Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information


namaste123 2016. 2. 17. 09:29


The tides of energy are turning and changing right now on the Earth as we begin to step into the new age of evolution for each soul. Over the past few years so many rays of higher vibrational consciousness have been offered to us to support each of us to lift our consciousness and resolve all that holds us limited in the way we perceive our existence and the life we are creating for ourselves in each moment on the Earth.

It is a very exciting time for us on the Earth as we move into the new age of Aquarius because this is the time when we can create the new hu-man, our new being and begin to evolve at a more accelerated rate in alignment with Mother Earth herself who is evolving so much faster than us.

It is exciting because we are just at the beginning of this new age and there is so much more to come and to discover in the next couple of thousand years on the Earth. There is so much more potential for our soul collective on the Earth, if we choose this, and choose it we must. Each one of us is being asked to participate and commit to this change and let go all attachment or beliefs that we may hold that it will be done for us. When we make this choice and commit to this change then this message is sent out to the Universe in a very powerful way and we truly begin to co-create with the Universal Mind.

At this time we are being called to lift our consciousness and expand our hearts and minds and, as the many rays of light flood the planet to support us in this endeavour, there is still much resistance to this new way of being in the heart of humanity. We are still choosing to play out the old karma that is held within us before we resolve it and become free of the bonds of our attachments.

As a collective of souls, hu-mans are beginning to move into a new phase of becoming all that we are and we are opening and changing the consciousness of our being. This is a process of growth and adaptation as we transform the old into a new way of being. It is the alchemy that is occurring between the ego mind and the higher consciousness as they begin to reconnect and it will bring many changes to the individual soul as well as to the collective. This is occurring for everyone across the planet and many feel it.

Yet we are being asked to hold patience in our hearts, for patience is needed as we move through this process. It cannot be speeded up to suit your impatience, dear heart, all will flow as it is needed.

We are also being asked to let go of the consciousness that creates separation in our minds and hearts and to allow all in the collective to play their part and bring the gifts they hold to the group heart so all may grow through all they have come to learn.

The Earth too is shifting and this energy is creating chaos and change across the Earth for many people. Yet remember that out of chaos comes amazing rebirth and regeneration. For new growth change and destruction is often required and the Masters ask us not to be so sad about this. It is what is, our beloveds.

When the chaos causes death and destruction the Ascended Masters ask us to understand that all those who leave their bodies do not truly leave us, they are simply changing and shifting their reality from the physical to another vibration or way of being and their soul knows this vibration well. As this shift is created for them they will rejoice in this new way of being and move forward on their journey. Celebrate and honor their new vibration of energy.

The Masters tell us that the Earth is growing and her womb is turning and getting ready for birth. This transformation will continue for some time until she is ready to ascend, yet these Earth changes will create more change of consciousness for everyone who stands on the Earth in all their forms as all are needed in the group heart to support this new creation in the Universe.

The Masters ask us not to be afraid, for all is as it is, our beloveds. They ask you to hold the love in your heart and allow the energy of the pure light to pulse through you. Whenever you feel afraid they ask you to call to them, the angels or your guides and allow them to assist you and hold you in sacred space. Open your hearts to receive the support that is there for you.

Choose to open up your hearts and allow the Light to flow through you and when you have received it fully then send it out through your open heart to all beings on the Earth who feel they are suffering. Send your love out to these ones and share with them the light rays of your heart.

Every time you hear of chaos and change on the Earth or feel people are suffering anywhere, choose not to close your heart and berate those in power or those responsible for creating this chaos. Simply open your heart and allow the light rays to flow through you. Channel them using your breath from your crown chakra and send the light to your heart and then out to all people who are suffering, as well as those you believe to be the perpetrators and are wishing to blame. Send pure light instead of blame and anger.

There is no one to blame, our beloveds. There is nothing to blame, our beloveds, all is as it is. The Masters ask you to accept this and call upon the light to flood through you and send this love and light out to all who may only see the suffering and pain, send the light out to all who can only see the darkness.

Share with them the light so they may stand in the Light of Source even as they believe they are suffering. Assist them to connect with the light of Source so they may know its transformational power and its ability to cleanse the spirit of the illusion of physical matter.

Allow this to flow through you in every moment, our beloveds. Every time you hear or see anything that makes you feel fear in your heart or sadness and pain, the Masters ask you to call to the light of Source to flow through you in this very moment. Choose to not step into the illusion.

Call on the light of Source and allow it to flow throughout your being so that you may then share this pure light with others on the Earth who have walked into the illusion of pain and suffering.

Do this, our beloveds, and the illusion of darkness will change to light and love. Do this, our beloveds, and your hearts will open and sing.

Do this, our beloveds, and love will pour forth from you in a golden ray of hope and joy.

Do this, our beloveds, and the world will change and be as one with Source in the one heart of All that Is.

Do this, our beloveds, and you will know peace and joy. We love you.
