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Part I – The Power of Creating What You Want
Thank you very much for inviting us here again. We appreciate the energy. We would like to talk to you about a topic you have been discussing quite a bit tonight. It is about the power of creation, or we should say about the power of you being able to create what it is you want to create. This is like letting the genie out of the bottle. We have heard all the things you have said, and we want you to know we are very excited about everything that you have been experiencing. But we would like to give you a little bit of advice, and that would be to “fasten your seat belts” because you have not seen anything yet.
We want you to think about some of the words you have been using tonight as you have explained everything that you have been experiencing. We would like to say that from our perspective it is a bit humorous. We hear you say it’s cool, it’s fun, it’s weird, it’s exciting, but there is still so much disbelief that you hold within yourselves about your power to create whatever it is you want to create. We take you back to the time when you were first born. You were this little baby. You came out and experienced everything in wonderment. There was nothing in your mind at that time that you thought you could not do.
You just simply enjoyed your life for what it was. It is time to return to that state. We love it that you are excited about all the new things that are happening to you, but we also want you to open yourself up to the possibility, and let’s move past the possibility, to the knowledge that this is a right that you have. It isn’t a gift. It is a right of who you are. You are starting to realize that you are not bound by the laws of this place that you call Earth. You are bound by the laws of who you are. There is truly only one law and that’s the law of love. It is what one of you said you connected to when you connected to the energy in sacred crystals. Those stones connected you directly to Source Energy. You were feeling what it was like to be in Source without your physical form.
When you are clear, you vibrate at the rate of love. So if you set your intention every morning when you awaken to vibrate at the rate of love, that’s truly all you need to do. We love everything that you are doing to assist yourselves in adjusting to this new energy, but please know that whatever you are getting used to doing now will change. It is going to change more rapidly. So we ask you to be flexible. Know that when you get used to doing whatever it is you are doing and enjoying at this point in time, it will change because that’s what it is all about. That’s what your experience here is all about. You are rapidly approaching another major change. It’s coming, and it is not something to feel despair about. It’s not something to fear. It’s something to be excited about.
We’d like you to think about change from a whole new perspective. Change doesn’t mean you have to feel bad. Change doesn’t mean you have to be anything other than excited. We can feel that within you sometimes when you think another major energetic change is about to occur, you pull back because you are concerned that you are going to have ramifications from the change that is going to happen. What we mean by this is that when energy shifts, when it makes huge leaps and bounds, your energy shifts with it. Sometimes it takes your physical form a little bit longer than the energy within you to catch up. The only reason you feel not good, we will say it that way “not good,” is because you do not allow yourself to have what you truly need. You withhold well-being from yourself. That means you make choices about where you are and what you are doing. You choose to do things. You choose to be and feel things that make you feel not good.
This is not really where we wanted to go with this conversation, but we think it is well worth talking just a little bit about it before we pivot and talk about what we really wanted to talk about when we got here tonight. What we really want to drive home is that you are approaching a time in which energy shifting is going to happen more rapidly. We’d like for you to become more comfortable with it. As you move into other realities and other dimensions and new energy, you are pulling energy in much faster then you’ve ever been able to do before. You are holding more energy. You are able to do that because you have done a lot of work in clearing some of the energies you have been storing for many, many, many lifetimes.
You are letting those go so you can allow new vibrations to enter your body and become higher and higher and vibrate more and more quickly. That means change happens faster and faster. We would like to ask you to open yourself up to the possibility that change is good. The faster change happens, the more exciting it becomes. We could feel when we first said this that there was some trepidation, “oh, oh, now another big change is coming.” But, if we were to say you’ve all won tickets and you are going to Hawaii, would you say “oh no?” Is that not a big change? We ask you to think of every new vibrational change as being something exciting and happy. If you can move into the place of a change is coming, it is going to be exciting, it’s like going on a vacation or learning something new, we think that it will be much easier for you. That’s just a little bit of advice from our perspective.
