Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

Solara's Surf Reports: 2016 Overview

namaste123 2016. 1. 7. 00:07

2016 Overview

2016 will be an extremely intense year with very powerful concurrent realities vying for our attention. one of our primary tasks this year will be to plant and nourish the Seeds of the New Reality in the midst of the growing chaos. Yet we are seeing that out of the chaos of duality’s demise grows true compassion, deeper love and heightened oneness. The chaos actually catalyzes and quickens the growth of the Seeds of the True.

The beginning of this year is like a starting gate. There’s a surge of forward moving energy as soon as we enter the New Year. Ready or not…. GO! It’s on! Let’s do it!!

2016 brings us a multitude of possibilities for mega shifts, both internally and externally. This fills us with tremendous excitement, even when we can’t say for sure why we are so excited, but the excitement is real. This year is full of surprises on numerous levels. Yes, there will be more shocking events as duality tries to maintain control. Added to this is the increasing clamor of the mindless ignorant ones who are being triggered by bellowing demagogues. We are going to have to deal with this, before it becomes too prevalent. But the surprises of the year also include the fulfillment of our Wildest Dreams which just might manifest with such ease and grace that we will be amazed over how easy it is when the flow is on and we are in Right Time – Right Place.

No matter how the year plays itself out, 2016 will repeatedly show us that we now have to fully live our truth; there is no longer any other option for us. If we continue to try to compromise what we know to be true in our Heart of Hearts, we will become sick, stuck or visibly weakened.

This is the year when those in seeming control on the planet try to tighten the noose to take away many of our existing freedoms. This attempted power grab will actually cause many more people to become aware of what is really going on. All year long, there will be increasingly obvious attempts to take away more of our freedoms. Some countries have already outlawed the use of solar power or the right to live off the grid. It has gotten so absurd that the United States is even trying to make a law against making bars of soap at home! But somewhat paradoxically, in the midst of this increasingly obvious power grab by the forces of duality, we are actually gaining an infinitely truer, more powerful, all encompassing FREEDOM than we’ve ever had before!

This will be a year in which anything can happen at any time. Never before has our collective consciousness been more challenged because of all the deep changes that are happening. It might be one of those years where we as a species need to really take a deep and clear look to see where we are going and what we can do to bring things into greater balance. The New Reality has finally been anchored on the physical Earth; it’s here. And we have now reached the time where it’s all about living what we know to be true.

2016 will contain lots of challenges to our sense of security and well being – both false ones and real ones. It’s up to us to discern which ones are real. Many people are so completely involved in watching the collapse of duality that they don’t see the New World being born, but it is. It’s also up to us to constantly push back the fear and recenter ourselves in the New Reality.

Throughout the year, the veils will continue to drop, bringing an ever greater transparency to the hidden agendas and true motives behind those in positions of outward power. Since so much illusion has been stripped away, we can now clearly see the forces at play. Many of our perceptions have flipped over, turned inside out and greatly expanded. We no longer believe what we were programmed to believe.

At the same time, the weaving of our one Being is visibly strengthening and becoming more resilient. This is happening on a large scale all over the world, between all of us who are real and true, with ones whom we will never meet or know on a personal level. What weaves us together is love, compassion and trueness.

Our one Being is on High Alert these days and we feel each other more than ever. We also hear the cries of our Mother Earth, Pachamama, to stop the fracking, the mines, the widespread desecration of our air, waters, food and animals. We feel it all and that makes us very sensitive to everything that goes on, no matter if it is hidden or not. 2016 will be a Great Transition Time, like no other.

We are in the midst of the meltdown – breakthrough phase of our dying duality paradigm. The struggles of this imploding false facade are too much for us to bear at times and this is when we are filled with fear, panic, and confusion. This can happen to any of us and it’s just a symptom of the time we are in. A great Ho’o Pono Pono has to take place and we are the ones to Make Things Right. It’s time for us to step into the responsibility we all carry as citizens of Earth and take charge of the planet and the healing of humanity as one Being!

This year brings us an avalanche of new ideas and unbridled creativity. There’s a huge line up of brilliant ideas waiting for us to bring them in. The massive creative surge that we’ve been surfing for the past few years will only continue to get stronger. Being so creative gives us a lot of joy in this New Year, especially when we are manifesting the New Reality on the physical and serving with others as one Being in Action to create the deep, structural changes that are so needed.

The years of 2016 and 2017 form a unit, even though they are quite different. 2016 is when we bring many old situations to completion. We finish many aspects of our old lives and ways of being. In 2017 we won’t be dealing with as many old situations because our focus will be concentrated on living and expanding the New. From these next two years, many situations, both personal and on a planetary scale, will reach their crisis point and then go beyond, until they move into a state of resolution by 2018, in one form or another. It will be clear by then whether or not we are able to flip things over on this planet by successfully shifting reality systems.

The key to successfully navigating 2016 is to remain in a state of Right Time – Right Place. To always remember that we are the Silent Watchers residing far beyond the realms of earthly drama while embodying the resonance of Trueness and Pure Heart Love. To know, despite any outer appearances, that ALL IS WELL.

There is a natural protection around everything that inhabits the New Reality which helps us to stay aligned, grounded and clear in times of turbulence. Every time that part of the old implodes and the old map fades away, the awareness of people on the planet expands while more of the New Landscape is revealed and strengthened.

2016 is a year with two strong undercurrents coming from diverse reality systems that call for our attention. It’s a year that pushes us to our limits and challenges us to our core. A year of much turmoil and shocking events. A year in which we either turn our backs on the struggles of humanity or step in and enfold them in the wings of our Love. A year full of the quantum breakthroughs we’ve been waiting for. A year in which we can manifest our Wildest Dreams in the midst of the crumbling world of duality. A year in which many old roads collapse under our feet. A year in which the New and True infuses our beings.

It’s a year in which we either choose to unhook ourselves from duality or be forcibly unhooked from it. A year in which we inhabit the New Reality as never before. A year in which miracles occur on a regular basis. A year in which we surf a massive creative surge while traveling a path illuminated by an infinite succession of Green Lights. A year in which our love deepens and expands far beyond what we thought was possible. A year in which we realize that there is no choice, but to live our Trueness.


Welcome to 2016!!!



With Loving Gratitude to these brilliant contributors:
Denise, Emanáku, Inger, Keenuane, Liubov, Michael, Nion, Sanan, Satreya
