Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

A New Balance Between Spirit and Human

namaste123 2016. 1. 26. 07:11

A New Balance Between Spirit and Human

By Steve Rother

Greetings from Home.

We greet you with such joy! If you were able to see yourselves through our eyes for just a moment, you would understand the reverence and incredible love we have for each and every one of you. It is amazing to see you on this journey and to watch what is taking place as you begin recognizing the connections that all of you have made just to prepare for what you are doing now. Well, let us tell you something, dear ones. 

Something magical is taking place on planet Earth. We know that many times you get stuck in the bad news and in focusing on all the troubles, for there are many on planet Earth. Do not be confused about that, because all is as it should be. There are so many things that are starting to shake around to find the very essence of it instead of what you have been seeing, which is all the fluff around everything. It is now possible to get down to the core essence of almost anything more directly and easily, even faster than only a short time before. We are calling it the “Day of the Conscious Creator.”

Day of the Conscious Creator

It is very simple, dear ones. You have been walking around playing this wonderful game of pretending to be human. Bumping into and tripping over each other, calling this person “right” or that person “wrong,” all in a justification of where you are and everything you can see from your limited perspective. What is happening now is magical, because that perspective is starting to open very quickly. Look at all the things you have done in your lifetime. Consider the laws that have passed even in recent years, and all the changes you thought would never even take place which are now commonplace. These are exciting times for everyone — and for us to watch — as the game on planet Earth now evolves to the next level of conscious creation.

Taking Responsibility

You have been creators all along, even from the beginning when you were unconscious of it. That IS the game, which is why it is so fascinating for us along with others throughout the universe to watch. What you will see is a reflection, for you have been playing a game of creator unconsciously. Dear ones, you felt that you must be here. However, you could also be easily controlled and pulled, so your energy could be tagged and actually used against you sometimes. All of those things are changing, as your new perspective begins to allow you to see from the perspective of Home. When you do that, to start with you will have to go back in your lives and take responsibility for every single point. Sounds easy, but it is not. Especially since time has usually made it even worse, giving you time to rationalize your thoughts and actions. This happens with humans all the time and it is absolutely wonderful to watch. Quite simply, you are changing the game and creating from a new perspective. Fantastic! Now, what is it you wish to create? Ahh, that will be the key element for all of you to decide as you start understanding that you have been creating all along. As you become conscious of it, you can start to use it in very positive ways. Now an entirely new conundrum arrives with a whole series of choices. We find this absolutely amazing to watch, as you awaken from the dream and you find that you have magical powers. That is unbelievable to us, because we never thought that it would happen to this degree on planet Earth. It is so magical to watch as you all discover and help each other. So, what are the new questions that will come up?

A New Balance Between Spirit and Human

One of the first questions that will come up with each and every one of you is, “What do I do with my power?” Your first reactions will be to start creating something of your own passions, something that would serve you. Then very quickly, your vagus nerve will start tapping into everyone else around you. You will feel their needs and wonder if perhaps you should not focus all that energy on other people. Fascinating choices! We tell you, dear ones, there is no right or wrong about it. However, we ask you first to please treat yourself well during these days ahead of you. You will understand that there is a balance you must maintain in order to hold your power. Although you may think of it as a balance between light and dark, we have a tendency to call it “between spirit and human.” Neither one is right or wrong. Quite simply, there are balances that must be held. For every single human, the balance has now tipped as the veil is being pulled away just long enough for you to start seeing that you are truly magical beings. Yes, dear ones, you have had a hand in every creation that you have experienced on Earth. This is why we ask you first to take responsibility, and do so in a loving way. The Keeper takes responsibility for things sometimes by saying, “Yes, I really messed up that one.” And that is the way to joke about it or look at it. Re-member, there is nothing that is not alterable on planet Earth.

The New Harmonics: Place Yourself First

Some things take more energy than others, but we ask you to balance your creations to place yourself first. This is the new harmonics that must take place, for there are  tones and overtones on planet Earth that can now be heard. Although they always existed as natural formations of the wave patterns, with your recent evolutions you can start to feel and use them as part of your healing techniques. There are many opportunities, dear ones. When the Keeper was learning to sing back in high school, he was trying to figure out whether he was a baritone, bass, or tenor. He found one that was somewhat comfortable for him and played in that range. However, every once in a while he would hear something well out of his range and he would want to express it in some way. Perhaps it was a popular song on the radio, but he knew he could not quite hit the exact tune. So when that note came up, he would hit a harmonic and still be able to express it or add to the overall beautiful wave. That is what is now possible.

Vibrations of Love

Many of you have healing abilities that are in this range. Now that range may only be a few quadrillion vibrational increments, or it may be even larger. Let us just say that the average range represents about four inches. If you cannot quite hit that range, does it mean that you cannot reach healing abilities out of that range?  No, not at all, because you can hit harmonics.  That is the beautiful part of it, the magic. Now you can start to see your own effect in the world, as long as you take responsibility for your own creations .You can start to understand how those harmonics can be used to affect your world in a very big way.

What are harmonics? First, consider the wide vibrations of love. Over here you have love for a person. Then ever there, you have the love of something you enjoy doing, such as singing or painting. Or maybe you have love for an animal that has entered your life and profoundly reflected you in the most beautiful ways. There are many vibrations of love. Find one and build on it, both in harmonics and in other areas. When love is spread throughout your entire environment, guess what is reflected back? You have just loved everyone, even if they try not to love you back. You have just created the highest vibrational place in which to live and express your light. Play with it. Watch. Become aware that you are conscious creators and recognize the harmonics. When we say “you,” we are not speaking specifically to each of you. Most who are listening to this message have come early to open the doors, to hold these places and beautiful thoughts, so that others could accept them over time. You are the way-showers. When we speak of you, we talk of the collective of humanity and from the very highest vibration to the very lowest, you are a bandwidth that must move together. We have said before that humans can only advance as fast as the lowest vibration on planet Earth.

No More Secrets

Now you have several things in your favor here including your technologies, which have given you a beautiful time of no more secrets. That is amazing for us to watch, because in order for you to be fully conscious creators it is important that you are able to see through what you call “secrets.” Now, everyone has secrets. It is part of your anonymity and your autonomous behavior; it is what you often think separates you from other people. We are not in judgment of secrets, dear ones, we are simply telling you they are now very hard to keep on planet Earth. Is that not wonderful? Indeed, that is an elevation of humanity. Although it is not perfect and it is certainly not equally distributed amongst other people or other parts of the world, you can now see the wave that is changing all of humanity. You are a grand conscious creator. You do not re-member your history in most cases for the very simple reason it would probably get in your way. Yes, it would give you confidence but it would also tend to lead you to shortcuts. It was your decision to hide from yourself your own past and magnificence. Now that you are starting to emerge from an incredible wave of darkness, you bring the light with you. You have carried it forward and ushered in a new age of light. These are magical times, dear ones, and you are the magicians. Keep the great work in motion. Allow yourselves to understand that in every step it is possible for you to create consciously. Do not fear creating for yourself because that is placing yourself first, which is one of the most important elements about stepping into your power as a conscious creator.

The times are here. Welcome Home. Welcome to the new planet Earth.

It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity and play this new game well together.


The group.

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