We, as you know, are not in physical form, and it is very easy for us to make these suggestions. We know that you are in physical form. You have to move through these energetic shifts inside a physical body that is much denser than the energy you carry. So just know that it will take some time for your body to adjust and allow yourself that time. If your body is telling you to rest, then you must rest. If you have an ache or a pain, then you need to talk to that ache or pain or illness. Ask it what it is trying to tell you and what it is trying to teach you.
When you push against it and you don’t want to hear what it is saying, it will get bigger. It will get louder, it will hurt more, and it will take longer. So we ask you to treat any ache or pain or illness or anything that is happening to your body as though it has a life of it’s own and is here to teach you something. You ask that energy what it is trying to teach you. You must listen to the answer because when you hear the answer it will tell you what to do to allow it to move off. That is our bit of advice for this portion of why we are here.
Part II Activating Our Heart Centers
What we really came to talk to you about is the activation of your heart centers. What you are experiencing is a fuller activation of your center, your heart chakra. That is truly where you are learning to grow and access the energies that are coming through right now. Your heart centers are truly the points. They are the vortexes that you are seeking. When you are accessing your heart centers, you are accessing the realities in which you are going to exist. Any bit of information and any place that you are wanting to go is always accessed through your own heart center and energy. There are many heart center energies available to you that exist outside of you.
The Earth has its own heart center energy, and there are many heart center energies around you that are available to you. Just become familiar with that heart center energy and connect to it. What we would like you to do on a more regular basis is when you choose to go within, do so by going in through your heart center. This is the point where we are all connected, by and through. Our heart centers as well as your heart centers are the true intelligence.
Your brain holds intelligence and is more of a computer, but your heart center holds the energy of the universe. The energy of “all that is” is stored in your heart center. Every one of you holds the entire all that is within you, and you have the ability to access it. The reason we are telling you this is because when you go in through the access of your own heart center, and when you connect to each other through your own heart centers, you are connecting to all that is. When you connect to all that is, you are truly connecting to who you are.
Who you are is the same as Source Energy. When you connect to Source Energy through your heart center, you have a direct route back to where you originated. We tell you this because it is a way in which you can amplify and speed up the process you are calling ascension. You are closely evolving, and we want you to be able to access the energies of this evolution more clearly and more quickly. You do that through your heart centers. You connect to each other through your heart centers. You connect to the universe, you connect to each other and you connect to us through your heart center energy.
Your heart centers are truly the microcosm of the macrocosm of the universe and all that exists. It is the portal and the vortex that you are seeking. We are asking you to intend that the energies of your heart centers be amplified. We want you to do that by using the energy you call love. We call it that as well. It is the primary language of all beings everywhere and all spirit and all energy. It’s the highest level of energy that exists. When you activate your heart center by using the energy of love, you connect to everything that is. When you use the energy of love to activate your heart center, it activates you at the very depth of who you are. It allows you to have access to who you really are. It allows you to have access to all the power of who you really are.
You are probably thinking this sounds like a bit of gibberish. We were thinking as the words were coming through that it sounds like it’s a puzzle. It sounds like it is just something we are making up. But we really want you to have access to the extreme power of creation, the extreme power of who you really are. We want you to know that the route to that and the route to remembering is through your own heart center. one other clue is that the route is not through thinking. It is not through an emotion. It is simply through feeling. Your feelings are all that you need to connect you to each other’s heart center, to our heart center and to the heart center of the universe.
This is a very vast topic, and it is a deep one. We want to give it to you in the simplest possible terms to ease your life, to help you enjoy yourselves, be happy, and transcend the energies that have been created on your planet to create expansion opportunities and the energies that are here to provide great contrast. The people here in this room, and there are many others as well, are now ready to take the next step in evolution and are ready to move into a phase of life that is about pure love, pure enjoyment and pure happiness.
You must forget everything that you have learned as you were being raised — the way this planet works, the rules of your government, the rules of everything — because the only thing the truly matters is your connection to yourself through your heart center. When you access your own Source Energy through your heart center, you will align perfectly with who you really are and the true power of who you really are. We want you to do that because it is time for you to live life the way you intended it to be. You chose to come to this specific place in this specific time at this specific moment.
We thank you for your time tonight, and we thank you for your connections that you have made to us. Please know that we are always with you.
We are complete.
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