Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

The Symptoms of Ascension

namaste123 2021. 5. 17. 14:44

The Symptoms of Ascension

Lord Melchizadek Continues

Written by Victoria Cochrane

Ascension and Fatigue:

Greetings. I am Lord Melchizadek. People are not the only ones showing the signs and symptoms of Ascension. Mother Earth is tired. Her energy wanes and her resources are low. In the Third Dimension she is barely able to keep her eyes open. In the Fifth Dimension, however, she is young, fit and regenerating. If humans are to live on the Earth that is ascended they, themselves, must ascend. If not, they will be stuck upon an Earth which is no longer able to sustain its own life, let alone that of any other creature. It is a time-bomb, and time is ticking away.

Because the Third Dimensional Earth is fatigued, many humans will also find themselves in a constant state of fatigue and stress. You cannot live upon a planet which has a heart and not feel her pain. If you are constantly tired, suffering headaches, feeling stressed and ill, it is possible that you are empathising with Mother Earth and mirroring her maladies. It is also most likely that your energies remain firmly in the Third Dimension (3D) and this is the biggest problem you have. It is vital that all humans raise their vibrations out of the drama and illusions of 3D and begin to see beyond their own lives. Living in 3D will keep you in ego, drama and fear, and seeing the bigger picture of what is playing out on the planet will not enter your consciousness beyond how it affects you.

Humans are one with God, the Creator and with Mother Earth. What affects you affects the whole of the human race as well as the planet herself. Choosing to remain blind to the awakenings around you will only keep the planet, not just yourself, closer to extinction rather than to ascension. It is time to pull your heads and those around you out of the proverbial sand and to see the world with love. Love is what will save you all.

The Highest Truth:

The highest truth of your existence is that you are a being of love who has reincarnated on this Earth to learn and evolve. You are here to experience all that is not possible to experience in the ethereal state. However, the most important part of this truth is the one that most of you have forgotten; that is, your ethereal self has never left you! Your spiritual body is your ethereal body, and your higher self has direct access to the knowledge that you have brought with you. You know everything you need to know about universal law, life on other planets, your past lives and even your future self. You are a complete being, one that embodies light and that has experienced darkness. In the journey you are evolving and changing, yet moving ever forward to the time when you become one with the light again.

In this lifetime you have the chance to be one with the light while still in your physical body. It is happening as we speak. There are cellular changes occurring in all humans that have been written into your DNA as part of the evolutionary pattern of growth and change, but also as part of the ascension process. Your physical body cannot accept the frequency of light that is your true ethereal body, but your lightbody is a modified version that has been designed so that you can live on Earth in oneness and in the light while still retaining human form. The lightbody correlates with the crystalline energy that surrounds the Earth and is directly connected to Mother Earth’s core. It is happening and has occurred for many people already. All you need to do is to consciously accept that you are a being of light and that you are ready to accept your life’s mission. We, the masters of light, are here to assist you in the process of bringing in your lightbody and stepping into your highest truth.


The Law of Grace decrees that healing may be sent with pure and unconditional intention to someone who may not be in a position to give their permission. one of the origins of the word ‘Grace’ is from Greek word that means, ‘Of Divine consent’ or ‘favour.’ In this instance, the Law of Grace allows the healer to extend the energy of God to the recipient in the absence of their knowledge or consent.

The reason I discuss this law is that now is the time to be in a state of grace. There is much tension in the world amongst turmoil and confusion.

There are many alignments occurring within the Earth’s solar system and in the universe at large, and the resulting energies are causing much angst and anger amongst humans. This is no time to allow oneself to succumb to the lower vibrations and depths of drama and despair. one needs not judge the actions of others when God does not. There is no judgement in the face of the Divine, only unconditional love and grace.

Free will allows man to make his own decisions, whether it be for his own good, the good of all or not, and the Creator loves all unconditionally no matter how poor or rich, loving or unloving, wise or unwise, clever or not. No matter what you have done He loves you and forgives you, for you and He are one and the same. There is nothing that you can do that will turn Him away from you. What you feel, He feels, but He watches and waits for the time when you will turn back to His light and accept his love. In the meantime, by the Law of Grace, He sends it to you even if you have not asked for it or even do not believe in Him.

Allow yourself to treat your fellow man with the same respect as the Creator treats you. Know that other peoples’ journeys are their own and that they must be allowed to live them just as you do. Send them love and give them the grace of privacy and respect. You will see it returned to you three fold, for that is the way of the universe and of the Creator himself.

Regaining the Trust:

Belief that the world can change for the better is not something that most humans would say that they hold. How can the world change when there is so much poverty, misery, violence and war? How can people change when so many are caught up in the drama of their own lives with little thought for their neighbour, let alone the misery felt by people in a war-torn or drought stricken country? Trust and hope are powerful words, my friends, and belief is even more powerful. When one believes in something, one invests thought patterns and energy into it. Every thought creates, and many lightworkers and people around the world are changing it for the better with the trust they have in their belief that the world has ascended.

Look around you. Are things really the same? Are the energies of today the same as they were last year? If any situation is worse it is because there are issues from the past that have not been dealt with. There is no mistruth that can withstand the energy of ascension. If things are better, why is that so? How do you think now that was different in the past? Are you more positive? Do you worry less? Are you more inclined to accept people for who they are and less likely to judge? Are you more spiritual but less religious? All of these changes, whether they are positive or negative, are signs of ascension!

Trust is the word I wish you to ponder on. Do you have faith and trust in yourself? Do you trust your gifts, your beliefs, your ability to be a friend, a daughter or a son, a wife or mother, husband or father, sister or brother? Are you a trustworthy person? The lengths to which you trust and can be trusted will determine the amount of integrity you hold in yourself and in which others hold you. The greater the integrity, the greater your ability to see the truth and to speak the truth. You are likely to be in your truth most of the time, so people will be drawn to you rather than turning away.

To be in a state of ascension you must be in integrity and always speaking your truth. Now more than ever is a time for people to put away the charades that they have built for themselves and to stand in their power as themselves. To do that you must trust; in Creator, in the powers of the universe, in yourself and the reasons that you incarnated into your body in the first place. There is no-one more powerful than a person who is in their truth and who lives only for the moment, as dwelling on the past or worrying about the future is weakening and will only bring you back down into the drama of the Third Dimension.

Whether the Earth ascends or remains in drama and chaos depends not upon the ‘powers that be’ such as governments, world leaders or even God. It depends upon each individual to make the changes they need to make in order to strip away the baggage of the past and any mistruths they have held or stood in for so long. It is time for people to bring their awareness back to themselves and to work on the issues and the problems that no longer serve them. The biggest factor is to take everyone else, including God, out of the picture and to just work on yourself: your innermost secrets and lies, your insecurities, your wishes and dreams and your self-concept. If each and every individual worked on these things and learned to trust and have faith in themselves and in the Creator, there would be no work left to do!

No change is ever too small. No problem is ever too big! When things seem insurmountable you must ask for help: from God, from the Masters, your angels or even just from the universe. However you ask it will be answered, but you must ask. You are never alone and the possibilities are endless. You simple need to believe that they are, and then to hold faith and trust that your prayers will be answered. It is that simple.

And so it is.

I AM Lord Melchizadek.
