Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

Old Matrix Gridlines Gone Means ALL is in Constant Flux…

namaste123 2016. 1. 17. 19:19

PictureOld Matrix Gridlines Gone Means ALL is in Constant Flux: Physical Matter Realities Changing Faster & Instantly NOW


Lisa Transcendence Brown

Okay loves, we had a huge huge huge blast of massive purity white crystalline and abundance frequency activations all day yesterday & last night. Huge timeline clearing, activations of "new" realities, experiences seem to continually be a mix/merge of blending realities. The ability to actually experience and change physical realities with beliefs and intentional thought, where physical realities are actually created/formed, the power to do this from within consciously has increased substantially. 

The human/mind believes physical realities are as they are. WE though, have the ability to focus our thoughts, expand our beliefs and not believe the physical reality we see and totally "create" a new one, just by holding the frequency of the belief we know/hold/desire from within. 

Removing the limits is our challenge along the way, seeing that which we hold inside physically, the energy that we held that "got in the way" or held us back from "doing".

This is a challenging journey of always being in alignment, always embracing the challenges, always stepping up, always working through whatever emerges from within us. 

The balance of sleeping and waking state are definitely challenging as we are constantly working in each one. Yet our existence totally changes in HOW WE exist, where we come from, what we DO, what we allow, what we don't do. 

We come to understand the challenges are to "push us" into the unchartered territory of our own soul, our own gifts/natural abilities, our own lack still held within. 

Paying attention to absolutely everything is a full-time job. To be so open that we know all is transpiring magnificently, yet to utilize our waking state energy intentionally. WE move stuff up and out. 

Exterior markers or "signs" show us when to get our butts in gear, when something is off, where we have something we have to DO from within and also in the physical reality too. 

When our HUman StarGate dials down, we end up in a timeline where something is off. These can be abrupt or harsh "landings". We don't enjoy these, yet these occur right before every huge timeline jump/shift. We have to clear everything out, deal, step up, and kick it in gear. 

A totally guided reality means opening up to hear/see/feel/listen/honor/do in every moment. This is a challenge for the human aspect, yet it brings great ease and flow when we can MASTER this. 

Here we don't think the old was like when we were human. Here we go inside and watch/observe/see and utilize everything in the exterior as well. Here inside and outside are simultaneous, and as we EXIST AS ENERGY, we are able to recognize everything as it occurs and we just "tune" all. Quickly & right then. For the "longer we wait" to "do", the more we are affected in ways we do not desire here. 

For the collapse of an old timeline in the physical is not a comfortable experience. Here we collapse them ourselves and move through all AS SOURCE and HIGHER SELF ASPECTS and allow all to re-tune/re-set as it is meant to be/has been set forth/already occurred in a higher vibrational reality that we've been waiting for here. 

So, get ready loves... we've been clearing out overnight and this morning as we prepare to go at it again. Gridlines are gone. Everything is in constant flux now. Instant is an understatement in all things. ALL IS LITERALLY NOW AN INSTANT RESPONSE. 

Delays will occur when we shift into one vibration then we are back to flow again. It is very fast. Be on your toes! Here we QUANTUM HOP ALOT!!! In every nano-second!

p.s. It's important to realize that these gridlines created timelines and separation between realities and existences and were in everything... for they are all the same thing with different perceptions, perspectives and viewpoints. Inner Earth, Inside of Us, Out in the Cosmos/Universe/Other Galaxies. We've all been working to clear the energy of these timelines and energetic grids that held all in place. 

The physical reality was constructed according to this and vibrational consciousnesses now has the ability to change physical matter form faster than ever before. Just because you do not see it, doesn't mean it's not waiting to come forth. Holding the highest state of consciousness now dictates how/what arrives, how. 

When it determined by the amount of light held, embodied, integrated and your mindset, beliefs, intentions, focus, DOING Energy and allowing all to transpire/arrive here. When just sped up huge. How is determined upon intentional conscious energy, expansion and constant pure alignment from within. Constant FLUX…. get used to it this is how we flow here. 
