Flame/ Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame), so that we can have more Space - more Time to CELEBRATE. Mental purging is opportunity to get LIBERATION from what still holds you back from yourSELF.

Take your Divine Power and work 'one to one' with Source, through every single thought, emotion, pattern, imprint, attachment etc. Ask to Source support you so that you are able to see your energy body and fields, and to feel where exists distortions, attachments, condensed energy; use your voice - in moments when you deeply work with yourself, words will come and vibrations will flow, and transformation will occur.

You are in QUANTUM FIELD and if you Ask, Quantum Field will answer; your focus and intention gives a result. only lower mind don't know how to do this energetic inner work; Be in your Higher Heart, it Knows, because Feels.

Quantum teaches us to TRUST to the existence of Moment.

And, also to Know Quantum means to Know organic state of Heart's Awareness Mind.


So much Love to all ???

Kwana Mikaela
