
The Golden Ones: CONSCIOUS MIND Part 1

namaste123 2013. 9. 20. 11:49

The Golden ones

Messages from The Golden ones

This is a series of communications from The Golden ones to assist us in understand who we are and our purpose here on Earth.  They will also explain the workings of this 5th Dimension and how we can utilize this knowledge to assist us in our soul’s journey.

4th Message – Aug 2013


We talked previously about Earth being a ‘Play Ground’ for each soul’s learning and we want to expand about this. When the soul first incarnated to Earth they received a Conscious Mind. The purpose of the newly received Conscious Mind is for the soul to learn how to manifest by using reasoning, five physical senses, free will, feelings and intention so that each soul could learn to manifest; bring their desires, needs, intentions and dreams in to their reality. In addition, through trial and error, the soul will learn to manifest according to Universal Principles which are harmony, balance, order and unity for the good of all.

The Conscious Mind of the soul will formulate a TRUTH and pass it to the Subconscious Mind.  once a TRUTH is in the Subconscious Mind, the primary function of the Subconscious Mind is to interact directly with Universal Mind. The Universal Mind operates under Universal Principles of harmony, balance, order and unity in facilitating the soul’s TRUTHS.  This is all based on the assumption that the soul’s Conscious Mind passed the real Truth to the Subconscious Mind as determined by Universal Mind.

Part of the soul’s learning lessons while here on Earth is to discern the real TRUTH from personal distorted truths that are not the real TRUTH. The Conscious Mind is the ‘Gate Keeper’ of the Subconscious Mind.  The Conscious Mind of the soul will not allow anything but the real TRUTH as determine by the soul to be passed to the Subconscious Mind. Distinguishing real TRUTHS is determined by Universal Mind.  The learning process of a soul is to be consciously aware of the motives when creating a TRUTH.

The Conscious Mind of the soul uses reasoning, five senses, free will, feelings and intentions in the visualization of the soul’s needs, desires and dreams. When this is based on the Universal Principle of harmony, balance, order and unity for the good of all, a TRUTH is created and is passed to the Subconscious Mind.

The Subconscious Mind then takes this TRUTH and interacts with Universal Mind.  The Universal Mind evaluates the TRUTH passed to it by the soul’s Subconscious Mind. Based on the ingredients of the TRUTH submitted by the Subconscious Mind of the soul, the Universal Mind will determine as to whether or not the TRUTH becomes a reality for the soul. This only takes place if the TRUTH is indeed based on harmony, balance, order and unity for the good of all.  If the TRUTH is in accordance to Universal Principle, Universal Mind will facilitate the manifestation of the TRUTH in accordance to Universal Law of Attraction.

When the Conscious Mind of the soul uses reasoning, five senses, free-will, feelings and intentions in the visualization of needs, desires and dreams which is NOT based on the Universal Principle of harmony, balance, order and unity for the good of all, but based on a selfish, personal gratification or greed at the expense of another soul or souls, this also creates a truth, a false truth.  This false truth is passed to the Subconscious Mind.  The Subconscious Mind will then take this false truth, not knowing it is a false truth, and interact with Universal Mind.  The Universal Mind will evaluate this TRUTH passed to it by the soul’s Subconscious Mind, and based on the ingredients of this TRUTH, which is not according to Universal Principles; Universal Mind will create a learning lesson for the soul.  The Universal Mind will determine whether this TRUTH becomes a reality for the soul based on ingredients; soul’s learning lesson, another soul’s involvement and Universal Laws.

Through life’s experiences and cause and effect, the soul will eventually align its thinking with Universal Principles. This learning process takes time.  Becoming a Co-Creator God is a tremendous responsibility and the Universal Mind is in no hurry for the soul to ascend, eventually it will come to be.  The soul must remember that this process is completely new to the soul. Having a Conscious Mind, Free-Will and reasoning capabilities and a natural desire for pleasure is something the soul has never experienced before. The soul is placed in a ‘Play Ground’ atmosphere where all of the sensations and sensual pleasures of the galaxies are available to experience, and it takes time for the soul to realize that the personal gratifications of the body do not compare to the internal feeling and gratifications feelings of being aligned with Universal Principles, anchored within each soul’s Subconscious Mind.

We will continue this topic in the next communication.  Always remember, you are souls in a training environment.  Don’t be difficult on yourself.  When you feel you have not passed a test, there will be many more opportunities to allow your Light to shine.

The Golden ones

(via Tim Doyle)

