Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

Ascension Symptoms

namaste123 2021. 6. 29. 03:11


by Gleason Lizabeth

The energies are increasing day by day as we get closer and closer to the summer solstice. At that time they will peak, in order to align the rest of humanity to 5D. Then it will only be a matter of obtaining the experience that allow us to perceive directly the subtle environment of this dimension and that is up to each of us. Our physical body is very busy because of the intensity of the gamma light we are receiving; it has a lot of work to do in order to integrate it fully. We often hear about the ascension symptoms, which are a direct consequence of this process.

A physical symptom always has an energetic correspondence; any condition or disease always starts from the subtle level of ourselves and then it manifests itself in the physical. But, since we are talking about energy, we can experience turmoil even on a mental and emotional level. If you don’t know what is happening to you, do not worry, you are just going through an intense upgrade; as a consequence all the energy that are not a match to your new, increased frequency are coming to the surface in order to be integrated and released once and for all.

Here is a list of the symptoms related to the Ascension process.


Pressure between the eyebrows; this happens when your third eye is opening.

Pain in the chest; this is related to the expansion/opening of the heart chakra.Pain in the thymus area; related to the higher heart opening.

Cough; this is the way our throat chakra uses to release blockages.

Flu and/or fever are very common.

Pain in the stomach/upset stomach, sometimes diarrhea even when your diet is impeccable. This is the physical consequence of our system releasing old and dissonant energies.

Loss/gain of weight even when you eat regularly. Other times periods of loss of appetite with the obvious consequence.

Headache. Migraine.

Changes in vision and perception. Blurred vision.

Changes in sleep patterns. Waking up in the middle of the night.

Extreme fatigue and tiredness. This too is very common and normal. It’s the direct consequence of the integration of the higher energies. Your body may be knocked down for a while.

Heart palpitations.

Skin rashes.

Body aches and pains.


Emotional roller coaster. Feeling any kind of emotions.

Anger, anxiety, fear, frustration, arising all at once.

Old traumas coming up all at once.

Feelings of loneliness.

Extreme sensitivity to energies/emotions of those around you and to your own.

Feeling over-emotional.

Connection with certain beings increases, while you let go of your old relationships.


Confusion. Fuzziness.

Increased self talk/inner dialog.

Feeling spacey.

Lack of focus.

Changes in your thoughts. The direct consequence of grounding yourself into your “new” identity. You no longer consider yourself as your body only and therefore your thought patterns begin to change accordingly. 


Increased connection to your Higher Self.

A new awareness in the body, you, the Higher Self.

Disorientation. This happens when you are downloading your expanded consciousness; it comes online into the body and you -the consciousness- feel as if you don’t know where you are, as if you are coming from another place (dimension). This usually doesn’t last a lot.

Increased psychic abilities.

Vivid/lucid dreaming. This is used by spirit to give us guidance.

Hearing high frequencies.

Synchronicity begin to happen more often.

Time acceleration/time distortion.

Deja vu.


Rushes of energy in the body.

Kundalini awakening.


A desire to spend more time alone.

Being drawn to nature.

First of all, no panic there is nothing wrong with you. You are undergoing this process and, once finished, you are going to feel much better and much self-conscious.

The simple fact of being aware that all this is happening for a reason and that, no, you are not crazy, helps you.

How can we handle all this?

Get plenty of sleep.

Take naps especially when you feel tired.

Drink a lot of water, that helps you to integrate the energy and to purify your body.

Eat a lot of fruit.

Meditate, connect and ask for guidance.

Stay relaxed as much as possible.


Do your inner work and let go of what no longer serves your highest good.

You are fine and protected.

We are all going through the same!

Blessings. Lightworker


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